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>looking for
>not looking for
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21/F/US(eastern timezone)
counter-strike: source scroll bhop, osu!standard but i dont really play that much, pokemon showdown (known gen 1 tourney player, no other gen), nso i guess, trying to lose weight
>looking for
really just people to talk to about anything
>not looking for
weird people who ask if id marry someone who looks like them within 10 minutes, or other exceedingly weird people
28 f usa
crochet, reading (atm some poetry), learning about medicine, ocean liner history, listening to/collecting records, occasional vidya (mostly Stardew & Destiny)
>looking for
friends, good conversation
>not looking for
sex, romance, teenagers
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
... is the ban really gonna be worth it man?
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22 m (+estrogen) nyc/brooklyn
mtftmtf twinkmoder eternal
maths & cs, lit, outdoor stuff. got my motorcycle license not too long ago & planning on getting a bike when i return to uni in the fall
>looking for
ppl to do fun stuff with locally on my days off, ideally. otherwise just goodvibes & coolvibes of any variety
>not looking for
prion disease
22 m miami
i like video games
idk i'm really lonely i wish someone else lived in miami i'm the only fucking loser here.
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bi cismael
JRPG and retro games, post-Mao Chinese politics, history in general (in the middle of covering some blindspots so by all means sperg out and info dump), pasty white guy literature (Gaddis is my current fixation), writing prose, scowling
>looking for
shooting the shit, cozymaxxers, sharing art stuff, doomed romance that ends in my untimely demise, ages 24-34
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L. T
Arts and crafts, fashion, 40k, reading, writing
>looking for
women in nz/aus, women who r into arts n crafts or writing and wanna share stuff abt it :)
>not looking for
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gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
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20/MtF/US (central)
reading boxes, going on hiked, listening to dump stupid music, sitting out in the woods, fishing
>looking for
people to talk to online or maybe in person. need to come out of my shell
>not looking for
servers, pushy people, and untalkative/dry people
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24/M/US (Arizona)
Math, philosophy, mainly stats since I have to study for grad school. Music as well, folk, acoustic, but a little bit of /mu/core.
>looking for
Friends, emotional connections, whatever happens.
>not looking for
Bad conversation, le ebin troles.
this is such a stretch but my friend gabriel posted in these threads long ago and i miss her so much i haven’t talked to her since last july :( i hope you’re still around it’s clammy
U didn't post contact
23 mtf LA
sleeping, getting rly drunk, substances, hyperpop, cars sadly fuck cars sm
>looking for
anyone but men
>not looking for
men leave me alone
Are the Finns still here?
vittttuuuu neekeri
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25/nb/australia (west)
t, b
i get a buzz every time someone ghosts me pls help fulfil my fantasy ^^
Post 'cord.
No one from Spain??? Umm hola??
i live in kentucky :3
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20 f usa
playing destiny and mobile suit gundam
>looking for
people to play destiny with or talk about gundam
>not looking for
ur kenlucky to live in kentucky 3:
im a man most moding transbian can i add you?
I added 6 people from this general and every single one can't stop talking about having bpd/bp/...
It's not cute, you're miserable to talk to.
did you add me yet or can i by your 7th
I'm done trying
Having a mental illness is fine but don't bring it up 7 times a day
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I've added two people from this general
one we had nothing in common and it fizzled
second we still talk and dm eachother cute affectionate bl art and are working on meeting up to hang out in a platonic bro way
Of the two people I've added one had BPD, and she's provided the far more fulfilling friendship of the two.
I added three people from here, one I'm not yet sure how things are going, two others I chat regularly with and would now consider friends. We sometimes talk about mental illness and trauma dumping but mostly because we are all mentally ill.
Overall quite happy with the results.

