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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: How will you be celebrating Canada Day (July 1st)? What do you love about our Canadian sisters?
>QOTT 2: Ever dated a coworker? How’d that go? Would you date someone you met at work?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36349395
1st for non-binary he/him afab lesbians on T
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Canada has pretty trees and I like Trailer Park Boys and my gf, so thanks for that.
lago drew it
This post is bait because non-binary isn't real
>How will you be celebrating Canada Day (July 1st)? What do you love about our Canadian sisters?
American here but I wish we were celebrating Canada Day with the Oilers winning a Stanley Cup :(

>Ever dated a coworker? How’d that go? Would you date someone you met at work?
Never worked lol
Before we get too deep look at this:


We are too weak. We need to be united.
Need cis f passoid youngshit non-op gf
cis gf who fetishises my dysphoria and triggers it on purpose because it makes her horny
trans gf who doesn't hate herself and don't see me as her superior
me asf
if lago had drawn it the lesbian would be 5'2 or shorter and she would be chubbier and darker skinned while the tranny would be 5'10 or taller and she would have freck- oh wait she does have freckles maybe lago did drew it lmao
someday I will be good enough to be this for someone
secretly giving me boner pills and getting really horny when i get super uncomfortable and dysphoric about having a giant boner
i dont even get boners on cialis anymore either it's so weird
And teases me about not being able to hide it...
giving me a boner pill when i'm with friends so they learn i'm a tranny by seeing me with a giant boner (i'm stealth)
Fuck...what would they do after finding out I'm a tranny?
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No, I can only draw faces with charcoal. ;___;
show one of ur charcoal faces
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The older I get the more i become the right one. I remember as a kid i was firmly the left kid, jsut embarrassed over my mom being rude to workers for silly stuff.
Its worrying how much im becoming like a karen as i get older.. my grandma was a karen, my mom was obviously one.. i ... i have to put an end to this cycle of hatred.....
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I can’t because they’re all drawings of people I know irl. Maybe if I draw randos someday. Need to take more art classes.
draw goku
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this shirt goes hard
that’d be fun to draw actually
do it, charcoal goku now
with bunny ears
no, do catboy goku instead
Don't do goku.
do catboy goku and catboy vegeta playing with a spool of yarn while videl and c18 make out in the background
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Have any of you dated men before? I thought I was bisexual until I got out of a long term relationship with a girl and started dating men. It's legitimately bleak. I guess I find them attractive physically but emotionally and socially repulsive. I'm forever going to treasure my relationships with girls for being able to communicate and show empathy.
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Ok I’m not drawing anything any time soon. No art supplies and not skilled enough to draw anything besides a human face with 3D reference.
This is literally how my straight and bi friends talk about men. lol
Bi challenge
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tfw not even attracted to men but it's all who are willing to date you
it's so over
I feel bad for straight women who will never feel a true emotional connection with their partner
flags are still here...
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ugh fr
i wish i was a lesbian
must be nice
hello lesbians i just saw a sticker that read
and i thought maybe it was some kinda weird tranny superiority thing like all females are cops and bastards or whatever and i googled it and it's actually a ride sharing service
just be a woman and stop being attracted to men what's the issue
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Mfw transfemcel... No love for depressed hon tops
i'm attracted to guys :/
tfw cured femcel full of love and hope
Tfw not even a worthleds fucktoy for some girl...
Trannies are the real lesbians
T4t is the purest form of love and lesbianism
ya but just stop?
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I'm begging you to talk me out of buying this /lesgen/. I have been strongly considering it for almost an hour now.
T4T is pretty overrated and miserable in my personal experience. T4C is where it is at.
what is that even why would you want it looks like a chihuahua threw it up
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Born for frolicking around the commanage before returning to my wife in our cottage, forced to help middle aged women fix their Skype settings instead of doing my azure work
I went to a sapphic social event recently and several women there were wearing some pretty spicy buttons/patches. Honestly pretty fun conversation starters it seemed. I have been considering buying something that had the same sort of vibe and that was the best I have found so far.
So on one hand I want it and one the other hand I do not think I would ever have the courage to ever risk letting anyone actually see it.
I feel like I don't fit into "queer culture" at all but at the same time I'm not a cishet normie so I'm unsure who my crowd really is...
you're unsure of who you really are
i like tattoos more than stickers but im also an unemployed crusty soo
Believe it or not, anon. I'm not really considering getting 'Butch Bait' tattooed onto me.
I want a fun, spicy conversation starter for sapphic events. Not something that it going to make me look like a pervert.
no one asked but in my experience t4t is the devil's work
T4T is beautiful I'd choose nothing over frotting with a cute tranny all day
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I have never dated a tranny so I'll continue to romanticise the idea ngl
i'd literally kill to be wearing her marks and bruises rn ughh
why? what about it appeals to you?
Holy fuck.. same.. source of pride from the body that looks abused but in reality it's just some marks of rough, hot and consensual play..
I also think the sticker version just looks much nicer then the patch version.
Much more eye catching, which is sort of the goal.
>I have never dated a tranny
It is really not all that far removed from c4c dating. You just have to be willing to shift through a proportionally larger amount of shit to find some decent people if you are specifically looking for a tranner. You should probably also be aware that the partner you end up with is likely to be pretty sensitive/emotional either in general or with specific topics.
The main difference in c4t relationships is the sexual side of things. Since body dysphoria (and dysphoria more broadly) is obviously its own unique type of hell. It can make sex and even the higher end of flirting pretty awkward, at-least the first time around.
Legitimate relationship goals.
Stayed up till 3:30 writing my bleak scifi rpg frick
>I'm not really considering getting 'Butch Bait' tattooed onto me.
looks like a tattoo
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can you guys post cute lesbian girl pictures that I can save to my computer and send to my gf later and tell her that it's us
Cool art. Its kinda weird and rapeorgan pilled but still based

