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>never have to work (can always just marry a man with a job)
>never have to be without a partner unless you want to be
>seen as special by merely existing and not even being average in certain spaces (e.g. vidya, STEMshit)
>can receive endless validation/attention no matter how ugly/boring
>greater fashion/clothes selection
>greater variety of expressing possible interests without being seen as a weirdo (rather it's just seen as cute or pretty normal)
>automatically assumed to not be a threat
>automatically believed in conflict
>never seen as a creep/pedo for being around with children, even if they're not yours
>friendships are generally better since girls aren't scared of looking gay for talking about feelings
>easier to make friends
>men bend over backwards to help you
>sex/masturbation is vastly more satisfying
>can make children and have unique bond to them men can never have
living as a man is tutorial mode, that's why they poon out
you sound like a tranny
Too much propaganda about womanhood (it's so horrible dueeeeeed)
They are just afraid of it
Which is why there are so many Norwegian FTMs compared to Norwegian MTFs COMPARED TO Iranian FTMs compared to Iranian MTFs
Complete delusions about having a hard life
They want to be a chad, they don't realize they will be way below average.
Chad has all of the following but with a dick
>never have to work (can always just marry a Rich Asian heiress)
>never have to be without a partner unless you want to be
>seen as special by merely existing and not even being average in certain spaces (e.g. vidya, STEMshit)
>can receive endless validation/attention no matter how boring
>greater fashion/clothes selection
>greater variety of expressing possible interests without being seen as a weirdo (rather it's just seen as cute or pretty normal)
>automatically assumed to not be a threat
>automatically believed in conflict
>never seen as a creep/pedo for being around with children, even if they're not yours
>friendships are generally better since boys don't want to fuck you
>easier to make friends
>women bend over to help you get off
Except the last two
>Chad has all of the following but with a dick
sounds like you wanna get dicked down by chad incel
I wanna dick down ftms
Being cis, no matter the gender, is tutorial mode compared to being trans. Why would anyone give up being cis? (Typically, the answer is gender dysphoria.)
why are you obsessing with chad that much, do you like how his abs look when he flexes them?
I like two things:my abs and your ass. bend over
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The only advantage to being a man is rape is less of worry if you're 75 IQ, and you don't get periods. It's a tiny price to pay for women.
Nope. I'm just curious.
That's not true in a lot of cases, actually. MtFs live much better lives than incels.
Do you have stats on the number of Norwegian MTFs vs FTMs?

Pooners never give up tutorial mode. They can always play the AFAb card. For instance when it comes to prison or affirmative action
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you sound like a tranny
big words for a incel like you
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>That's not true in a lot of cases, actually. MtFs live much better lives than incels.
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How is it not true? Incels are suicidally depressed due to their unsolvable problems and trannies just need a supportive bf/gf to basically be okay.
a lot of these are stupid, you sound very uninformed
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First two are irrefutable and far surpass any possible downside by a considerable margin.
A: Obviously the answer is dysphoria
B: There's something wrong with you if this is how you see the world, has calculating incel sociopath vibes
>Nope. I'm just curious.
Yeah nah bro, you're trans.
You don't even realize how much pain you're in, and you won't until you start your transition, and then you're going to be like "holy shit, how did I even live with that."
> MtFs live much better lives than incels.
MtFs live much much much much much much much better lives than incels with gender dysphoria. Which you are.

Dysphoria = feel like shit

You CLEARLY feel like shit because you are a man and would MUCH prefer to be a woman, even a transwoman, that's gender dysphoria. Textbook definition.
1. they have dysphoria, retard
2. being a man is far easier than being a woman
now can you quit poisoning the well?
>Incels are suicidally depressed due to their unsolvable problems

