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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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shits fucked
QOTT : WHat if a gay guy was Chinese?
All chinese men are Gay Bottoms.
I got banned from my usual shit posting board.
hi do you think all gay men are chinese
I am not, but I don't mind becoming one. They will soon be a scientific techno superpower with no one to match them. Gotta take advantage of that.
I get a lot of spam on grindr from profiles with 30-something Chinese models
i am chinesemaxxing too bro but don't tell the others i am scared what they might think..
show me a real manmoder. NOW!!!!
bottoms are women.
Is this a new /NobodyGeneral/?
trans tops are men
im a woman now? but I got a cool bi mustache....

damn it...
a-are you a TTTT star?

lmao that's like being in the top of your class in special education
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look at me shorn pussy
daft cunt
who knew, all it took wsa a boymoder to make me realize im trans actually.

I'm keeping the mustache tho I'll die and I'll ahve that fucking mustache. It's my shaft tickler.
im sorry. i didn’t mean it like that. please accept my humble apologies. i’m going to scream.
Tickle my shaft daddy
Awwww don't be sad boymoder-kun <3 I was only teasing, not really insulted it cracked me up
Gladly ;3
I'm so fucking tired all the time. In loving arms I need to fall asleep for the last time
Anon I offer my arms but please don't be sad if you get shrapnel cuts my hands are full of metal shards from my day job
Why is shave?
he's too fat and retarded to groom heself so him get all matted up
yes bichad senpai. i like mustaches i bet urs is nice
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hi mmg hows ur weekend going
are u a machinist
Would feel nice
are you really dating a foid?
yea shes great why
idk, i may have seethed a little when i read that originally. that's my problem though.
Awwwww ty anon! You seem ovely, I'd love to be your friend. (Sorry for blinding your reply!!!)
I am a machinist, well studying to be one atm :) Hope to be done by summer next year and working in making airplane parts, I'm talented enough to be there.
The cuts on my hand hurt like a motherfucker especially when the metal shards are hitting my nerves, but I really like working with machines and making stuff so I tolerate it. Plus I got a lot stronger from carrying those loads lmao
i picked up 320 pounds and now my back hurts.
Could you carry me?..
depends how much you weight, if you're 4"11 and weight 90 pounds probably but not very far.
why would you seethe abt that anon
go find a nice girl to settle down with! i believe in u!
unless ur ugly. in which case u should work on that
oooh funn. i did some fabrication stuff in hs and i kinda miss it sometimes but i mostly just broke tools and got annoyed at aluminum for being weird and gummy. still fun tho. i havent touched anything mechanical in a while
okey. one question, do u work with a lathe?
it's over
Machining aluminum is the worst. Kinda feel like you got fired LOL. It's whuy I decided to go to a trdes school, lets me room to do my mistakes and get good :)
I do work with a lathe. Everything a machinist use I will learn to use eventually, I'm especialy excited to learn CNC machining.
Anon dearie, men carrying you around is not a very realistic standard
bitch if you're 200 pounds i can princess carry you 100 yards.
I know I just want to feel small for once bc i'm a repulsive heighthon
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I am the only real manmoder
aluminum suuucks
i just did fab stuff for fun, id make parts for the school robotics team sometimes and make jewelry n stuff. i did a lot of CNC stuff we had a lil tormach pcnc and id like make molds and stuff for castings & epoxy stuff
>Anon dearie, men carrying you around is not a very realistic standard
dont listen to him if men dont regularly carry u around ywnbaw
golfball through a garden hose
you are my beautiful princess now. this is not negotiable and your consent is not relevant.
Anon tall women are hot and you should not be ashamed of your height. 130lb is 10lbs less than me, I wouldn't be able to carry you sorry anon. Even if I worked out I don't think i could get over 180lb
Fab stuff is fun!
Don't be a dick :( I personally always wanted to a date a woman that'd be taller than me. I think tall women are really hot
fab stuff is fun yea
i wanna make some lil electronics things again at some point
i do software stuff now for work and its always been my actual field, since i was like 10yo
but i also used to do EE and light mechanical stuff and i kinda miss it

>dont be a dick
my whole thing is being bitter and nasty. thats what i do. its. its what i do.
>mfw carhon
waoww my dad used to work in the section of a shop once and all i can remember is how good the smell of sweat combined with metal was. the shards must hurt tho
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Used to work in IT and it made me suicidal :) Never again. If I'm not making shit I'm not working. Also there's no lack of bitter and nasty on this board, it's nice to be different from the norm sometimes :)
can you make me a gun so I can eject my brain all over a plastic tarp
Anon I think you have a very extremely specific dad kink. I'll be ur dad but I call dibs on being bottom.

