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Are you anons in US scared of rising political alt right
Nothing even happens
it's just the right now
the alt part hasn't been a thing since trump and especially q
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I think like 30-40% of adults in the US believe that the last election was rigged. The whole Republican party has been transformed into populist (but anti democratic?) retards. And they don't even really have any political platform driving them besides being upset about a tranny strawman of their own creation. I guess it's a bit scary to have such a large population of voters who are actually deranged.
I want the dragon to rise, sadly our dragon is full of soi
>I guess it's a bit scary to have such a large population of voters who are actually deranged
its not if youre not a pussy but our leaders are all vaginaborn
Considering leaving the country, things are gonna get bad it's just a matter of when

Don't forget women's rights, segregation, pollution, and enforcing bible rules by law. We're going back in time
Not really. Maybe my perception is skewed, but from where I'm at, the rhetoric was a lot scarier and more violent in the last two election cycles, and people are generally exhausted by extremism at this point and slower to get drawn into it. I don't know a single person who is excited about this election on either side, everyone just seems weary and disappointed with both choices
>We're going back in time
and that's suposed to be a bad thing?
farmers used to work 6 h a day 1/3 of the days in year
everybody was happier
food was healthy and ppl were less sick than with today healthcare
3.0 + replacement rate
people were not alone and all were socializing
homogeneous societies without crime
less wars
at this point any self respecting historian do not use "dark ages" term as this anti christian holywood naerative was debunked (monasteries were the centre of science, writing, medicine research)
no microplastics
mental illnes so rare that noone back then had a good treatment
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no one is scared of the controlled opposition
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>everybody was happier
>people were less sick
>homogenous societies without crime
You're so fucking retarded lol
chronic malnutrition was the norm in most agricultural societies, industrialisation made people significantly healthier, which can be seen in the increase in life expectancy and decrease in child mortality
we are going back whether you like it or not trannies
statistically, I have good reason to be, so I've put in effort to arm myself and increase my awareness of my immediate situation and the general political climate while doing my best to talk openly about the abject denial of reality these people are engaging in

what I'm personally worried about is independently-organized domestic terrorist cells belonging to groups like the proud boys and their various incarnations engaging in "vigilante justice" against minorities that include me and people around me
your shitstained disgusting fucking CULT is why we're in this mess, and this rock will be a happier more flourishing place when your kind and your "faith" are wiped clean and left as nothing but a hateful memory
learn history from books older than 20y
one tax that was 5% (its now 70-90% depending on country)
people WERE less sick, cancer was very rare, people would die of a flu like diseases because there were no vaccines (especialy under siege) but they would get sick significantly less
and newborn death at birth was more common
there were no social divisions, no retarded laws, no biourocrats to eat away ppl labour
every time jews were doing jew things they were expeled and economy flurished
everybody was happier, the mental illness statistics alone is a proof, and there is more
the crime was so rare that nations could afford to hanging of thiefs and thugs and it would not decrase populations,
ppl were not afraid to walk in night in city
slaves in rome were taxed 90% (americans have 85% canadians 92%)

also no fatties, cos of healthy non hyperprocessed food without seedoils
0 heart attacks before age of 60
>there were no social divisions
>society with lords, kings, rigid gender roles, and an entire church hierarchy
>no social divisions
this is supposed to be the "voice of reason" lmao
You misunderstand. We're not going back to the good old days when you could buy a house on minimum wage, swim at any beach without getting sick, and let your kids wander the neighborhood unsupervised. We're going back to the days when companies could dump whatever they wanted into the water (which means cancer and microplastics with modern technology), kids had to drop out at 12 to work to help feed their family, and you weren't allowed to say so much as a swear word on TV for fear of censorship. The people doing this to you don't want you to be free and happy, they want you to shut up, sell your soul to them, and consoom like a good little worker drone
it's from 8 years ago.. when trump was based :(
Yes, very. But I know voting blue won't do anything for the situation. I'm just forced to sit here and watch "queer propaganda" laws be passed, books be banned, and theocracy be enstated.
who said anything like that? however I'm not engaging in any kind of hyperbole, abrahamism is a dangerous cult driving a regression in human rights across the board while propping up the most powerful and wealthy - you "want" to drag humanity backward into oblivion because you're such a sad pathetic tribal ape that you can't see when you're getting fucked, OR you're just using it as an excuse to engage in tribal hate and don't care or in fact think an abusive authoritarian structure is ideal

