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>i will never be able to experience pregnancy and the joy of raising a child with a husband
i know the feel sis...
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>i will never be able to experience pregnancy
Yes you can! Just live as someone’s cuck. Let Julius spread his seed inside your gf so you can have a kid to raise properly.
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it’s so hard. i literally just needed to win a coin toss, not even, i just needed to lose the lottery of ending up a barren tranny and this perpetual reminder of my eternal inadequacy wouldn’t haunt me to the degree that it does now. it’s not fair. i think we all need a hug
my bf's mom will never be able to experience becoming a grandmother because of me and i think that's pretty cool
yeah... only 0.1% of people are trannies. why did it have to be me?
how do you not feel guilty? i fucking hate myself for the fact im dating an only child and therefore literally killing a bloodline. the worst part is his parents LIKE me
he's allowed to break up with me at any point and date a cis girl, he's plenty attractive and cis girls hit on him, yet he chooses not to.
same here
Neither will most modern women
more male tears please!
im glad i wont
we should ban trannies from dating the "only child" men..

and i love children im good with kids, it's a curse i shouldn't have been like that way,

god should have either made me a stupid leftie who believes children are parasites or a normal fertile woman..
caracalmoder... you're right but also like. you want me banned from loving my bf :(

Christ, so don't transition then. Why's everyone on this board such a pussy? Most of you are doomed to 41%.
but it's unfair for them :( i dont want you to be banned from loving your bf no

oh great, they sent us a moo-ron
>we should ban trannies from dating the "only child" men..
see: >>36361652
sometimes only children don't want kids. don't be an idiot that only has one child if you want grand children.
i dont understand why my bf doesnt care that his bloodline dies but he has told me so
>this thing sucks about transitioning
>then don’t transition at all
anon you know we like most of what comes with transitioning right? just let us grieve for the loss
i dont understand why someone wouldn't want kids
i want all my time to myself not a little kid

Tripfagging fucking hon loser. Neck yourself
not until i play mgs3 remake
Honestly this is the main reason keeping me from exploring with an mtf, my parents are both 60 and desperately want to see me with kids before they croak
>Mfw I had 2 old brothers but they both died years ago and so all parents boomer expectations got dumped on me
Fuck this gay earth, I just want a cute troons gfto cuddle and ramble about old Vidya with
trannies are gross anyways. youll be happier dating cis women
You would kys if you ever had to endure period pain
>i want to bring kids into the world because my wrinkly rotting parents want me to
>how do you not feel guilty?
Sane people only feel guilty when they have done something wrong, not when they have invented reasons to feel bad about themselves.

> i fucking hate myself for the fact im dating an only child and therefore literally killing a bloodline
This is not GoT and he is not a lannister. If he wants to keep the bloodline running he can either break up with you or just get a surrogate. Humans have done a fantastic job of inventing solutions to infertility in relationships.
honestly just get a tranny, you’ll be more happy that way. tell your parents that she might be infertile but that you and her will try the best you can and then make a sob story about it, that should hopefully get them off your back
i want all the aspects of womanhood, even the ones that suck
>i dont understand why someone wouldn't want kids
Kids are annoying and expensive, they prevent you from doing the things you want to do and are a constant chore for the rest of your life. The whole infinite happiness/continuing the bloodline thing is a cope for the endless stress of that decision.

And that's if you're lucky and they are neurotypical!
we were teens when we got together. that makes it my fault for getting involved with him when he was unable to comprehend the consequences of not being able to have kids. ive done something wrong and might lose him for that.
surrogacy might get banned but i would want to do it if not. just for my bf though i dont wanna be a father.
God saves his girthiest battles for his thiccest soldiers
>muh bloodline
who cares
>they prevent you from doing the things you want to do
Alternatively :

If you are a desperately boring person surrounded by interesting people then kids are the best excuse to get out of everything you don't want to do. Even better than "sorry have to take care of my dog". Literally everyone knows that's bullshit but "sorry,. couldn't get a babysitter" actually works wonders.
A hedonist outlook precludes the psychological condition necessary to see the value in raising children.
>that makes it my fault for getting involved with him when he was unable to comprehend the consequences of not being able to have kids
This is a fucking retarded thought. Stop having it. Stop sharing it. Finding someone you love that loves you back is infinitely more important than breeding.

>surrogacy might get banned
Move to a part of the world/country that isn't ran by satan.

Also who the fuck is gonna stop him from just knocking a ciswoman up? If they won't let you medicalize the process, there's always nature.
Adopt you dumbass
i guess that's possible. it took me years to grow ok with coping with surrogacy. im not strong enough yet to take literal cucking
Then perhaps stop seeking failure 10 steps down the line. It sounds like no one is pushing for babies except for you here.
I wouldn't use "hedonist" because it's more sexually loaded than necessary, selfish is more accurate. I think the logic of most non-breeders is along the lines of :

>I don't want to deal with all that shit
rather than
>I must experience every sensory pleasure without boundaries
>not voluntarily choosing suffering is hedonism
The anon you are replying to has no idea what hedonism means, they just wanted to sound smart and preachy.
>never be able to experience pregnancy
>or the joy of raising a child
not necessarily true

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