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Okay this is gonna be weird, but bear with me. Umm so I'm not trans, but I'm a pretty prolific writer of really depressing greentext larps pretty much exclusively from the perspective of mtfs. After browsing here for years and getting a front row seat to the unfiltered thoughts of depressed transwomen, its just given me, as a writer, so much material for crafting really gutwrenching stories. I'm not trying to influence anyone with suifuel or demoralization propaganda, I just like writing really emotionally compelling stories and the lives of transpeople just have so many opportunities for either really harrowing experiences or wacky ridiculous stories. I write a lot of silly larps, as well, but the ones that get the most replies are the really sad ones. For example, I've written a few recently about transwomen who missed out on transitioning for one reason or another and they seemed to have a really striking reception. Even the anons calling them out for being larps admitted they were really affected by them. On one hand, I'm kind of addicted to the feeling of writing heartwrenching stories and seeing people's reactions to gauge whether it was a compelling piece of fiction or not, but on the other hand I'm honestly just feeling really guilty. I've seen tons of anons say how the stories made them cry or make them wanna repress or die and whatnot. One anon even said how all the greentexts they read lately just feel worse than the last in terms of being nightmarefuel. Should I stop? I dont wanna keep putting these horrible stories out there if they're getting everyone down and negatively influencing their choices and whatnot. I can go back to just writing silly funny larps for a laugh, despite the emotional nuke stories being my favorite to write. Pic related, some of my greatest hits recently.
>middle one was a larp
thank god, anon thank you for telling me
you are a true artist, please continue your work
wow that middle one was fucked up
didn't read the accompanying text. guess i should've read that first, lmao
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was this you?
Lmao ngl I kinda hate to let the jig be up, as I've seen that story referenced a lot by anons, but it just doesn't feel right to drop emotional nukes like that on ppl and let them live with it. I just feel guilty cause its not like I have a way to let everyone who was affected by it know it was fake. I saw one minor on for trran four say how stuff like that makes them wanna keep repping even if their parents would accept them and I just feel so shit about my stories influencing ppl like that. Idk man. Am I a bad person for writing all these?
thank goodness they’re larps. you are a really good writer anon, you understand the things that keep us up at night perfectly. i think you can continue to write if you make it clear it’s a work of fiction. even then the hard part is that it’s not impossible something similar actually did happen to someone. if you want to do us a favour write smut but i don’t wanna force you to write a genre you aren’t comfortable in
The right one, it is a work of art, it touched me.
Nope. I wouldn't write something like that bc it urges the reader to transition and i don't wanna influence anyone one way or another, i just wanna write emotionally expressive stories. But if u have any others, link/post a screencap of them, ill lyk if they're mine. Ive been lapping on here for years, so there's a 100% chance you've read plenty of my larps at some point. Lemme try to find the first ever larp I made.
Honestly, keep going, I am impressed if anything. I am glad they are larps.
Thank you, anons. I might keep writing these and then just revealing they're not real later in the thread or smth idk. I guess my question is just...do these stories actually make people's mental health worse/influence them to keep repping or think of suicide more or can people read them and just take them as a story and not be influenced by them, even if they were emotionally affected when reading them? I just feel so guilty.

I've written shut a couple times, might do more of that. It's pretty fun to get anons all hot and bothered hehe. I'd just wanna be creative about the situations, as too many of the horny greentexts I see are basically just rehashed shit over and over.
don't stop writing fiction is a good way to explore the depth of the human condition and anyone who is unprepared for the fact that some of the stories here are not true shouldn't be on this site
I am afraid lung cancer moder was real
Ok thanks for the feedback, anons. My conscience is cleared now. Ill keep writing horror stories. If anyone has any requests, now would be the time to drop em btw.
Try writing some stories that are gut wrenching at first but ultimately have a happy ending. They can still be depressing as hell but with at least a little hopefuel at the end to balance out any overwhelming negativity.
oh I'm glad to see the bbqmoder was not real but that stuff really does get into our deepest fears. I think I responded.
I REALLY DID know at 12 and I REALLY DID try to come out and I REALLY WILL live with the fact that I was not able to do anything every day for the rest of my life. It's trauma porn sure but it's real for some of us. I'm a woman now and I pass sort of now but... the effects physically and mentally of growing up like that will be with me forever. This stuff speaks to me
Good idea. I honestly just don't like happy endings in stories most of the time, especially short stories where you don't have enough time to care about the characters, but I think it'll help my stories not be so ghastly to ppl. This board, especially the trans slice of it, could really use some positivity, too.
i don’t think anyone would read these and see them as a reason to rep or rope. it’s definitely rope fuel, but only if it was happening to them. while the story make people sad i don’t think it influences their behaviour at all, in fact it may make reppers finally cave and start since they see the mental damage caused by not transitioning
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is it even worth asking if this one is you? cause it's from the perspective of a chaser, not a tranny
Speaks to you in a way that dredges up memories/feelings you don't wanna remember bc its retraumatizing or in a idk how to word it but just not that kinda way?