>pay a hooker
>change yourself

really unsolvable
are you trying to deceive me makima? i unironically thank the lord i transitioned and have a boyfriend though ngl
Because they are men, and men are retarded
>never have to work (can always just marry a man with a job)
nigga anyone can marry anyone with a job
>never have to be without a partner unless you want to be
yeah that's called free will dumbass
if you're saying "women can get with anyone asap" you're retarded
You are suicidally depressed because you've locked your true self into a tiny dark room at the back of your mind where it is being tortured constantly, while you stress yourself to breaking just to maintain a male persona.
Your problem is completely solvable, you need to admit you can't function as a man and trying has nearly killed you, and then find a bf/gf to validate your identity as a woman.
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What part of it is wrong?
Do you actually have any real argument?
>being a man is far easier than being a woman
How did you arrive to this delusion? I gave you like 20 reasons why that's false.
>>pay a hooker
Inceldom has nothing to do with just putting pp in vagoogoo. A normalfaggot wouldn't understand, but it's about being unlovable, something only straight cis men can understand.
You were never an incel if you're a tranny, don't worry. You could never understand the pain of loneliness.
>nigga anyone can marry anyone with a job
Except basically 0 women will accept a house husband.
>that's called free will
What? Lol. Autocorrect? Wtf ru talking about
Women can't get with anyone, of course, but they can find someone suitable with absolute ease, of coruse.
Nice meme, fren
It's almost as if there's something wrong with them. Not physically but mentally. A mental illness if you will.

You should definitely keep shitting on them though, a culture where everyone shits on the mentally ill is GREAT for trannies.
>Do you actually have any real argument?
you larp as a girl >>>/r9k/78005974
want to date anon? where are you from?
>Do you actually have any real argument?
>Nice meme, fren
Yes mate, I made them.

Look you're going to figure this out eventually, and given that you're here "trying to understand" pooners I'm going to guess you're close to cracking. And no matter what you are going to feel stupid, there's no way to avoid that.

So I'm ripping the bandaid off and telling you that half the trannies on this board were incels, and we're all in the fucking idiots club when it comes to this stuff. You are one of us. We won't judge, because we don't have the right.
>i gave you 20 reasons
and they're all the same shit incels who have never lived as a woman say
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I copy-pasted the image since it was cute. I do browse /r9k/, though.
Are you that desperate?
>you are le egg
eggs dee
Explain how I'm wrong.
This is only true for hot women. Ugly women cannot do any of this.
Because of your dysphoria, you were most miserable as a man and happiest as a woman, so you believe that women have it infinitely better.
The unfortunate truth is that ugly people from both sexes are treated badly.
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Ugly trans women pitifully easily find loving bf's with stable jobs, and these women are far less desirable than obese ugly black women. I'm a cis het male.
Ugly women will always have tutorial mode relative to what ugly men have.
i don't get pooners either, being a man is shit. but also you sound like you wanna be a woman so bad
you're wrong bc u mistake infantilization and the experience of being a perfect 10 with connections and say it's a good thing and universal for half of all people
>eggs dee
You're literally avatar-fagging as a cute girl.
You recognize in every single way that you would prefer to be a girl if given the choice
You also recognize as a separate matter that you hate being a boy, and would prefer not to be if given the choice
You are clearly sexually dysfunctional and have not been able to form relationships
You are clearly socially dysfunctional and are struggling to maintain a social group with whom you can discuss these things offline
You are almost certainly professionally dysfunctioning, not living up to your potential if you are employed at all
You are clearly experiencing a lot of anxiety about this stuff, most likely caused by the stress of maintaining a male persona
You are clearly envious of women for their physical and social attributes which you desire for yourself

You even recognize that MtF trannies are better off than you. If that's not a subconscious cry for help then nothing qualifies.

You've been in pain for so long you don't even recognize it as pain. It's just how you experience reality. Fully aware that I am causing you more pain because you're having to dig in on the lie you can't admit you've been telling this whole time, I am showing you where it hurts, and explaining why.

It's a disease bro. You have a disease, it's called gender dysphoria. That's the bad news.
The good news is the treatment works brilliantly (if you can get a competent doctor).
Types of FTM that I observe:

1. Extremely feminist. The "dysphoria" she describes is basically feminists' view of men.

2. Fujoshi. Self explanatory.

3. Literal psychopaths. The only one of the 3 that has an ALMOST male brain.
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>I'm going to guess you're close to cracking.
he's been at this for at least 3 years and has an inaginary trans gf, arguing here and on /r9k/ is his primary hobby, i don't think he's ever going to change
>1. Extremely feminist.
DESU I think the incel is really an MtF meme is perfectly mirrored by the TERF is really an FtM meme.
Looking at the who what and why of second wave (boomer) feminism, it's got to be said that a lot of those women just wanted to be men.

