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Why do trannies find it so hard to believe that they don't have to pass for us to find them attractive?

Being a hon does not mean you look like a guy, it means you look like a women with clockable features. Even if you are just 80% there, thats still plenty of women to be attracted to. Also, being a hon does not mean you are unlovable. Guys like us will fall for you for all sorts of reasons and genuinely care for you even if you don't fully pass.
Not to mention that you're body is in progress. Especially if you've only been on HRT for like a year or two, there is so much that will still change. And even after HRT has done it's work, there are still surgeries.

Don't think you can't find someone because you are a hon. Don't think you can't start dating if you don't already pass and don't deny yourself companionship just because you feel like you don't deserve it
nigga u gay
>Attracted to people who look like women except for some individual clocky features
I know a fair share of gays, and they definitely aren't attracted to trannies, even if they are clocky
id angsty 20 somethings honestly. dont take em too seriously
Standard AGnPc response
>look like women
do you really, truly believe this?
Another one. Why do AGPedos seethe at chasers so much?
not 100% sure im a hon but i see myself as one. thank you for this post. as pathetic as it is i have been hating myself and feeling like my bf shouldn't love me bc im a hon. the last line of your post unironically made me cry like i have a bf but i think i really needed to hear exactly this.

thank you chaser
i dont give af about chasers since i hate men
but i dont care about passing anymore
i just want to be a cute clocky tranny with my little gf and take her to little restaurants where we're severely under-dressed but the happiest people in the room
>Go to last passgen
>Ctrl + F: Twinkhon
>found result >>36251684

Can I clock her? Yes from a mile away. Does she look like a man? Most definitely not.

Also WTF are those standards in passgen? I literally had to look through multiple posts that where labeld hon by others until I find one that in my eyes does not really pass. Like you girls are calling everything a hon, even if it would pass to any normie with flying colors
Many such cases... No you are not just good enough for him, you are perfect for him. He loves you, so get these silly thoughts out of your head
Why do you faggots think you are so much better than us? Most people think HSTS are just coping faggots.
but no one will have a long term relationship with a hon, they probably won't even want to be seen with them in public.
thank you
Why do you think that? We don't fall in love for your looks. We fall in love because we love who you are. We love you're autistic rambling about how the mindflayer deeplore in the DnD multiverse and how the latest edition has really added depth to them as a race, even though we have absolutely no clue aboud DnD we still listen to you anyway (to the person I'm referencing, if you read this, you know who you are :)).
We fall in love for your constant giggles and bright laughter whenever we make stupid remarks, and how when we watch TV in the evening you cuddle yourself to me and tell me every single plothole and inconsistency in the story so far. We love all the insider jokes that we came up with that makes everyone around us think we are completely braindamaged retards.

That is what we fall in love for. Not your looks. Your looks don't even make it into the top 10 of things important to us
this is so cute and i don't question your love for us

but since your friends and families are important to you and being with a hon would have negative effects on your own lives. Would you go out with a hon even tho you know all people would be looking at your eyes with judgement...
Yeah sure... I mean they do on you anyway, and being in love with someone also means sharing their pain.

Also I don't surround myself with transphobes, there are certain people that I would like to avoid where possible, but not out of shame, mostly because I would like to avoid unessecary drama, and the stress it would cause on you (e.g. I have one aunt, which granted I only see like once every few years, but she always starts arguing about the gender craze)
No one except AGP rapehons think that, and you only do to cope
idk i think it's unfair to be in a relationship with an healthy man as a hon or a tranny lol
yeah i feel this way a lot. like im hurting my bf by being with him, he deserves better than a tranny
i feel this way especially when it comes to having children..
yeah :( i feel like bc im a tranny im not good enough to marry or be able to have kids or be someone's mom
this.. it's so hard to find yourself loveable when you are useless like this. And it gives so much pain to live knowing that.
Don't think of you in terms of worth and "doing better". Each of you are a wonderful person in their own right and if you find someone who loves you for that, there is no other person they can do better with than you. You are perfect, you just need to find the person to whom :)

Not every man wants or can have children, and even then there are still other ways to have children. I bet you can make a wonderful mom when it comes to it

>with an healthy man
what if the man isn't healthy?
yeah. i know i need to learn to though. my bf hates how self hating i am
thank you that's very nice to say :)
Don't think too much about if you are good enough for him. You evidently are. And don't think you know better than him whether he likes you or not.

I can tell you from my own experience, who was ghosted by a tranny thinking she was not good enough for me and wanted to "wait for the unaviodable", don't be like that. You are loved and you are just perfect
you're so nice. ill be better
Just say you're into ugly crossdressing men, faggot. It's a lot easier than all this garbled mental gymnastic gibberish.
Op is a fag
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It's not about looks
It's the heart that counts
>what if the man isn't healthy?
then i could cope with not being able to give him a family

but i'm very ugly and i have mental problems anyway.. i would make someone's life worse lol
You aren't an asset like a watch or something, you are more than having the purpose of being pretty for someone and mental Problems aren't impossible to deal with either.
I believe you are a nice and interesting person, and there are people out there to whom you will be an enrichment to their life.

Not that I believe you are being very ugly anyway. Trannies always say that, and it's almost never true :)
i'm useless in so many ways

>I believe you are a nice and interesting person
people say the opposite tho, they say im selfish and cocky

>Not that I believe you are being very ugly anyway
i can feel how people see me.. im ugly i just know it
>i'm useless in so many ways
You aren't a tool or cattle, you don't need to be useful for someone to want you :)

>they say im selfish and cocky
Idk. I can only judge from your posts I see here and you seem alright. A bit to doomerish.

Also you just need to find someone who is compatible with you. I've seen the worst people having loving partners, that like them for who they are... So you can find one too :)
>i can feel how people see me..
Most people hate trannies, this doesn't mean you're ugly. I believe you're pretty until proven otherwise
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xaxaxa sure, until I put my hair up or my posture or voice slips
>you don't need to be useful for someone to want you
why would anyone want a troon then lol

>So you can find one too :)
not where i live..

>Most people hate trannies
but they don't hate trannies..
>Being a hon does not mean you look like a guy, it means you look like a women with clockable features
>Being a hon does not mean you look like a guy
Anon what the fuck do you think passing means
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So you think a person looks perfectly masc until the point of passing and then suddenly looks perfectly fem? There is no inbetween?

There are often timelines posted here, I just took the one from Pichu from recently. I'd say at pic 5 she fully passes. So according to you pictures 3 and 4 are as much a masculine man as pictures 1 and 2? Don't you think there is a gradient where the person starts looking less like a guy, and more like a women?
I'd say pic 1 is 100% guy, 2 probably 80%, 3 would be 50%, 4 would be 20% and 5 would be 0%.

According to your logic its 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 0% and passing
self hatred and gatekeeping is the only thing i can gather. i for one LOVE clocky tgirls who are like 2yrs on hrt. hell i’m about two years in myself and not close to passing but i’ve had more people interested in me than i ever had. it’s all about confidence (something not a lot of us trannies think about let alone have).

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