What are you writing about? I like sci fri filmz
Kek this was literally me on the left in my last romantic endeavor.
As much as I do desperately, hopelessly love butch 4 butch relationships. I do have to draw the line at getting tattoos to advertise that.
>looks like a tattoo
It is just a black patch version of the design. But obviously, I guess it would work as a tattoo.
wydag who constantly sent pics of her dogs without captions
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>What are you writing about?
Humans are granted unconditional youth and immortality by a godlike being known as the visitor. All wounds heal from nothing no matter how severe and humans remain conscious and active as long as their brain is intact. 100 trillion years later, all the stars have died but human civilization still exists on an enormous space station called the vigil. The entire society functions by using human flesh as a resource, since it's the only energy available now. Everything is slowly and inevitably crumbling.
so close to killing myself
literally everything i do triggers some embarassing memory that i cant escape
You deserve infinite love and freedom from retrospective punishment for your mistakes, moron
DAMN that sounds insanely interesting would watch. Quite a gruesome premise. I wouldn't be surprised if there society was split into meat cows and harvesters.. i wonder how they even stay entertained for so many years.
i clearly don't
I found several more options. I fucking hate being so uselessly indecisive.
One of the reasons I want a butch gf in the first place.
ok that one goes on a snapback
I'm more of a beanie person.
Besides, it is not something I would be wearing outside of a sapphic event anyway. Frankly some of the pins/patches I saw at the last event are not something I would ever dream of wearing even at a dedicated event.

