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Last: >>36340763
OP isn't an ftm and encourages other non ftms to encourage our local ftms to be men.

Dedicated to the ftm who mentioned being pre T.

Take your T!
Get your tits chopped!
Use minoxidil on your face for facial fair!
Get your phallo so I can suck it and feel it up my ass, daddy~

QOTT: What have you done besides claiming a male identity and pronouns to be more of a man?
QOTT2: When will you start T or when did you start?

QOTT for non ftms: Do you have anything you'd like to tell ftms?
>QOTT for non ftms: Do you have anything you'd like to tell ftms?
i want a ftm bf to pick me up, throw me over his shoulder, then toss me over a railing, thanks
My question to ftms: when are you gonna top me?

I have a coworker I thought to be a pooner because he has a fully female voice but based on what he said he has kids and I assume they're not adopted as adoption is rare idk. It is weird. He looks like what an ugly woman on testosterone would look like but without masculinised voice.

I think there is a gardening show with a male lead who is cis and also has a female voice and he got transvestigated over it. So odd.
I like FTMen
>QOTT for non ftms: Do you have anything you'd like to tell ftms?
Dear ftms, stop deceptively raping cis gays. Quit invading cis gay male spaces, please stay out of men's bathrooms, we don't want you. You are violating everything gay men stand for with your disgusting fetishistic material. You're all sick twisted autoandrophiles who enjoy projecting your own convoluted fantasies onto gay men. YWNBARM
Duality of (gay) man
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where is the wizard maxing ftms?
>QOTT: What have you done besides claiming a male identity and pronouns to be more of a man?
I've been living stealth for more than 5 years, guess Im man enough.
>QOTT2: When will you start T or when did you start?
I did start T in 2017
Probably casting spells to change their sex. Wizardpooners deserve the upmost respect
Who let this faggot in?
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>another vaginator with short hair calling me a faggot
Who tf is oris is why are they always here ???
Lick my clitty
An attention whore, like, an actual legit one
i go to the gym 5 days a week and like to go fishing and to the gun range when my dad when i visit him. started t >6 years ago and am stealth at work and my day-to-day life

