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QOTT: What flag did you use the most during pride month?
prev: >>36349211
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Repressor flag. DUH!
If I don't get cuddles soon I'm gonna kill myself
i'm so close to one by one pulling out every last hair on my face by hand
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Can't you get a dog or something and cuddle with them
Disregard my advice if you are a white woMAN haha
My work hours are way too long to take care of a dog.
Pay for a doggie daycare and when you take him out cuddle with him
I'm fucking tired of this, why keep living?
no reason at all
we are all going to die eventually
I only keep going because my mum would be sad if I killed myself
Why do you repress?
Is everyone here just because of social stigma? Or do you just fundamentally have an issue with being trans?
I feel like the stigma people are fake reppers
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I'm poor, old, I live with my parents and can't support myself, my parents are transphobic, I live in the south, I can't pass.
>trannys are annoying and cringe
>i wouldn't pass
literally same, but eastern europe instead of south (of NA i suppose)
south NA yeah
What's the point, I don't think it'll make me happy
bc i know I’m not actually trans, I’m just obsessed with the idea due to self hate particularly around my appearance
just consider this
english is an international language
some of us just live in environments where it's literally impossible
>fake reppers
what are they then? repper reppers?
Literally me
Transitioning seems like the easiest and ultimate way to just start an identity from scratch, and that's appealing to me as a depressed loser. But I also recognize I'd immediately regret it.
I'm repressing the fact that I am repressing. I want to transition into a repressor but I'm too scared.
I'm almost 40
yes i am this as well, i have body dysmorphia and i feel like an ugly incel basically, i feel like i repulse people. becoming some kind of horrible hon would not make me feel feminine/cute or approachable.
Passing as a repressor is almost impossible after a certain point.
That's it I'm doing it
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After talking to my therapist, my parents, and really getting to the bottom of how I feel (Alongside TONS of support from the people around me) I've finally gathered enough courage to repress.

I don't even know what to say. It's like a weight has been taken off my shoulders. It's a whole new period in my life. Hard to believe I've come this far. YOU can do it too. Anyone reading this can do the exact same thing. There's nothing stopping you from self-actualization! Be brave anon!
I don't use any fucking flags. I just take estrogen and fuck. I have bigger fish to fry than choosing flags to fly.
>Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope
Thanks Nigachan
repressing is the opposite of that
you are actively suppressing parts of yourself
It's not part of me it's ego dystonic
Ever since I was a kid I knew I was a repressor. I have a memory of when I was 3 years old where I told my mom I wanted to repress my gender dysphoria. She told me "NO! You need to transition like everyone else!" I was devastated. I remember trying to become an alcoholic at 8-9 years old but my parents wouldn't let me. At puberty my parents tried to get me to transition but I was traumatized by the whole thing.

Only now can I embrace my true identity...and so can you anon
your ego is built on gaslighting
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Damn bro was fucking short
I’m suppressing my mental illness so I can be a functional human being, becoming the best version of myself
she would have been a gigahon, F for teddy. if there was a repgen back then she wouldnt have gone crazy
Repressor community saves lives.....
When is this going to end...
would you get electro shock therapy once a month if it could reduce feelings of dysphoria?
of course i would
to my balls?
still would
of course?
Why would I say no
you should crowdfund a doctor to administer lobotomy :3
take your pills, retards
You know, I'm unironically thinking about this right now: why should I move to a first world country where transitioning is possible from my third world country, when I could move to the afterlife immediately instead? I mean it's far easier to do so than to immigrate to a first world country and first worlders move to the afterlife eventually too.
no im scared
also I tried that and it killed my desire to transition. This heavily suggests it's just a fetish.
Just because your desire to transition is of sexual origin doesn't mean you shouldn't transition.
Do whatever maximizes pleasure and minimizes suffering, if transitioning does that then transition.
It would increase suffering in other ways ;]
Maybe, I don't know your situation.
But saying "I am not going to transition because it's a fetish" is just as dumb as saying "I am not going to marry the love of my life because it's just a fetish, if she looked like a bloke I wouldn't want to marry her"
I'm emotionally/financially dependent on my parents and everyone I know will hate me.

