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Heya! I went on a date yesterday with a guy I have been talking to and playing games with for a while. I really like him and I think or hope it is mutual. The date was great and we already scheduled a second date! However, we are both amateurs when it comes to dating, which is why I am asking
>Does anyone have any advice for a tranny dating a guy?
>I'm trans and bi, he is aware of it and bicurious
>He is new to dating in general and lgbt and trans stuff additionally
>What are DOs and DONTs for a second date?
>Any general tipps?
Picrel is me and yes I will post here way less if things keep going well and maybe fuck off completely :) much love <3
PLEASE respond if you are experienced and maybe don’t respond if you’re inexperienced, thank you c:
holy crap
If this is really you op I feel bad for the deranged comments you're about to get, brace yourself
>yes I will post here way less if things keep going well and maybe fuck off completely :)
this is a lie and you know it.
I dated a bisexual once and then when it came time to have sex I sucked him off and then he never called again
I can say I was there the day she went full passoid and now is out of reach of the ordinary chaser
it's julie she knows what replies she'll get
Sorry he ghosted you like that, it really sucks :c . We haven’t talked about ANYTHING sexual between us even once. Not even mentioned anything and we both said we’re looking for a relationship on the first date. So this isn’t something I think is going to happen.
>stop posting
>I hate you
>it's over
>hope he dumps you
etc etc
I can imagine :/
happy to see u making a positive thread for once, i hope it'll work out for u 2 c:
watch out with his bisexuality tho he might troon out on u, or that might be my schizophrenia talking.
If you don't suck him off by the third date he will lose interest and never call again.

(and then go on grindr and message a random twink who will see him the same day)
I held off for a couple dates and then I guess he didn't like how I sucked him off
Well, for one you look beautiful so this guy must feel really lucky.
Insofar as second dates are concerned, try not to follow established “rules,” just go with the flow and what you both are comfortable with. There are people who have sex on the first date and end up with each other for the rest of their lives, and there are people who follow all the rules supposedly and break up/get divorced within the year. Communicate with him, what does he want to do for a second date? Does he want a relationship? Put some feelers out for how skittish he is with the whole trans thing, lots of guys are down to fuck trans women and cuddle with them and play video games with them, but they won’t take them around their friends or acknowledge anything. Which isn’t me trying to scare you, just saying to communicate with each other what y’all’s desires are here.
Haha I considered it because he has long hair and likes anime, but he already talked to me about getting a haircut, because it’s getting annoying for him.
I would be fine with that, hell, I would do it on the next date! Not sure he wants that though, as he hasn’t expressed anything like that
Your blowjobs are teethy
I already asked him about that stuff on the first date! Even though I like him, I learned my lessons to ask that sort of stuff, eg. "Would you introduce me to your friends and family?“ and decided to ask difficult questions like that. So far, I believe we both want a relationship, we both want children, we have very similar interests and we laugh a lot when we talk. Not sure about sex and intimacy, we haven’t breached those topics yet
>julie is starting to look like a woman