Also yes, a machinist shop gets like, insanely fucking hot. Those machines make so much heat, especially lathes. And theyre so fucking noisy lol. The shards hurt but its part of the job, they kinda remove themselves on their own over time so there's that.

Some metals make straight poisonous gases when machined, you have to be careful around that anon.

no, best I can offer is sick head.
You are mine and I love you.
IT is silly but i enjoy cs reseach & the more architectural side of software engineering
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At best you are an awkward dyke lesbian
I'm glad I got out of it when I did because the market was in a bubble when i was hired. i would likely have lost my job soon after getting it lol. The entire company was doing a huge move from SAP to an in-house financial system which was half-baked. The programmers didn't even know what a b-tree file system was, nor did the head sysadmin. The entire thing felt like a loist cause, I got out almost as soon as I got in.
back off shes mine
you're both pathetic simps and arent impressing anyone lmao
I am much stronger than you.
...that sounds like a bad nightmare
the sort of things i do are very different. small-scale, product-focused, building & shipping a lot of stuff
oh! i can still top, i think. yea the runoff smell wasn't too good from what i recall. also not metal, but i remember how bad the splinters from fiberglass were
it's only through the infinite mercy of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that you're alive at all.
I prefer "faggot" over "simp"
i think getting a job while manmoding would kill me in as little as a month
i like the way the coolant smells.........
It was general incompetence mixed with a CEO that was overspending on IT to impress his buddies. A company of 200 to 400 people doesn't need more than a single sysadmin generally speaking and usually a junior one.

Fiberglass splinters on a whole other level than metal splinters. The metal whose splinters really fucking hurt is stainelss steel, that shit is always extra fucking sharp and it sticky too, it's always stainless I get cuts with.

I'd be down to exchange contact :) I'll be off to sleepge soon but you're pretty cool. Also applies to syn, I'm nerdmaxxing tonight

Love me some coolant chemical burns in the morning >:3
okay for real do any of you people live in Maryland, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia? for religious reasons i can not have sex ever, but a partner of sorts in my general area would be a great help to me.
wau how do u get chemical burns from coolant
it looks like milk... i could drink it up. tasty
nope lol
>I'd be down to exchange contact :)
my tag is 'ognevtsi'
A lot of the coolants I've used are irritants and over time create chemical burns.]

added you, my tag is zoidbergmaxxing
I cannot help that God has set my limits, as one draws a line on his property.
post tummy then I'll think about it
ew no thanks
I hate my hands
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me fookin total is 1100 pounds
too masc :(
umm i'm literally trans fem but okkk
body hair looks good on you ^.^ cute abs
sent am iceblancer
Built for me to shave and forcefem
built for bbc
i fuck black guys
as in, I top black guys,
i look exactly the same and my hair is still falling out and my body is still as putrid as day one.
i need to voice train and practice makeup and get laser and eat and fix my fucked up hair and shave my head and gain 20 pounds and stop spending money and go outside and start exercising and learn to socialize and get a job and make a friend and find a partner and stop being autistic and i think i will kill myself soon because i have never and will never succeed in any of these tasks
omg.. same </3
same mestie

shaved my head before I trooned though <3
i'm a joke and a monster
if you had to pick between topping a gay chinese man or a black dude, who would you pick?
i'm really thinking about it my hair is a mess of split ends and tranny bangs at like 3 different lengths that were all cut in drug fueled attempts to hide my browbone. i'm so fucking scared to get it cut
i’ll cut it for you
you'll see my norwood :(
o my lord god does it still work
sleep does nothing
stop sleeping
the urge to rip out all of your remaining facial hairs
What is your flag supposed to be?

