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What is a woman?
An adult human whose dominant sex hormone is estrogen.

It's rly that simple.
>What is a woman?
Whatever gets my dick hard
By this logic are you saying that anyone under the age of 18 can’t be trans?
I think she's saying that such people are girls and not women, although perhaps you can quibble about the definition of adult.
I'll go further and say "should be estrogen" but I'm not using the silly unfalsifiable "should be" sometimes trotted out by conservative lawmakers and instead the "should be" defined by whatever makes them healthiest i.e. have a productive life.
uhhhhhh yeah cis people under 18 aren't women either, retard, they're girls. trannies can't be girls if they transition late. they can, under the right circumstances, be women.
>hehehe so what exactly IS a woman, chud? Care to explain?
No. You already know what a woman is, you already know that you are not a woman, you already know that no matter what you do or say you will NEVER be a woman. The closest you can ever be is a fake imitation, a discount knockoff brand of woman. That's it. That is all you are. It's over
Lol this makes sense to nobody but trannies btw the only cis people that pretend to agree either do it out of pity or do so because they are chasers. In what universe does a man eating estrogen make him a woman lol it basically just makes you grow weird boobs and get soft skin
I literally just gave u a definition of what a woman is that perfectly encapsulates the dichotomy between male and female, and ur response is
>nuh uh!! >:((
ur so retarded its funny lol
>retard for pointing out the glaring hole in your argument
Yep. That’s a tranny coper. Enjoy your “rights” (kek) being taken away by the woman in OP ;^)
completely unrelated but my definition of horses doesn't include seahorses which we call horses because they sorta look like horses
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The 3 words are uniquely interchangeable to arrive consistently with the same definition. Creepy AF texts , trannies almost always turn to are the retarded Torah & the terrible Talmud. These construct also advocate genital mutilation but that’s just sadistic jew pedophilia.
a man eating estrogen does not equate to an adult human whose dominant sex hormone is estrogen
it takes more than that
sorry bud, the definition still stands
>under the age of 18
In the UK, where jk Rowling is, people are adults by the time they turn 16. Absolute retards in this thread lmao
Lol i feel so fucking bad for people like you because youre clearly still logical enough that you try to apply rules and systems to your delusions
they literally gave u a completely sensible rebuttal and ur response is just
>no, i already proved u wrong
yep, im thinking ur retarded
so ur cope is that "adult" is ill-defined?
who's the one who doesn't know what words mean now
Anons, give it up. The trannies in this thread are seething because they know they’ve lost. They can’t even define what a woman is despite having been given decades to get their narrative right. If it helps, they’ll probably be roping soon once they finally stop lying to themselves and admit they’ll never be a true woman, and just fat dude with man tits grown from hormones. An abomination.
>ignores the point, continues to ad hominem
sad, but not all that surprising
so much for being the side of facts and logic, huh?
>sensible rebuttal
How? By proving that the OP isn’t correct?
>the trannies lost, they can't even define what a woman is
it's right there in the OP
do you ever get tired of looking like an idiot?
Troons trying to rewrite all of history, science, and human language just to fit their fake narrative is peak kek
>so your cope
Nah. More my counter argument. That you’ve already lost say? Twice by now? By my count anyway. Retard Americans man, I swear. Don’t know what an adult is. Don’t know what a woman is. Don’t know they’ll never be women. No wonder Joe Biden is your president kek
ur "gotcha" is that this definition doesn't apply to ppl who aren't adults
that's correct, because women are adults
someone who isn't an adult, is not a woman
they are a girl or a boy
how do you not get this? lmao
saying that women are adults with estrogen is rewriting science history and human language?
u sound challenged
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Adult Female Human
Human Adult Female
Female Adult Human

Everything with a face, fish ,birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals are binary. Always has been. This nonsense is new and its part of a much more pernicious planetary depopulation. A long game if you will.
Ultimately for our species. Mammalian molecular biology is binary & has been for millions of years.
Sorry TeamTranny but you've been duped.
I love when redditfags/destiny fans try to say shit like ad hominem in an internet argument, like they think they're engaging in a serious debate on the faggot board of an anime website. You are delusional tho btw
They’re not sending their best.
so you admit that you don't even listen to reason? that sounds like a self-own to me, but go off election tourist
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I can't bleieve you retards are engaging with this obvious fucking bait
One issues though. You aren't a woman, and never will be
appeal to nature is a fallacy
you come here from /pol/ and don't even read the stickied post, fucking hell you're embarrassing
loving how the chuds can't even engage with OP
they just keep going
>noo, nooo, ur not a woman ur not a woman lalalallala i can't hear u
do u need some fresh diapers? lmao
My gotcha was that your argument was immediately BTFO by you saying that someone under the age of 18 isn’t an adult, they’re a girl, in a thread about a UK woman doing the right thing and stripping your ability to groom children away. One of the hallmarks of tranny policy in the west is getting children to sterilize and mutilate themselves by grooming them, then bullying their parents with threats of their child’s suicide if they don’t comply. Luckily Rowling, as much of a boomer white wine sipping Karen as she is, is using her money to stop you. So, your delusional definition of a woman, and more importantly, the policies you want to implement, were BTFO from the start.
Lmao, hon status?
>ummm ackshually i don't know what an adult is
lmao, u rly think u did something
RIGHT??? give them a definition that works and they just start pretending they can't read. how are these people real
I didn't think much of this thread but seeing how much it's making the /pol/yps short-circuit is making me think you might be onto something.
aw they stopped responding :(
did this end up on the front page for a sec or smth
Do chufs coordinate these attacks on this board or is it just random and they always seem to come to jk rowling threads
Must've been a coordinate attack cuz there were like 3 fucking chud threads at once, and they were all equally as pathetic LMAO
Any vagina carrying adult who doesn't arouse gay men is a woman. Let the fag noses be the judge.
Essentialist thinkig is bogus and void it's their fear of losing meaning in the world that makes them reactionary and resistance to understanding logic these people are incredibly insecure in their identity
what about the gays whoa re only attracted to penis-havers?
what about cis males who take estrogen
By the definition they are women. The word cis is only useful when you take gender identity into the consideration
exactly this
cis men can’t be women, this definition is bunk
Idiot I said based on the definition of op someone with dominant hormone of estrogen regardless of their identity is a woman
is there a skyhorse
AFAB that grew up and didn't poon out to become a transman.
like a dwarf planet
but trannies are like
"BUt TheRe'S a '-WomAn' in mY gEndeR tiTLe ThAt mEAns I Am ONe"