I also just found a great print I want related to the butch stuff
>Item is no longer available
hey i wear beanies and i'm not a bottom (*  ̄︿ ̄)
Guilty as charged. But I honestly would have thought the whole 'Butch Bait' thing would have been what gave me way.
I have never even heard of beanies being associated with bottoms. Is that an actual thing?
there are so many women on this train and nobody is groping them. patriarchy has fallen.
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I am....a-attracted to women.... ..... grrr
Being attracted to women is great.
The real problem I have is my attraction to afab nbs.
i NEED to top her
pedophilic trannies have destroyed lesbian spaces
I volunteer to take her place.
~90% of cis lesbians either support or strongly support MtFs. I have never felt anything but welcomed in lesbians spaces.
i just want to be a normal lesbian but transvestites wont stop shoving fuck down my throat :/
goddamn i hate trannies
fat ugly male bodied trannies are swinging their dicks in lesbian faces and nobody is doing anything about it ;_;
a woman*
This is based and true.
Giant rapehon gf with untrained voice and 5 o'clock shadow...
tfw khhv
what if we were khhv together
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that would be based i think
drawfren is real...
if society was less lame and more imaginative we would bring back human sacrifice for hons and we would live stream it and Trump would be the host
i just want the trannies dead i dont care about immigrants or russia
I dont NEED anything to be happy except hon v hon tranny blood sport like the good old days
Definitely samefag
and also definitely not cis
trannies are so smart lmao they make deductions and sometimes they even KNOW things look at that
sorry anon she cannot be substituted
Wdym a woman.. its women..
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My literal reaction to this disgusting post
the vagina people have gone too far
they deserve it for refusing to date ftms
ftms deserve it for not having real dicks
I need to be inside of her.. either orally or otherwise... She's so warm and sweet even though she doesn't aknowledge it herself...
I love being amab
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I love penis and I love having a penis
i hate your penis my penis is better
Mines too big :( but that's alright because I'm a top.
Girls with tiny penises trying to top and failing is really hot though.
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sisters i don't know what to do... i'm still in love with a girl i tried to push away... she's wonderful and special and makes me feel like nobody else ever has, not even my ex, but she's also very mentally ill... she's basically a textbook BPDemon, actually... but still, I can't stop thinking about her, all my thoughts always come back to her, I want to spend my life with her, I want to be attached at the hip like we used to be, I want to share everything with her and be her knight again... but I don't know what to say to her to fix things
honestly i don't even know what i hope to get out of posting this... even if i posted a bunch of details, i'm not sure you can help... really, i know i just have to talk to her about it, but i'm so scared of being rejected, rightfully, for being so unbelievably stupid and hurting her so much... i don't want to lose her again, i'd rather just be a friend if it has to be like that... but i'm so sad... i miss her so much and nobody else makes me feel the same... i need her... the yearning is killing me
do anons on this board really hate nonbinary people ? im a lesbian and i find myself attracted to nonbinary people as well. im also intersex so maybe thats why
just because I love my penis doesnt mean I want to use it youre fucking disgusting kill yourself tranny
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>She isn't non-op
Are you retarded? I love my penis so I dont stick it in stinky holes fuck off whore
>yo anonette one of the frontend candidates is coming in today so make time to drop by for the tech part of the interview, they might be the one
>omfg its a cute tranny isn't it please god let it be a cute tranny i can tease and bully and wife and.....
>its some fucking dude fml
i'm literally never getting a tranner gf am i?
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I am a loyal knight to my bestie.... i love her platonically non romantically...
cute trannies don't do webshit :')
javascript is for real men
i would kill for cis g irls
it's the transmed assimilationist board what do you expect really
i dont hate them i just love women too much
can suicides be organ donors
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the drawfren is real!
the time window is pretty short so I'd just get hospitalised for something minor repeatedly until they kill you to harvest your organs for the black market
u right u right
she is a lesbian but she is also attracted to nonbinary people she is like a mystery or an unsolved enigma
Likes women: Lesbian
Likes uterus: Kolpraphile
Likes chores being done: Chaser
>It's that easy folks
that’s easy, it’s because nbs are women
This term literally only shows up on /lgbt/ sisters... please... go outside...
I wanna live by the sea...
I'm gonna do some chores then drink myself after a shot of vodka
That's my term. I coined it.

Pretty neat, mmm?