Idk why the stories and experiences of mtfs on this board have just spoken to me so much and thus end up being the focuses of my stories. I'm not trans (seriously), I guess I just can't help but feel so hard for them due to what they go through. There's something so strangely fascinating and sad about how mtfs here pour their hearts out. Its like the crystallized essence of misery. A train wreck you can't stop looking at. Idk why, but I just feel so compelled to recreate misery in the art and stories I make and there's just a lot of material to work with here.
Probably the best compromise is to say right at the very start that these are LARPs. It helps people see that these aren't real stories, which can help them feel less bad about themselves/the world, but many people are still deeply emotionally affected by these greentexts even when they know it's a LARP.
I've written a couple of chaser stories, but I think the only one I remember is one where a chaser gets drunk while out with his gf and her friends and accidentally outs her to them by saying something about sucking each other's dicks. I didn't write that one u posted. I've written stories from the perspective of all lgbts, but the reason I wouldn't write something like that is because it makes the reader feel self conscious about their body and encourages brainworms. I dont wanna make people feel like that, I just wanna write a little slice of sadness and make people feel something for a minute while reading.
>wrote bottom chaser larps
Yeah I considered that. It kinda ruins the effect of it, but it'd make me feel less guilty. If I did this, I'd probably reveal it after the end, so the initial impact of it is uncompromised. Still, with how many larps I write, I think it'd make people not believe any greentexts anymore, even the real ones.
Our lives are so damn painful and so much of it is so damn unnecessary. I almost forget that such a horrible thing happened to me because it seems normal. I still never ask for anything for myself. The physical side yeah I wish I was prettier but I'm not too tall and do get seen as a woman in public although there's signs that some percentage do notice I'm trans. That's so fucking sad, and it just seems like my lot in life. The mental side? The fact that this was completely unnecessary. The fact that my friends and family cast me off? The fact that the best thing I ever did for myself caused everyone in my life to shun me? The fact that when I got srs I didn't get congratulations, I didn't get concern, I got "please don't do it come home now" from everyone who knew it was happening? And this is how I live. The only thing I ever needed, the only thing that ever made me happy, the thing that half the world gets for free, is a reason to reject me so completely and utterly.
That's what speaks to me. "crystallized essence of misery" is right. And I'm glad to see someone put it in words, because I usually struggle, and the people around me usually don't really get just how fucking horrible it is
Lmao bottom chasers are more hateable so make for more attention grabbing narrators. Pretty much all top chaser greentexts I see are either the same old "im transphobic and pump and dump trannies lol" or generic horny posting. Not as much material to work with there, but the possibilities of crafting any number of types of awful ppl who are bottom chasers are endless.
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I really wish there was less regulation on gambling so that we could start betting pools on when anons like OP will troon out.
you need to write a book.
for example, a series of extremely depressing short stories that go just like the greentexts you make. maybe make a few of them a bit simpler so normies can understand
if you get it published, hopefully it gets the attention of conservatives who will seethe that its PROPAGANDA and ADVOCATING HRT FOR MINORS!!!! but people with hearts will feel bad for troons and understand dysphoria.
but never ever admit that they're not real stories.
Thank you sharing, anon. Idk, I guess the one thing I can say is that, in a weird way, I hope the stories I write can show that there are at least some cis ppl who get all the intricate dominoe effect ways that being trans can negatively impact ones life and has sympathy for all the shit you girls go thru. I wish things were easier and ppl didn't give you all so much shit cause your lives are hard enough. Its getting in vogue for even lgb's to dunk on transppl, but I really feel the t is still part of my family and I always stand by my family. Stay strong, I'm rooting for you. <3
Lmao i am solidly a gay man (well, like kinsey 5.9, but basically gay). I like having a cock and balls and being male. The pink pills aren't gonna work, im afraid. I don't gamble, but if I did, I'd def be down to do a larp contest to see who can get the most replies. I tried to set one up, but the jannies deleted my thread.

Thanks, anon. Ill consider it. I've never published anything, but it seems the trans fiction niche is one that has some opportunity in it these days.
I legit got worried at some of these threads and thought op would off themselves
Im relieved that the suffering people are not real. That there’s less pain than I thought
>Lmao i am solidly a gay man
this is why becoming a chaser made me homophobic
>five times five
damn, baby
Yeah I'm kidding lol
Jokes aside, it's great that you have a creative outlet and are practicing your writing.
I was hoping this was a larp
Huh? Idgi. Explain pls.

>but people with hearts will feel bad for troons and understand dysphoria.

Thinking about it again, i might be more interested in getting published if something i write could have this outcome. I have a knack for understanding ppl and feeling for their struggles. If I could help others do the same for trans ppl so there's at least some trans related media out there that isn't just porn or clickbait transphobia, I'd be happy.
Lol ur good and thank you
You're disgusting, your penchant for proliferation of misery is gross. It'd be fine if you were to state that shits fake but thinking that making up LARP shit like that is "fine" is extremely wrong
I haven't even finished reading whatever shit you wrought together in your OP because the moment you start to format your text like
>ummm welll I'm entirely unrelated to the board but like
>*huffs fart*
>ME AS A WRITER THO? This matters a lot to me!
What kind of fucking "writer" does that make you? If you wouldn't put that on your resume you shouldn't do it to begin with.
Be better.
Nuh uh, try me bitch
writer anon, on one hand, you seem like a decent person, and your writing ability is... successful in it's intended outcome.
On the other hand, depending on which ones on the board have been yours over the last months, you have caused me severe emotional distress.