kill yourself
you're fucking disgusting
keep seething atheist lmao
Ah, yes. The traditions of dead generations weighing like a nightmare on the brains of the living
>chronic malnutrition was the norm
thats a lie
even tho the food production was lower but that is because of the one ear of rye producing 7-10 seeds of rye and now (because of selective breeding for 400 years) it produces 50-70

industralisation did create wonders but the live in london 1800-1900 would litterary kill your loungs 1200-1800 is the golden age of happines for humanity
after that the rich would get richer and poor would get poorer, and the trend continues till today
your kind literally just makes shit up and says SUFFERING WAS GOOD THO ACTUALLY if called out on it, it's pathetic

how can you consider yourself human when you put so much effort into directly anti-humanitarian agendas?
I thought trannies were all about transhumanism
>thats a lie
>proceeds to say food production was lower
Famines were a fairly regular occurrence in most agricultural societies, either due to weather, poor soil, or bureaucratic shit. Even if you only experienced famine conditions for one or two years while a child, the malnutrition from that would fuck you up into adulthood because it would stunt your development. The quality of food was okay, but people frequently weren't getting enough calories in the Middle Ages at key points in their lives.
All the stats show that 19th century industrialisation significantly improved the lives of the average person.
back to >>>/pol/ schizo
This is my home board I love and cherish my /tttt/
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So your strategy is to spew several tangential/incomplete/ahistorical factoids so that nobody gives enough of a shit to clean up your mess. You are proverbially shitting all over the floor, smirking to yourself all the whole at the thought of the exasperation of the jannies that have to come and clean it, and it is transparent. This is like the laziest form of argument that occurs often in the conspiratorial sphere
my strategy is not having strategy
That's why you're a slave
deep and poignant damn
Not at all, I just hope somewhere down the line it means I can buy a suppressor in my state
i love when retards make it their life mission to win a debate that doesnt even exist lmao
i am not believer
noone is asking to believe in god but to accept some religion values (with exception of judaism, satanism, masonism)
the least religious places on earth are the most sad and miserable
simple statistics
also its the ppl who not follow any religion values that will perish from the face of the planet, its simple math, they are not making children
>much adoption
does not count since adoption do not transfer genetic memory into they "children" not to mention most lgbt chose dogs/cats
you are comparing hierarchy of rule to social divisions
wtf , that's the american education for ya
social divisions is rulling by dividing people into groups, unbelievers vs religious , lgbt vs normies, right vs left blacks vs whites , blacks vs asian
you had more human rights than now before 1900 than post 2010
and no, but sex is not a human right

every historian that do not work for/is funded by mainstream media agree than ppl were more happy 1200-1800 but this board know better "because"
Tbh I don't know if you're a poltard or a tranny but it doesn't really matter. We're all being sacrificed on the altar all the same
retards keep climbing the altar taking off their clothes and mumbling something about being god then they wonder why they are being sacrificed baka
You think that's why? You think that matters even the smallest amount to the people doing it? It's all a psyop, they just want blood
that's a jewish lies that you believe
europe culture was about - suffering leading to happines
people already back then knew the consequences of abusing/burning out dopamine receptors, mental ilnees was most common in the richest class
not to them, its ball worhipers thing for those who push it (satan is a litterary trans humanoid goat with tits and dick)
Not sure what other choice we have but to be useful pawns at this point. The alternative platform just keeps pushing immigration, divisiveness and mandatory representation of minority causes that alienate the majority, including this one. I've seen people refer to literally entirely normal people as 'cissoids' quite a lot here, as though they're some kind of different species, and talk about the downfall of heteronormative society, so lets not pretend that this side of the aisle is better.

