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>actually gets euphoria boners
I should genuinely die for all our sakes. I can never even transition properly without feeling dysphoric for being such an AGP fetishist now. No, I can't just get on hrt because even though that'll stop it i will never forget that i used to have them, i will never forget that i am a fetishist deep down. I hate being AGP.
I'm sure some coper will be here to explain to you how your brain is somehow sublimating your happiness at finally feeling like a "woman" into boners
Why does it matter. All that matters is if transitioning will make you happier than staying a guy. If it will you should do it. Having a sexual component to your desire doesn't make your desire less worthy just because society tries to make it something shameful despite it hurting literally no one.
Oooohhhh it's getting HUGE
Get in that "Woman" bathroom and piss all over the ladies with your tranny powerhose!
>There's nothing wrong with broadcasting your fetish to everyone you meet in public and in turn forcing them to be a part of it by pretending you're a woman with you.
You are not the person in that disgusting pic. Everyone gets boners. "AGP" is a nonsense term made up by a sexual predator. You are not a "fetishist" deep down, you are a fucking human like everyone else.
You don't have to tell other people that it's a fetish or that you a re turned on. Just say you prefer dressing/ presenting this way and tuck to hide any risk of boners and your good. No one else knows it's sexual so it's fine as they aren't being psychologically intruded on and can live in bliss.

Besides once girl modibg becomes normal you shouldn't get turned on by it. Tho the thing to consider is do you also have normal dysphoria outside of the fetish aspect? Because if you don't then you might not enjoy it once the fetish aspect goes away
>You don't have to tell other people that it's a fetish or that you a re turned on.
AGP Rapists literally advocating lying to others that they're helping you get a boner by doing this
Yeah that's why i addressed the most common cope in the op
It's insulting to real trannies, and it's frankly disgusting that i get them
Even if i troon i will never enter a woman's bathroom, I've been practicing not going to public bathrooms in general for the past while to avoid this and also because they're gross
Yeah almost every male gets them at one point but it doesn't usually happen the first time they crossdress or even the first time they try makeup or the first time they curl their fucking eyelashes
Generally inappropriate and disgusting to involve others in your fetish without consent, even if they don't know, because it they did know they'd rightly feel violated. You are right though in that you get used to it, it usually only ever happens the first time i do something AGP, after that nothing really, and it's never really strong in the first place, noticeable enough to feel disgusting not strong enough for me to actually like, idk feel good. My transition is not motivated by my fetish but i fact i have a fetish makes me a man and even if i successfully transition and it goes away i will never forget that i have this disgusting fetish, that I'll always be an autogynephilic man.
Firstly I'm not AGP just approaching this from my own philosophical position.

But basically
>No one gets hurt
>You don't make people think your a creep or otherwise have consequences
>Makes you happier

It's objectively the right choice as it makes you happier and hurts no one while causing minimal consequences for yourself unless you a complete hon.
There are so many dozens of situations one could name as making your statement make no sense dude you are a creep
Stop hating on yourself. First of all their is no such thing as really being a man or a women so a fetish can't make you inherently male. Secondly their is nothing disgusting about it because reality exists in perception and the people your scared of hurting won't know about it. And thirdly you just said the erection is weak and goes away after the first time and then it's just normal trans feelings so by the time you are presenting female in public after the first time or whatever their will be no fetish element and therefore nothing creepy or fetishy about it in the first place.