its so over
Sounds good, glad to hear it. Yeah just ask him then about that stuff. Have you guys kissed yet? Also if there’s a top golf near you, that’s always a good date idea because then he can “teach you” how to swing. If you know what I mean.
wow julie keeps getting prettier, what's your secret?
her secret is prolly effort which 90% of tttt hasn't ever heard of
No, we haven’t kissed or held hands or anything. Only hugged each other briefly 3 times. At times I really wanted to ask if I can hold his hand, but decided to wait. What we planned for the second date so far was a walk in a park, maybe up a hill in my city, maybe I will organize a picnic and we proposed going to a museum
what does effort include?
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You're beautiful. Even if shit doesn't go well with that guy, you should keep up this energy.
Be yourself and be careful!
in her case getting way better hair. but it includes a lot. it includes anything that's not permaboymoding while doomerposting and sitting inside all day.
Functioning HRT regimen + minoxidil + vitamins + prog my beloved latest addition
I keep weight cycling and hitting the gym occasionally, the rest is lighting, make up, went to the hairdresser to get a decent cut and I like to go shopping every now and then :)
If neoliberalism was a meme
Nice, well I think you have a second date goal then. Hold hands. If you’re comfortable that is. Guys really like it when you ask them to do stuff, like if you can hold their hand or kiss them.
Julie "Bulldawg" Honstein is starting to look like a woman LMAO respect
Thanks for replying, genuinely love seeing your glow up.
Sorry to bombard you with questions, however...
Does minoxidil make you produce more body hair?
What are you eating to weight cycle? What weight range do you get to?
What vitamins?
my god you look so pretty and happy
He is new to dating and can be shy at times, because he is unsure what to do, so I already considered taking the lead and asking if I can hold his hand or kiss him. Is that appropriate for the second date, yeah?
you quite honestly look great
congrats julie
shes rich lmao not surprising
dont be naive and never trust the things he says till he actually proves em...and if ur looking for a long relationship never talk bout sex stuff or reciprocate those comments...if hes looking only for sex he ll get bored in a couple months but if hes a keeper he wont mind c:
oh and most guys are scum of the earth so keep that in mind c:
deserved for being such an annoying attention whore
Julie good ending
true, money does play a huge factor if you didn't win the genetic lottery or are a youngshit, but she's still come a long way without surgeries, the things she's listed are likely fairly low in comparison to a lot of things.
Yeah ofc. As long as you’re asking first and making sure the other person is comfortable with stuff, then it’s good to go. And obviously if they aren’t fine with that then don’t badger them obviously but idt you’ll do that so.
Maybe try
>I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with you lately
Or something. Then ask if you can hold his hand. Or put your arms around him above his shoulders and ask if he wants to kiss some.
>I went on a date yesterday with a guy
Congratulations Julie-babe. Dont worry too much about the second date, but if you really like him, ask if you can hold his hand and then try to kiss him on the cheek and then on the mouth. Dont fall head over heels with him right away though
>Picrel is me and yes I will post here way less if things keep going well and maybe fuck off completely :) much love <3
i hope he murders you
I use topical minoxdil in the form of a spray, so I don’t get more body hair. Oral minoxidil can have that side effect.
Tbh my diet isn’t good, I think. I consume a lot of dairy to gain weight. Greek yoghurt with fruit, berries, oats etc for breakfast, usually I drink black tea with milk for caffeine and then I eat pasta, pizza or whatever for dinner or lunch. Peanut butter is great for bulking. I have also been drinking wine on call with him sometimes. For weight loss, I just drink a lot of water and caffeine and eat low calorie food like cottace cheese and veggies etc
My vitamins are just a-z stuff. D is the most important imo. I also take another pill with biotin and minerals
you look good here and mog me
Start by kys
I'm inexperienced, wish u the best of luck.
Idk bro
please don't date men when you aren't actually attracted to them, it's kinda fucked up desu
I am bisexual and I like men, especially him
yeah, you're not though, you are so obviously agp it's painful to watch, just accept that you're a transbian and move on
I'm really not and you’re weird
hsts don't look like you, it's not a bad thing to be agp but don't lead someone on like you're actually attracted to them
just fuck off
This nigga posted ass for everyone to see
Someone warn the date
Haha dang that’s crazy maybe show some sauce so I know to avoid it if I see it haha
Did minoxidil give you wrinkles or aged you in some way?
she kinda serves desu
>The date was great and we already scheduled a second date!
good julie - I thought he might brain you if he saw your doom post pictures.
nah. I have a line on my forehead but it’s been there since pre HRT due to T
Ok thanks for answering!
I hate this fucking twink so much
I have no clue how you made it but good job
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Hi sis, straight trans here who’d dated guys before. First you’re really super pretty and have a great style so don’t worry too much about dos and don’ts and go with the flow. Two important advice I can give is that 1) choose emotionally available guys because dating can be an intense thing 2) be a good judge of character and treat them morally well. But don’t deny or antagonize people for mere feelings. Deny them if they’re doing objectively immoral things 3) don’t EVER say ur submissive etc because then they can start treating u really rough and then when u say no they can be like lol u said u were into it and act annoyed constantly about that.