if you’re afraid of trans men being in the same bathroom as you, that says more about your masculinity than anyone else’s
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you should go fishing and shooting and hunting with me instead
Who's the guy in the pic?
Idk, I somehow got him when looking for "muscular Asian male".
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The irony of G calling someone a "actual legit" attention whore. You're no better than Oris
The difference is I’m hot
Imagine having such an inflated ego from compliments you get on an underwater basket weaving forum. Humble yourself retard
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do jewpoons really?
It’s not ego I just have a shred of self confidence
Maybe you should try it sometime
what is your intersex condition?
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>QOTT for non ftms:
I’m a big gym gay, and I’ve noticed a steadily increasing number of (I think) ftms working out at the same place. I don’t judge anyone’s fitness progress or journey; if someone is fat or scrawny I really don’t think twice, because that’s why they’re in the gym, good for them. But the dyed hair / gauged ears / nose piercings / ugly glasses seem to be standard issue for ftms…why? You are injecting T and spending all this time working out just to voluntarily pass worse and be less attractive…why??? It’s such a bizarre combo that I never see on cis men, gay or straight. Am I just a chud or something? Is that look actually hot for some people?
I was bullied in middle school I will never be confident. Also calling people ugly and faggots isn't self confidence, you're just being a dick with an ego
you know how mtf have this weird habit of wanting to be alt/goth girls? ftm often do the same thing with that sort of hardcore kid 2010 era guy you'd see in pop rock bands
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I was bullied till I left HS, you’re not special for being a bullied tranny with low self esteem.
Get therapy instead of bringing down happy people.
boris deserves it though. don't be angry just because someone you don't like is calling someone else out. an attention whore can call out an attention whore there's no laws against it.
Real shit
Im not even a jew but asked myself how that would work if I was a jew. Some cut a bit of the hood too. I'd do that if I was Jewish. I looked that up about a decade ago too and was surprised at how progressive jews are
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trimmed or natural arm hair? should poons avoid to shave?
That's fair honestly. Sometimes I forget I hate boris more than I can ever hate G >>36362659
Doesn't change the fact that you are the biggest fucking hypocrite ever. Also would
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I guess that makes sense. It just makes me wonder how much of FTM complaints over gay dating are self-inflicted wounds.
>No cock
>Higher voice
>Whatever other perceived flaws y’all autistically focus on
I don’t speak for all cis gays, but I couldn’t care less about any of these. (I’m not some inner beauty saint, I am just exclusively into being dominated and treated like a muscle pup, which is all about the other person’s personality / own preferences.) The voluntary choices on things like dye and piercings or HOLY FUCK painted nails though…you could be the most dom macho alpha male in terms of personality and I would hard pass.
Don't shave it. Men do NOT get the same treatment as women do for having self harm scars. You will be ridiculed and forever be seen as a weak man with a weak mind. But If you really don't want body hair then wax it instead of shaving it.
I had these scars for a years, no one gives a fuck
> also would
Case in point.
Just enjoy the show my man
well that's good at least. in which case I still say wax > shave
You literally bullied me over my sickness. You act like a bully school girl. How do you have so little self awareness? You're just a Terje 3.0 with Joe being 2.0, but you get away with more because you pander to vaginasexuals.
If everyone else is the problem maybe you're the problem, just a thought.
>You're just a Terje 3.0 with Joe being 2.0
Terje was Boris 2.0 with Joe being 3.0
god i wish oris would just fucking die already
leaving is fine too but death is preferable
How do I cope with wanting to be male but not actually being masculine or having a male gender identity
G is all that is man and doesn’t get half the compliments he deserves, haters like you are just jealous of G’s levels of masculinity.
Didn’t your dick fall off?
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>testosterone makes me gain weight
>proportions get worse
Is this a sign I'm not trutrans and should just kill myself
Sickness? What sickness? You can't even tell us what your intersex condition is. Tell us what your "sickness" is.
> Just enjoy the show my man
Onlyfans start up when? Or at least drop the Joe sex tape ffs
It’s all a larp, there’s a reason Boris refuses to take pictures inside the hospital, same reasons that Terje would but whatever.
This so fucking much
AYRT, Boris *did* technically upload a picture of himself with blood drains coming out of his penis a month ago and talking about dying from an infection which everyone safely assumed was an SRS complication. Now he claims to be alive and well but still chronically, miserably ill but won't clarify what it *is* that's making him ill. I diagnosis is 2-3 words.
it means you are a fat lazy fuck and you need to move your ass off the couch
Where do people even get the motivation from? I constantly feel subhuman, I don't know if change is possible
Death is preferable to your solution
>complaining about getting fat instead of going to the gym
unironically stop transitioning you're going to regret it. pathetic ftms that transition and refuse to adopt masculine traits and work out always get fat and ugly like wolfgang or boris, don't let it happen to yourself.
Just part of being a man. But I get it, you’ll never understand.
Why would you be offended by someone bullying your LARP lmao
QOTT: What have you done besides claiming a male identity and pronouns to be more of a man?
Gym, T, make surgery plans, being more outspoken. Other than that, I didn’t have to do much. This is hard to answer.

QOTT2: When will you start T or when did you start?
I started over 6 years ago.
Try multiple activities and find out if you like one. Don't necessarily needs to be the gym. Doesn't matter if you are into rowing, running, cycling, climbing or whatever physical activity its easier to stick to it if its fun and it will keep you from getting fat.
Sex burns a lot of calories if your an active participant
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Qott1: I take T and I got my tiddies chopped off. Fixing my health and slowly losing weight now. Saving up for a tummy tuck because I'm saggin

Qott2:I started ten years ago
plenty of lazy men out there too tbf, but fat ftms pass even less and its a risk factor in surgery
You could look into medical tattoo to fix your nipple.
Planning on it, also to fix the outline to look more natural and make my areolas a big bigger they're too small for my size
looking like Chad Roberts

PCOS and Ehlers-Danlos

Boris is weird about diagnoses and will be mad at me for posting this (inb4) but he isn't larping about the pain and sickness.

I was his friend for years and talking to him is like talking to a brick wall, you're beating a dead horse here.
Your a friend of Boris like your a friend of Elliot?
Persistent genital arousal syndrome and a hormonal imbalance that causes ovulation?
So always horny as fuck and very breedable?
Top fucking kek
I dont have PCOS idk why you're posting this and I didn't get Ehler-Danlos diagnosed. I am not weird about diagnoses, Ive been posting stuff and even posted a paper doctor's diagnose of sex disorder but not only do people ignore it because it doesn't suit their narrative, I get reported for those posts so likely someone baits me into posting same stuff over and over in order to ban me.

The sickness G bullied me over was my hospital visits over my urethral issues. I dont engage with anons because I posted about this many times and they dont care. They continue baiting because the bait is the intention, not truth. they know the truth and dont care.
Sounds like someone is jealous that G is better then them
Not fertile at all since he had the organs removed

I just had a memory click in my brain of him years ago talking about ovarian cysts and being prescribed estrogen/T blockers and something about PCOS, which he disagrees with because he tends to do that with every medical condition and over/underexplain symptoms and disagree with what every doctor says/does. The raised estrogen levels in his system irritated his skin because of the EDS.