Even the third wave feminist notion that "gender is performative" is kinda telling on themselves. "I'm not really female, I'm just pretending."
>he's been at this for at least 3 years
You don't know it's been the same guy.
He's fucking textbook, I could have written the OP word for word a year ago.
> i don't think he's ever going to change
GDemon wins in the end. They all crack.
Personally I’m committed to never coming out to anyone and bottling it all deep down inside until I suddenly snap one day in my 50s and murder suicide my entire family because that’s what a real man does
>women get endless validation no matter how ugly or anything else all women are privileged no matter what
>pooners are 100% women
>why are pooners giving up female privilege?
gee lad I thought the womemes, of which you consider pooners to be, received sex and validation and gibs unconditionally. If this is true, and pooners are still women, then they are still on tutorial mode after transition and didn't give it up. Or maybe your ideology is inconsistent.
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>You don't know it's been the same guy.
He has a very distinct typing style, tendency to low effort mass reply and an extremely limited range of images he cycles through. I promise you it is the aptly named tranny-kun of minor /r9k/ fame. It's good of you to try and help him, but I don't think anyone really can.
Why on earth would you do that you silly girl?
The one thing OP didn't even touch on is that if you're going to have gender dysphoria it's much better to have it as an AFAB than an AMAB.

If you want to cut your hair short, put on some high vis and steel capped boots, and go do a man's job, you will get pats on the back from all quarters. Men will approve because you're pulling your weight. Lefties will approve because you're "smashing patriarchy". Women will approve because you're taking yourself out of competition for male attention while acting in a servile role to them. And righties will approve because "women" doing shit jobs is "genuine equality".

You don't even have to transition to transition. Society actually prefers you scratch that itch as much as possible.

And if you need T, find the gym with the guys with really big muscles and ask around.
And you are monk-chan of chasergen fame. You will recall thailandbro from a few months ago? Guess who finally cracked.

And you had no idea it was me.
Not reading allat I just want to
Have you considered that transition to male is more acceptable than to female, not because of the original birth sex, but because be(com)ing a man is by itself an inherently more honourable and respectable choice and lifestyle? Of course you will get treated better for making the superior choice.
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No woman needs connections unless you want to work in politics or something lol. You can be hideous, fat and disgusting and still easily find a loving bf. Infantilization is kind of a thing but is a minuscule price to pay compared to the benefits.
>You're literally avatar-fagging as a cute girl.
This is a 4chan staple. We like cute anime girls. Trannies and cis women/AFABs do have it far easier, and you don't really have a counterargument except saying some psychological non-argument.
What the fuck are you on?
The first two are the most significant ones by a large amount.
>because be(com)ing a man is by itself an inherently more honourable and respectable choice and lifestyle? Of course you will get treated better for making the superior choice.
That's literally what I just said.

Being a man to any degree = everyone is happy
Being a woman to any degree if you are AFAB = pitchfork wielding mob

At this point the worst thing society does to FtMs is give you so much freedom and encouragement to be masculine that it's not actually possible for you to transition since the distinction between "transman" and "woman who isn't a completely useless bimbo" is virtually non-existent. AFABs acting according to the dictats of their gender dysphoria are exhibiting "acceptable and sensible behavior"

You're basically fighting for the right to grow a beard. (and fair enough too, beards are awesome).
>Being a woman to any degree if you are AMAB = pitchfork wielding mob
Is what I meant to say.
>never have to work (can always just marry a man with a job)
Weird I must be an exception
>never have to be without a partner unless you want to be
No one wants to date me (even preT)
I think I know who this guy is. He tried hard to be a trannie and failed.
Is it that one trip incel who sucked off some guy he met on discord and regretted it?
Being a woman is shit, bleeding from your vagina is shit, being pregnant is disgusting.