Also lmk if u have any passing and style advices u look great
Jesus fucking yikes
You've dated males before?
I guess the bisexual population is higher than we thought
uhhh idk maybe you got any more specific questions for passing? I am a mostly perma girlmoder and I did that right from the get go when I started HRT, so I guess my advice is: if you want to be a girl and look like one, then you have to live and act like one. You can’t be boymoding or not do things other women do. You have to put in the effort and get haircuts from women’s hairdressers, you have to get familiar with make up, you have to have a skincare routine etc etc. Maybe this sound condescending, but I just dislike boymoding and the romanticization of it. It’s something you do when you have no other option, not something you do out of comfort, imo. You should NOT think "I need to malefail 100% of the time without putting any effort into make up and clothes“ and instead do everything you can to pass always and trial and error your way to success. It sucks. You will suffer and cry, but you will also make progress. I don’t think I pass or look pretty myself, just so nobody thinks I think of myself highly when I say all this. But if you guys say I look pretty or pass, then I will take that. Much love <3
You looks beautiful
Ugly as hell
in dont date guys so idk but youre really pretty
holy shit grats for finally making it anonette
you were an annoying fucking retard but it's still heartwarming to see you finally get it together and progress
the look also really suits you
good luck
julie will get ffs and mog 95% of this board
Don't shower with him. You look amazing, as is but we all know how you look with wet hair
I don’t plan on getting FFS until my 30s or at all because it’s so expensive
She doesn't even need ffs to do that, she already moggs most trannies on this board. She's the prove that it's not about genetics and luck, but that just by putting in some effort you can make it even if you have the worst material to start with
its actually over
Your hairline has improved a lot, good job.
>I'm trans and bi
Poor guy, don't scam him lol
bisexual ""males"" aren't men lmaoooo
is this the power of progesterone?
>don’t EVER say ur submissive etc because then they can start treating u really rough
really good advice!
(in exchange here's one: throw those ugly shoes in a garbage can)
I love prog so friggin much. My boobs got slightly bigger and my body feels all fuzzy and tingly like butterflies when I think of romantic and intimate things. Prog is sooooo good for me
Don't doom Schwesti :c
my morning voice. It feels a bit deeper and not as soft as later in the day after I had some air and water, but maybe that’s just in my head
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Thanks for advice but, hold up, do u think my make up & haircut is shitty I always thought I was good at it? But I don’t like long hair it’s hard to dry and all and yeah u def pass; I know denying that u pass is common among trans but u gotta be realistic as well
not op but i wouldnt take advice from you you literally just look like a man lmao
I didn't look at your picture at all before replying. The advice was general and not specific for you
Yeah bcs I transitioned late lol??
why even try at that point
You are unnecessarily mean. If you’re going to be negative, give constructive feedback or fuck off
Are you going to stop posting nudes on b now?
I wish i could make love to julie and date her
She's cute
T. Cis man
I've been using your pictures for my grindr to ask people for weed hope you don't mind Jules
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I don’t “try” anything I simply mog majority of men, trans and cis women with my mere presence so I don’t care about passing?? Do I have to spell this out for you?
how do i reach this honfidence
I guess that’s alright, go get it girl. But don’t do anything else that’s weird
show nose profile
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You look like a fucking man. Just how it is, fag boy. Look at you.
>long midface
>masculine cheekbones
>broad shoulders
>clearly in shape for a man, but for some reason has weird nauseating "tits"
Your farmer's tan isn't helping you, and your face looks like a dude. Which you clearly visibly are. My advice is to piss and shit yourself until you die, or detransition. You'll never be a cute girl, or a girl in general for that matter. Not demoralization, just an honest observation.
Cry a little harder, you're still barely coherent.
>Either post pics or be gone. Here is the difference between u and I. I could date any guy u dream of fucking. You can’t even fuck the worst looking guy I dated
Yeah, gay/bi guys more often than not are quite often fond of men. Insane revelation, I know.
>long must face, most common mid face type
>prominent cheek bones a transcultural sign of attractiveness
>broad shoulders? Most attractive shoulder type
>”weird” tits. Perfectly circular shaped.
overdosing on pharma grade copium
you will probably not even reach the mindset required to improve your transition and pass
I’m sorry. I feel bad. I’m sorry that I pass. I’m sorry that I mog you all. I’m sorry that I’m in a top 0.01 attractiveness. I’m sorry that I became the protagonist of your jealousy/desire/hatred jerking off which led you to suffer more and more, which further lessened your self-confidence.