As for the PCOS, we talked about it possibly being a misdiagnosis and really being something like NCAH (which tends to be very commonly misdiagnosed as PCOS and he ticks off all the symptoms)

Whatever. It would be so much easier for him to just state what he has or at least a diagnosis similar to what he has to keep anons from dogpiling him and confusing the hell out of his friends.
Terje you’re so smart
I told you I was specifically not diagnosed with PCOS. Glad to know you still dont remember shit about me and make up more shit.
I do have NCAH genes.
I said already how endos kept sending me from one to anther saying they're not qualified enough until I ran out. I cannot will a cooperative doctor into existence. They dont care as quote on quote it doesn't even matter to them and wouldn't benefit any treatment.
Not ftm
Not a man
I decided to focus on (light) lifting for purely aap/passing reasons, my problem right now is just forcing myself to get started. Days go past without me even noticing.
>not Ftm
Why the fuck are you here then
>The sickness G bullied me over was my hospital visits over my urethral issues. I dont engage with anons because I posted about this many times and they dont care. They continue baiting because the bait is the intention, not truth. they know the truth and dont care.

I dunno dude, I haven't fully been following the flame war between you and G on the board to read any bullying on his part (and I'm sorry if he did) but I do know that you kind of started the whole thing by lashing out at him about being a genocide supporter when that isn't true

I've listened to him talk about the Israeli War in vc's and he has the most reasonable and well-researched opinions on it from any other American I've had the misfortune of listening to. You misinterpreted what he said and insulted him. And like what I last said to you, don't say nasty things to people for no reason and expect them to not clap back
cus this apparently is "intersex" and enbygen now
> I've listened to him talk about the Israeli War in vc's and he has the most reasonable and well-researched opinions
Lmfao ok there
>reacting to someone supporting genocide warrants getting ableistic harassment
This take from you doesn't surprise me considering how you were the main bully on this board for a very long time restlessly harassing people.
I'm happy to hear you have people to hang out with. I hope your life works out for you.
y'all gotta shut up with that unrealated drama shit
post face, body or ass
Actually I take back what I said. I'm not sorry if G "was a bully" because he's not, he's a good friend and anything he said to you was deserved because all you do is insult the shit out of people and pretend you didn't/play victim
>yeah i'm going to mutilate myself on purpose to look like a man but i'm not even a man! take that chud!
when you realize you've made a mistake, consider killing yourself instead of becoming a detrans grifter like the rest
Of course you're friends.
>I take back
Thank you. I will not suck up to bullies like you and G ever again.
>I told you I was specifically not diagnosed with PCOS.
>I do have NCAH genes.

Makes a lot more sense

Just tell people that so they stop harassing you
They dont care.
G isn’t a bully retard
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But how is G a bully if he's never insulted me in the 4 months we've been close while you insulted me at least 40 times in an unironic way every day

"Not a bully" =/= pushover. He's entitled to stand up for himself and trolololol assholes who insult the shit out of him unwarranted, hope that helps
Sounds like you're just dumb and enjoy being trolled when you could avoid it. Maybe it fuels your victim mentality, idk
Yea, I totally abused you for funsies. I definitely kept insulting your shitload of times every day which definitely happened. All while you were always a wonderful person. Yes.
I'm glad you two have yourselves because you're genuinely the two trashiest bullies Ive ever met. No wonder you work together so well.
>standing up for yourself is when someone criticises your support of genocide so you harass them over their physical health
Makes sense. This is what people who dont support genocide do.
can i just say i find you illiterate and irritating?
case in point, you're a fucking retard. g doesn't support israel nor does he support genocide. he's just jewish and you accused him of supporting genocide over it, i watched you do it.
>whining about "muh bullies"
>on a mongolian basket weaving forum
go back to xitter
Gloves shut the fuck up
I didn't and you make shit up. He defended Israeli genocide of Palestinians via colonisation. You're lying through your teeth. You three being together is the last surprising thing in the universe because you're so fucking identical.
I don't know who you are or what happned and I don't care either. Settle that shit privately and stop bitching, no one cares. Every damn thread is shit up with drama and "ehhh you bullied me" ahhh he said bad things". Cope, fuck off or stop trippfagging altogether
how many rapes are you trying to escape by transitioning?
Hot hot hot
Both look good
If your arms get any thicker you should shave to show them off
that applies to you too of course, biggest crybaby of all
thanks, they wont get any thicker tho as I'm not a gym worshipper and the functionality is currently sufficient
Where do you get off critiquing anyone you fat lazy fuck
i saw the post you fucking idiot. i'm not lying, unlike you. the fact you're having a meltdown in the gen proves you need a break
You constantly have meltdowns like a woman retard.
You're a retard misrepresenting reality. Defending your friend doesn't mean you need to lie. Unless you're hyperfixated on hiding behind identities when they're not related, very female typical behaviour BTW.
Say the words gloves
Remind Boris you are a GOD
Does anyone here like system shock? I'm at engineering rn
If you haven't played it it's 1 quid for the enhanced edition
Nice. Post more?
unlike you, i am a man you detransitioner piece of subhuman garbage. you probably suck terf clit behind a denny's, or whatever the polish equivalent is. that said i'm not lying either, i 100% believe everything i've said
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As I said before, talking to a brick wall