Now the mtf passoids? They have the best of both worlds.
you probably think of someone else
that ain't me
don't say shit like this. we do not have the "best of both worlds" we have the worst of both worlds. do you know how worthless i feel bc i can't have a family?
No, but I identified more than I should with your description
i was ugly as a woman so i couldn't have any of these things
I think society is still more docile with women, even if they are ugly.
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You're an "exception" because you only want a guy who's way out of your league. You don't consider regular men with stable jobs as options.
You only can't get those if you're absurdly deformed/disfigured. Just being horrendously ugly isn't nearly enough to not get at least most of those advantages, definitely the first two at least.
You have added one more advantage.
literally how? wtf is wrong with you
Right, chow down on that bait then. People like you are why he still does this.
Not having a child is a choice for many people.
that doesn't mean infertility is an "advantage"
for me it's horrible. its not a choice for me i just dont get to have bio kids even though i want to. you're so fucking insensitive
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What a tiny, tiny pathetic issue. You never have to work, you never have to ever even consider being lonely, you have all these safety nets even if you fail spectacularly, you can easily adopt/get a surrogate baby but oh no you can't be le epinly pregnant so sad.
The only bait is lying about my situation ITT. I do have a loving trans gf in reality, and I love that it makes chuds angry. I love defending incels and wholeheartedly believe it. If you have any counterarguments, you can just list them and we don't even have to go any further. I just want to understand.
>you never have to work
i wish i lived in the world you think i live in. i have to work. and i would be alone for the rest of my life if my bf left me. i dont have more safety net than i would if i was a cis guy, if anything i have much less, surrogacy will be banned but yes i can adopt. screw me and my selfish ass for wishing i could take part in the cycle of life like most people get to. instead im just a stupid fucking tranny
Hahahaha. I have no sympathy for you, but I'll apologize out of politeness, my bad.

My passoid friend wants to adopt a white boy, it must be because she hates being brown.
If being trans is a choice then cis incels could choose to be trans, which would automatically get them laid, making cis incels actually volcels.
>tfw incel with chad body
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>i would be alone for the rest of my life if my bf left me
Not even remotely close to true. Many, many chasers exist, and plenty have stable jobs or at least the ability to get them lol. How do you have to work?
>surrogacy will be banned
Being trans isn't a choice.
Not even remotely close to possible unless you have like severe dementia or 25 IQ and can't communicate.
>Being trans isn't a choice.
>Pooners are voluntarily giving up female privileges by choosing to be trans.
>many chasers exist
and they would not be compatible with me id rather die alone than marry a guy who sees me as a guy. also ive had sex with my bf so if we dont get married i will probably never date again.
>how do you have to work
i live in a country where building a good life isn't really possible on one income anymore.
surrogacy is increasingly becoming seen as predatory lgbts buying children from poor desperate women and the conservatives are fighting to get rid of it and they will likely succeed
My body is completely masculine. Even though I didn't work out for weeks. I'm tall, I have broad shoulders, a giant ribcage, abs. But I'm very ugly-faced and extremely poor.

I really hate looking in the mirror, holy shit. There's nothing about me that I like.
Good argument
Very few in this thread understand that living as a man or woman, cis or trans, is quite a difficult thing especially if you not wealthy. Life is just a hard thing, and cis or trans people can attribute any number of its inherent difficulties to gender, with varying degrees of validity. Really truly the hardest part of life is being poor.
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Being trans is having gender dysphoria. You can be trans but not transition, obviously.
>isn't really possible on one income anymore
It's implied these are developed countries. What shithole are you from?
>inb4 USA because daily starbucks is a "necessity"
Plenty of chasers see trans women as women.
>they will likely succeed
You're falling for fearmongering.
That's all that determines being a chad or not. Women don't care about anything more than face.
Except women can be relatively well-off with ease just by dating a guy who works lol.
>developed countries
developed countries are the ones where you need dual income lol. i live in america and single income families dont exist outside of the 1% and haven't been common in like 50 years.
>daily starbucks
i dont do this btw i just wanna be able to own a house and travel
>Except women can be relatively well-off with ease just by dating a guy who works lol.
Spoken like a retard who doesn't understand how picky a man with wealth can be and is. That wealth is not theirs, and if they are a middle of the road attractive person then they will probably only be used for quick sexual validation. You have fetishized your entire existence and now project it onto every aspect of life, seek help.
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Where in America? Even in the Bay area you can rent for 1-1.2k per month and easily pay for that with any decent job. Are you both like factory workers? Lol. Public school teachers make enough to raise a family in states where they're paid jack shit.
>own a house and travel
Owning a house in 2024 is a meme. If you're traveling cheap then that's very easy unless you mean like many times a year or to like Europe lol.
>a man with wealth
Not tons of wealth, but STEMcels would date ugly single moms or whatever the fuck. Plenty who are just IT retards make okay money, definitely enough unless you want monthly trips to Italy like the other anon.
>That's all that determines being a chad or not. Women don't care about anything more than face