Like, yeah, duh. You're facetiously similar to a woman but still not one. Idiots.
>completely ignores OP
i like how none of u are able to explain why OP definition doesn't work, you just say "trannies aren't women cuz they're not!!!"
No it's 25 now. Heil Cass
Because there are men whose testosterone gets aromatized into estrogen.

We associate intent with transness, not just endocrine systems.

But it's still just adult AFAB = woman, that's how it's been for like thousands of years.
it's someone whose chromosomes are x,x. What you guys are constantly trying to reinvent is the societal definition. A man can for all intents and purposes be like a woman in some situations.
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I mean, you can say that. Doesn't mean people will believe it. You just redefined a word to include yourself. Pic related, no one believes he's a woman.
No they can’t, you actual retard
We don't take orders from you buddy
The problem with this is it would include even the most grotesque boomerhon, and that's a definition that is going to be hard to accept for a lot of people. You can say that a trans woman is a woman the second she takes HRT, but if she looks, sounds, and acts exactly like a cis man no one will believe she's a woman.

However, we haven't talked about what is by far the funniest thing about your definition. It's not inclusive enough. If you try to say that trans women who are not on HRT aren't women anywhere but here you will be treated like you are just as transphobic as the woman in your picture.
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>We don't take orders from you buddy
their dominant sex hormone is still not estrogen
try harder
>societal definition
according to you
>Doesn't mean people will believe it.
correction: doesn't mean *you* will believe it
i'll take my chances with everybody else :)
OP's definition is not what people use.
My definition works even if people are too fucking retarded to realize they're still using it. Every day. Since forever. There's no reason to change the definition. Transwomen are novel.
That's why they have their own noun.
They're new and they need a label.

>their dominant sex hormone is still not estrogen
What if they just drink a lot? Are they now trannies?
it isn't? rly? you're telling me ppl don't think of women as adult humans whose dominant sex hormone is estrogen? i think ur wrong
>what if they just drink a lot
oh wow, you're actually retarded
maybe you should stop lecturing ppl on biology, you clearly don't know what you're talking about lmao
You’re aware when taking estradiol our domination sex hormone is….estrogen….right?
yes exactly
ergo we are women
so next time someone asks this pls for the love of god just say ur a woman bc ur dominant sex hormone is estrogen
it's so fucking embarrassing to see our "allies" dodge this question as if it's hard to answer without excluding people
it isn't
estrogen = woman, simple intuitive and solves all our problems
What about women with adrenal cysts who over produce testosterone?
their dominant sex hormone is still estrogen
the presence of elevated testosterone is irrelevant
lol you guys are so cute when you come here to rant because nobody takes you serious in real life. Angry little men LMAO do you know how weird it is to go into lgbt spaces just to be a phobe? Have you ever stopped to think how weird it is? It’s the equivalent of going into a gay bar to rant off homophobic slurs, trying to convince us you’re not just there for other reasons…..your behavior is so feminine I bet your guy friends pick up on it too
A woman is anyone who calls themselves a woman. That's it, cry about it.
Yet here you are….adwelling among the trannies…in your free time…..using or definitions and words and slang….you know we can tell right? If you’re using “chaser” you’re spending ALOT more time in trans spaces than you probably would like to admit. Maybe do some introspection as to why you spend your time among the girls during your free time….
Here’s the thing, we don’t have to define it! We don’t play by your silly rules. Nobody gaf except you two weirdos. A tranny was born yesterday, one born today, and another tomorrow. Maybe go spend your time ranting to god why he keeps creating them? Why are you too scared to do that?
Trans people have been around since early recorded history. Seriously spend all of 5 minutes before you starting ranting and yapping. You’re beyond embarrassing yourself.
Our allies are genuinely fucking retarded. They never thought how they would answer outside of taking our spotlight. It’s all they ever planned for.
>Laziest bait ever
>70 chuds seething in replies

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