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time to start stockpiling DIY i guess
it's mostly about immigration and wage stagnation but it's not like people like trannies, killing them will just be a bonus
You should be happy they're getting rid of all the foreigners that want you dead.
foreigners don't want us dead they don't give a shit it's the right wingers that want everybody except themselves to live
>european politics devolves into communism vs facism again
remind me again why these people are considered the master race
agreed, even if i think voting for the RN because muh cost of living is an 80 IQ move but what more can you expect from frog peasant NPCs. like we're clearly not their priority but i don't by any means expect the next government here to be friendly towards trans people. there was that bill to ban youth transition that already passed the upper house and is probably going to resurface in a lower house that'll now be dominated by chuds and cuckservatives. personally i'd already planned on being out of france in the next two years because i actually have aspirations and this country is a shithole void of ambition and opportunity, but i might be leaving sooner rather than later now.
first of all i am a foreigner, just one who's the right skin colour and is for all intents and purposes integrated. second of all if you read the RN's manifesto nobody's getting deported for now. this outcome is just going to exacerbate tensions in french society which will be terrible for everyone and turn france into even more of a retrograde europoor dump that investors and innovators won't touch with a 10 foot pole. sadly it was inevitable.
the pendulum will always swing back and forth between war and peace and moderates and extremists
I get my hrt otc though :3
atleast french people tend to be more classy and polite here in Italy it's just unfiltered vile hatred in media I'm not gonna stay here either
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All throughout the West, in large numbers, young people are getting absolutely sick and tired of your shit, and just want to live normal lives. It's beautiful.
Foreigners aren't going anywhere lol they've been there for 4-5 generations
it's more like fascism vs everyone even remotely left of centre. only a small segment of what makes up the NFP are communists, most of them are pretty safely centre-left. it's kinda pathetic that they all united in an attempt to defeat chuds and still ended up less popular (despite historic turnout), to a point where mélenchon is saying he'll withdraw some of his candidates in the next round if it helps macron win more seats.
>atleast french people tend to be more classy and polite
say you've never been to france without saying you've never been to france lmfao italy is pretty grim though, it's one of the few EU countries i've been to and thought "yeah i'd actually rather live in france than live here".
this shit fucking lib does nothing other than flaunt her wealth lmfao
try reading books next time
>foreigners don't want us dead
local terrorist target: muslims
muslim terrorist target: homos
Why is this board full of corporate bootlickers calling normal people 'extremists' or 'fascist' for putting their own people first? Why do you expect people to sit there and allow their corrupt governments to bring in millions of foreigners without complaint?


Good joke
yeah exactly. the new leader of the far-right party himself is literally a third generation shitalian with nafri blood.
Liberals are based.
You're envious of her beauty.
Delusional,, its the corrupt establishment and their bootlickers vs normal people who get smeared as 'far right' for objecting to the things being imposed on them.
>chaser flag
opinion discarded.
what the fuck is being imposed on cissoids?
My guy, Lorraine is getting posters from the PDF saying to secure a future for white children. People getting smeared as far right isn’t a problem when they are actually far right.
It’s funny how chaser flags seem to always have the most dumb takes. >>36355039
I’m going to Italy to escape all politics, just gonna do sheep herding as a shepherd in the extreme south.
>People getting smeared as far right isn’t a problem when they are actually far right.
exactly lol despite all the excuses the RN vote essentially boils down to "me no likey arabs", it's how they still topped the polls despite their incoherent policies and bardella shitting himself another few times in TV debates.
>It’s funny how chaser flags seem to always have the most dumb takes.
perhaps unsurprisingly a self-confessed porn addict with probable nonce tendencies won't generally be the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I live in Italy and I'm trying to get out lol, good luck making past the age 40 in the south it's so fucked down there
can't be helped when centrist liberalism is completely inadequate at solving any problem this day and age.

anyway, is there any chance for the popular front to do better in the second round
It’s ok I have family near Reggio, am going there to do archeology next month too so we’ll see if it’s realistic :3
>anyway, is there any chance for the popular front to do better in the second round
well enough to form a government? very unlikely imo, they've a lot of ground to make up. just better? sure, though that depends a bit on what happens in the next few days. an unprecendented number of constituencies have gone to three-way races in the second round, in 2022 there were literally 7 "triangulaires" out of 500+ constituencies and now we're talking hundreds. the left are already offering to pull out of such constituencies where macron's candidates are ahead of theirs, thus increasing the chances of the RN losing. it's unclear whether macron's party will do the same in constituencies where their candidates are behind the NFP, there are voices on both sides of the argument and likely it'll be a bit of both (they'll get behind the NFP's more moderate candidates but they won't back people who came from the further left parties).
>my own prediction
i think the RN will fall short of an overall majority and will enter negotiations with LR (conservatives) to form a coalition, which may or may not be successful considering there was a pretty high profile split in that party on the very issue of whether or not they should ally themselves with the far-right. but yeah i'd say it's a toss-up between hung parliament and RN-LR coalition, any other outcome is unlikely. no matter what happens it's a pretty historic result for the RN.
>inb4 they cuck out on mass immigration

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