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give me one good reason why I should support these people
no reason to support either israel or palestine
because unilateral murder is bad regardless of who the victim is.
>palestinians have never murdered
oh boy
>can't fucking read
do you know about hamas anon
Lol what kind of fucking moron supports people who want them dead?
i know that you - like half of americans - are functionally illiterate
Pride is degenerate shit anyway
Imagine dropping a grenade there... Awesome.
link to story? or are you just trying to stir shit for no reason?
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Screw Abrahamoids. Such a trash religious and moral philosophy they all have
free free free palestine

Thank you IDF you do an amazing job fighting terrorist, bless israel. There are many terrorist attacks from muslim jihadists and we thank you for training our military to fight tese threats. THE PEOPLE STAND WITH ISRAEL

Not OP but it's one google search retard

Anyways what do these morons get for blocking pride??? Most people there support palestine already. How does this help palestine at all?
fuck arabs and jews let them kill each other
stirnerposting fell out of favor
>How does this help palestine at all?

Ask yourself this question every single time and you realise its a load of fucking nonsense, people in dying western cities screaming into the void whilst children around them live in abject poverty
pride month is not even alowed in palestine like it is in isreal like even in 2020 when more people were going to blm not pride it still was ok since marsha p johnson is a black trans woman in stonewall but what did palestine ever do for lgbt? make your own month omg
don't worry, hamas wants them to die. They are martyrs! IDF is just sending them to jannah like they wanted
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I was there, liked hitting the thing with a hammer and lobster sandwich
There was also a lot of free skincare btw
Don't care I like the pic.
>what did palestine ever do for lgbt?

Their struggle is our struggle, lgbt can't be free until Palestine is free
pride is glowed up and isn't more significant than palestine just cus ur lgbt.
>and isn't more significant than palestine
Fuck off
The left eating each other. Like always.
Because the right wing is famously unified on the topic of Jews..
anon no. 36357496 eating a fucking big mac from mcdonalds with a sweet tea and two (2) mcflurries. Like always.
it's not, we're not even talking about lgbt issues or rights generally we're talking about pride.
All of that is disgusting we actually eat two hotnspicies and a large fry. No drinks I buy my own at a cheap place or drink water. Also, it costs $7 so its the cheapest meal but I now make my own food. I make burgers and fries for half that cost so I eat pretty cheap. Also I make salad and drink a protein drink once I am done with the salad. I also eat a orange and an apple for maximum fruit hunger. I drink cranberry juice instead of water if my fiancé fucked me. If not I just drink water. Eating out is too expensive lol get it never mind. Sucking my fiancé’s dick is for maximum protein.
Reminds me of this retarded group which actively protested right outside of Philly pride talking about no more rainbow capitalism when 80% of the stuff at Philly pride wasn't even corporate shit. Literally time and a place
please stop pretending you go out of your house or that you give two fucks about pride parades
for fucking real lmao
Go to a palestine protest and do this then dipshit lol
You shouldn’t let your repression turn into anger at the people who aren’t repressed anon/anonette :( you’ll be bitter and angry forever if you think like this
Omg i haaaaate the Trotskyists
Notice how they only crop up when actual communist parties are getting stronger
I haven't seen much palestine ppl besides some flags and naked titty protestors, also normal ppl weren't allowed to march, only orgs, which sux

trans parade was better anyway
prides r based, you can dress retarded
try supporting individuals instead of supporting countries
based fellow philadelphian, we also had our pride parade hijacked by dumb queers for palestines, I was there when that leather daddy fought the antifa / commie / queer for palestine gays so that the parade could continue. Everyone just went around them and immediately went to the gayborhood to drink. 11th & locust was crazy tho lol
That picture is of NYC anon, I was there today
Nvm I’m a dumbass, this is a different parade
I was staying at the hotel since I went to the bos party that night. Got a guy to come back with me after the party then fucked me until daylight. Also went to Bikestop basement and had a cute Asian top whore me out to 3+ people. Unironically most fun weekend of my life but it drained my finances so I couldn't do anything else for the rest of the month
there is no fucking reason, putting every single marginalized group on earth on the flag tied all of their problems to people who actually don’t have much in the way of common goals, i have zero interest in supporting people who want me dead just because it’s the hot new morally self righteous thing to do
Wtf I was also a whore in the bikestop basement on pride you probably sucked my dick. Happy pride!
Recall the thin otter with a rainbow harness?
No but I'll keep an eye out for it next time qtpi. I was the nerd with horn rimmed glasses getting his dick sucked. Probably doesn't narrow it down lol. I got my dick sucked by like 5 guys, can't wait to take my std tests tomorrow <3. I saw a few people get warnings to stop sucking dick. There is one specific bartender who is a massive karen about cruising when it's the entire point of the basement.
Yeah I think I know exactly who you are talking about because i heard the bartender bitching while i was getting my guts rearranged. If you want, try to catch me at Knock's Karoake this Wednesday when I'm done work, I just won't there until 12:30. Or go to a pup night and see the massive rainbow fag
Alright anon, If I see you at bikestop again with a rainbow harness on I'll be sure to give your dick a handshake. Good luck with the cruising. In my experience if you go on VICE night (every second Thursday) it's packed and you can get away with whatever. They're stricter on holidays (NYE, Pride etc).
Actually, I will try the Knock thing. Give me a specific song to play and I'll gladly request it just so we know each other. Unless you wanna try to meet through social media
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I'll do Vice then. For reference I'm the fag on the right and can't make it to these events until like 12:30 (the curse of working second shift).
Cute! After 12 is when the cruising really kicks off anyway. I'll keep an eye out then :)
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Also a photo with the entire set. It looks great under uv light. I'm gonna try to make it to this July one because I'm missing the one in August
Damn now I have to go to VICE this month. Thank you 4chan for bringing people together.
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Faggot fest finishes with a whimper instead of a bang.
this is honestly awesome, because it's exactly what they deserve for putting all that shit on the woke flag and trying to somehow claim that Pride stands for palestinian solidarity (it doesn't.) Maybe these fags will think twice before trying to tie third-world military conflicts to the pride parade.
Screenshot this post on your phone so I recall you. Because there's a high liklihood I'm gonna forget this. But I still promise to go to Vice (as long as it isn't during the 4th of July (I don't suspect it will be but you never know)
It's the 11th this month, it's always second Thursday.
Then I'll happily be at Vice this month! Hope to catch you there.
>You shouldn’t let your repression turn into ang-ACK!!!!!!
Because hearding children into camps and bombing them is bad and some stupid sponsored parade doesn't matter in long run.
If it was SF pride they'd have a point, half the floats were fucking random ass companies. What the actual shit does alaska airlines have to do with pride? Side note, when did westoid maoists become cool with lgbt, the RCP is the bob avakian cult one and SF pride had a queers for palestine contingent organized by PSL which is the generic westoid maoist party.
t. lefty
Well there's your proof Muslims outrank all forms of LGBTQ in the intersectionality Olympics.
Imagine supporting terrorists. We as gay peopel should be supporting Israeli businesses to help them build more weapons to kill as many terrorists as possible.
It's toronto yeah? That's where the BLM group was talking about killing all white people a while ago iirc. The left wing there is sorta nutso
cheap bait from gay and retarded hasbara bots. hide and ignore these threads, then pray for the day iran nukes israel so these rats can stop shitting up the board.
omggg dude you should support the islamist militiasss

because israel is le bad okay??? liberal lefties told me that also sharia is very progressive because it brings equality inshallah <3

Palestinians are "arab and oppressed" i'm sorry trannie you should die for their entertainment.. it's so liberating and makes you feel you are a part of history

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