Also thanks I threw up in my mouth a little
I am taller than you and I have a similar shoulder width
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>feel like have been eating lots
>weight is still the same
You’re developing an ED
it used to be worse i used to lose weight
my lowest is 52kg im around 58kg now
i do genuinely eat alot but i avoid candy and fast food so its kinda hard
Do people in this thread even know who OPs picture is? Do trans men really have much in common with cis men in terms of how they think? You guys watch dr Mike on YouTube? Or go on /fit/? Or watch NH?
My manmode
pit hair doesnt make you manly just nasty
Your nails are disgusting
How long T brother?
Yea ok but I’m wondering if people who are born with vaginas actually know who Ronnie Coleman is. There are cis woman muscle mommies who build more muscle than most of these trans men.
Guys dont shave their pit hair
I jeeped out yesterday trying to see if I could make it and couldnt be bothered to remove it
Being a man isn’t about having big muscles, that’s not why they’re dysphoric
Some guys do shave their pit hair, and besides, lots of women naturally grow hairy pits, it’s not a male/female thing
im a guy and ive been shaving them my whole life
athletes oftentimes shave much more than that
the only ones who dont are the slobs
>I jeeped out yesterday trying to see if I could make it
If you were a real manmoder you would already know you can’t make it, hence the voluntary refusal to debase yourself to the level of hondom.
You two both know its a signifier, stop being autistic
As if you never tried it at least
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i look manlier you im the authority on this
Kill yourself faggot my head is that of a horse you can make it some day kys gynephilic freak
i assumed your face cant be that bad since you included the lower half to bait
Aint bait faggot im 6’5
I mnow when its over
it cant be over for someone who is comfortable honmoding
looks autistic asf but still cute
>im 6’5
i was diagnosed with autism + BPD/NPD
Softest babyface in Europe
just like me fr
haha, what a great therapist
pls pls work
she was mean and unhinged
omg you look like every indie brit pop band singer i loved in the 2000s and early 2010s
choke me
step off WHORE shes mine
Built for rape
loonix looks cute but not that cute, you are just too thirsty and desperate desu..
Bro looks like Link from the video games
nope lol
maybe a few similarities but i genuinely don't see it, link is a lot lot more hotter
ill show this pic to my surgeons
Loonix moder looks like an anime, he is the idealized Japanese beauty standard
the wash is out
it's hanging up
and all i have is nothing
nothing to do
nothing to say
i think i must be dreaming
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idk, i wish he looked a lot more like leon, god, if i were to see someone that looks like leon irl, i would probably faint
he looks like that
idk, probaly more like a mix between leon and link, leon is a lot more masc and link is a lot more fem..
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my manmode
Please Honey can I taste your Grickle
who is this sexy guy i need him in me wtf
so you are into roidheads? do you fap to mister olympia?
please never use that word again
tastes differ
have you bought a rope yet?
Please let me taste your Rock Hard Candy Stick
no, bodybuilders are disgusting and yea ik that leon looks unrealistic big asf but still is not that big and weird looking like a bodybuilder is..
>have you bought a rope yet?
not yet, soon grandpa, i can't really take it anymore and it seems that i can't do anything about it either so yea
yea his chest is very sus its huge bigger than most of us
what's your major malfunction you shit
def looks roided but not THAT roided if it makes sense, in game looks a bit better but yea, they could have made him smaller, probably would have looked better also.. what is hot about him is the veiny biceps and vascularity anyway and looks sweaty asf and obviously that perfect face.. dudes that looks like that irl can literally fuck anything they want, literally most women would just say yes to "wanna fuck?" literally extremely easy mode life, will also have a shit ton of friends and career offers.. damn, some chad have such a blessed easy life..
dysphoria wdym
this is my beloved little guy with whom I am well pleased.
cute cat
cant tell if you are into him or envious of him but the trips check out
wouldn't want you to have that life? regardless of your preffered gender, chads have better lives that stacies, if you are a chad, being a man is way way better and more fun than being a woman, chads are at the top of the pyramid
lmao, is this legit, hrt literally does nothing lol
the FUCK javier milei is doing on 4chan
if he was hot
hes tall and strong i havent been the average height sind like 3rd grade
hes very different than me i cant take his role
i always self inserted into the short protags with their tall best friends you cant tell if its just friendship or more
i can top people that are weaker than me
>uneven boobs cause of shitty diy
>miserable male brain and non dysphoric style of living
>deeply closeted
>man in everything but my endocrine balance
I mog you
I have female estrogen levels but only because I'm on a gram of testosterone per week and I don't take an aromatase inhibitor. I mog you.
FFS will not make me happy
I cannot relate to a single other human being
I am too much of a coward to kill myself
every day is a waking nightmare
I have 60 years left of this