Won't get my tummy chewed on or my face pawed but…
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checking ur breastie for lumps
farcelle is so c4t coded and im so jealous every time... wheres my hot huge girl to play with and piv...
anon the monster girl is obviously mtf
I always saw marcille as mtf and falin as cis until chimera stuff
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I just think of Falin as my gf bc she is also misunderstood and sweet
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aww that’s so cute anon…
i love farcille a lot, dunmeshi is really important to me
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then why do i identify so much with marcille you goofy bitch... i get what you mean though...
biden now has carte blanche to do whatever necessary to protect lgbt rights through executive orders. watch him do nothing.
is this lesgen or clg or clg falseflag gen
im so fucking sleepy every single day i hate summer i hope summer kills itself
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captcha: PAWW
tfw named summer
why name urself after such a shit cringe lame season
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Talking about comparing sizes and figuring out from there who tops but knowing I'm going to lose (very hot)
holy BASED
Based lagofag
it was spiny and all waiw
What has made you like this? Summer is the best, it’s so freeing to be able to go outside without bundling up head to toe
Captcha: vvvodo
its over 40°C on the daily were im from summer is hell and i hope it dies of aids
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why does everyone here have a fixation on penises
cause they aren't lesbians
Based anon, feels good always winning as a big pp troon
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Grickle and grussy are both gino
Anyone else outside?
Also where’s c4tgen?
got her penis on my mind
god i love women's feet...
that's what im feeling too, feels too much like fetishists liveblogging to each other
im outside rn but im not touching grass atm
not a lot of cis girls on 4chan
I wanna buy stuff so bad... I want a new phone...
How do u resist the urge to buy shiny stuff
i do think trans women can be lesbians. it's just that most of the ones posting in this thread are clearly men
I am proud to be a man.
Could you date someone on ADHD meds? I dont think id want to.
what's wrong with adhd meds?
Literally just drugs. I see it as a form of partially selling your soul so you can become a more efficient worker bee.
yeah... im really struggling to find actual lesbian spaces esp where i dont feel like im invading them but im really sick of every ostensibly "lesbian" space just being trans women frotting w each other... i love women...
on the other hand i feel bad bc i dont want to give up my dick or anything i just see it as another thing that can be viewed thru a feminine lens but often it's viewed through the basic masc one like this >>36364712 (im not trying to make you feel bad or anything it's still a hot pic but it's pretty mascbrained i feel like)
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im giving them the benefit of the fact most people on this site are super horny and weird for no reason
i have adhd... i feel kind of the same but i understand why some ppl want to take them... they turn me into a zombie so i dont take them at all and plus i absolutely cant bring myself to do that... i work when i can and that's that, although that's not been good for my living situation...
yeah...i don't think dick can be feminine dude. through any lens. that's just me tho
god i wish i was outside holding hands on a park bench with a beautiful woman while we talk about manga
Dont give in. Some effects of the meds are permanent.

