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>imagine passing in mugshots
>imagine not needing FFS
looks like the actor in the oppenheimer film
This woman looks male
I wonder if she has PCOS
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she looks nothing like cillian lmao
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i just googled "Cillian Murphy looking up" and this was the closest image to the angle i could find. idk man
i think you should hold off on the transmisogyny till shes been found guilty
now I think we should hold of on judging this person until we have all the facts
Cillian looks kind of like SOPHIE in some shots from this film and it's kind of disconcerting
i love her and am planning to write her letters. i hope she doesn't think i'm weird for doing it. people fuck up and she needs friends. imagine you kill your abuser and everyone thinks your a monster
Same was about to say that.
She doesn't pass at all. Also she murdered her partner, you people have some serious brainworms.
>and now I am become trans, destroyer of families…
LMAO fym "passing"?? He's ugly as fuck, not only does he not pass as a girl but he's an ugly ass dude. Hilarious, you niggas.
no he doesn't
I always wonder that when I watch cop shows like the first 48. people are always treated as the bad guy if they killed someone, but what if the other person just really deserved it and they were horrible to everyone
Ever notice how whenever a white woman brutally murders someone, like her partner, or her kids, there's always this outpouring of sympathy that would never be afforded to a man. Interesting. Curious that.
I mean a lot of male serial killers used to get a bunch of female simps
It's not a universal thing, plus isn't that you just admitting that this woman is no different than a serial killer? A brutal murderer? Because I see this crap it's always
>oh the person killed was a heckin' abuserino
ted bundy literally had groupies, i like how you incels are all too fucking retarded to read an wikipedia article
whats the harm in becoming her friend?
I'm not the one simpibg for her murders are trash for the most part. Hope she goes to jail. In just trying to deboonk your incel female privilege world view
im sad about what happened to her friend but god i wish she wouldve killed me instead of the girl that died is this narcissist of me?
Looks like a guy with lopsided eyes and long hair?
And I said it's not universal retard, learn to read
you think this nigga https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Shawcross had groupies.
Nigger if some dude murdered a trans woman would literally anybody in this thread be shilling for him and saying oh no she was heckin abusing him? Fuck no. Also the incel thing is funny because anytime some woman loses an argument it's straight to the hole access argument. Genuine retardation, just like how much privilege white women and trannies get at the expense of everyone else.
im not saying she killed her abuser. im saying we dont fucking know. anyone can be kill in a crime of passion in the right circumstances. theres no reason to believe shes a serial killer and she doesnt fit the model. sure its possible shes awful and had deranged fantasies of killing. its also possible she was on the receiving end of something extremely vile.
woah... she kinda giving tho...
plap plap plap
Lmfao we talked about this there’s no reason to think it was abuse, she was likely just jealous of the polyhon and snapped.
someone hasnt crawled through the pooner's social media
The pooner? Do you mean the theyfab nesting partner or what
Just post what you’re talking about
yeah the theyfab said their relationship was "sorrid and emotionally challenging".
was wrong about social media it was ger talking to the cops. thats pretty strong words. this wasnt a pleasant breakup cause things werent working out. something was deeply wrong.
It was an ‘ex spouse’ was it not? The gigahon was at least twice divorced I don’t think it was the theyfab nesting partner. Remember the gigahon was 35.
Sordid and emotionally challenging could very easily mean “Margot was a high maintenance BPD princess” I don’t know why you’d jump to abuse.
>this wasnt a pleasant breakup cause things werent working out. something was deeply wrong.
One of the things I saw in the gigahon’s Reddit history was something about “once you’re in my life you only get out if you choose to leave”
we know she kept in contact with Margot post ‘breakup’ and flew her out. This just seems like a case of the dumbass gigahon keeping in contact with an emotionally turbulent/jealous ex-gf instead of cutting her off, which culminated in death.
thanks for the correction. im not jumping to abuse. im saying its definitely one of the possibilities. itd be possible even if people said "everything seemed great" because so many abusive relationships are like that. but that comment mixed with the murder. yeah like dont bring your ex who youre not into to town if shes not over you. that fucks with people's head.

i wouldnt fly to an ex's to stay over and im like emotionally stable and those relationships were pleasant.
a toothpick changes everything OP
not what im saying. we know almost nothing and shouldnt villainize her. sorrid relationship. one had more community support and social capital, admitted to very toxic relationship practices. signs of immediate remorse and regret. some things will come out over the course of the legal proceedings. cops have margot's diary. so many people say "this person made it out alive and is in prison so they must be bad"
youre telling me that girl killed a 6' tall combat veteran?
Yeah she’s cool like that
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why do people talk about liara like this? is it a subcultural thing? everyone says the same thing
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>"we can hug twice during visitation, once coming in and once going out."
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its perfect
i feel like she'd hate me for making this :c
she's in prison and beggars cant be choosers
do you think she'd let me call her mommy
if you buy her meth she will let you call her anything
I do wonder if she’s the ketamine addict liara mentioned, even though its doubtful
someone mentioned timeline doesnt match up. but theyre all like that type of girl im sure
try a toothpick maybe
well one of them has only killed one person
feel like toothpicks have killed way more than one person anon?
no liara was a grunt. she killed people with guns
also you would probably have to use more than one to kill someone haha no experience though
stop bullying me
its a lot and i know im right
She seemed like a very interesting person desu. She had a Reddit post describing several divorces, being deployed to Afghanistan, getting two divorces and losing 10k worth of property, a twitter thread describing spiritual adoption by her ex’s family and changing her surname because they liked her that much
And then she gets stabbed to death lol
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Two divorces? average poly enthusiast
>/tttt/ thinks this obvious male passes
bro looks like a psychopathic school bully
She looks cute in other pics kys
anglefrauding bullshit doesn't count, faggot. mugshots are candid and realistic
I lowkey am falling for her, I'm scared to reach out because if she doesn't answer I will probably go into a self destructive spiral again
>Also she murdered her partner
this makes her even hotter, I want a partner who can rid the world of my shitty dysphoric existence
>tfw you will never be Liara
>She had a Reddit post

pic related, the rest is just icing on the cake
Yup, very common. Gay men are often fond of other men. Am I supposed to be shocked?
Please make a thread if she does respond I’d be interested in seeing it, also some anon said she needs money for pen and paper to reply or whatever
That being said I don’t really understand why you’re falling for her she’s just a random cute tranny murderer
Her other mugshots are cute especially the initial one. But either way she’s been through a traumatic experience she’s not going to look her best
her sadness is palpable, it's oozing from her pictures and heartbreaking. It's not like she's gleefully celebrating what happened, she fucking killed the person she felt she truly loved. Her life is basically a living hell at this point, honestly I would prefer a friendship but I always fall for anyone I get to close to so I'm speedrunning it in my head. She's getting a ton of visceral hate as well, a positive letter might at least let her know she's still a person and not everyone despises her
kill children for israel get praised, kill a hon and you're a demon. Peak clown world, the more I learn about liara the less sympathy I feel. Reminder only one person in this case had 20+ partners and it's not the one currently incarcerated
remove those random orange dots they're pissing me off
She's a mentally ill trans woman, she uses/has used dissos
this thread is mental illness
I am perfectly sane
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Posting this image in passgen would get you absolutely eviscerated.
Murdering someone and getting your mugshot posted makes everyone call you a passoid dommy mommy gf
I know what I have to do
passgen is more about meeting a certain aesthetic and age bracket

t. passoid and not a child
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it was self defense
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wao even tranny women idolize murderers, this is truly fascinating to watch
unironically most likely>>36366467

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