find a hobby that will make you feel like you're doing something good/meaningful
or maybe get into politics
manmoder politician
fuggg :D
>my voice is 100% male and I cannot voice train cause I’m dumb and scared
I mog you
>I have no dysphoria just retarded levels of agp
I mog you
if someone can easily overpower me idk i might as well just get dominated at that point
im not weak for my height tho
i don't think there is any solution to dysphoria besides passing, i think that we are doomed, i can't find anyhing and it probably can't be solved, and if there is a solution then is probably a weird one..
try to pass as well as possible (minimize suffering) while finding other things to live for, strive for?
List some hobbies
I cannot think of anything that is meaningful and not consumption based
seeing it as a life long process to work on isnt that weird
you can even call it purpose
so it'd come to a wrestling match to decide?
idk, write books?
that doesn't work
i do not want to suffer my entire life for a solution that doesn't exist since i can't pass
MEF ass nigga
it doesnt need to be a clear thing it needs to be close enough to be believable
i think i could take pretty much all females and most untrained males in my height and weight range
ya i think ur taller than me too so probably
how do I clownmaxx
im 168cm
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o yup 162cm. you’d probably beat me to a pulp
maybe the solution is the feminization youve made along the way
maybe if i go insane enough, i will be happy..
I'm 188cm tall
<176cm is a girl
just 183 ;__;
weak freak
yea i could probably pin you down
That's a good thing
I wish it wasn’t. HRT is 100% a joke, just gives you mediocre gyno and makes you fat and your hair grow slightly faster. Why this person ever thought he could pass or that he’s even trans I have no idea.
isn't that you?
why don't you also tell those other idiots that hrt is useless..
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i'm really weak tho taller... :3
soon as I learn stick I'm taking my uncle's truck out on 50 and driving till I hit the end, which is in San Francisco if I'm not mistaken. somewhere in California anyway. this thing is a piece of shit I wouldn't drive over 60 miles an hour but I got nothing better going on.
i look like that and i've been on hrt for that long
can i follow you?
really like to be a passenger is all...
I do all the time but delulu hons don’t care, they believe they’re women whether or not they pass. For them it’s not about the result, it’s just a signifier.
It’s over for you
My condolences
see you there!
I just look like an attractive guy now and a little younger
girls why am i more attracted to masc men while drunk?
watching some roided muscle freak on yuuutuube
and like... he's so funny anmd hot, want him to put his roided fingers in my butt...
ok but there's no AC
cya there homo
your old ass needs to be raped by a pack of feral south asians
i understand
ive been having dreams where this huge jock massages me in the backseat of a car then he just starts fucking me. i usually only like twinks too. god i love men
what should I get from the store
my old ass needs sweets and alzeimer's experts ik ik super funny
my age doesn't define my personality, tho i'd accept people disliking my body
based, hope your dream becomes reality freindino
not old enough to drink
you know the alcoholism likely did worse things to your body than aging did
you can have a pretty good body at like 50 if you take care of yourself
even the face if you get a bit of work done maybe
my age again? ;___;
but i know alcohol is bad :(
but what does that matter when 4channers, the only people i really relate to, hate me for my age?
not my personality, not my looks, not from my (lack of) experience?
that hurts ngl :(
potato salad
how bad is it i’ve never seen
do it. i did
i dont think the age comments would happen often if you looked good for your age and showed that off
like getting a routine and make them shut up about it
wtf you doing itt then
>get laser
>miss bus
>walk home instead of waiting a half hour
>end up a dripping snotty sweaty pollen-infected mess by the time I get home
sedentary manmoder suffering
>Laura Palmer's theme plays
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the 2 times i buzzed my head i felt very bad for months because of it
notice how the average dude doesnt buzz his head either
nobody likes that not even most of the mascs
its for almost everyone a bad decision
I have no ragrets about shaving my head this time but only because it's hot out and finasteride seems to be working... I still miss my hair but damn it's really convenient for showering and staying cool
i get doing it in your case but for lari it seems more like self harm
I have very little opinion on his case, for numerous lacks of reason, but figure another perspective can't hurt
for every mtf who dont got acute hair loss issues its just self harm desu
I also shaved my head, not sure what the point was now that I think about it
isn't that kind of a bluntly subjective and sexist take?
hair is like make up and if you arent a gigapassoid you got features to hide that you hate looking at
I see, you're not addressing my point, which makes me think I'm specifically correct in my assertion...
well i can tell you the people who can pull off a shaved head are almost all afabs and not even all of them
i mean i looked worse at 30? srs
but yeah... trying to lose weight and caring for my appearance like i never did before
tnx for being nice srs