Im talking divine light severed maybe.
it absolutely can be but i cant blame you for not thinking so and it shouldnt be a focus in lesbian circles... esp the way ppl talk about it
so gracious of you lago
so where do yall go to talk to actual lesbian women then
>go outside to talk to lesbians
>they're all poly and/or non binary
i dont mind going outside, where specifically...
those selfish greedy dykes wont tell me
im a girl who is not a khhv
misogynistic strawman
hell yeah brother. other people need to understand that lesbian attracted males are lesbians too
All men are my brothers.
there is something about the way worgen run in wow
gay bars , queer places… try finding small signs that will allow lesbian women to tell you are also lesbian. it can be as grandiose as a lesbian flag on something you own or something small like a necklace if ur worried about conservatives
this was meant to say something erotic
how do i fully convince myself that everything i do is wrong and hurts people
one part of me understands that i'm a bad person but the other part of me is pouting and having a persecution complex because "they should have told me what i'm doing is bad instead of encouraging and enabling me"
I like my dick but like in a feminine way Im a good tranny you see...
i live in a generally conservative area... but it's also a young area cuz it's a college town... i dont know if there's even any queer places around here though, so maybe i'm just kinda screwed... i have to imagine the lesbians around here are less accepting of trans people as well... i really just want to be with my sisters, i dont like men and i dont relate to them and i always get along better with women but i still dont want to be somewhere im not wanted... i feel as if i were just straight i would have so much more success but i just hate men they are so horrible, im not attracted to them physically at all and it's like they have no emotions at all except anger
im sorry… i get it, i live in the south. small things like a labyrs necklace might be good, or going online on dating apps might help? hopefully it will get better
thank you, i've been looking for a new necklace and i always really liked the labrys
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I love men in uniform.
i want to consensually put my penis in a cis woman's vagina and have sweaty rough sex where she calls me mommy and gropes my breasts
Dick from the non bottom dysphoric tranner who loves herself and her body...
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Anything that sexualizes women in the slightest is masc/malebrained to this board yet I’m both feminine and born female, so all that shit goes in one ear and out the other.
you arent wrong there sis... sorry, i hope i didnt make you feel bad
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my new wallet
Yeah, permanent in the good way by making your brain actually function. ADHD is cursed. Love being on adderall.
most of the people in this gen don't really sexualize women that much. more of a meta-attracted meat lovers type of deal
i'm too scared of losing what makes me unique
what drives a person to watch my 600 lb life as if it's a comedy show
is it not?
it's a black comedy but ranks among one of the most depressing
being unmedicated is not unique
most people who watch it are either fetishists, anamaxxers looking for edfuel or people with low self esteem wanting to feel better about themselves
idk i don't think it's ok to laugh at people's trauma just because they're fat
i literally become an NPC when i am on stimulants
>Yeah, permanent in the good way by making your brain actually function. ADHD is cursed. Love being on adderall.
>functioning brain

Thank you for backing up what i said. A degenerate, polyamorous cis droid, golem, etc, being on adhd meds is very little surprising. I wouldn't be surprised if you're also on some other stuff too.
I almost feel bad for you, but i dont think there is really a " you " worth mourning for, i dont think you are really anything. Just a literal npc i guess. Sorry. (?)
cause lord knows it's not okay to be a normal fucking person
Mostly at dispensaries lately
why are you so angry...?
then dont take them im just telling you its not unique like youre not that special for not taking your meds so if you change your mind in the future it will be easier
She needs some more meds. She is getting outta line.
the tone was intended to be more passive-aggressive desu
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You didn’t! I’m saying it’s like water off a duck’s back because it’s such a silly thing to care about.
It won’t. It makes you better. Taking stimulants for the first time was like - have you seen that episode of Scrubs where the patient hears everything as a musical? But it starts to drive her crazy. You can’t hear your own thoughts on ADHD. Then when they take out her brain tumor, it’s silent. No more noise. She can focus on the gentle sounds of birds chirping and she hums to herself in peace. That’s what meds feel like. You finally feel human, you can think without chaos in your mind. Just right.
That’s hilarious because I’ve actually been unmedicated for a whole year. I only take Adderall when I’m attending school. That’s also when I post the least. :’)
true. i'm completely undiagnosed and unmedicated
i love that adhd meds are just drugs because it's the closest that institutional psychiatry will ever get to admitting that the only way to get someone who cant pretend to be excited by this gay earth to not constantly be an annoying shit it is to give them happy pills

also divine light isnt real
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You've never ever said anything that wouldn't be expected. You're a carbon copy of a malignant dysfunctional femcel and all that is sligthly unique about you is how you latch, much like a parasite, to a community that mostly doesnt even want you. You should be the poster child for why one shouldn't take ADHD meds. You're literally the antithesis of soul.

At best you can make threads, but saying something interesting is out of your reach.