Realistically though, I think we're headed through our transition from Republic to Empire. When you get yourself into a situation where the final blockade to progress is everyone thinking their opinion matters, eventually you build a government that isn't legally obligated to care about what its citizens say.
your whole life is a psyop my dear 'tard
Baphomet's a demon
Ba'al is a rival god
Satan's a rank in God's army held by loyal angels, they're the ones who trick you into being evil
Learn the cosmology you dingus
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I know
it's not a big deal. people are way too online.
Why would I be scared when statistically I'm killing myself soon? Like why worry about stuff that won't be my problem?
Joking aside yes politics in America are currently getting scary again
Yes, the current status quo will last forever. Nothing will ever change
in the US?
america just flips red and blue every 4-8 years, there's little risk of any real far right power. If you want to see far right just look at europe for the next 5-10 years, they'll make the republicans look like centrists.
name one change
I live in california so i'll prob be fine as long as i'm not homeless. Worried about federal restrictions on transition though. I don't think I'll be able to get my legal shit in order before 2025. Need to change my name/sex asap
i own AR’s for a reason lol not larping like the conservatives who swear there’s going to be civil war 2 but i’m able to protect myself and my family from those people.
Most of the laws they've been putting are about medical stuff, not so much documents except florida. Why can't you change them until then?
Must be nice to live in a blue state
It seems to be on the rise everywhere. Which is concerning because it's the kind of ideology that would want an actual war. I think it will actualy come down to who is elected too.

My theories

Biden Wins: Putin retailiates by amping up the war on Ukraine somehow, Biden responds with actual boots on the ground.

Trump Wins: Trump withdraws support from Ukraine, Putin conquerors it.
im honestly far more afraid of liberal gender is a social construct types since they're the cause of the alt right hating us (any real oldhead will remember they used to like us)
must be nice to live
>1200-1800 is the golden age of happines for humanity
Why do you think this? Do you have arcane opinion polls or a time machine? How do you account for the tremendous undercurrents of grief and helplessness in art of the time - the mihi hodie, cras tibi, Lord giveth & taketh away, “who aspires must as low as high he dreamed” ideas? Like fuck man, just read the lyrics to O Fortuna and tell me that guy (or those who preserved his work) was happy
No. Turns out its the lying retards on the left that bug me now.
powerfully patronizing
nah I dont think the US is in any real danger of becoming right wing enough for it to matter

I would be more scared if you are a euro, the mass arab and african refugee immigration gave rightwing parties amazing amounts of fuel for their campaigns and has permanently damaged the credibility of lefties in europe
You’re goddamn right
goddamn is right
Indeed, Hail Satan
find God
satan is dead
I did and turned away from him, just like a third of his heavenly host
Nah, just waiting - have you not heard of “unconquerable will and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield”?
>the least religious places on earth are the most sad and miserable
Thats because religious people are retarded.
>at this point any self respecting historian do not use "dark ages" term as this anti christian holywood naerative was debunked

no lol
>cancer was very rare
people died sooner

>mental illness statistics
weren't documented enough, or at least correctly. mental illness was not understood as well it is today

>also no fatties
this part is true and i would like for us to go back to that. Everyone and their fucking mom is fat as fuck and thinks it's normal
The 'alt right' is dead in America and has been replaced by a new Jewish right that sees gays and trans people as the ultimate scapegoat to protect Israel and attract votes from insecure brown incels
>cancer was very rare
a literal child could tell you why this is the case. we'll start with life expectancy and throw in testing and diagnosing advances for good measure. It's such a dumb thing to say it discounts everything else you types
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The fatties part isn’t even true either; Baroque nobility was and wanted to be fat as a show of wealth
No I want to have sex with them.
Like all of them.
In a short time frame.

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