The only reason G is disliked by some anons on this board is because they think he's a trender, same treatment you and I got when we were pre/early T if you remember. Of all his terminally butthurt haters you're the first to call him a bully. Let that sink in

As for Boris haters - coming from someone who heard his history for years and seen the receipts here's your reminder he IS actually intersex and ill but too stubborn to tell you how or why, for some fucking reason.

I love you

Think of ordering doordash McDonald's rn because I just got my monthly tardbux deposit, what should I get?
Then you're a schizoid.
>I'm a man
>detrans as an insult
Did this echo in your vagina?
yeah sure I always pay for games
You need to start responding with vocaroo’s
detransitioners make real trans people like myself, terje, g, and 90% of the other poons on this board look bad so it's for the good of trans people as a whole to figuratively shove them in a locker. how we appear to others is of utmost importance in the real world
Oris is so fucking annoying on this entire board. Can you at least keep your whining away from ftmg?

I'm trying to lose weight to eventually get rid of my muffin top, and of course exercise for a more masculine figure. Other than that not much. I'm still in the process of socially transitioning.
Started T almost 2 years ago. I wish I had started earlier but don't we all?
All three of you at some point harassed mtfs with your transphobia. You yourself extensively harassed so many mtfs. And even today you condoned the harassment. Acting like some moral high ground is truly special in this case. You possibly harassed people by far the most out of any named anons apart from tranny hater.
> how we appear to others is of utmost importance in the real world
……. Bro
You are the most self unaware person
on what planet have i harassed an mtf that wasn't transphobic first? that's basic human decency
i'm trutrans and that's what i mean by public appearance. faketrans like oris will detrans without exception and then whine and cry and get their period everywhere because they go "muh femaleness!"
i don't care about whether people pass or not as long as they won't detransition
Vocaroo responses only please
Nah I've watched one of my buddies play it though it looks good. I'm just more into autism games like factorio and idle games
>no rebuttal
i accept your concession
You're a self ID tucute gender cultist. You've nothing in common with actual trans people whom you harass when they dont feed into your self ID idiocy.
>i'm trutrans
Wtf are you even going off about
Guys can we please move on? We have the same fight all of the time can we at least fight about something new? Fighting about plastic versus tin toolboxes was a good one
No you fat retarded woman. Respond with vicaroo’s only.
If you don’t then I accept your concession
Don't worry, I'll be the first to admit I've been a toxic cunt on arguably on a worse level than you at some points in my tripfagging history. I was also mean to you on the board before we became friends, though I thought we made peace over that. Guess not with all the horrible things you casually sprung at me. Banter is one thing, a deserved insult or clap is another, but remember there's a huge difference between a slap in the face and a kick in the nuts. You aimed below the belt when 9999% of 3 years of friendship I did nothing to you.

I never defended my own past behavior in this thread. G's not a bully though. Have a nice day!
i'm not self id or tucute at all you fucking retard, if you knew anything about me you'd know people on here initially seethed because i had a disgust towards diy and nondysphorics. i don't care nearly as much about either now but at least get your fucking facts straight terfina
Everyone knows plastic tool boxes are the best thing ever and what real men use so it’s not even a debate.
i miss the toolbox my dad bought me as a birthday gift as a kid. they already thought i was a dyke at 6
>I did nothing to you
Do you truly believe this? I won't bring up personal stuff in front of everyone but fuck idk how you can pretend like this. Fuck, I know you even believe this. You somehow magically never remember any abuse you do and never admit to any of it. And I am not the only person you've hurt so at least admit to yourself you do hurt people.
Remember when you beat up Elliot
If you're working outside you gotta use tin or aluminum, the sun eats at your plastics and your latch life suffers for it. I'd say a small plastic toolbox that you keep inside and use in your shop, and a metal one for travel
Nope, there are zero downsides to plastic tool boxes.
Yea you're allergic to transitioning. You spoke of detrans periods but I'm the person ITT who never fully developed female genitals, who went through a partially masculinising puberty, who doesn't have female genitals. You're pro self ID anti transition (hidden behind anti DIY). Your tucuteness is blatantly shown through how you care about people being trans identified beyond the real state of things. I always went out of my way to make sure people didn't think I was trans and I continue supporting actual trans people. I bet your vagina is absolutely clenched in rage right now lol
Lol I wasn't abusive to you dude. Not while we were friends at least. Whatever.