I’m sorry =(((( and pleas don’t get a life, it will be way darker than your worst fantasies
this is why i rep, you'd be a really cute twink
If you’re homosexual DO NOT rep. Take this seriously. You’ll thank me later.
transbian hands typed this post
you look so nice when you're not crying or full of brainworms
no tats?
but why would he take passing advice from you? you obviously don't know what you're talking about judging by picrel. honfidence is an unfortunate affliction.
you looke like 30 yo meg foster
Damn you look happy, that’s so nice actually, you look great when you smile!
fuck. is he really going to pass?
thanks but im bisexual
looking good Julie
Not really, the AGPface is pretty obvious.

Need to insert my maleness down your throat, while pulling your hair like a bitch.
not julie but your voice is really hot imo
nice voice feller

best news of 2024
ugh why can't you whisper jokes in my ear and make me giggle while you're inside me
im so happy for you!!! its nice to hear some good news.
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Why don't other trans girls wear bras like wtf? I hide my titties not to mention the padding makes them look bigger.

PSA I'm living proof that if you look remotely feminine most guys will want to mating press you.
Not OP but I don't have a need for a bra. I have noticed in babytrans wearing one is like affirming for your identity which I understand. I have big milkers from a decade plus of hrt with some prog cycling here and there. I don't feel the need to hide them from the world, they look cool in my tomboy outfits
Another retard spending months obsessive blogposting about themselves with vibehon woe is me nonsense, eventually putting in any effort at all, passing, and feeling nothing about how much they shit up the environment for everyone around them previously
Fuck off
you don't pass
emotionally available??
She mad fuckable tho be real

You just a chud that can't get laid
bear over man sorry not sorry c:
you sound like you would say kitten unironically
>t. julie
lol yeah all the online hons are exactly like that
Sexo. I'm jealous
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you're literally the single most fucking annoying attention whore on this goddamn board (marie comes close tho)
but also, what a glow up, hope it makes you finally leave us in peace
do everyone including yourself a favor and leave
Why don’t you have tits? lol
OOF why would you ever post that here?
so you’re a tranny?
Julie looks so cute in these pics omg
you should go on the TV Show Dating On The Spectrum
Don't celebrate the first date

Celebrate the wedding or some shit
I love trannies without balls, but don't try to top me
Also amazing voice and especially range
Christ I hope the bf knows about this.
more like suck and rim
I don't usually meanpost here and I try to fight against board culture that is rude and shitty but this picture makes me full-on laugh every single time
giggly anon here. also eunuch. let's make it happen boss
dont worry anon, she posted that in /b/ along with her ugly little dick
is this a parody of the pics that frenchie nigga posts
You’re such a fucking idiot that you cannot even read what we wrote. She didn’t ask for “passing” advice and I didn’t give her that.

Now let me respond to all my detractors on this post. You guys all know deep in your souls that regardless of I pass or not, there is not a single person who’d prefer you over me. (don’t tell me how do I know that, from the way u write, from the type of account u have it is clear to me how u look, u look undesired unloved forgotten, u look like u suffered and suffered in vain and all this is true even if u pass.)
This is the source of my honfidence, of my joy and pleasure!
Im not talking about the OP here, she’s pretty as hell ofc!
that's true, i didn't read what you wrote. it's not my fault you type like a twelve year old, though. also, you will never be loved. especially not over literally anyone else. that's because not only are you a horrendously ugly hon with severe honfidence, you're also an immature, rude, narcissistic mongoloid. why do you think nobody likes you?
Sure, “Solanine.”
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hope your totally real date knows about your attention and literal whoring on here and /b/
lol i remember u, whend u get so npd?
i forgor what ur discord is... ive got u here somewhere
>guys am I still a twink?
>[chokes Germanicly and sputters tears]
nipples protruding

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