that and I'm beyond terrified
>ywn be a tranny rubbing penises together with another tranny
I wouldn't marry someone if after sex I wanted nothing to do with her anymore.
hrts effects feel like a gamble, plus extreme social anxiety and overall laziness
>Is everyone here just because of social stigma? Or do you just fundamentally have an issue with being trans?
i'm not trans
i tried hrt and my brain doesn't work on estrogen as well i think
i will never be a woman
Good one, anon. Now I know which flag is which.

Next year I will be unstoppable.
Economic and physical factors.
Or just hover your cursor over the flags you stupid phoneposter
Oh no, my secret is out
I just want to be a cis woman and not a trans woman
I want to be a transwoman and not a cis woman
Both are gross. but i will choose the trans woman because I'm a bit of a misogynist and having periods must suck
hello reppers
anyone here into old sick freaks?
not judging (tho it's wrong and sick)
yeah i can get off to the idea of fucking old men. but I don't actually fuck old men (or anyone)
Old sick freaks?
all here hate me just for being old tho nice and all

me sadly fuck i hate myself sorry, please just ignore young stallion or hottie :(
sorry for disturbing you is all
I would probably be very disgusted to keep one.

Really hot old guys are highly sought after in the gay world, just like the best in any other category. Out of my league.

But it's an idea that turns me on, yes.
i'm sorry for being disgusting
been talking with gay guys and they're all "old guys are hot" but i know it's just fetish stuff kinda
and i'll never get someone think i'm actually hot or even kinda acceptable...
sorry <3 not your problem
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What the fuck am I supposed to do.
And I mean that in a general way. Like sure hee hee I can take estrogen, but who the fuck is going to help me put my LIFE BACKTOGETHER? I'm a fucking drug addict NEET with ADHD autism something who the fuck knows what's wrong with me. Dysphoria on top of all that too, christ.

>just help yourself bro! practice self-help

That's the thing, isn't it? How the fuck do I help me? Self-help means the self helping the self, but that's not how "Help" works. If I want help in learning mathematics I go to someone who knows math. if I want to learn how to row a boat I go to a rower. Could someone who doesn't know math help someone to learn math? How could I help myself when I don't know how to do shit???????????????? I'm incompetent and incapable but I'm supposed to help someone to...not be incompetent and incapable? hmmmmm that'll work! Self-help is a scam and nobody wants to help you.

And it makes perfect sense. Do gazelle hang out to help out a wounded gazelle near the watering hole? FUCK NO. They run away. You're fucked. And that's the attitude toward people like us. You're fucked. Stay away from me or you'll attract some predator. I'm so fucked up. IT's all fucked. And people expect me to piece it all back together. Like a guy with heart failure giving himself open heart surgery. Figure it out LOSER. Figure it out. Pull it together. Oh, your house fell down? Pick it up. Build it up by hand. Make the screws. Oh your legs are broken? Tough shit. Get a hammer and get to work. Oh you won't do it? WOW! Way to give up! Nobody like someone with a SOUR ATTITUDE! No wonder life didn't work out for you! You got what you deserve.
>have once chance at life
>be born male
Really? And I'm somehow supposed to cope with this?
no? sui pact?`you start by shooting my "brains"?
do you feel hrt made you more retarded?
they are just drunk and suicidal
i didnt even wanna be mean i just typed it out like that without thinking
im a bad person:|
you are not mean, this is just 4chan and here you don't think that deep about what you write..
yea maybe i just dont like punching down
thats the reason i dislike some of the names and trips
you dont do that usually and i like you
idk why you like me lol, i am pretty mean most of the time, and to you also..
sometimes what you write feels like larp sometimes it doesnt
anyway i have no problem with you punching on your level or the ones above you
i cant tell but im giving you yous for some reason idk
“There are things you can't fight — Demons. You see Dysphoria coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're with God, suddenly you can fight the Dysphoria. You can win."
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i just shaved my head lol
i don't know how to feel about it yet, i had 1.5years of growth, it was so heavy on my head, i just noticed that now..
ups, i forgot to remove the image, i didn't want to upload it cause it was kinda nasty, whatever..
how did it feel?
it feels satisfying removing the hair but also kinda sad because it took so long to grow it and i didn't really ever take care of it that well anyway, but it was very annoying, curly hair is very annoying to have on your head and also it is hot asf here..
1 corinthians 11:14-15
>11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