Take your pills
But I don't do that I don't have AGP but I don't want tranners with AGP to deny there own happiness over it. I just take a utilitarian approach to morality and therefore if you look at this situation through maximizing happiness and minimizing harm it's simple really.
Stop calling them euphoria boners
You're an AGP and you're getting aroused from your fetish
AGP Rapist
I'm not AGP and I'm a virgin so not a rapist... but whatever continue to be an unenlightened sheep who denies their own enjoyment in this life over meaningless trifles.
>by the time you are presenting female in public after the first time or whatever their will be no fetish element and therefore nothing creepy or fetishy about it in the first place.
I don't know how many times i have to explain that even though i would almost certainly get over it and stop being AGP since it isn't very strong, i will not forget that i used to have this happen and i will always feel like q gross disgusting man because of that
If i say it like that I'll be told AGP isn't real, hell that's still happening to a lesser extent. If i specifically say a "euphoria boner" it better generates the appropriate response of disgust. Obviously they aren't actually from gender euphoria but from a fetish.
That sounds like something you need to get over because pragmatically speaking once you no longer get turned on by it it should have ne effect on your presentation other than getting to hyper fixated on the past. Better to just pretend and lie to yourself that it never happened until you can gaslight yourself into believing it's 100% pure than to suffer dysphoria the rest of your life. Or just accept it's an unfortunate thing that used to happen but doesn't any longer idk
You can become a homosexual! It takes a great deal of work, but it's in you. It's in every single person who has AGP. You have to want it bad and you have to work at it!
>gets AGP from repping all the way through sexual development
>"now i have to rep"
lol. lmao.
Ok if youre HSTS are you hot
That's probably hopefully what will happen, that i can somehow get over it, but idk i just need to vent because it makes me feel so disgusted with myself and that i shouldn't troon. I know if anyone else knew they'd think the same for me, if i told this to a psychiatrist they probably wouldn't diagnose me for example
I'm perfectly fine with my sexuality I'm bisexual, I'm comfortable with that. The issue is that i do feel dysphoria too, that's why I'm doing any of this because i don't actually get off at all to my AGP fetish i just feel disgust and shame. But i do clearly have somewhat of a fetish which makes me faketrans so i shouldn't troon and am disgusting. But then i still feel dysphoric so idk
I used to not have dysphoria, so I've only been repping for like 2 years, before then i was a normal man. No i wasn't repping before then i was happy with being a man until i tried crossdressing when i was like 17.
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Nah I'm ace tho I do get crushes on anime bishes but I think it's just cause I think they are cool and like the aesthetic
I'm attracted to ace HSTS women.
imagine if you had absolutely no sexual desires at all, imagine you were incapable of being aroused by anything. Would you still want to transition?

I understand this is distressing for you, but it doesn't mean you don't deserve to transition or that you're not a real trans person. if you have gender dysphoria then your struggle is legitimate. this is just a quirk.
and by the way, it does go away.,and i don't mean boners specifically, i mean "agp". once you get more comfortable with embracing and expressing your femininity it starts to feel so much more normal and natural and not at all sexual.

>Captcha: S00N
Yes, i would still troon without any sexuality. I mean I don't even want to rn anyway, i don't get any actual sexual pleasure from my AGP aside from this. But it still is enough that i can't deny there's a sexual aspect, so i still feel disgusted with myself even if it goes away I'll know I started for a fetish
it's okay really, you're not a monster, you're not a freak
personally, i think "agp" is just a weird side effect of repression melting your brain combined with the way trans people are hypersexualized in the media. in other words, i think agp is a symptom, not the disease. i don't think you started for a fetish, i think you started because you had gender dysphoria and you developed that fetish unconsciously as a weird coping mechanism for it. and the further you get into your transition, the smaller and smaller it will get.
I wasn't repressing before, it's been like this since i started feeling dysphoric at 17 2 years ago. No, i was not repressing before then, there were no signs whatsoever i was trans and i was happy living as a male and was happy with puberty and so on
>it doesn't usually happen the first time they crossdress or even the first time they try makeup or the first time they curl their fucking eyelashes
>curl their fucking eyelashes
I'm a bit confused, like i understand it's funny how much of a fetishist i am or whatever but why the aw :(
you werent dysphoric before at all? what do you think changed?
what you said was really sad and kind of a little cute,,
it's heartbreaking that something as simple as curling your eyelashes ends up being that distressing for you
I tried crossdressing because idk i saw other femboys or whatever online a year before and wanted to look cute, bought the typical agp outfit and looked so terrible i gave up immediately. that's probably when the dysphoria started, as i was feeling worse and worse about my male features over time until i kinda realised i hated them all. So yeah pretty faketrans
It's probably less cute if instead of imagining some boymoder you imagine a 6'3 gigahon with broad shoulders and no hips. I think that's probably why my AGP is so weak it's hard to be attracted to myself when i look so terrible.
>i understand it's funny how much of a fetishist i am
no it is funny how the human brain works it is very interesting
>why the aw :(
i find it cute that a 'guy' could get so flustered over curling eyelashes it makes me want to cuddle you lol
just wait until you get euphoria boners from wearing diapers
I wish I could get a euphoria boner

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