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Its fucking stupid to stop repping at 20 and I will never do it. I'd rather kill myself at 50 than be a 5'7 juggernaut hon. Pinkpillers disgust me with their lies that hormones do anything after puberty.
hot take, if you weren't dysphoric enough to transition in your teens you probably weren't trans.
That's 170 cm
You can't be a juggernaut at 170cm
You're a woman and I will have my way with you
Put on the fucking wig, Alice
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>t. john 50
>I'd rather kill myself at 50
Why wait though?
It's not like there's going to be anything good between now and then. It's just going to suck until you transition or die.
You may as well transition, there's no opportunity cost.
My sister is 5'7". Males can't look like women though, it's not really about height. That's just a cope

Trannies who are like "I'll never pass because I'm 5'10" are coping. You wouldn't anyway. Males and females look completely different. Ironically, the only people who pass are just so ugly and/or fat that nobody can distinguish the features
Also correct. I am a fakerep, my dysphoria isn't real. Its a spook. A spook in my head. It will go away.
>t. 6ft twig
I could break you in half with my dwarf strength.
Because I want to see the finale to civilization
this but unironically
Alice, meds and wig. NOW
I could palm your skull in my hand
>Because I want to see the finale to civilization
Trooning out won't impact that.
There is nothing worse than honning out.
Sure there is. 30 years of the enhanced interrogation technique that is gender dysphoria.

You're not going to achieve anything, you're just going to be a burden on everyone around you, eventually they'll move on, your parents will get old and die, and it will just be you trying to convince yourself your a man when you already know you're lying.

>Implying I need to convince myself I am a man
I am fakerep faketrans fake dysphoria. I am a man, infinitely malebrained.
You can't reach up to a man's skull, Alice
5'7 isn't short.
if you’re gonna kill yourself at 50 anyway why not take the chance to transition and see if it works out? if you end up a hon you could always kill yourself since that was the plan anyway. i know what it’s like to be in the “slightly shorter than men but still taller than women” category and it’s really not a good reason to rep
no, gorilla bone structure is though
I will die with dignity and not drag down youngshits and passoids optics with my honnery.
why do zoomie reppers do this? come to the faggot tranny board to say that they're not gonna transition.
Like, ok? Why did you feel the need to share this with other trannies? True men, true reppers, they don't need to prove anything to anyone but themselves, they especially don't need to prove anything to trannies, lol.
I was thinking the same thing and trooned out at 25 and now I'm a gigahon, good luck to you Anon.
Not in Mexicoland, but here it is
why isn’t manmoding the better option? you get a chance to see if hormones can pull off a miracle and if not then no harm no gain right?
except it leaves you with gyno and erectile dysfunction, and takes away any dignity you have
>grow tits that never go away
>grow tits that never go away
i wish
I'm 2 years in and flat as board
Unlikely but I don't want to end up like my friend who had impossible to hide tits by the 3rd year.

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