it seems the abrahamic god doesnt like men with long hair
yea i would be sad too
it is over
my skull is just huge, i can see it better now shaved and not covered yea, i actually don't look a lot more masc, but yea, is over..
at least i can see if it affects dysphoria or not, longer term so yea..
can it ever not be over? even if you had the perfect head and body proportions you would obsess over the next thing likely the genitals
it is never over for the happy hons neither is it for dakota likely if it is narcissism or whatever doesnt really matter
over is in part reality and in part just in your head
There is but one true and holy transition.
The transition from Repressor to True Cis Male, free of Dysphoria. You say its impossible.

All things are possible through God.
i have to admit, I must contain my pride and ego, because power like this. a gift like this. To know a tightly held dream has finally become reality, to reconnect your soul with the design God intended for you. Its intoxicating. I feel His protection, I
I am living proof, and it my purpose to guide my brothers to it as well, to keep this salvation to myself would be selfish and cruel.

When i was at my lowest, He found me and gave me the strength to become my greatest self, the person i was supposed to be.

Do you know how it feels to cry out to any force that will listen? Pleading with them to fix you? to heal you? As a non-believing nihilist beaten and broken down by years of fighting Dysphoria…and in the darkest abyss. The Light of God finds you and gives you undeniable proof of his Divinity, granting you a miracle you thought impossible.

You are finally a Man, in Mind, Body and Soul.

if i could pass and look like a girl, genitals won't matter that much, and yea it is over, dakota is just coping, just like i do, yea, a part of over is in our head but yea, sorry, for people that can't pass, we mostly live only in our head coping with whatever, for me if i can still somehow live, is not worth destroying the other parts of my life being an in between freak, i don't want to make other ships sink just for a sinking ship that is going to sink no matter what, i am more likely to live and be happier this way forgeting about that sinking ship and letting it sink while keeping the other ships afloat, will knowing that that ship sinked hurt me forever? yea, but it is not in my control, i can't do anything about it no matter how much i try, at the end of the day, the outcome, whatever that is, is still the same.. i am a bit shaking now bc of the shock from dysphoria but yea.. i will adjust to it.. if i find a way to live, i would have found it just the same, as a freak on hrt with gyno, at least this way i have the other ships ok and i am normal..
not really
i mean i'm retarded but think it's from repressing for so long + a lot of ect sessions lmao
ps ect actually helps a lot for deep deep depression

