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Post honest, challenging Souls bosses.
i actually wish there were more wacky and mechanical fights like nito or old ivory king, stuff like needing to bring in a divine weapon to permanently get rid of the skeletons, or having to be quite sneaky to avoid having them all pile onto you, or just bumrushing nito, was cool
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Not the most difficult boss, but I did enjoy learning the patterns in their crack-fueled breakdancing, the 2v1v1 setup was fun, and their aesthetic and moveset are neat
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the og gank duo
Bed of chaos and Capra demon but for the wrong reasons

And the boss that stucked with me being a good mix between difficult and fun is Godfrey, he's not even that hard but I died to him way too many times than what I'd like to admit
Soulslop is soulless now. Gone are the days of Demon Sovls with its cool puzzle bosses. Now it's Artorias clones forever.
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he's really not that challenging, the first phase has some camera shenanigans but other than that, just don't panic roll
for me, it's manus no-pendant
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It's s gank, but somehow feels more O&S-esque than shit like the throne guardians. The twin princes are also fun like that.
This fucker was an estus/dps race for me, but I suck and my build was some paladin larp garbo with a faith scaling claymore.
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Nah fuck that
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paladin larp is not garbo and extremely based, the fight is still very doable when midrolling it's just all the timings are tighter. if you keep at about medium distance you can avoid a majority of the sperging and be far enough to just escape his dark bead
The thing is that Manus is resistant to magic and a divine weapon does jackshit. This made the fight so long for me that I'd inevitably keep fucking up and draining estus.
even kalameet has less hp i think, ig the fight is more of a test of endurance
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i both loathe and respect this motherfucker for the fact that he's the only boss in the series I've had to conciously learn a pattern for. Every other boss in the series, including shit like Gael, Orphan, Maria, Friede, Princes and Artorias I've just been able to monkemode through: try enough times until I develop the necessary muscle memory and intuitive skill to beat them. But Fume K***ht actually had me whispering "roll, hit, roll, stop, hit, roll" to myself because it was the only way I could keep up with his stupid janky form. Mother Fucker Unlimited.
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try fighting him without the portals if you want a fun challenge, unironically helped me git gud at multi-combat pvp
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Final boss of the new dlc is definitely challenging but I don't think I could call him honest
In general this dlc had some of the worst bosses fromsoft ever made with only a few exceptions
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Knowers know
Fuck this guy, I ended up cheesing him and making him jump off a cliff
I'm pretty sure I saw a video of someone doing that with a broken ladle on NG+7.
Genuinely my favourite boss I ever fought in my life and the only FromSoftware boss that actually made me learn and master his moveset in order to defeat him, every other boss I was able to just power through by chugging estus and muscle memory
I'm at radahn and I don't think I enjoyed a single boss. Saint of the bud was aesthetic af but I probably had too much skibidi fragments since she died like a bitch. Metyr was the closest to a cool lore revelation but her design was just kinda boring for what she is, compared to Astel in the base game who was just kind of irrelevant but it still felt like a HOLY SHIT WE ELDRITCH HORROR NOW reveal.
>not souls!
shut your fucking mouth
If there's one thing i learned from this thread, it's that /gay/ has better taste in bosses than /v/eddit.
The only boss I genuinely enjoyed was Rellana, somehow I really liked fighting her even tho people hate her.
Messmer was pretty fun but only in the first phase, once he started spamming his snake attacks it got tedious
>Saint of the bud was aesthetic af but I probably had too much skibidi fragments since she died like a bitch
Yeah same here, I beat her at 18lvl blessing and she was the easiest boss in the dlc which is a shame cause her fight was pretty af
also her glaive is awful
>Metyr was the closest to a cool lore revelation but her design was just kinda boring for what she is
True, I feel like they could have done a lot more with her but the finger ruins sucked in general because of how empty they were
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This whole level fucking sucked and I hated being forced in multiple NG+ cycles just to beat it
hi, my name is autumn, i am a transsexual, and i first tried melania
I have never beat Lawrence the vicar
twin princes are kino and cute
oh also Chalice Amygdala
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>She used summons.
NGMI sis.
Lawrence is such a piece of shit I hate him so fucking much
Personally I never beat Sword Saint Isshin
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i know when i have been btfo'd
wasnt this thread supposed to be on /v/
what happened?
No one on /v/ talks about games.
Not picrel.
Stat boosted for artificial difficulty and he has an obnoxious first phase to inflate the amount of rounds it takes to learn his moveset, he's a pretty average fight otherwise.

Gael was a very honest fight, great all around.
Champion Gundyr is honest.
Pontiff Sulyvahn was a really good fight.
Dancer is pretty damn honest, thanks chiefly to the good hitboxes.

yeah he seemed to be pretty legit all things considered

3 in general seemed to be the allstar line up of good bosses
though I'm definitely unpopular in the opinion that elden ring bosses aren't honest by design, there's so much balancing fuckery that happened with the co-op focus shift and the influence of sekiro that I can't say I enjoyed any boss fight I had in 40 hours of playing except for fighting the tree sentinel right out the gate with no horse, that felt like a good back and forth and none of his combos are absurd, no dodge catching moves or clownishly long windups into 2frame swing shenanigans or even the RNG based openings.
I suck at Sekiro I haven’t got past Owl yet :(
2 has the most good bosses [spoiler]because it has the most bosses.[/spoiler]
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real answer:
I cheesed this for the sword too frustrating..
Yharnam queen is such a joke after you've been banging your head against a wall against that and the headless bloodletting beast
that fight looks very sad. i gave up on chalices after fighting rom i think
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Really loved this fight
Playing ds remastered for the first time ever, wish me luck!
I already played every other soulsborne game excluding demons souls tho. I heard this game has very slow combat so that should be pretty nice after the absolute bullshit in the elden ring dlc

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