I posted once some time ago and got added by a lot of people but this was a whole different shitshow. Long story short, I fell in love, she killed herself, I didn't log into that burner disc again and ghosted everyone else who added me (sorry, but I felt a bit fucked up)
>first post again
im good at this
28 | M | NY
surfing, videogames, exercise, anime, music
>looking for
Friends to hangout with irl
>not looking for
Right winged people
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asl - 27 f southern California near Anaheim
letters - bi
interests - vtubers, anime, manga
looking for - a boyfriend! I'm looking for serious dating within the USA. I would prefer to voice chat first.
not looking for e-drama, text only, platonic only
contact - chickenclaw3
whens the last time you went surfing
and any good pics of beaches you've been to?
Good at getting bored of people or chasing them away?
i dont know what you are talking about
where are my fellow wow playing trannies at
i know youre out there
You know what you did
busy mop-mixing sorry
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im gauthist im currently on cool music like this https://youtu.be/wjREbbS_cS4?si=cNd1TuNXpOeRWrPX

talk to me abt stuff
I was gonna go surfing today but the water was too cold so I sunbathed instead. I'm gonna go again later in the week and take some pics next time I go.
Don't add people with BPD then.
Yeah isn't the water usually really cold up the coast that far? I'd add if I lived close by, but do post the beach if you do take pictures your next trip!
It usually is but sometimes if the weather is good then the water becomes a lot more bearable, especially as Summer goes on. Today it was freezing cold and nobody really stayed in for too long. For comparison, the ocean was awesome last Friday and tons of people were having a good time so idk, I guess it's just a fluke today.
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B, T
Movies (specifically 90s-20s Japanese cinema), Music (Shoegaze mostly but i enjoy everything), Manga (Big yuri and jojo fan), Cooking (Trying to get into baking more), Games (I love NieR, Yakuza, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, MGS, Signalis and Suda… not very unique i know)
>looking for
people to talk to combat my loneliness without any baggage
>not looking for
i’ll talk to anyone just don’t be annoying or racist

im bpd and highly suicidal so keep that in mind before engaging with me…
>im bpd and highly suicidal
cute! the whole frengen package
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Anime/Manga/VNs, mainly Yuri and Loli reincarnation and Iyashikei, but also some vampire or sibling incest here and there. A bit of BL and crossdressing doesn't hurt either. Learning Japanese to enjoy more untranslated works because I practically ran out of Yuri and I'm an Otaku with nothing better to do. I am a weirdo, but I can behave in public just fine.
Old Nintendo games for SNES/N64/GBA/GC. I like Railshooters, RPGs, and Strategy games and the usual classics.
>looking for
Scandi/Euro Otaku friends, preferably MTF. NEET/Hikikomori optional, but I am a NEET. I like spending time alone though so it's fine if you work a lot. I don't mind going outside also, but it's not something I regularly do.
>not looking for
BPDs I can't fix you sorry.
Hmm I honestly don't expect anyone to be interested.
why do people do this shit just post your tag if you'll make an essay about yourself
I'd rather throw an encoded tag when requested rather than dump my tag all over 4chan.
You said I have a nice body in another thread a while ago but I'm a man so I don't think you'd be interested in talking to me
Yeah, it’s pretty hard for people in lgbt to be normal. Quite the unfortunate phenomenon indeed.
You're one of two people I've said have a nice body. One of three people I've talked to at all.
If you're the person who started seeing this girl and going on dates I just assumed you lost interest in talking since you presumable found a girlfriend or discovered that women are better women than males.
You weren't in the Skandi thread a while back? Maybe you're a different 27 year old Norwegian mtf
annoying narcissist, brags about being hsts despite being a garden variety stemlord manmoder
>You weren't in the Skandi thread a while back?
Sounds vaguely familiar, but that must be a while ago.
>Maybe you're a different 27 year old Norwegian mtf
Impossible. I'm one of like 7 trannies in this entire tiny country.
You told me (in Norwegian) that you weren't interested in men but that I have a nice body lmao
bruh I cannot get back into that especially since its soulless now
would you marry someone looking as me within 10 minutes?
asking for disowned "friend"
r u cute
id marry u but id amrry anyone whoi'd fill my bussy desu i so lonely...
where are u
i'm old and manmoder so no, sorry!