drunk but only suicidal if a qt did the deed
diameter? you larper
you arent going to be happy at all if your plan is permanent dissociation..
hope you can forget
it is not just that, it is more complicated, anyway eh..
Why Jesus have long hair then
its very sad desu
there is literally nothing i can do about it though..
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i think i might just be a bisexual side with some agp.
doesn't answer my question weird
||can i touch your head?!?||
Feel it drawing nearer, an endless fear that takes you hold
Feel it getting closer, revealing such an evil soul
I can't surrender at the turning point of destiny
Right now it's do or die; my life is on the line and I will not flee
By my power!
Whoa-whoa, it's clear to me!
My spirit grows and I will face this demon
Whoa-whoa, with burning energy
The day of fate has fin'ly come
Feel it right behind you, a grinning monster out to kill
Feel it grow inside you, a burning flame and force of will
Thoughts of a broken Earth in ev'ry corner of my mind
A loveless world, devoid of life, is what you hope to leave behind
Hear me crying
Whoa-whoa, can't hold me down
No doubt left in my mind, I will not fall here
Whoa-whoa! Prepare to hit the ground
I'll turn your laughter into fear
Though you might turn the tide, I'll hold the line forevermore
This flame inside of me burns brighter than it ever has before
the bible is full of contradictions. cause the demigod ordered samson to have long hair and would lose his superman strength if cut.his bitch betrays him and cuts it! then he asks the demigod one last time for his strength back just to let him commit suicide. the demigod is such a asshole!
My family is all I have and I would lose them all and forever
I barely have enough money to survive, I can't go splurging on clothes and hair care and hormones
My country has next to no support for this stuff, I'd be on a waiting list for years for a probably shitty outcome
Being 30+, almost 6ft and all the physical stuff are just bonuses after all that
i can barely handle looking like a man anymore
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
And to run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
And to love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march, march into hell
For that heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest…

That my heart will lie peaceful and calm

When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable, the unreachable, the unreachable star

And I always dream the impossible dream
Yes, when I'll reach the unreachable star
When Dysphoria is cured

One, two, three, four
I know what you're thinkin'
We were going down
I can feel the sinkin'
Then I came around
And everyone I've loved before
Flashed before my eyes
And nothing mattered anymore
I looked into the sky
Well, I wanted something better, man
I wished for something new
And I wanted something beautiful
I wished for something true
Been looking for a reason, man
Something to lose
When the wheels come down
(When the wheels come down)
When the wheels touch ground
(When the wheels touch ground)
And you feel like it's all over
There's another round for you
When the wheels come down
(When the wheels come down)
Know your head is spinning
Broken hearts will mend
This is our beginning
Coming to an end
Well, you wanted something better, man
You wished for something new
Well, you wanted something beautiful
You wished for something true
Been looking for a reason, man
Something to lose
When the wheels come down
(When the wheels come down)
When the wheels touch ground
(When the wheels touch ground)
And you feel like it's all over
There's another round for you
When the wheels come down
(When the wheels come down)
im not even disgusted at my body anymore, just either angry for not having "the right one" or apathetic towads live in general
hello, i hate you all....
please hate me back?!? :|
ily and im sorry
>>trannys are annoying and cringe
indeed, you are annoying and cringe for saying this
/hrt/gen just had to die overnight when i was trying to ask questions
well, back to repping then
no, for real, sometimes i wonder, is the majority of us just some shithole europeans and maybe if we lived somewhere in fucking California, we'd all trooned out by now
and even if we ended up hons we wouldn't be hatecrimed and be ok with it
I have 2 weeks leave coming up I'm going to spend the whole time laying in bed reading sapphic romance novels, eating junk food and drinking spirits.
slay queen
I'm just posting here because it's sad ass gen, and i don't want to bring down the other gens with my sad ass