Yes, if I were a manlet I would have already transmaxed. God left me no option.
Men are the superior anatomical lifeforms because you can transform your body into a weapon chicks thank you for bending them over and plapping them with the agression of a rapist. The female form is lame and weak and can't reliably rape anything without years of gym, and even then its a struggle. Imagine being on anti-roids. Lol
I was also a weird spergy dyke chick as a foid so I didn't get any of this special treatment. Men see you as a half-breed and other hot chicks see you as a rapist (the bad kind, not the ones they desire). Its lame.
>where in america
i dont wanna live my whole life as a rentoid. we're both students hes getting a computer science degree and im going to be a professor. also you're totally off. both my parents have to work and they are college professors.
>owning a house in 2024 is a meme
insect mentality.
id like to be able to travel internationally once every couples years at least i think that's reasonable for what will be likely a dual income one kid household
>Are you that desperate?
I mean it would solve both our relationship problems anon and you don't seem to be as bad as the /pol/tards that come here so I'm sure you're not actually a bad person
>> Even in the Bay area you can rent for 1-1.2k per month and easily pay for that with any decent job.

This person is a ret….

>> Public school teachers make enough to raise a family in states where they're paid jack shit.

Never mind this has to be a troll lol. You need three times the rent amount but I guess you are some drugged-out loser who can't budget…

>> Owning a house in 2024 is a meme.

Yeah this is a troll

>> STEMcels would date ugly single moms or whatever the fuck.

Wealthy guys have a choice to date better and let me tell you they are the first to want better…

>> definitely enough unless you want monthly trips to Italy like the other anon.

Lol yeah, this is a retard and a troll. I guess your mom was a troll I can tell by the looks and your dad was a retard because he had to have a kid with a troll and then you were born.

Your mom should have aborted you the world would have been a better place!
What a weird assumption. I always aimed for my looksmatch and would still get rejected. I was extremely flexible within my "type" even in HS. Most of the men I was interested in my female friends would gag at and they still wouldn't date me
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I know no one is going to read this and this may sound like cope but I think being a man is far more interesting than being a woman. Yeah you live an easier life but women are essentially just one person with no strong sense of individuality. Even though my life sucks I am still glad I am a man.
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If you don't go to uni near your home (i.e. there's no need to work) then you're choosing that money-burning braindead lifestyle. You were most likely born with a silver spoon to assume for some reason you need 100k+ to raise a family, which is beyond insane unless you live in a place with super high cost of living like LA or San Jose, which is still your choice to do so.
Obviously you don't have to rent forever, but if you don't want to work, you still absolutely don't have to lol.
>travel internationally once every couples years
That's quite cheap if you go to a cheap place like Mexico. But still, it's your choice to want to earn many 1000s extra so you can work. None of this is forced on you.
Being only attracted to foids is a reasonable excuse, though you still have dating easier than any ugly guy.
My mom easily afforded a family of 5 with just being a public school teacher in the south east where pay is horrendous. Making 100k+ isn't nearly wealthy enough to be able to be picky with women, also, lol.
You can easily find tons of men interested online from apps.
It's like you're forced on nightmare difficulty so climbing out of a barrel of dogshit is somewhat rewarding, but I'd rather never have had any of the climbing through dogshit to begin with tbdesu.
>climbing through dogshit to begin with tbdesu
Its not really that. Its more like women dont seem to have a genuine interest in anything or any appreciation for the world around them. They just exist. I dont think id want that kind of life.
penetrative sex hurts orgasm takes hours

having babies destroys your health

no attraction to men voids all of these

value is based on looks try telling a disfigured woman she has endless attention at her disposal

average male is strong enough to rape and kill you

have no rights in 3rd world countries

clothes designed to make you look like a sex object

seen as special? LOL

automatically believed.. LOL again

other women hate you and see you as competition. men will only talk to you if they want you for sex

girls assume youre predatory if you look like a dyke

women ostracize you for not wearing makeup dressing feminine and not having a man

just because you dislike being a man doesnt mean every woman has life on easy mode