i just doesn't wanna be alone so when will we marry?
sorry it's ok to leave me as i'm ugly and old :(
i understand srs, i hate me too!
No Anon! I will not leave you!!! We marry TODAY, we are officially sonhusband and motherwife >:(

also hi anon ur cute :3
>i'm old and manmoder so no, sorry!
i dont think itll work out
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23/F/New Hampshire
overwatch, sailor moon, cartoons, plushies, crystals, music, and cats
>looking for
cis male husband
It's implied when she called herself F and looking for Cis M.
gag on it
Why do the ones looking for a relationship have to be american
do you live in miami? no? then stfu

mtf bi (been on hrt for 5 years I think I look like a twink)

I love watching things with other people anime, movies anything really. I used to play tons of video games from league to dork souls to xiv, but I haven't been playing much lately. I guess I'm pretty stereotypical in my interests anime, manga, movies and gaymes. I do have a job though so I'm not always online.

>looking for
Frens ideally maybe someone that lives around my area and that is somewhere around my age but I don't mind making online friends either

>not looking for
people that only want sex
people under 25(sorry I feel like I can't really relate to people much younger than me)

i'm looking for a husband so i'd move anywhere I just have cats and need surgeries lol
So many of you have untreated mental illnesses, please get help
Lol what kinda gay ass nigga name is clammy stupid ass name
Has anyone ever met a decent person from these. Threads?
There’s a 99.7% chance of a tranny here either having somewhat hidden but serious mental issues or depression, the guys have been pretty normal though they just tryna fuck
no, but i found someone that lasted a year but ended it with me cause their 'one that got away' came back.
You're MTF. Don't just put "F" and stop there.
there's a 0.000001% chance she could be a bi female
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I'm a Norwegian NEET, I'm 23 MtF.

Discord tag: walamo
no i'm actually just a female and don't tell me what to do
What surgeries
All of them are fucking demons
18/mtf/Canada (in Japan ATM)
Anime, programming
>looking for
Anyone really
>not looking for
I've made friends from these threads but if youre trying to find a relationship good luck unless youre a transbian
It's called frengen not datinggen so that's fine.
omg u seem kewl
where in spain
need more male attracted non-hrt cis males to post so I can get bf
im bored and need to take my sleep meds how about you entertain me an elaborate
Anywhere, I never see Spanish ppl posting here

(I'm from the eastern part anyways)
video games, reading, and napping
>looking for
new friends
>not looking for
xmpp or discord
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im a good person
why do people keep saying im hsts
im dating a cis girl
im agp!!!! im agp! i love women! i swear!
>The year is 2024, people on /tttt/ are afraid of being called HSTS and now proudly state they are AGP
If you posted this in 2018 people would have thought you were trolling. Funny how things change.
I just wanted to laugh at the absurdity, don't need to be a complete faggot just because you're insecure.
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>don't need to be a complete faggot
Homos and fags are different things just like bla-
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22 MtF. I'm a neet living in Sweden.
Discord: happylies
Transbian and no luck
Same thing
19/Manmoder/New Mexico
>about you
recent struggle with mental illness and trying to put my life back together. consider myself to be pretty friendly and approachable
Smash Ultimate, Chess, finance, dnb, Men
>looking for
Dating masc people in the southwest US, but taking it slow. Also any trans friends would be cool
>not looking for

discord contact: librarianmoder
You're a useless faggot. You shit up threads with constant (rule-breaking, additionally) avatarfagging, total "pick me" behavior at every turn, nitpicking any post within these threads that even remotely criticize you, and you go as far as to shit up the template and make your own /frengen/ posts so you can be the first reply. Don't even try to coyly respond to this with a shitty avatarfag sprite rip or a delusional apology. Walk away. Your growing desperation is the sole reason people find you pathetic. You're a self-sufficient soul sucking scumbag who survives on stupid strangers' sympathy. Fuck off.
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Oh, you're right, mika2222. I should have never doubted you. For sure.
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You're too old to be doing this shit, durian.
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Nothing in particular, boring person with boring life I guess.
>looking for
Friends, preferably from NorCal
>not looking for
Sexual relationships, babytrans.
About me:
Hi! So I'm here because I'm desperate to go for a walks in a park with somebody, spend late nights and cooking days on discord, shy, autistic (I'm a troon, what the fuck else did you excepted?), loving, also 5'6" if that's important, cheers!
yeah i got that new chromosome alteration! i'm a real woman now
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>About you
i'm a gay white blond twink, a bottom, not hairy, about 180cm tall
i like music, fashion, horror films, art, cooking, i want to be a nurse or teacher
>looking for
gay friends, or
real men, masculine and gay only, tall tops, white, older, hairy
>not looking for
NO bisexuals, trans, femboys, short guys, fat guys, not masc/fem, creeps
people who cant introduce themselves properly, say your asl, interests, reasons for adding me, type etc or don't bother
people who think insulting/degrading/feminizing me is erotic
"i forgot what your post said"
23/M/KY but moving as soon as I can


