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I heard that ftms are supposed to be ugly and stuff so why is it that as an ftm I'm very attractive and extremely popular with women
because you're underage
Im in my mid 20s
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I can answer that for you op!!!!

FtM's have the opposite problem of MtF's, if you "pass" more, as a FtM, you're LESS attractive, whereas for MtF's, you basically HAVE to pass.

nobody really wants guys that look like cis guys except are shorter and gross-er :(
then you're just hot. You'll have to live with that ig.
SAME, although I do pass (beard, dad gut, mid age) I tend to be called "pretty" and "cute" and get kisses at the clubs. why?? no fucking clue, but what I do know is that people don't follow it up with a relationship :(
You type like a woman Jesus Christ
Get out of my thread femoid and stop hanging out with your Tumblr and Twitter oomfies so you unlearn this female typing style
fair. do you have any tips/knowledge for me?
u sound so gross :(
Is this the poonchad from ftmg?
nope, a newfag that got convinced to try out 4chan by a friend, i have no idea what your talking about.
you wont last

Post self or go back
>Men can't be handsome
y'all silly fr... fem4fem folks keep losing
nah, I'm not that brave, that's why I'm on 4chan rather then walking outside rn
they can be in the same way women can be handsome just a lot of tguys uhhh arent traditionally hadnsome lol
Most transmen I know work out like motherfuckers and are hotter than like, most cis men I know. There's the 4chan basement dwelling variety but those arent generally passoids (sorry transmen you kinda need to work out to pass...)
iu think ur wrong desu most transmen look like pooners
woman go away
which poonchad are u referring to theres like 3 by now
I love when MTFs call things they don't like feminine it proves that they're all sexist little boys lolol
Good job typing that with one hand, fujo.
I'm not gonna agree with >>36360597
but some of you are terminally malebrained and unfeeling
Tboy swag
I'm in many ftm groups and maybe 1 or 2 look like genuine pooners, most pass or are at least trying
Bc it highly depends on the people ur around and specifically how well you pass and how much effort you put into ur appearance (just like anyone else). People will tell you trans ppl aren't attractive but if anything trans ppl who don't fully pass are unique looking and appeal to a whole bunch of people by that virtue alone. That being said I've yet to meet an ftm guy who's been on t for years who didn't pass very well. My bf is trans and has only been on t a few years (he's 20 im 21) and you wouldn't be able to tell he's not cis from just meeting him (he has a deeper voice and more bodyhair than me lol). Once you reach the point of passing as a guy pretty well it's really not hard to be attractive. Unless you have genuinely horrendous features even being at a vaguely normal weight and putting some amount of effort into your appearance is enough for you to be hotter than 90% of other guys. I'm gay (well amab and attracted to men idk what the deal with my gender is at this point) but I've noticed that women seem to hit on me a lot when I go out, more than any of my straight friends. I think women generally like when men put effort into their appearance and it just so happens that the vast majority of men seem to view doing so as a threat to their masculinity or smth.
Tldr is if you don't pass, you're popular bc you look unique. If you do, it's probably because most guys set the bar of attractiveness very very low.
I'm also pretty popular with women but I also don't pass 100%
From personal experience I've seen ftms get more action and attention than mtfs, but most of them are in the same "androgeny" state I'm in

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