youre retarded
listen man if what you're telling me is that i can probably find some chaser to pay for me to live in a studio apartment with him i acknowledge its probably true. i want a good life and to raise a family with similar standards of living to what i had. my parents were poor when they had me and are slightly affluent now. they're able to support me. i wanna offer that to my future kid. why should i strive for mere survival. do you really think its better to be someones pet than to live a good life as a person?
>listen man if what you're telling me is that i can probably find some chaser to pay for me to live in a studio apartment with him i acknowledge its probably true.
You really are a woman, huh
Believe it or not people start from the bottom after starting their career and then they can live frugally and save up and buy a home later, you are just crying that you can't immediately have a rich chad in a luxury penthouse taking you to milan every month. Take yourself for an example.
>my parents were poor when they had me and are slightly affluent now.
Modern women want men already at the finish line to line up for them. Clown world.
Being woman is less special than you think. My sister and my mom had to go through a lot and it was not smooth sailing for either of them.
If you think this way, you have an irreparably male brain and male mindset, probably more so than the average male...
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Men and women alike are almost entirely mindless NPCs.
I'm assuming a developed country, of course. Also a woman who's not horrendously disfigured since that's just ungodly rare. The first two lines are irrefutable unless you're 1 in 10 million fucked with deformities/disfigurements or having like 25 iq. Men being able to hurt you only affects you if you endanger yourself or are randomly attacked (basically never happens).
>a studio apartment
You really show how easy your life is lol. Why would you assume such a nice place? Lol.
>going beyond mere survival is buying a house with ultra high interest rates for zero reason and $10k vacations
I do think never having to work is an immense relief over having to work a job. If you enjoy work for some ungodly reason you can choose to do it, but it's a luxury that you never in a million years are forced to work.
>it was not smooth sailing for either of them
How so?
>probably more so than the average male
>You can be trans but not transition, obviously.
Then you can be a cis incel and choose to transition in order to get laid and stop suffering loneliness.
>believe it or not people start from the bottom
yes like me and my bf are
>buy a home later
im aware and planned for this. the life im describing is one i wont have until im like 40
>immediately have a rich chad
wtf are you talking about i never even implied this. im only interested in my current bf regardless of how his career turns out.
you don't know me like you think you do
>why would you assume such a nice place
literally what is worse than a studio apartment? isnt that one step up from being homeless?
>never having to work
ive had to work. id still have to work if i had a slightly worse relationship with my parents or slightly poorer parents. which most women do.
idk what world you are living in where the average (or in my case, far below average) woman doesn't have to work.
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>starting from the bottom from well-off parents and you and him both go to uni while not being at home for some reason
Nice meme. You're a stereotypical spoiled college kid.
>literally what is worse than a studio apartment?
I don't believe for even a second that you've ever been close to poor. That is an insane question. Studio apartments are vastly more expensive than living situations with shared spaces and all you get is a bedroom.
>ive had to work
You don't have to go to a uni that's far from home, which is the only reason you'd ever need to consider working unless you want to save money for some reason lol.
>doesn't have to work
This one where one person making 60-70k can easily afford two people and a family if you choose a cheap place to live.
>you're a stereotypical spoiled college kid
i am, and that isn't enough to get you through life without having to work.
>shared spaces and all you get is a bedroom
ive lived somewhere like that before. do you unironically think i should accept a life like that for the rest of my life? when i can just work and get something much nicer?
>live with your parents
would feel extremely pathetic still doing so at my age.
>save money for some reason
i need SRS which costs like 15 grand.
oh got it my bf needs to work a remote job based in the bay area while we live in arkansas or else we're just being needlessly expensive
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I never said you shouldn't work. I'm saying you don't have to. You always have a safety net. A bedroom apartment would be if your bf only works as a warehouse worker or something.
It's extremely obviously very normal to live with your parents during college. You are very spoiled to think otherwise and are proving my point very well lol.
60-70k is not anything special and is around what public teachers make on average. If you live in a rural spot and commute it's not hard at all to afford a place to live.
i wanna live in a rural spot and commute but in todays economy i will have to work to make that a reality. genuinely, how many single income households do you know, and where do you live. its unimaginably rare here.
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I can't say because I'm an important personality here, but I can say public teachers here are paid far below the US average and my mom still paid for a family of 5 with relative ease while my dad didn't work, and I knew my high school teachers could do the same thing, though they weren't rich. With only two people, of course it's vastly, vastly easier.
I think you are retarded and you deserve to die.
Why do mtfs give up having a functional penis and being a respectable member of society just to be aids ridden, polyamorous, non-passing, diaper wearing hons who people laugh at when they pass on the street?