girl keep your hair and try to improve your situation?
srs kinda wish you would try to improve the little things you can now, to move to other bigger things afterwards?
will not admit to that tho as am drunk and old you freak!
>doubling down on the subjectivity and sexism without even trying to address what I'm saying
ok that's nice, dear :)
its not just about passing its about what you see in the mirror too
if you look straight in the mirror and see a neanderthal brow you will feel bad about it as mtf
it is ngl but still... so many girls (pretended to) admire my hair... and one even tried to eulate lmao idk know anymore
cis fem compliments are weird?

should i cut myuself?
>since i am dissociated from my body
dissociation happens due to trauma
trauma isn't real
sure but if it wont do shit why does it help you dissociate then
it absolutely is and you would know if ever had a person you loved very much break up with you
trauma is made up :)
hoping you will find someone someday too
i'm an incel + even IF trauma was real the only people who could get it would be war vets and rape "victims", not people who went through breakups
fuck you silly bitchj
you can improve wtf
don't be stupid as i were, or you going to be jhonny 50 you bitch

wtf i like lune now even tho she hates me because disgunsting
fuuu my life!!!!*
(* i have no life over trying get lil sis comfy with herself)
also old freaks getting dysphoria trauma from a long shitty life?
no, that doesn't count
fuck you too freak ;___;
yea you are a blind person talking about colors
jk fwiw
wow it's me!
like clockwork
all three of you are insufferable
would u fuck me
you cant just dissociate if nothings wrong with you
chad doesnt dissociate
there is always an acute reason
I'd fuck me
i already explained it to you you fucking disgusting moron!
and you insulted me for it, wtf
psychopathic freak
could try fakeposter
just want cuddles
no shit gay man
which one?
rape duh. i was anorexic twink in college
need to forcefem l*ri can't read this anymore
This thread has truly gone downhill can y'all stopa rguing about your dumb bullshit nobody cares
i’ll write your name on my body if u want
how was your day little snowflake?
entertain us
honestly wish he rape-murdered me instead of pulling the tranny thoughts to the forefront of my mind every day
I'll go into politics as a manmoder, I have nothing else to do in real life.
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boo hoo. nigga
lol you're funny kinda
my name is... ||redacted||
I've thought about it but I think I'm too unhinged and not photogenic or charismatic enough plus my face is all over 4chan
no im serious i have such low self worth right now i think i could give myself up to anyone and debase myself for them
My face is on 4chan too but I think that just makes it better. You show that you're a normal person with vulnerabilities (and most importantly) people can talk to you about this.
I am attractive as a guy but I'm worried about the optics honestly.
I think I would be both character and and literally assassinated for running on a platform of something like
>extreme subsidies in exchange for direct government safety and dumping overwatch for domestic nuclear and modern fission reactor design deployment with additional funding into fusion research reactors
>tax evaders moving their companies outside the US are to be penalized and scaling tax rates on wealth will be established to stop our money being siphoned to the 1%
>bodily autonomy, the govt can't tell you what to do with your body unless you're posing a hazard to others and cannot supersede medical or scientific expertise
>replace all targeted assistance programs and means testing with a universal basic income as well as universal free healthcare and education
>mandate ranked choice voting at all levels of government from the executive down to the town mayor
I'm not all anti-capitalism or no commie or nothin but it needs to be modified and given safety features if we want to harness it as the engine of progress instead of slipping further into neo-feudalism
i for one, don't really care about this topic.
hey junebug i just wanted to tell you are like an europapa to me
Post mussy sex icon
I need to wake up
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y junebro posting here?
also this isn't a topic
chudette do u fw nick land
lol I'm no educated philosophomer or nothin fancy like you learned faggots but at a glance he seems like a wannabe-contrarian anti-humanitarian asshole who will bow to rule by brute authority like any other pathetic kowtowing r*ghtoid snowflake, so no?
bring back flags
idk but gonna explosively expell fluids from my 0ral cavity soon...
kinda wish i had twink receiver ;___;
||is joke please don't tell me i'm old freak ;__;||
post tits durian
puke in my mouth
oh yea he absolutely lost his marbles a few years back but his older works are pretty interesting. he's also like text book repper, it's kinda sad
the 80s/90s nihilism stuff seems right up my alley
i want to stick a fish hook through your cheek and yank it out at full force
if you'd like it i would
i have no personality nor limits lol unlike fake freaks out there

