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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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what are your thoughts on pride parades?
I think you gotta be really privileged to feel any pride in being lgbt
also i hate that its full of non-lgbt people and it disgusts me to know that there are rapists, groomers, abusers there pretending they have done nothing wrong or just looking for more victims
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There's an unhealthy pernicious reason they chose " pride " its the 1st of the 7 deadly sins
Pride parades are based entirely because they make dildos like you angry
i kinda hate that the girl who raped me is there
and the girl who manipulated me to steal my money is there too grooming young girls
I hate pride. It's all the fatties and weirdos that should have never been let out of the closet.
I think it just shows how low IQ the LGBT community really is and the even if you want to be a faggot you'd do it in private in your own way.
hate the parades. annoying at best disgusting and degenerate at worst
Absolute bait thread but I'll drop this as a reminder.
The day people won't give a shit anymore who I flirt with, who I fuck and what my gender identity is, is the day we can finally be rid of pride.
Until then, pride is a tool to show, loudly and clearly, that I refuse to be treated as less of a human because of who I love and my gender identity.
Inb4 pictures of sexual activities at pride: not a fan myself, but people are people.
i think it's fine but i dont want to support kurdistan or palestine :(
no, it's because pride is the opposite of shame, which is what everyone itt feels about being lgbt
Ohh the irony my friend. People don't give a fuck about what you do but you are treated that way because you put it into everyone's face. You're making your business their business and they don't like it.
chill out nona
being "proud" of possessing an immutable characteristic is not the same as being proud of living as yourself and being happy despite cissoids wanting you dead. pride parades are about the latter. but you already knew that. also everything >>36360076 said
go back
cissoids and heterosexuals are constantly putting their gender and sexually in my face. ban any public display of affection, ban any heteronormative behavior, ban any display of straight relationships and cis people in media so that children aren't influenced, and then i'll be 100% for you doing the same with gay shit. but that will never happen.
I can absolutely assure you shithole countries where there aren't any visible lgbt people are way worse off in all metrics for us. Now that I can be all cute and fem safely, I WILL put it in your face. Fuck you.
>what are your thoughts on pride parades?
counter productive, made to make "allies" feel like they're doing something while in reality they're doing nothing, way for vogue fags to show how disgusting they are to the whole world while they deepthroat 20inch dildos on back of a truck and pretend that's what being gay is just about while in reality most gay people are more like freddie mercury as in they just want to not be left alone by lynch mobs and karens
it's not privilege it's some would be unemployed idiots making money out of some peoples sexuality by tagging along and getting paid to rile people up and make news, it's a pointless provocation that is undermining the whole point of gays just wanting to live without harassment and making it a spectacle because gays already won the struggle for rights (feminists do the same shit now days, their movement relies on there being a conflict so they just keep doing stupid shit to keep the fight on going)
lgbt as a movement is a fucking obsolete rock for the gays to carry, the parade faggots are obnoxious and anyone who makes their entire personality about their sexuality is a annoying fuckwit
>full of non-lgbt people
no one cares, the parades are a pointless fucking libtard parade anyway, same shit as with gay pride month no one gives a shit the advertisers think gays do so they try to shill to them for a single month before they throw the rainbow flag into the trashcan and shill to the next demographic
>i don't like it that there are bad apples in a bunch
no one does that's why when they're outed they go to jail sweetie
Yes those are totally reasonable demands and I'm sure you'll get them before some but job knifes you in an alley because you're just super annoying (nothing to do with your sexuality, and don't use it to justify your shitty personality)

This is only valid for Muslim countries but even a lot of them are tolerant nowadays (I know gay people who like to holiday in Morocco for example, they are openly gay but just discreet like no kissing in public but straight people don't do that too in Arab countries)

Funny how countries like Philippines and Brazil have the largest openly gay population and they all feel prosecuted.
LGBT is just full of shit, you're literally Jew tier level terrorizing whole populations while victimizing yourself

Looking how elections are going right now you just have it coming and I'll get myself a front row seat to see your hypocrisy fall
if they are unreasonable demands then stop demanding them of lgbt people you fucking retard. go back
>Philippines and Brasil
Oh you mean the countries with the highest radical evangelical presence in the world? Gee what a surprised that the chirstcucks hate the fags to death.

Fuck you. You'll get front seat to my cock in your mother's mouth and then in your father's mouth, and they'll thank me for letting them suck my fag cock, and excuse themselves for the asshole you turned out to be.
>This is only valid for Muslim countries
I fled TO a muslim country escaping LGBT persecution, eat shit dude.
not having perverse or lewd conduct on media used to be the norm, then some certain group of people started lobbying that that's not freedom until they allowed kissing and "tasteful nudity" in tv, then it just escalated and now we have interracial sex scenes on cable tv and a whole bunch of graphic fictional violence and sex
it's almost like some group is trying to force a slingshot back into the lynch mobs and totalitarian police state that hosed down lgbt, minorities and feminists for existing and having the audacity to demand a right to live in civilization
all the useful idiots are doing is proving a point with slippery slope by participating in retarded parades and trying to inject some lgbt agendas etc into entertainment in hamhanded manner, no one cared that freddie mercury was gay because he was a great singer and a down to earth guy during interviews
stop samefagging go back
>I know gay people who like to holiday in Morocco for example
first worlder can't understand the difference between being a gay tourist in a touristic city and actually living there. Do you also believe Guatemala is great because white tourists are living their authentic vegan commune life there?
go back where? i'm born and raised in a country where if you showed signs of being gay in the 90's / early 2000's you would have to either be one hell of a fighter or you would get constantly bullied or beaten up, it's only recently that it has kind of become acceptable to even admit that you're gay without it being a social suicide
never understood what the fuck pride faggots were smoking when they think that there aren't still the same cunts around that used to target sexual minorities for victimizing
now now the libertarian just thinks everyone lives in gated communities and can afford to go to tourist trap city tours across the world, how can you expect a snowflake like that to know what it's like to actually live among the rank and file citizens
to /pol/ you stupid faggot
>muh /pol/
get out of your echo chamber bubble, not everyone has to agree with you to be gay
rainbow bride looking motherfucker
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>it disgusts me to know that there are rapists, groomers, abusers there pretending they have done nothing wrong or just looking for more victims
Jeez you make it sound like church.
This meme is so funny to me, because anyone who has any slight contact with the drag scene knows that reading to children is more the exception than the norm. Most drag shows are for adults, some are charitable.