I don't know whether or not I despise you for toying with me like this, I suppose I'm the sucker for believing anything on this board
noted. I honestly wasn't intentionally trying to hurt anyone, I just like writing emotionally compelling stories. But if it does hurt people to read that shit, then I'll stick to silly/funny larps from now on, even if the vast majority of ppl told me to keep writing the dark ones.
Thinking about this further, >>36357440 is def being an overdramatic cunt. Im not a tourist and have been on this board literally since day 1, so im not "unrelated to this board", I'm just not trans. You can bitch about my word choice or tone of my post, but that means nothing. Most of your post means nothing, honestly, it's just cattiness and being triggered by word choice to think im a redditor or something. The one point you make is about intentionally writing depressing stories, but you don't actually say anything of value about it. Give me something that's actually meaningful and ill have more to say about it.

This post actually has something meaningful to say. That said, if you're thinking about any post that manipulates you into being more brainwormed or intentionally makes you feel like shit about your body or whatever, I didn't write it. I dont write shit like that greentext posted earlier in the thread where the dude says his trans gf's skull size is ugly or anything like that. The stories I post are depressing, but none of them are actually triggering ppl to feel shit about their body like the actually malicious psyops posted here do. I'm still on the fence, but for now, it looks like I'll retire cause, despite what some anons might think, im not a psychopath and don't wanna hurt people.
the left one made me feel genuinely sad recently. i understand that you like this as a creative writing exercise, but writing these stories and then posting them publicly (especially in a place like this) is not helpful and just ends up demoralizing a group of people who are already struggling
>i don't wanna influence anyone one way or another
you already are, even if you think you're not. you might not intend to, but you are. your actions have real consequences. if you want to continue ethically, you should be transparent about your writing being fiction (especially the more believable stories)
Yes dishonesty is generally wrong and in this case you have examples of people who are being hurt. If you write a truly good story it will be good even if people know it's not real.
wait dude did you write that recent one where a trans girl is allowed to start transitioning until her mom marries a fundie guy who detransitions her, and then when they divorce her mom says she can again? it seems to follow the same script. i said it was larp at the time but it was fucked up
From one author anon to another (although I've never written a LARP, just stories), I think information hazards are important to consider when showing an audience a piece of your work. Putting suifuel content deliberately in the way of people who are feeling bad already is just mean, and almost an easy way to get the responses to you want to your content. I've always loved tragedies, but there's a time and place for stories that end in despair. Maybe it's cheesy, but using your clearly well-refined LARP skills, you could inspire and help a lot of people. Not that you need to, but maybe you should consider writing a piece and telling the audience that it's fictional beforehand, it goes a long way, and doesn't ruin your story at all.
He doesnt give a shit, he's an attention whore, if someone killed themselves after reading his slop he'd be overjoyed that his "art" had such an "impact" on people
>no one posted my larps
phew im safe
Yes, I forgot about that one at the i wrote the op

Noted. And yes, I do care or else I wouldn't have made this thread. It seems my fear was not unfounded, then. Idk what to say. I guess I was so used to rearing horrible shit here on the reg that it was easy to just see my stories as creative writing, but it doesn't feel right to be dropping emotional nukes on a vulnerable group of ppl like that, even if half of them are telling me to keep going. For what its worth, I apologize to anyone who was distressed to the degree that it stuck with you by reading them. If I could take it back, I would, but I can't, so all I can do is move forward knowing better and making different choices. I'm not a fan of trigger warnings, so if I do write more stories, they'll either be light hearted or more positive. If I do write something dark again, I will add a disclaimer, but with how vulnerable many ppl are on here, even with the disclaimer, I know many of them will still read it despite that and be triggered. So I probably will just not write those things here anymore to begin with.

I hope this means something to whoever reads it. If u still wanna be a cunt and just write me off as an attention whore/blogposter/etc, fuck you but I still stand by what I said.
i can't believe people are retarded enough to believe larps in the first place especially on 4chan of all places
Well, to be fair, the content of the larps in question was pretty emotionally activating. That can easily override the skepticism in the same way the same old inflammatory psyop posts still get tons of replies everytime, despite being rehashed multiple times every single day.
You're a good person, anon. I only browse here sparsely so I haven't come across your stuff when it was uploaded, but you have good talent too. Write a book or something, it's a lot of fun I promise. I genuinely wish you the best in life
Thank you, anon, wish the best to you as well.
it doesnt matter that they are fake because we all know that these things actually are possible, and some, like the middle story are even quite common.
youre a good writer, i dont think it's wrong to write them, but desu maybe dont present them as real
u can reveal it's a larp at the end so they still feel the emotions but dont get lasting despair

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