At most you can make discords, but even then every single person in them eclipes you in almost every way.
>t. still somehow obsessed with lago despite how boring she allegedly is
yeah that's uh very unique please take your meds
divine light is real but "divine" and "light" are analogies and squatted on by religions
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This sounds like a weird projection. You use so many terminally online terms in the hope one sticks, eh? Don’t think someone with a girlfriend counts as a “femcel,” js. I don’t care to make a big name for myself or whatever you’re trying to attack me for. I just want to be happy, and that happiness involves living with my gf and our bunnies and me having a thriving research career. I can only properly achieve that medicated. Also, I’m not forcing myself into a community, this IS my community. I’m a lesbian and this is a lesbian thread. If you want a transbian-only thread, you go ahead and make one. Please, since it’s so easy to eclipse this, do it!
I like lago even though I pretend I dont like her I like her so if you see me say something bad about her I just want her attention
same bro, but sometimes I get this nagging itch somewhere that makes me wish I could be a lesbiab
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>with my gf

You mean your gfs. Many times you've expressed the desire to have an additional partner. Because one aint good enough for ya? Of course it isnt, how could anything fill that black void in you. It will never be enough people. Because there is nothing in you to love.

Be better.
I like her but I feel like I'm "supposed to" like her because she's a tryhard 4channer tripfag catering uncannily specifically to my interests and she reminds me of someone who hurt me so I try to avoid indicating I like or agree with her
lago hurts me every day by ignoring my posts
I'm running out of my 4/20 sale weed, maybe I should go to my local place again instead of getting cheap stuff delivered...
She surrounds herself with trannies, because young trannies crave validation from a cissie even if its the worst kind of cissie possible. Just look at the threads, the discord, a real administrator personality, she needs them around her constantly for her supply.
yes she surrounds herself with us, literally draping herself in our skins like some kind of buffalo bill freak this is totally not projection
do i just need to find the right one? like i keep saying, it really just makes me feel like a zombie... i feel like a totally different person and i dont like it... but i do like how, say, a cup of coffee or two feels... if it's a small amount of caffeine... well, it doesn't matter either way because i don't have any way to access stimulants right now
If you know you know (;
>one cisles is okay with trannies
>Guys, I think she's some sort of food vampire trying to harvest our essential vril
Lago is maybe the most normal person I've talked to in this thread lmao
Nah, just a narcissist.
but do you really know if you dont really know
i think lago is just normal and ur all 2 terminally online that when u meet someone normal and sane u freak out and start believing she must be a buffalo bill type skinwalker but for trannies
I thought you meant Lago and Normal (the poster) are the same person lel.... unless?
the bunny wears many masks...
ugh.. so bunnoying XD
it's not, no matter what the voices in your head tell you
you wouldn't get it
correct, because i do not have schizophrenia
divine light is a metaphor for the light in her eyes
thank you
the divine light is just my graphics card's LEDs reflecting off my underboob sweat
I hate metaphors but there is no other way to communicate
That’s a simile anon
similes may as well be metaphors what sucks is not being able to directly relate anyting good only evocation through metaphor
cool post i liked thinking about it
>making out with her in the park at night and pulling each other in harder and harder until we're furiously grinding our bodies and slowly reaching my hand underneath her belt to feel how hot and wet she is
Stop posting so fast. I barely had time to whine about wanting a cis Asian girlfriend.
my heart ACHES for her light it's not FAIR
I love running, i love exercise!!!!!
going to be so fit for my future gf ehehe
I dont think thats true. I think that divine light is apparent in the beauty of love. :)
Also adhd meds work different for adhd people than regular people and arent really happy pills
Why does this one girl like me? Doesn't she see that I'm the worst person alive who does never deserve a gf and should just kill myself for greater good?
ive been feeling like throwing up the entire day
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That might be it. Finding the right meds can be a hassle. My gf couldn’t handle instant release and prefers extended release. Vyvanse is another good alternative but expensive. Generic should be coming out soon now that their patent expired. Any day now…
I cannot think of anything more annoying than babytrans who crave validation. I just made the discord because I’m also who usually makes the gen and I wanted to help start the book club (RIP). I don’t like to moderate it much so idk what you mean by “administrator personality.” lol
