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>be 5'7 white incel
>roomates with a 5'10 latina tranny
>every few days she gets another attractive tomboy or fellow tranny into her room and loudly fucks her while i can only listen from my other room
>sometimes they cuddle on the couch so whenever i have to go to the kitchen to get some takis and beer i get reminded of how over it is when i see them
>she mocks me over how i get no pussy and how despite her being trans shes more popular with women than i am
>shes now dating this hot athletic black tomboy and plans to have her move in with us so i will have to listen to them fuck every day and have her flaunt her hot gf to me on the daily

im living in hell. please convince me not to do a hate crime im literally filled with so much fucking rage i might do something to both of them i might regret
this is why i will never live with roommates because it would be murder-suicide waiting to happen
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Well done Zoey
ROFLMFAO sounds like contrived tranny fiction. The only truthful sounding components are trannies keep to their own, which are in their death throes. Wake up DETRANSITIONING is at an all time high and laws have changed or are being changed. Time to grow up
Teamtranny tick tock
lol when I had roommates I can only imagine how many times they had to hear my bf having sex with me, I'm kind of a loud moaner so they probably heard a lot...
I feel u anon
>be me, boymoder into women
>nobody knows
>I'm genuinely an ugly incel
>ended up with a pooner roommate
>he has a short youngshit passoid gf
>insanely envious of her
>they're both transmeds and hear them talk about how agps are disgusting, transbians are disgusting, people who don't pass are gross, and a bunch of other shit, a lot of it applies to me because I'm an agp hon
>have to hear them loudly having sex while I am cripplingly lonely
>can't move out
They give me worse brainworms than 4chan ever can.
just get a straight male roommate, they're generally chill and unless you tell them you're on hrt 99% of the time they're oblivious.
gosh incels are so pathetic, literally losing to fucking trannies
Unironically? You should hate crime xer. Being a manlet is probably the worst thing that can happen to a man, I'd rather have a brain tumor slowly eating away at me and die at age 23 than have to exist as a male below 6ft in current year. You are completely rejected from women, and as a result rejected from society as a whole for reasons completely out of your control. You are mocked and ridiculed daily, no amount of self improvecope, gymcelling, studymaxxing or wagecucking will ever make you happy. The only reason manlets are allowed to live is to farm taxes for the Jews, beyond that manlets are worthless subhumans. They would laugh if they walked into your room to find you hanging from the ceiling, you deserve to butcher them. May as well if you're killing yourself anyways. What have you got to lose?
Literally if any of these foids, troons, faggots, tallchads ever experienced a single DAY of the level of isolation and humiliation the average manlet faces they would immediately go on a mass shooting spree without fail. The only reason people are so hyperfocused on school shooters now is because they're realising the manlets aren't just gonna hang themselves alone like they'd hoped now. The manlets are gonna drag people down with them. And it's gonna be deserved
You're a complete bluepilled retard if you unironically think manletism doesn't tank a man's ranking on the sexual/social hierarchy. Manlets are the absolute bottom of society, even 6ft child rapists are more liked and respectable members of soiciety than a shirt male. Foids would unironically fuck dogs and troons over a handsome millionaire manlet
Kill yourself faggot
Get help incel
They have a dysfunctional hypersexualized life and they can only measure worth by it because they'd come up short by every other metric.
Do you feel scorned when a child says they beat you in the imaginary game they're playing?
Keep focus on what matters to you in life anon, not what others think.
Kill yourself loser
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I purposely rail bitches as hard as I can as a sign of dominance to my beta roommate. They deserve no respect, their dreams filled with the sounds of women crying out in a way they'll never understand. I don't do the dishes either, my roommate does that too. It's like having a little wife at home.
what if im a 6' tgirl? Does that make u mad?
