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why are t girls so awkward?
i just got back from another t-girls house and we played games for a bit and there was some tension and we almost made out until she buried her face in her hands, got super embarrassed, & then her mom came home and i was forced to make the walk of shame past this woman who thinks i just slept with her daughter except i didn't even because she immediately turned into the most flustered mess i've seen in my life before i could even kiss her. obligatory shy anime girl or whatever bc i couldnt find something to post
you don't look like that THOUGH
because we typically have not had the social experiences others of our age have, so even something casual makes us flustered cause it’s new and exciting
you need to be 18 to use this website
yeah that usually happens when someone is inexperienced..
i've never had this experience with cis women tbf
could also be bc she's like def autistic
i have done this before, im normally high and practically non verbal before doing anything intimate
It's a bot I think. You see that post every time there's an anime girl OP pic
what does autism have to do with it
t. autismtf
did u play runescape while she vented about her 7th psych ward visit
How old are you guys
I'd probably do the same thing. I'm not good with people and am extremely anxious
sex is xp waste...
implying any of us who don't get kicked out aren't shut in neets who live with mom until 30
no i am a real person
you will never be a real person THOUGH
>then her mom came home
I wish there was a lgbt board that wasn't OVERRUN WITH CHILDREN fuck my life I spend 40+ hours a week interacting with kids because I'm a loser
cute >w<
most of us are inexperienced
if it makes you feel better I'm an adult (27yo) with a job and apartment and I identify with this post

I'd probably be mega cringe and blush and shit if someone wanted to do this with me, well I'm somewhat aware enough that I'd prob just avoid it because it's so embarrassing to think someone wants to kiss me

t. 27yo virgin
>tfw no one will ever make me a flustered mess
thx for the suifuel anon, real good stuff
I read something on the internet once which made a lot of sense to me; if they're anxious, it means your relationship is important to them. Being a bit unsure is part of starting love.
Maybe everyone seems awkward to you because you're really attractive and they all fall in love??
because they'd be the flustered mess if they saw your smile
this is very true... when i'm with people i'm not attracted to or dislike, i actually never get flustered or even act awkward around them. i just laugh or something...
Knowing this tidbit of information has made me feel less terrible about my own awkwardness, even.
me too... although, i still wish i could be more confident...
I think it comes with time. If someone treats you right when you are anxious, you can both ease your defenses and you can show them your blahaj.
>because they'd be disgusted if they saw your awkward , crooked, thin-lipped smile
im sorry, idk why i said that. you were just trying to be nice. thank you.
ive just had a kind of rough week, i guess.
Don't worry, Sarah, I feel you. It took me most of my current lifetime until I stopped looking away in disgust whenever seeing my ugly mug.
Some day, someone somehow moved my heart, and made me consider that I'm not horrible. I hope it happens to you too.
There's a cute in everyone, just a different one each time. I bet you're pretty in my eyes.
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>I bet you're pretty in my eyes.
people on 4chan tend to not think so (pic related) but thanks anyway. i appreciate it, maybe i just need to spend less time here
Heh, maybe. Maybe I have shit taste. I like searching the faces of strangers for one I can't find something pretty in, and usually I always find something really nice in them.
I also hear being happier makes a person prettier, I think that's easier to work on without losing your mind in the mirror.
my relationship with mirrors is currently the best its been since before puberty. and im happier, in general, i swear. hopefully that makes me prettier over time. but even if it doesn't, ill survive. thanks, anon.
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I'm really glad. have a nice time out there.
welp. i was gonna. and then >>36364100
she looks like a biofem friend of mine, albeit the jaw is a bit bigger, but if you put your fingers over the outline she looks conventionally attractive even at first sight. And her eyes then shift into focus, and they're like two little gems, they're pretty.
now that I look at the picture the third time and soak up all the detail, the chin's not that bad either, it actually adds to her I think, especially with the smile, makes her look so friendly and cuddly kinda.
visuals become what you associate with them, and a few of my close friends have gfs that look manlier~ there's a whole song about big girls being beautiful, and she's not even fat
I left out the hair because it looks a lot like mine except better lol
addendum: also look at the cute fingers
Jsut had a girl nearby remove me on discord out of the blue, I can never tell if it's like a shy/embarrassment thing or I jsut somehow assumed weeks of conversation that appeared full of chemistry was good but actually I'm jsut an unpleasant cunt and they jsut pretend to put up with me kek.
don't overthink it
yes, yes, i wish i was dead. tysvm.
please don't feel the need to hang on to that image. apparently ill post it myself given the chance, anyway.
hey, if you look at women for a while you can imagine men into them too, I see the girl
why is that relevant? there are no women here. are you just flexing about how much you're able to delude yourself for the sake of wokeness?
you know, casting my personal feelings about it aside, it is quite interesting in a detached, clinical sort of way how split people seem to be on my appearance.
i think the reason is that i have high facial symmetry and whatnot that makes me not really ugly, but i am still very far from passing. so chasers tend to appreciate my clocky looks while prettier trannies snicker behind their hands at me like catty ladies-in-waiting.
thats my theory anyway, im open to others. itd be nice if i had posted in a passgen thread during pride so i could check my theory via flags, but my ego cant handle posting there that often lmao
>there are no women here
okay, this makes me feel better, thank you.
Because obviously the point of that post was "this person doesn't look like a woman if you stare at their picture with the sole intent of finding male features". What made you so bitter?
I believe two things to be true
1) one's own judgement of one's looks is fucking garbage
2) the only real reason someone looks good to you is because they remind you of someone, or something, you like.
I'm not a chaser, and I don't give a shit about facial symmetry. You look like ugly people, but not because you look like a man. I think chuds just do not make friendships with any women so they can get a good look at them. I'm buddies with women and my normie friends have girlfriends, and some of them do look more masculine than you do. They're literally biological women with natural vaginas and they do not pass as well as you do.
All these things cast aside, I would like to point out that I am only just capable of translating your post into english, so maybe I'm just not a professional enough /lgbt/ doomer. You truly worry too much. I am aware this is your life, but please remember that most women in real life don't look like skyrim sexy bartender replacement mods.
And that's fine and natural. You look fine and natural. Slathering that girl in makeup, operating away her chin into some mathematically perfected shape, and slimming her until she looks like lara croft might work, or it might just end up looking like a plastic blowup doll. In the end, what makes a person kissable and memorable is their unique way of looking and the personality attached to it.
Call me delusional all you want for looking at you and thinking you're pretty. I'm not desperate to fuck you, I just get sad seeing someone who looks like an average person destroy themselves over their looks like I would myself. It's easy to find beauty in anyone. You can give it a try too.
i'm not specifically trying to find male features, there are no female features to look for. maybe you like being a lying kike, but i don't. he looks like a man. i'd encourage you to tell your female friends that you think they look more masculine than that. i'm sure they'd agree. that was sarcasm, by the way, because i know you esl niggers don't always pick up on these things.
>1) one's own judgement of one's looks is fucking garbage
obviously not in this case. at least he's not lying to himself.
>not able to plap her while 3 ticking barb fishing