would it surprise you that i want that?
sorry for being sick freak...
is ok that you all hat4e me
go ahead im worth nothing anyways
you're worth so much anon!
>mfw browsing this thread as a Ex-Repressor turned Cis Male
>cured by Divine Intervention years ago
>crushed a killer workout today

i didnt come here to mock or belittle.

God pulled me out of the pit so i could pull others out.
I started Repgen all those years ago, still astounds me that God granted me my ultimate wish.
Life feels like waking up from a terrible nightmare and its been years, still hasn't worn off.

I came here to tell you, the cure is real.
If you seek it genuinely, there is an end to dysphoria.

You can be a real Man. If you trust in the power of God.
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your faith is death, cultist
fuck off
god isn't real, you're delusional
ugh don’t say that. it’s out of character
i'm sorry ;___;
here, i''ll puke down your throat then choke you O_O
how do i get a boyfriend with black hair and dark brown eyes who loves me as an unemployed manmoder
I can see you demons! Attached to my brothers. Release them.

I am not talking to the Human Souls posting here, i do not hate them. I am speaking to the demons that inhabit them.

That near synchronous hive minded response, You recognise me? Don't you? I am one of the few who beat your ruinous designs.
That just eats away at you doesn't it? fallen wretchs. You can see it, His Light within me.

i am no mere Repressor, masked by self-assurance and coping facade. I am the real deal. A genuine healed Ex-Repressor, Male Soul restored to full potency.

I have risen above your machinations, you can see my Soul, free of the parasite you attached to me in childhood.

And that terrifies you doesent it? Others will learn God’s power to cure them, i will help them.
The world is saying “if you face gender dysphoria, then listen to your mind and change your body.” The Scripture says, “offer your body to God and allow Him to transform your mind.” (Romans 12:1-2). The transgender movement says to resolve the tension by changing your body. The Scripture says you may live with tension while allowing God to transform your mind.
For the longest time, i never knew i was sick. Now that i am healed. I understand perfectly.

Dysphoria is not you, its not your personality or identity.

It is a demonic spirit that torments you. There may have been witchcraft in your family, or generations back that led to the devil's legal access to torment a person. You need to break the curse and get deliverance. Imagine thinking you are confused about gender and desires because the demon is telling you, you should transition and the voice never stops and even causes you to have lustful thoughts. All that torment and suggestive thinking would lead people to thinking they have gender dysphoria and like the same sex when they don't. Thats why the pride rainbow mocks God’s promise. In an ever increasingly degenerate world, more and more trans people appear, because more doors are being opened to the demons.

They fear me because i have thrown off their leechcraft.
people like this are the only thing that actually creep me out on this planet because their ability to reason has been subsumed in favor of propagating their authoritarian power structure
post on tagmap, that's what i did and got exactly what u described
feel that? THATS FEAR.
i look like snape but gay
nta but what tags do you use? and does this mean using discord?

yes, it is, mixed with disgust and pity because some misguided part of me wants to believe everyone can be shown a way that does not involve bootlicking or hate like christianity and its ilk do or the inevitably fascist political ideologies that arise from their spread
>what tags
manmoder, boymoder, boymoder. network, NEET
>does this mean using discord
not necessarily but most likely yeah
Literally the 4chan incel chud meme. You pooners are something else man.
is tagmap worth if i want to maybe make a friend or more, who knows, in my area?
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604 KB PNG
>25 people the manmoder tag
>most are youngshit zoomers
lol. lmao.
cutie x
I hate the way digestion works and that poop is even a thing but I like eating so idk
mmg tagmap.
I put myself under manmoder
lol no manmoders in evrope
skill issue :|
we don't have star trek teleporters or perfectly efficient digestive enzymes or photosynthesis genes yet
swedes never poop... didn't you know that?
tell me its gonan be ok please

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