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Why does everything about the male gender suck so much? Aside from physical strength, I can't think of a single other good thing about it. It just sucks in every other way.
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They hate us cos they ain't us
Men are also better at almost everything
the hairline and the skin is really what does it for me
i have no idea why you would want to be male considering how ugly it makes you
>inb4 bipedo cope "if you take good care of your skin than males can look pretty too!!"
it's an uphill battle and a genetic lottery in a way that having a female hormonal cycle doesnt have to worry about
bro will never experience the older brother core...
being male seems fun if ur hot or talented or super confident or wealthy. idk why anyone would choose to be an average male
>being male seems fun if ur hot
but is it really more fun than being a woman that is hot?
cute twinks are a pretty good thing about the male gender
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Aging as a man is unironically better then aging as a woman. Let’s say you have a young boy and a young girl, both of which are have a serene androgynous beauty to them. Both of them will lose it, but the boy can look forward to hardening into a man who will be at peak in his 40s and 50s before slowly declining into his 60s. The girl on the other hand can look forward to melting into slop. After the age of 30, she is done. The only real downside for men is hair loss, but that’s why finasteride exists. And it takes much less surgery to keep a man looking good then for a woman, who will probably just look like a plastic freak if she goes the surgical route
Why is being physically strong a good thing?
People have fun with beards.
Also the penis is less fucked up than a pussy
The only thing I prefer about men is their genitals.

And the sense of humor
trannyism is a cult centered around mutual affirmation of misandrist negative stereotypes and prejudices
basically the goal is to shit on men and convince men to ruin their own bodies so women can have even MORE power in society
Certain twinks are hotter than a looot of women
malebrained interests are, in general, more engaging, femalebrained interests can be very interesting but typically the kinda people with the tism/tism adjacent thought process needed to actually be engaging to talk to don't end up into shit like sewing
men age weird; if it goes well it stays well, if it goes bad its... you're just kinda fucked, whereas women typically start to drop off no matter what unless they're extremely lucky or extremely good at planning
if you only care about making bank and you aren't opposed to certain morally dubious shit, being a guy is objectively better
if you want to be a normal, well adjusted person and have a nice romantic relationship, or even just have real friends, lmao get fucked, men basically never get to have that
but being a man will never be better for an average person either way, so why care that women will have more power
Women are never happy and clinically unable to have fun despite what the song may imply, so yes.
nta but the issue of mens rights will literally never be solved because its way too easy to do exactly what you're describing, and because for it to EVER work there would need to be any amount of support from WOMEN as a collective, which will literally never happen until things are REAL fucking bad because as it happens, women do not have the same extrinsic motivation to try to help out men that men did when it came to capitulating to womens rights movements (most men are either horndogs and will do anything for sex or they are wife guys who will do anything for the pretty girl to like him)
it's objectively better to be physically stronger than weaker when all other things are equal
>not going to get raped as easily
>not going to get kidnapped as easily
>not going to get murdered as easily
>moving furniture is slightly easier
>punching bitches when they don't stfu
Stuff like that
there's no way you actually believe women have more power in society than men
First 3 don't matter in a world where any sort of weapon exists.
Women can just get a simp to move furniture for them.
Have fun in prison if you do that
what "rules"?
Could it be that perhaps society is the one who is wrong to value looks to the extent that social media has caused? People used to look like this.

I'm 32 and I look great.

Anne Hathaway is 42 and she looks great.

Women only really wall at 50. You just have to not abuse substances or food. You can't go by just any Hollywood stars, the pressure and bad. Influences cause some of them to ruin their bodies.
and this is consequential how? being shunned by women isn't going to prevent you from getting into positions of power
>if men supposedly have superior physical strength why are women impossible to subdue, unless physical power was never the most important thing anyways?
this is the point, yeah
men ARE stronger but that doesnt matter, if strength was at all relevant enough to get you far in life then we'd exist in a borderline post apocalyptic barbarian culture where the concept of rape didnt exist because that was the norm
shockingly, against everything gender politics practitioners claim, men are not emotionless rape monsters, and progress was made in regards to womens rights because they were willing to listen and actually work towards change because they cared
women dont care about men, bottom line
this fucked me up for a long time but honestly at this point its kinda whatever because it makes it really easy to filter out people worth talking to - if they parrot gender politics talking points that are just misandry made socially digestible, or they're a blatant pickme trying to schmooze up to right wing types, they're incapable of individual thought and can be safely glossed over
Ugliness is completely subjective. Physical power and a generally more comfortable body and less painful to live in are objective.
>you can’t go by Hollywood stars anyways Ann Hathaway looks great proving my point