Unfortunately this is cope. In current year, being an incel is a death sentence in terms of socialisation. If you're a virgin past 20, you're just booted from any social group you may have had anyways. Personality is cope, the only thing that matters is social status and in this period it is devised of a males height and face, and for a woman her face and overall body curvature. Although even obese ugly used up landwhales have more status than the average manlet. Honestly, just give up on ever having sex or being loved as a manlet it just isn't for you. Maybe manlets can make friends with other worthless sellers outcasts but what's the point? It's better and easier to just accept your fate and live a life of isolation anyways. It's over for manlets
Would you feed ur roommate hrt and have a 3some with 1 of the girls? that would be hot. They get to enjoy sex but only a the recieving end desu
It should be legal for me to shoot you
Not really mad no. Just saddened, disappointed, hopeless even
Trooner groomer moment
whatever fag
Go outside stop watching faggot porn for once it's clearly having a negative effect on you
nyoo i dont wanna go outside. Also I dont watch porn thats yucky. I just sit, look at the wall. And imagine :>>
None of this is true.
You'd just rather schizopost ad nauseam than make an effort to engage with other humans sincerely.
Decades of porn addiction and daily masturbation have led you to become a cuckold fag groomer fantasist, you have cause irreparable damage to your brain you will never recover. Goonbrained freak
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>It should be legal for me to shoot you
If it were, you would still have to do it while I was sleeping, you little bitch.
Only if I were 100% sure it would be painful and humiliating. Maybe where I fucked them and then sent the video to their parents. You know?
Oh it's a troon larping as sexhaver. Ywnbaw by the way
Unfortunately it is true, manlets are the least desirable people I would be better off being a deformed mutant at 6ft than an unremarkable faced manlet
Have sex
This person should help you have sex maybe once in your life. That's what friends are for. If this person is just your roommate and not your friend then move out they sound obnoxious.
As a giant, you're deluding yourself
Dick so dry it gave people who have sex a nickname. Wew.
>Ywnbaw by the way
I wouldn't even try, I'm 6'2 and that shit would be embarrassing.
Why would anyone help a manlet? It's a net negative, manlets can't help return the favor since they can't be wingmen themselves, short men are repulsive to women and would give all women in the vicinity major ick vibes
Rapehon hands typed this post
>petite virgin hands typed this post
Only retarded people believe in manlet. If you say that outside of 4chan it will only register as a joke. Not denying women are superficial but yeah.
Troon is seething lol
>bro it's just a joke I swear women saying they don't like short men it's all a laugh men not respecting shorter men hahaha guys it's funny right? R-right guys?
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>yoo...you're seething!
>whole thread about it
You get on a step stool and look me in the eyes when you talk to me big boy. lel
If you can't distinguish women liking tall men from being a 100% brain rotted retard then I can't help you.
This attitude is why they hate you, not your height
have u tried liking men?
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You are actually a retard, complete subhuman mouthbreather barely even human. Don’t reproduce for the sake of everyone around you including your potential tard offspring
>le persoinality
lol, lmao
Your mental illness is so strong you can't even comprehend what I'm saying. It's like you're arguing with yourself in a mirror and I'm just watching.
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>broooo women like manlets br- ACK!
Why did you say Barack
You will never pass btw
tfw chadette transbian to use my body just tease their roomate ;~;
why do i need her to use me so bad
tfw no*
I would date a short guy, if he has a high income. What's short nowadays, like 5'11"?
100% this. Cishet guys are severely underrated.
>Boymoder into women
>Get a straight male roommate

Hey anon I found a bra and womens underwear in the washroom, I think your girlfriend forgot them. Also I'm turning down the AC, I know you like wearing hoodies but it's the middle of summer and we need to lower the power bill.
I’m glad you’re castrated. Now you can never have kids while 1 good fuck = a family for me. Free cheers for being a rich white boy.
hi ki chan we should be friends
nta but stop being a dumb nigger and women will like you more
Have sex with your roommate.
>Kill yourself faggot
lol someone is mad
don't be anonette, there ways to change yourself, there's still hope for you..

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