I do miss you a lot of the time. Aside from explosiveness and insults, you are a very good and loyal friend. I have hope for you and wish you the best, I just don't want to be a part of it
Lmao sometimes it be that way. I still remember my like fifth birthday, my older sister getting a collectible barbie, my other sister getting some ty toys, and me getting a metallic rattrap beast wars transformer
You absolutely were and you frequently made me feel even worse when I was very vulnerable. I won't bring up specific personal situations because I am not interested in giving anons ammo nor disclosing my personal situations I didn't disclose here before.

May our paths never cross again.
I do genuinely hope your life will be easy from now on.
I take testosterone
I'm too stupid to grift, if I had it in me I'd be bitching about being a desister on tiktok instead of posting on here
How many plastic toolboxes do you have from your parents or grandparents?
That things to heavy to be practical, way to show how you just larp with your tools instead of using them to provide a living.
Alright we can end it here because I don't think this conversation is going anywhere useful for either you or me (or the anons forced to read it)

Tell you what - if you and I can agree to end the chapter and leave each other alone on the board, maybe you and G can do that too. Idk where he is right now but he might agree
If G fucked off that'd be nice because I dont do anything his way unless he harasses me again.
It's neither heavy nor cumbersome, it's conveniently short and stout with two levels so I don't need to dig into the thing to find the tools I need. It's actually a union steel tackle box but works much better as a toolbox for what I do (roofing)
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you are genuinely schizophrenic. i'm actually on testosterone, unlike you.
and you don't know what transmed means, clearly. transmed means that you think transition should be 100% medicalized, meaning every trans person should be dx with gid and referred to an endocrinologist to be trans. no diy nor informed consent.
i am not a transmed, but i'm sure as shit less of a tucute than you
>i don't have female genitals
oh sorry i thought you joined arabman with your mon falling off
furthermore i'm anti self-id and always have been. i'm also not angry at all. i think your impotent rage is hilarious and see you as nothing but my plaything
i also am stealth to everyone except my doctor and next door neighbor who hates me and knew me before i started taking t, he's threatened me with violence for being trans before
Why are you posting someone's crusty auntie?
the crusty meat-mountain has spoken and I kneel
Vocaroo please
Youre not, christ you're like every other fucking woman that thinks cause she gets a couple of compliments you're suddenly hot shit, along with your white knights I don't understand how you're different than every other woman
>you might not like it, but this is what peak masculinity looks like.
Why do you do this? It isn’t some le epic own when you post a picture of yourself.
>I am a GOD compared to you!
Finally a man in this general
Gloves has a negative amount of self awareness.
i'm fully self aware. you however, are not.
How about you post a picture of yourself walking somewhere
I kneel, my master, I am nothing but your plaything.

(I hope you may restart your anti psychotic drugs soon.)
Hey guys I got diagnosed with a mild form of PCOS today isn’t that fun
It really is unfortunate you never jumped off that building back in the day
>i'm fully self aware. you however, are not.
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Note to self: Don’t drink tap water at Jerry Garcia’s.
Hairy cooter disorder?
The opposite it’s not high enough for that it’s just found in my blood
it's simple, i'm trying to get a rise out of oris in any way i can and am succeeding. oris, however, thinks being jewish inherently supports israel, thinks anyone who disagrees with him on anything is fake trans, etc
>The opposite
Bald pussy? Disappointing
gloves not being cringe for a single day challenge failed again
average pussy
Alright cool

Also I'm sorry I realize I was definitely wrong for leaking medical information (especially since you said I misremembered some details anyway) but I hope at the very least people stop accusing you of lying after seeing this. I won't say anything about it again, though