Being a woman is definitely easier, that's my impression as a cisgender straight man anyway. I still wouldn't want to be one because they get fucked and have to legitimize it mentally, pregnancy sucks, and they're mostly a bunch of emotional toddlers. They are more attractive, but looking at attractive things is better than being attractive.
Mine is single income. It's not that hard.
2 adults 3 kids 2 dogs 1 cat
FtMs give up tutorial mode because:
• Genuine gender dysphoria caused by biological things.
• They live in a second world/third world country.
• A very very very small vocal few are genuinely just retarded, they see the Chad stereotype and think they'll turn into Chad, they think all men get tutorial mode, these account for most FtM detransitioners.
>Not tons of wealth, but STEMcels would date ugly single moms or whatever the fuck. Plenty who are just IT retards make okay money, definitely enough unless you want monthly trips to Italy like the other anon.
Why would this kind of guy settle for a woman who cannot give him children unless he specifically likes trans women? There are not many
>They are more attractive, but looking at attractive things is better than being attractive.
If you are straight, yes sexually they are. But men can be very beautiful too. Hating gay men has been a disaster for the human race.
I think the second point is big.
Women having tons of priveleges is mostly a suburban bourgeoise thing in certain parts of the west. Most places aren’t like that.
But then we have to acknowledge that social situation rather than just biology plays a role in transition
>seen as special? LOL
>automatically believed.. LOL again
woman moment
if being a women is easier than being a man then hons have no excuse for how fucking terrible they are at it
bumping to BTFO FOIDS
Yes, life as a Chad (6ft+, 6/10 face+) is the best life imaginable. However pooners are all pathetic 5'3 dickless chuds. No woman will ever love them and they will always be on the absolute bottom of the male social/sexual hierarchy if they even register as male. The only explanation is they have a severe humiliation fetishism to the point of wanting to torture themselves and get off on their own suicide or they just want to spite their father. Manlets will never be real men
i can still do all of these tho
Yes, because you're just a woman with short hair and a pubestache of a 13 year old boy. Not to mention same height. It's expected of you to be a total loser, you're so pathetic you don't even register as a male to everyone. Just another WOMAN with daddy issues... yawn
cis have it better than all
FtMs have it better than MtF passoids because once the FtM decides to detransition, they can enjoy a level of feminity that a MtF passoid couldn't even achieve even if they were 10 years stealth.
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I'm not a tranny. I don't understand polyhons except in that they misunderstand how relationship dynamics actually work out, and I imagine they think they're subverting the west or something as a way of lashing out but they just hurt themselves lol.
>suburban bourgeoise
Weird buzzwords, but yeah we're obviously talking about the west. This is 4chan, not an imageboard for africa/the middle east.
Yeah only chasers will date trannies long-term, of course, but there are plenty of them.
This is why so many detrans after they realize they can't transmax into male "privilege", which doesn't even exist. The few ftms that don't detrans are deeply respectable IMO because they genuinely have dysphoria and put up with all the shit men get just to deal with it. Committed, stealth (ie. not still milking pussy privilege) trans men are some of the most trutrans people you'll ever meet.
>>never have to work (can always just marry a man with a job)
not interested
>>never have to be without a partner unless you want to be
don't care
>>seen as special by merely existing and not even being average in certain spaces (e.g. vidya, STEMshit)
don't wan't to be special by being average
>>can receive endless validation/attention no matter how ugly/boring
don't care, fake validation sucks
>>greater fashion/clothes selection
really don't care
>>greater variety of expressing possible interests without being seen as a weirdo (rather it's just seen as cute or pretty normal)
I'm fine with being seen as a weirdo, other people can think whatever they wan't
>>automatically assumed to not be a threat
don't care
>>automatically believed in conflict
kinda shitty ngl
>>never seen as a creep/pedo for being around with children, even if they're not yours
sucks again
>>friendships are generally better since girls aren't scared of looking gay for talking about feelings
no real interest in talking about feelings
>>easier to make friends
>>men bend over backwards to help you
I prefer to help myself
>>sex/masturbation is vastly more satisfying
work with what you got, you won't ever truely experience the other side to even find out if this is true, besides that it is very different for people even of the same sex.
>>can make children and have unique bond to them men can never have
no, thanks
I like how testosterone makes my body feel, simple as
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anon you have really good taste in characters are you sure you wouldn't want to try to date? like i genuinely don't see you as straight up hateful like the others that come here to post
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>chainsaw man
>good taste
mtf here this post made me want to kill myself cheers
male privilege LITERALLY does exist it's just that most of the positives have gone away recently due to the entire world and economy being in shambles, so men don't really have any advantage anymore except at the top and all the regular chuddies get beefed
why do mtfs lack empathy
Growing up as hateful losers
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Straight men don't want to date trans girls but there's plenty of loving chasers out there.

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