Into early 2000s cartoons, watching silly shit, doodling silly shit, saying silly shit

Interested in cool people

Not interested in shitty people. I'm cool with edgy humor but if you're genuinely racist, transphobic, etc don't add me

Not aromantic but not going out of my way to date either. If it happens it happens
im a virgin meanwhile ur a stale old tranny
whats ur excuse for being a stale old tranny?
Heya, I'm also 22 and in NorCal, I don't recognize that kind of contact though? My discord's rpg_lord.
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-Music is my main passion, not currently making it but I'm teaching myself bass atm and gonna start learning how to use FL Studios soon.
Genres that like: Sludge, Doom, and Black Metal, PV, Skramz, Dnb, Breakcore, Harsh Noise, Country/Western, Drone Metal
Genres I'm getting into: Jazz (free,acid, and the classics) Dub, Ambient stuff.
-Gundam mainly just building kits but I've started getting more invested in the shows/movies/lore.
-Bethesda Games, it's an old interest but I still enjoy playing them and talking about the lore, mainly into TES these days but I have a lot of love for fallout too.
-Photography, I shoot 110, just picked up my first 35 and digital cameras, probably gonna lean more into grimmy digital stuff. I wanna start making little short films too.
-spirituality and religion, mainly Taoism and Sufism, slow interest not super knowledgeable about either yet. also getting into discordianism
-Doodling, I like drawing weird animal girls, other things. A lot of forests and deserts too.
-Wandering around
-Psychs, other drugs too
-Other stuff
>>looking for
Other weird tgirls,
girls with similar interests
people who strive to grow and expand themselves
nocturnal or up late is a plus
>>not looking for
people who want me to save them, prudes, woke moralists, people who care about if I pass or not
If you couldn't tell I'm a bit schizo and unwell so like idk be cool with that, also a degen furry
i'm young and hot keep coping virgin
I'm retarded and forgot to add that I'm looking for people to vc with :>
Me here im Spanish too from the eastern and southern part hello im here drop your discord lol
You tell him queen!
nobody wants ur fishy wound
22 f midwest
T (2 month hrt), L
anime, mechanical keyboards, fps games, music (black dresses, weatherday, jeff rosenstock, csh), touhou project, roblox
>looking for
friends who won’t disappear when i stop messaging them first, other trans women, friends who will let me be affectionate to them.
>not looking for
people who will get mad at me for being mentally ill, cis men, instant sexting
why are the trannies in this thread so hating of men?
autogynephiles who only want t4t and women
hsts jealous of pretty males



>Describe yourself
Depressed, autistic, misanthropic, creative, perfectionist. I come off as sociopathic because I need logically consistent reasons to value things. This is a double edged sword. You could say I have an intricate personality, but few will ever see past the surface.

Psychology, neurology, physics, film, writing prose and music.

>Looking for
Entertainment in the form of people. I use this place an an alternative to /soc/. I don't actually care how you look or what your sexuality is beyond interesting conversation.

>Not looking for
Anyone too sensitive to criticism or too self important. People who do not know what they want/poor communicators. People with largely feeling based values and reactions. Anyone presumptuous. Anyone who doesn't know when to let go (stalkers). Certainly not romance.