Take care
Hmm... workable. Light coat or coarse and dense?
That doesn’t explain how you are fully self aware
He should win a round of minesweeper to prove he is sentient
That’s an impossible task, counting coins would be more realistic.
I’d like to do this actually I love minesweeper
Unimaginable horrors type of texture like a porous sponge
Gloves do you support Israel?
i hate both israel and palestine equally. i wish it was possible for the innocent civilians to be temporarily moved out while both their governments collapse
genocide is wrong but terrorism (hamas leads palestine) is wrong as well
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What the fuck does this mean ToT
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My pubes are chemically removed through human experimentation
You're such a mastermind. <3
A light coat of pubes or a dense bush it's not that hard to understand unless you're an ogrehon like yourself
You have to pick one or the other here this isn’t really a fence sitting sort of thing
Actually lmao
>>I hate Isreal and Palestine equally
Retard moment
Choose a side or die
Oris do you squirt
then palestine i guess
Why are you antisemitic?
What you wanna see?
Only for you, daddy.
Maybe after the upcoming surgerysurgery but the last one already fucked my prostate up so I didn't cum for the longest time. It works now but I cum less than I did. I dont know if squirt liquid is the same. Mine is very sticky transparent with no smell.
Literally, same with centrists
Picking no side or playing both sides is just a sign you have no backbone or an opinion of your own, they're the pussies of politics
Back and shoulders
As a Jew myself I also support Palestine so
As if they didn't start because Isreal was terrorizing them first. Stupid fucking centrist
Didn’t ask don’t care
Isrealites are the new nazis, they actually beat their predecessors in death tolls
I like how you said surgery twice to really emphasise the point congratulations good luck with the surgery
I keep reading centrists as centaurs this is unrelated
I love myself
>Picking no side or playing both sides is just a sign you have no backbone
retard, the long nose tribe hates whites and the dune coons hate whites, why should i support my enemies?
You just can’t understand the 3d chess gloves is capable of visualizing.
Haha thanks my phone keyboard sometimes duplicates the last word when I press backspace and idk why. Nothing in settings to cause that. :(
Yeah gloves is too smart for me I should shut up right now
Nazies killed 6 gorrillion Jews during the holocaust how dare you!
yeah they're generally not as bad as israel overall but terrorism is generally evil. the true test is to force israel to fuck off and see if hamas still spergs out
Why shouldn’t Palestine be allowed to strike back after what Israel has done to them?
Sometimes I repeat a word or miss them out but it’s because I type faster than I can think
>>supporting dune coons is supporting your enemies
Palestine has no foot in American politics but politicians on both sides are funded by AIPAC and Isreal, just say you don't know shit
Or continue to speak out your ass, fine by me
Personally I don't care for the fact this country is controlled by isrealites
I dont do it. It is definitely the back key. I had it repeat the word like four times and sometimes it gets weird. I turned off autocorrect to see if i t will help but I am very bad at phone posting so there is that.
Why the fuck did you stop with the sexual stuff, you coward? Scared of my pussy juices, daddy?
they should. when i said the equally bad comment i forgot it was because israel encroached on palestine's territory and they tried to get a ceasefire multiple times by asking for the 1960s boarders. thanks for the reminder.
Helloooo, did you end up listening to all the songs?
Someone ought to throw a brick at that disgusting little head of yours, you miserable fucking waste of life. Why don’t you just shrivel up, you wretched cunt.
> you guys are transphobic
> proceeds to be transphobic
Make it make sense tf
Here comes the gorilla hon rage
You forget things lots don’t you?
I thought you didn’t have a pussy?
yes and i fucking hate it
I dont. You're not a part of that roleplay. *squirts into your eyes*
So how do you know you are self aware, moreso then others?
>I don't care for the fact this country is controlled by isrealites
That's what i thought kike
Nah, I’ve already let out all my rage earlier, nothing can piss me off harder than what’s already occurred.
only more than oris which is evident by rereading the thread
You have the reading comprehension of a toddler
don't you have to suck off some babies, Rabbi?
>only more than oris which is evident by rereading the thread
why is phallo still so shit

it makes no sense men with micropenis and botched circumcision would benefit from the option to get a decent sized penis

but the only option for all of us is a frankenpenis that barely resembles the real thing