This is why I will never post pictures here. You bitches are fucking mean.
Hurr durr esl hurr durr kike hurr durr niggers.
The best evidence you can have to back up your claim is just a poll of a thread of 4chan users.
I think I will stop shitting up your thread and board with my opinions, I don't usually come here. It seems your board has developed some sort of socialized opinion on what constitutes passing, which I of course can only imagine extremely vague and ritualistic at best, but it's by no means in my power nor right to attempt to deconstruct it to help the self esteem of some random anon.
But rest assured, I'm not stretching my opinion or judgement in the least, I'm not lying to myself or deluding myself "for the sake of wokeness" even slightly. The swamp in which you people hate yourselves for not looking like barbie is one you have constructed yourself, and one in which not everybody lives.
Or as that other anon put it "you bitches are fucking mean".
yeah but some are nice. i mean, you definitely need thick skin, dont do it if you think you cant handle it. but if you can filter out people who are being mean for meanness's sake, you can get some good feedback
also, tho, i just put that in hornygen, and nobody there is ever mean to me. which is good, because i dont look for feedback in hornygen lol.
this is really well thought out and thorough, thank you. i dont really hate my face (anymore (as much)) but i will probably do something about that jaw, sorry :/
i feel like i dont want someone else's face, even a supermodel's, i just want the female version of my face. and i really think i can get there now.
>posting face pics in hornygen
genuinely do you have brain damage
how else will they know if they want to fuck my face?
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Girl just go back to reddies. I dont know why you want to post here.
its fun! :D
Yeah, sorry for posting such textwalls. I went for a long walk and felt bad for getting so into it and projecting a bit. Not that I take it back, even coming back now I don't think there's anything scary to see there.
Alright, go for it anon, I'm too tired to think now, but remember to be happy. You likely know how to be you much better than an internet stranger (me).

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