You are posting in every frengen for month, and you haven't seem to found anyone. Must be going great for you lol
what about my posting makes you so mad?
Damn, you won. The avatarfaggjng bpdemon didn’t respond. The faggot knows they’re wrong.
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I made 3 actually friends in the last 6 months and I'm really happy this thread exists I wish they didn't all live 200+ miles from me but having people to talk to is so nice
I'm not mad, I'm not interested in you or anything. I was just making an observation, because you seem to have very specific targets, that seem like they can't be met here. Just finding that curious
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I'm dark haired, 6'5 with stubble & light eyes
Indo-Europeans, mythology, population genetics, 19th-20th century history, 1800s art movements, ancient Greece, cooking
>looking for
cute boys
>not looking for
women, trans, over 30, tops
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i didnt start this thread
good morning
how many frens do you hab on dc

>about me & interests/hobbies
dont play too much vidya, i just like reading (not audiobooks, but those are ok too if you like those) and binge watching stuff. im really short but dont put effort in my appearance since passing is enough for me. ive been told i look around 20-24 years old, probably genes. anyways, posting here because i gave up on the guy who didn't want to commit with me.

>looking for
men (ftm ok) but must be at least 28+ or close to it. vc or trading voice clips is kinda cute. ideally looking for a relationship.

>not looking for
nudes, anyone younger than 26. people asking for pictures instantly (i have seen pictures i have never posted being reposted, sry but i need rapport first).

>anon posts scathing teardown of someone's entire character, attack on their reason to be and public condemnation of behavior
>"u-u-uhm i didn't post the thread!! g-gotcha!!" (posts cute anime girl)
fucking troons
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>asl 20
>letters G
>looking for trading my nudes and lewd talk
>not looking for idk
>contact arcticaniss
I wanna add you but I'm a bi guy :(
I'd add you but I'm in EU.
You are hella cute anon.
yea so dont
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apex legends
>looking for
people to play apex legends with
>not looking for
Severe lack of 30+ people ITT
Lol, just lie. Not like he'll ever find out
So post your handle, you old turd.
But then I'd risk rude people like you adding me.
I'm all you've got, pumpkin.
Don't want no rude zoomies in my DMs.
i know i could, but i really don't like lying to people
I'm 32. What are you looking for?
I would, but I'm not a tranny
yet i find out every time
The last time I dated a women was before you entered pre school, how would you ever find out?
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>scathing teardown of someone's entire character, attack on their reason to be and public condemnation of behavior
its not that deep
because your prison gayness oozes out of every pore
New str8 MtF frens
Sorry, cis bi man. Good luck though!
Cis Biman would make a great Kojima character
What would my gimmick be?
>prison gayness
I'd consider myself if anything prison straight. I have sex with a women if I need to, but generally prefer men. I mean I literally had the moment where I had sex with a women and realized I couldn't do it because I was just too gay in that moment
>I have sex with a women if I need to
explain why you've needed to
26/agp on estrogen/UK


videogames mmorpgs, anime/manga. esoteric, japan, exploring europe, night walks,urbex, cycling