Average women typically drop off hard after giving birth particularly. Especially nowadays it’s rare to find a woman who lives a monastic life and doesn’t indulge in the vices that age you quickly, it’s really just too enticing to live the party princess life when you’re young and hot (cuz you take care of yourself, since it’s usually that easy).
But yeah if you can find a hikkimori femcel that doesn’t drink or binge eat she can stay hot in her 30s sure.
>stronger, faster, and more intelligent
>this fucking sucks, actually
Not having to get pregnant if you want to pass on your genes is a pretty big plus that I’m massively jealous of
>for a little slice of our own
no, I just don't really believe things can change anymore, why fight anything at this point
This was a valid argument before modern firearms and laws were invented.

Now the chance of you being raped or kidnapped because you are weak is like the chance of you having a stroke, in fact I think it is lower. Not really an advantage.
Can't most female problems be fixed with technology, current or future? Male problems, on the other hand, are almost entirely social and I'm a big pessimist when it comes to social change, I doubt social things will be different even 100 years from now.
Beauty conveys good genetics, that just they way things are. And men on average are just uglier because of T
Beauty is weird bro. Why do girls keep getting hotter despite their dysgenic ass parents? I couldn’t tell you. At this rate by 2040 the e-girl will nut you through visual inputs alone.
Depends on the individual.
Some men go bald at 20, some are born with a slow metabolism, some eat like shit.
Same for women except going bald is rarer, but they can just as easily get a bad spin on the genetic lottery and be shit out of luck or blow it on their own lack of care.
Tom cruise looks alright at his age because he's spent a lot of money, time and effort to still look good at that age.
I've seen the polar opposite of your point made, and it wasn't no more or less wrong than yours. It's a measure of luck, resources and effort that makes people look good for longer.

You're a blind, gooner clown. That's why.
huh the mods are awake from their estrogen stupor for once huh
>Tom cruise looks alright at his age because he's spent a lot of money, time and effort to still look good at that age.

In fact, he uses adrenochrome.
That's because you're a dimwit.
Cause the species evolved to have expendable subhumans.
P sad
Women age like bad milk, men age like a fine milk.

Tom Cruise is a young looking old man. Most milkmen age like women, Tom Cruise ages like a postman, who delivers wine.

Most women age like specialist postmen who deliver milk, also known as milkmen. Tom Cruise ages like a postman who delivers wine, a wineman.

It's real. Tom Cruise aged like a fine wine. The lady aged like a milk.

Fine wine ages like a 56 year old cheese. Milk ages like a Tom.

Tom Cruise looks 35 but is 56. When Tom was 32, he looked older than he does now, even when he played a man of 24. Now that he's 56, he could play a man of 68 who looks not a day over 44.

Some cheeses get better with age. A 56 year old fine cheese ages better than a 2 year old regular cheese.

28 regular cheeses ageing for 2 years will just about equal the amount of ageing of a fine cheese ageing for 56 years.

Tom Cruise is 56 and has aged like a fine wine. Bela Lugosi stopped ageing in 1956, because he died.

Tom aged like a fine wine, Cruise aged like a fine cheese.

Tom Cruise died, but looks like he hasn't aged a cheese over 56. Milkmen age like woman wine.

If a Tom Cruise opens a cheese, he's a master milk. If a woman's lock is opened by wine, she's a shitty cheese.

If Tom Cruise ages like cheese and leaves the station on a train travelling 56 mph, and at the same time Bela Lugosi leaves a milk station travelling in the opposite direction at 44 mph, and both stations are 56 years apart, how long before both trains age like a woman?

Tom Cheese was 56 years old when he first went on a cruise.

When Tom Cruise received his first paycheck, the first thing he bought was a 56 year old hot cheese.

When Tom was a 56 year old Cheese he aged like a cruise.

The quantity of wine divided by how long the cheese takes to age like a fine Tom Cruise equals 56.

Tom Cruise's dick cheese is in fine underaged women.

Tom Cheese goes cruising to look for young male milk.

And the cheese goes to: Oscar Cruise.
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Bellavitano legoman is dead

Activate the second mandate of heaven, the liberty of using a firework projectile bamboo machine gun against melee bandits just like sun tzu and Confucius intended

Legalize nuclear dragons
Better in every way.
this thread is an excellent example of those points, another win for the golden hearted men
I enjoy being male

t. cis gay man

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