at least vaginoplasties can look and function like vaginas

is it really truly impossible to create a penis?
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nothing special going on there
>at least vaginoplasties can look and function like vaginas
Kek, don’t ask them about the smell.
its always easier to remove something than to add something
Not enough people interested in it unfortunately. Many transmen don't even have bottom dysphoria so that pool of interest is small even in the ftm community. And many ftm who do want srs are like us in that "it looks like shit so I'll wait till it looks better" giving the impression of even less interest. I don't think it'll change without a more active push for it
We just have tools in plastic paint buckets
its easy to spot where everything is and if you need a bucket you have a bucket.
If it breaks, whatever its just a cheap bucket.
Electric tools are in their original stackable plastic box.
> Many transmen don't even have bottom dysphoria
I believe this is what gloves refers to as, “not true trans”
i can't speak on that. any mtfs wanna let me sniff theirs?
what about the cis men i mentioned
having a micropenis isn't that different from being dickless datingwise
i think thats it desu. it must be impossible or it would exist already
Well gloves is gloves.
Well I know some years ago there was research into penile transplants for men who lost theirs due to cancer or trauma (generally due to war) but I don't know how far that went in the end
It was a sentence opener I apologise >>36364828
I didn’t because the thread was archived so add me on discord and sent it to me again @tears_ofthelamb
Sorry Ive no Discord and I won't make it again.
If you can't dom my pussy in public I'm not in for it.
This was NOT directed to you Oris this was for Beatles anon
/ftmg/ discord server
Makes sense. Sorry.
Who would wanna join that shithole
Ikr, blegghhhhh
You guys ever feel hungry, but don’t have the energy to eat?
Fuck off and keep your drama away from here
I think it’s actually one of the only discord servers I’ve joined where nothing really happens drama wise
That's because they're shitting up every thread with it
none of this would have happened if oris wasn't a lying shitbag
you usually cause the drama
Yall are making drama over who starts drama
STFU and join the cord
i didn't cause shit i just stuck up for g
>Anonymous website
>Air their dirty laundry publicly with full identifiable information
namefags BTFO as usual LMAO
can't read either
>be a man edition
>cat fights and drama
Woman moment
G’s a massive whore, literal and attention, but she ain’t gonna fuck you dude
he's my friend and i have no interest in fucking him
Gloves you don’t have friends
you'd be suprised
We’re homies
Internet friends aren’t real friends dumbass
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pre top surgery, how bad is it? obviously, I'd never go out in public like this
How bad is what? There’s nothing there
You can prolly get keyhole honestly
His boobs are a little big for keyhole (I've seen them), could qualify for peri but peri is scuffed a lot of the time
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side view
ive tried using kt tape and a baggy sweater before and gotten bad reviews.
>ive seen them
I'm def too big for keyhole, pretty sure you need A cups or smaller for that. I'd want the least amount of scarring possible so id prefer peri
You have zero loyalty whore
>pretty sure you need A cups or smaller for that
It's not about the cup size, but the fold/lack of fold on your titties, skin elasticity, and nipple placement.
>side view
Even hotter
KT tape sucks, got chemical burns from it the other night that left blisters. I’ve heard good things about trans tape since it’s actually meant for binding breast.
My loyalty is to the kingdom of cock (my bf and anyone who dicks me down) and my bros

Also you can get keyhole with a small B with good skin elasticity. If you’re not on T yet your yiddies are gonna shrink hella when you start.
no tit fold, but my nipples are fairly low as is most of my breast tissue (always has been)
its online only and expensive as fuck. i also hate the marketing
>anyone who dicks me down
Yes o7
here's my results for reference. i got it done in december, 4 months on T at the time and all these pics are from the last month. my boobs got really flat and saggy after losing like 60lbs (went from an F to a DD) so i have some wrinkled skin still when slouching but it will fill out in due time with muscle. i just wanted to share my results to help you get an idea of what yours may look like
my boobs don't look like your before pic at all
I henceforth exile myself from ftmg forever under the condition of me not being discussed here again.