>looking for
an EU fren who clicks would be nice to talk about stuff

cute/lewd maybe

>not looking for
men or giga bpd / toxic positivity

Anon, i'm 32 but i'm not here to find friends my own age, got plenty IRL. This board is for finding cut fem people under 25 to add to the collection.
i mean ur not wrong but its fun with friends and the end game content can still be gud
try it out anon maybe we'd have fun together :3
i got baited by another tranny on this board into playing a month ago but it didnt work out....
!!!Finally an /lgbt/ friend around my age into urban exploration who also lives in Eur-
>no men
Aw fuk
There were three women I had sex with. the first was my gf in my teens, I really liked her, and as sex is part of a relationship I had to have it with her. Second was with a drunk girl at a university party, who seemed to be really into me and I didn't want my friends to think I'm gay. Third time was a threesome with a friend of mine who I found really hot, and it was a great opportunity to do lewd stuff with (more around) him :)
Trust me, you dodged a bullet with that one
they're not LGB they're a straight man with a crossdressing fetish
>asl : m 25
>letters: cis
>interests: religion, history, books, outside activities, a little partying
>looking for: cool gf
>not looking for: uncool not gf
>contact vladimir_popovski
why arent you accepting friend requests? I just wanna talk destiny and gunpla
Literature, cooking, coffee,video games, honkai star rail and gunpla
>looking for
A friend to talk to about common interests.
>not looking for
Niggers, libtards, normies, people who don't want to talk after a day, relationships.
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31/M/Atlantic Canada
Vidya, reading, writing, doing monotonous tasks in MMO's, talking to people
>looking for
Gonna be honest here, I'm a shut in looking for someone to meme with and make stupid comments with until the internet eventually dies. Silly people/Happy go Lucky types are the best. I dont mind hearing about troubles, but there's always a better day coming.
>not looking for
Anyone under like 25. I'd feel weird being so much older.
I would have a month ago but things are different now… ive got to be something more
You're never gonna learn. Holy shit. Whatever. Keep begging for adds every thread with that behavior and see how far it gets (& has gotten, really) you.
bitches warned me
Genuine question, have ppl found relationships in here or is it all just e-friendships and e-dates?
There are legends that yes indeed some people found their partners here. I myself wasn't that far from meeting with someone irl but in the end decided that I don't like them enough
Chaser Here
We Will See
Wish Me Luck
>incel chasing after twinks
>sodomite incel
>incel chasing after twinks
>incel chasing after twinks and troons

great thread
>tfw no gaybro friend to talk to
Do they hate straight curious guys?
>>don't want to date men because just dont want to thats all
>What is this hateful behavior? I demand you date me.
is this just one person who stops in every frengen to post /soc/ like it's not retarded
this is FRENgen why the fuck are u chasing here
There's a tranny x chaser thread on soc. Try that one, the trannies there are really desperate
Hey there! Here's my info, it would be nice if you also posted something about yourself :)

Marine biology, entomology, and zoology in general
Monster media (Pokemon, Digimon, kaiju, all kinds)
Games, some favorites are Digimon World, Disco Elysium, Yume Nikki
Anime but not that often, old faves are Evangelion, Mushishi, Nausicaa
>looking for
Affectionate friendship and whatever comes
If you match my interests that's a plus, but I also enjoy hearing about different hobbies if you are passionate about them
Preferably people around my area, but if you really vibe with the things that I like I would love an online friend too!
Voice chat once we get along
>not looking for
Horny, I'll hit you with a baseball bat
cosasdepajaritovolador on discord
Multiple people do it. It's not just me who wants this gone.
honestly why do you care
am i? idk
am pretty nice
and kinda just wanna have friends _(
i didnt get any
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18, trans f, socal
fighting games and a variety of other male brained neetish hobbies. fairly high chance we have something in common! i also adore animals, cooking, and reading boys love.
>looking for
more irl trans friends would be nice to have! if your not around me thats fine we can still just talk and be online friends lol :)
>not looking for
im willing to chat to anyone at least once !!
discord: _juuba
>But how does this effect you personally
No it's honestly fascinating to me, do you care because of the rules?
You can have this thread, but take it to >>>/soc/. Simple.
I never make them, it's just unfathomable to me that someone would give a fuck
T, L, pet
gaming, warhammer, reading, movies
>looking for
cool people to chat with, servers that don't suck
>not looking for
weirdos, people who want pics
I care, you don't but I'm glad we both understand that this belongs on >>>/soc/.
You're probably not going to get a reasonable answer from the kind of person that gets triggered by people making friends.
stop responding to retards
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27 MtF Socal
B, T
Vidya, ttrpg, outdoorsy stuff, long talks and walks.
>looking for
Friends, local or otherwise, of any gender. I'm told Im very nice and cool.
>not looking for
Moids who just want to erp or hookup, rightoids, blackpillers
discord: Gummygib
You look like someone I used to know. Though she usually sticks to /soc/ discord servers from what I remember. If its you I'm glad youre still alive. Hope youre doing better. If thats you H.
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Im a cute asian femboy and this is my server, for similar ppl, called Ivory Tower. join if ur looking for a small server to grow with. Cute ppl only pls

Not much activity, so come help make it active plsssss
24 f us
movies, a lot of movies
>looking for
>not looking for
anything romantic or sexual
>fighting games
Pick one

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