So this picture is just a meta commentary on the fact that those that share it get all their information from selective social media and right wing news sources, and believe these selective experiences to be all. So confident that they take time out of their day to create and share these memes, believing it to be an incredible own, yet demonstrating nothing but their lack of knowledge and perspective on this issue.

It's like this poll where americans think 25% of the population is transgender, when in effect it's only 1%, just so much funnier as it is just a self report
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>yet demonstrating nothing but their lack of knowledge and perspective on this issue
whistle and they come
I know it's been said here before but who the fuck is out reading storybooks to grown-ass adults? The homeless? The sick and needy? Whoever made this meme is a tard.
Yeah, this meme is so funny on so many levels (other than what the author intended). It never seizes to amaze me
yet you still felt the need to pick that picture out of all the posts in this thread to reply to, curious
you're not boymoding, you're just okama that has more facial hair than a high school quarterback
Yeah because I scrolled down the board and it was the latest post in the thread, which was shown to me. I didn't read the rest of the thread, because I don't care.

Also, one piece picture, probably the most transpositive mainstream anime (and probably even piece of mainstream media in general), kek
>still missing the mark
man those female hormones sure kill that logic center don't they, ep931 and that's a okama just like you
take your time, you can do it you were born a man there has to be some male brain cells left in there to put two and two together
I'm not even a tranny, I'm a gay, because you know, drags are gay culture not tranny culture... Another thing that clueless righties don't know because they never bothered to even consider looking into the matters they claim to care about...

Also if you are playing on the "hahaha I baited you to reply" aspect, thats the cowards defense when you got owned. It's always the last straw. "Oh no my own went wrong quick think of something... Ah right it wasn't serious in the first place and just to trigger the libs"...

You can pretend otherwise, but I know you failed in with your petty little own attempt and now are trying to justify yourself to not seem as pathetic

Nice try, but you are just a pathetic little man, I'd still fuck you and make you my little chuddy bitch tho :)
>Okama - A slang term for homosexual men who cross-dress as women
i know anon, i'm calling you a ugly gay man for answering the ugly gay man dog whistle
sit boy, beg
It's not for families.
It has nothing to do with Abrahamism.
Yes I don't know that term, and it's a term from japanese culture. I'm not a weeb, why the fuck do you think I know what this means? The only animes I have seen are Naruto and One Piece lol

Also, I love how your asshole is already gaping just from thinking about my giant cock
oh look, a ugly gay man who is constantly horny, how classy
I know that deep inside you wish for nothing more than me fucking your cute little bussy while you are trying to type, until you can't resist anymore and are just overwelmed from the shere orgasmic power of me turning your prostate into mush

I can already smell your body excerting mating pheromones just thinking about that
i'm a 6'3 man, i don't need to flirt with ugly gay men online, i can flirt with hot gay men irl
No, you are a little bitch. You're a 5'6 balding indian guy and I'm going to make you cook curry for me
>it disgusts me to know that there are rapists, groomers, abusers there
You're talking about churches?
Falling for hebrew lore is the first mistake
i thought they were protests to gain rights/avoid losing them desu
>People don't give a fuck about what you do
I think that's a very simpleton take.
If someone has a problem with you existing in public, clearly they give a fuck
>counter productive
I don't know, anon, the countries without parades aren't places where you want to live.
It's like they're doing something right, whether you like it or not
If someone has a problem with me existing in public I don't consider that someone a human being and regard them as one regards a violent dog.
>interracial sex scenes
At least you're showing your true colours.
You could have spared us all a lot of unnecessary arguing if you were honest from the start.
i fucking wish people didnt do it in ways that make us look back "b-but my expressing myself" sure i respect that but PLEASE do it inside so dumbasses dont use it as ammo to make people hate us more
>you would have to either be one hell of a fighter or you would get constantly bullied or beaten up
That's still true for a lot of queer children.
Regardless of pride parades being this or that, I think the mere existence of a public festival for queer people is a step forward for these bullied children. Your alternative is to go back to being silent, but that never got us anything
My city has a comedy theater wagon made of drag queens called "the profaned pastoral" and they perform for nursing homes on the regular
If it makes you feel any better, we could march in pride all wearing uniforms and behaving like nuns, and people would still hate us.
You forget the time where there was no pride parades, and people still hated us arguably even more than they do now
So you went from "people don't have a problem" to "some people do have a problem but I ignore them"
Good. Let's ignore them together during pride
>it disgusts me to know that there are rapists, groomers, abusers there
Are you disgusted with bars, churches and music festivals too for having these people there?
Or your moral proselytism only applies to pride parades?
I'm fine with them existing but I've never bothered to go to one because it involves spending a bunch of time outside in the summer heat, in a crowd doing nothing but walking around. Seems unpleasant.

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