they literally are
>reading sapphic romance novels,
self harm, don't do it anon.
I know, that's what the spirits are for.
I'm considering living on the streets for a week or two to see if it helps me to change my perspective. Like maybe if I see how shit life could be, I'll stop being so miserable about things I can't change.
It is... Over
i think actually drankk to jmuch today that i feelol like ij dyuing
i ususually dont wriite likew this even when drunkl
if this is thhe end, wish you all the best ajnd good luck
(no i actusllly freeekl liikr dying this mihght be the end welll see)
You'll feel like dying tomorrow morning that's for sure
i need to live for tomkorrow morning
anyways sorry guess not thjer ight thread fpror this
(no actually usuakkyt when im drunk i can put my words i\\nto words byt now im fucked really
(sure i can just not post what i post i feel like imm fucking dying so whatever
how much did you drink? :(
ok so maybe below 0.5 but close to it
but because i drank yesterday (and before that) it hit hard
im able to write like in adequate way, ok, maybe im still alive
what the fuck is going on with my life what the fuck am i posting
im so sorry for all this schizo drunk shit
you know what durian, you are one of the good ones, i'd suck your dick, fr
aaaa my bottle is almost over and im not as masochistic ( i am but not to this extent) to suffer though the withdrawal again
wat do help
I turned 30 a few months ago. Need I say more?
when people try to be nice to me and hugbox it makes me wanna punch them in the face
>When the sissy hypno kicks in
am i the only straight edge repper?
No, I am
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>stop coming here
>the thoughts minimize
i can't believe it was that easy
my chair just broke and im out of alcohol
im just lying on the floor crying
god tomorrow gonna suck so much, wish i was american and had a shotgun to end this nightmare
bro, your pipegun?
progress, because I'm not a bad person
i wish
why everything has to suck at the worst fucking moment holy fuck im losing it
alcohol isn't the solution dear... it can just numb shit for a little while :|
yeah send me a bottle of vodka and a new chair, because both are gone right now
im fucking losing it not gonna lie
i was this close to throwing this chair out of the window but then i realized im an adult man who gets consequences for their action
because we're AGP:
-we know it's just a fetish
-we know we don't really have innate femininity

well guess this wooden chair is good enough, i have scholiosis already and blood circulation in legs is overrated anyways
also hope this cooking wine haven't gone bad in a year
anyways repping haha, doesn't it suck amiright
what's the problem with your chair?
why don't you just go to bed instead anon
a fucking wheel came off, like the socket for the wheel just broke, almost smashed my head
idk how to fix it, especially in this state, and if it's even fixable
because im too stressed and dont feel like sleeping
and im out of alcohol to drink myself to sleep
oh im gonna fucking suffer tonight and next day, i already see it
hot glue? idk
hot glue fixes a lot ngl
no like you know how on many chairs the wheels kinda pop in into the socket
and this socket is like bent and fucked up so the wheel doesnt stay in
oh well
i'll ask my relatives tomorrow, but i think i'm just fucked
i'm gonna love going through alcohol withdrawal sitting on a wooden chair, oh i just cant fucking wait
Brother. It saddens me to see you in such pain.
Say a prayer tonight, ask God with a honest heart and genuine humility.
Ask him to give you the strength to defeat dysphoria, it is a demonic parasite, it wants to consume the Man you were meant to be.

This suffering is not who you were intended to be, you are so much greater than you know.
I dream of a day where all Repressors can know how it feels to be a Cis Male, the demon lies broken at your feet, the Lord’s protection flowing through you.
the world goes into colour, your heart lies still and at peace, You finally see yourself in the mirror.


You will rise again.
god isn't real and you should feel bad for trying to get others to believe in your hateful delusions, I mean isn't that what your precious conservatives and religious types are always saying?
aaaand im out of all alcohol that was available to me
please God if you exist kill me tonight please, spare me the suffering
just one stroke and everything will be right (like a heart or brain stroke, not a dick stroke, you feel me)
who the fuck cares about dysphoria, nigga my chair is broken
can god fix my chair? pls?
am sorry, srs hope it doesn't get too bad
I asked to be killed too. Many years ago. And yet I lived, and the parasite inside me died instead.

I have been where you have, accept his help.
ok, god, or whatever gods, please help me make it through the night
pls let the slaaneshi daemons out too
Proverbs 3:6
“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Grant Anon the strength to purge this affliction as i did, rescue him from darkness and lead him to Salvation.
inshallah brother
men are ugly
warrior caste
replacable stinking cum dispensers
i hate being an ugly male
fr tho, sorry for ranting
going to sleep now, gonna try
love you durian, fuck you religious schizo (thanks for blessing me though i guess, hope it helps)
ily ranting anon :3
you can hate me if you want.
I know what that Abyss feels like, i hope you get to escape it.

Warrior Caste. Embrace your nature.
too late for me, i live in the Abyss rn
warrior is merely a meat
yes men are just worthless
I think I found the perfect repfuel in this anti-tranny thread

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