Have a good time, lads.
i figured not, but my point is to show you how having the stretch marks and wrinkles can possibly affect your results. you should ensure your doctor can make the skin as tight as possible to minimise what you see in my pics. also i've seen successful results with far bigger boobs than yours so it will be ok
i want peri and not DI.
How would you know if people were talking shit unless you kept hanging out here?
Online bullying isn’t even real bro just like turn off the computer or look at something else.
Just ignore it, maybe it’ll go away
im gonna need a DI no matter what if/when i get top surgery, but can having deep stretch marks that are 9 years old disqualify me? obviously it'll make the results shitty even if i was thin
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why is there such a double standard with amabs and afabs?
If you have tits, a doctor will do DI
I haven’t heard of anyone being turned down for DI for stretch marks. Even BMI doesn’t disqualify people anymore I’ve noticed.
Hot Yuri Sex!
most doctors refuse for a bmi of 40 or over due to the possibility of anesthesia related complications. i'm under that but not by much
can anyone post the og version of that joe pic i need need need need need need need him
i don't think your size will suit peri but you can always try.
i'm saying this not to be mean but your weight would disqualify you before anything else. there may be surgeons willing to do it but insurance probably wouldn't cover it, a lot of surgeons have weight requirements to optimize results and ensure less complications. if stretch marks were a disqualifier my surgeon would have laughed me out of the office
Are you going to get bottom surgery?
to be fair i'm 95% sure arizona never covers top surgery anyways, nearest place in state that does it is phoenix (3 hours away) iirc, if not then flagstaff which is closer but only by an hour and a half
I've seen results from people with larger breasts than me that have been fairly good. why do you think im too big?
no, and anyone with a brain wouldn't either. i have horrible bottom dysphoria that makes undressing hard and would make bottoming OR topping in sex impossible if anyone was willing, but the results are absolutely abysmal butchery every time without fail. meta is slightly less bad but i've seen some pretty shit results.
i don't think bottom dysphoria determines if someone is trans or not nor do i think the surgery is ever a good idea.
Fucking trender
i mean really whether you get peri or DI is dependent on how much sagging there is and where the tissue lies. i'm not a doc and your pics don't really show what kinda boobs you have so it's hard to say
shut up retard
Is that why you don’t bathe?
Your weight would have disqualified me from even starting T, your surgery results will be absolutely fucked
>TFW no hot FTM top bf...
Y'all stinky and silly...
if your nipples are DVD sized peri also isn't an option
This me. I want phallo badly but I feel the science can improve so I'm waiting until it does. Until then I'm basically a voluntary celibate
I had some very deep stretch marks before top, I was able to get surgery fine but I'll tell you the truth, the stretch marks on my chest hurt often, especially when I'm using my chest muscles for a long time. The skin is thinner and sensitive. In your case weight is going to be your disqualifier. The doctors willing to do surgery on you are slim and the ones who are willing are generally lower quality surgeons.
weight doesn't stop anyone from taking hrt in the united states, sorry we're better than europoors
i do bathe after bracing myself for around an hour, but i struggle to in the first place because if i set something even slightly out of place in the bathroom i get screeched at. i judge whether i need to bathe based on when my hair stops being curly
You must be a pleasure to be around. No wonder you only have internet friends holy shit.
This only works for cis lesbians and trannies. There is no reason that a cis man would be afraid of a trans man. Ftms are manlets with no penis.
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This is your absolutely vile kind
we don't claim twittards. we just hate transphobes and not specific minorities
>say i hate women
>nobody cares
>say i hate men
at your weight youd need more T for the same effect but I bet smart murican doctors are aware of that and aren't just after your money without giving a fuck about your health or results
yeah thats why i had a high starting dose and not a poondose. my voice is cis male passing but since my dad is practically hairless i mostly am too
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This is rape by deception
You sound like a frog
you got a regular starting dose and claimed having trouble with how long you have to wait between shots and you are on antipsychotics which would should be an additional reason to switch to a lower but more frequent dose or to switch to gel altogether also given your fear of needles
Gloves doesn’t was his hands so gel is a bad idea
I don't even get how this actually is supposed to be rape. 2 adults do something they like, one later finds out something about the other one that would have made them not want to fuck the other to begin with, but no harm was done.
If I'd get fucked by a dude bit later find out it was a pooner with a strap well whatever it still felt good at that moment lmao
spreading a lethal diseas knowingly or just due to lack of care would be far worse
>teenagers being annoying on twitter is the same as real violence
Also, wouldn't hating cis gay men mean they /wouldn't/ try and "rape" you?
Potentially sure, rape by deception is more of a grey area because there was some form of consent. You'd have to ask the men she slept with individually if they feel it is rape. And it will be rape to those who believe it is. But I don't know what we're expected to do about a trans man raping people before I was even a thought
Do FTM's fart? Or do you keep your female flatulence repression?
> female flatulence repression?
Kek, and girls don’t poop either huh?
I fart but I actually cannot burp really
>QOTD: fallen back and forth between being a coomer consoomer and adopting stoicism/workin out
>2: Whenever all the theyfabs in line before me quit, or when i get a job and go diy
For me it only gets weird if you’re doing this kind of anal while fertile and/or unprotected because of the pregnancy splashback risk. I empathize with cis cocksexual gays on that, I’d feel a bit violated in that situation too. But I haven’t met any ftms who’ve ever put themselves in that position, so I imagine the chances of it happening are slim-to-none.
big and loud then sniff
i'd rope if i was on a lower dose than now, and i haven't been afraid of needles since i did my first shot. you just want me to detrans, in which case, rope.
i wash my hands very frequently and go through a bottle of soap in under a week every time. i also tend to wash my hands 3+ times in a row when i touch something i see as dirty
lower doese and more frequent is equal to a high dose less frequent, it causes less undesirable side effects like acne and moodswing. Sadly it can't cure your severe retardation
doing the equivalent of my dose (50mg/wk) instead of my current dose (100mg/2wk) is fine but i'd argue it's not high enough. i'd rather do 100mg/wk
holy based. they're right you know. get your hands away from that 12 year old boy this instant
Stop fucking making new generals I swear on Christ you're the most annoying poster on this god forsaken board this one was fine. I'm going to hunt down every single jannie and suck their clits until they nuke every faggot ass thread you make lord all mighty

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