Not really how it works. Love isn’t a finite resource. I don’t go around finding partners to collect. I love my gf completely, I just also love my best friend in a different way and want her in my life. Again, you’re projecting.
No more monkeys jumping on the bed
>Doesn't she see that I'm the worst person alive who does never deserve a gf and should just kill myself for greater good?
literally me except no one likes me even as a friend
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does anyone have that basedlita image where it's like a guide on how to imagine that you're cuddling with her
whenever i like a girl i will her liking me into existence and it works
lesbian piv
gf broke up and im too depressed to even post baits here :(
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squishy tummy
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>can't stop thinking about getting on my knees for a woman
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Lago! Please tell me how cringy you think 'Butch Bait' stickers are.
Ideally on a 1 - 10 scale.
horrifying cringe
you can do it know and send a photo on unsee
now* argh
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I think that sticker is really cute. I love the color and that it’s shiny/holo. Matches your nails!!! Lmao I’d wear butch bait crop tops if I was into the butch/femme dynamic more. My gf doesn’t really ID as butch even though she pulls off short hair well. She dresses boyish, but out of both comfort and fear.
>the perfect woman doesn't exis--
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Ok. But consider this:
I am butch 4 butch and it is notoriously hard to signal interest in other butch women when you are butch.
I recently attended a Sapphic event where some women were wearing badges with infinity more spicy and embarrassing stuff on them.
>Matches your nails!
Pictures are just from etsy. I'm perfectly happy with my short black nails.
>I’d wear butch bait crop tops
You have far more confidence then I do, Lago.
>if I was into the butch/femme dynamic more
I'm honestly surprised you are not more into it. Since you said your gf could apparently pull off the butch look pretty well and given your height I'm sure you could comfortably lean pretty damn femme.
But I get not being into the dynamic. It is not my thing either.
i prefer futch x futch myself
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i would, but i'm kinda schizo about that
idk what happened but i went from borderline ace and wanting to be alone forever to endless thoughts about being a submissive whore to a dominant woman
pls make it stop
tomboymoder x tomboymoder
I can already imagine such a couple doing incredibly autistic shit like watching sharks at the aquarium for hours
oh hell yeah. better than sex
nonop tomboymoder top x cis tomboymoder bottom
>gf pulls me to kiss her
>bites my lips and ends up chipping my teeth
She’s one 1 feet shorter but she’s so fucking rough im legitimately scared of her. And its not just this, sex is even more painful, i even have scars.
I love her but idk what to do
biting lip while kissing is dope but sex scars are kinda fucked ngl
My preferred dynamic is soft-butch (bottom) x butch (top).
My favorite ex left some permanent marks on my back and shoulders.
Dear god do I love a partner that is not afraid to get super rough with me. It sucks how rare they are.
When do we do a double opioid OD while cuddling?
I like that pic loafy.
zoomer comedian gamedev cisussy...
wheelchair pussy
Someone else said this happened to them and that their relationship ended over it and I thought it would never happen to me or was a joke but today my cis girlfriend got extremely mad at me and wouldn't talk to me because she thought I looked prettier than her. I didn't even know what the fuck to do, I tried to comfort her and tell her that I think she's pretty but she wouldn't have it and kept saying how gross she is. It really fucked me up and I don't know how to deal with this.
need her passed out on top of me after fucking for an hour straight
i need her so bad i swear im gonna blow my brains out
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i need her so bad i swear i'm gonna spill my heart out
I want to do this but I want to be the one calling her mommy instead
me and who
please be the girl i met two weeks ago
your mom
How is the trans girl hotter and less clocky
Idk where you're from so
the moon
me too sis
lol you werent kidding
Sometimes I think I've already decided I want the relationship with my gf to end and I'm just grasping for excuses why it's not working so I can feel justified in breaking up with her.
shouldnt lead her on
new bread
You remind me of someone i knew.
>believes in fairy tales
>tells someone with adhd that adhd meds work differently for people with adhd than people without adhd
you are retaaaaaarded
>I just made the discord because I’m also who usually makes the gen and I wanted to help start the book club
so the book club isnt happening and the discord now exists for no reason except to make the general worse, got it
dump her
petition to close the discord because it's shit and killing the thread
sure is *sapphic* in here o_o
Thinking about Sapphic PIV.....drooling
pleawse stop
Cis girl wrapping herself around me as she cums while i'm inside her

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