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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>coming out
>as "queer"
are people really too afraid to say gay/lesbian anymore?
It's just a vague thing to call yourself in order to be able to say you're part of the LGBT+ without actually doing anything differently and continue living as a cishet person
She could be into one of the unacceptable combos e.g. into cis women and transmen only or into cis men and transwomen only.
I see women doing this all the time, as I recall fuck I forgot her name the singer who mumbles with big tits and her brother writes her songs, she came out as LGBTQ
I think she's coming out as lesbian?
then why not say that?
She's coming out during gay month why bother
She's an upper class woman identifying to a community that was always persecuted. She needs to appeal the sympathy of as much ppl as she can. Queer is like saying poc, it invisibilizes class struggles within oppressed communities
seems weird to be afraid of using the word to describe what you want to tell people you are
Some people are into more than one thing and being pigeonholed is not appreciated. But if you say "bisexual" you get pigeonholed as a porn addict so "queer" is a way to preempt that kind of conversation.
not afraid, superior. queer is très chic and carries with it the association of a labile spirit at one with the universe. just what a childless 45 year old divorced woman fading in looks and prominence needs to make it another day.
can someone tell me what the fuck queer means? everyone who uses the word is an annoying asshole and "reclaiming" this slur seemed pointless
She seems to expect her fans to know what's up from what she said. Why do you care so much about an insta repost? Your thread is bad and you should feel bad
seems pretty easy to just say "im a lesbian"
Seems pretty easy to keep scrolling
See >>36362432
The internet is all we have left to connect with society. Let us obsess over a random post
What exactly do people mean when they say they are queer? It seems so nonspecific, and I swear I've seen people use it and basically still be cishet.
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>I'm a lesbian
whoa hot! can I see you make out with a girl now!?!?
>I'm sapphic
omg stfu special snowflake, you're not special! kill yourself!
>I'm bisexual
lol ok and have you ever shaved your head, gained 100 pounds, talked in a man voice, and screamed andrea dworkin quotes while calling men rapists? no? then you're just a larper stolen valor larper, KILL YOURSELF
>I'm queer
wtf does that even mean, just say what you mean you dumb bitch!
There are much better uses for the internet you're wasting your time
It's just a trend that pride month exacerbated. Now that EVERYTHING is online and people don't have normal social lives anymore it's all about trying to build clout through imaginary status symbols like video game achievements or item drops. You ever notice how the vast majority of the people who are now "queer" are the same people that suddenly developed autism a few months ago? Then before that they were spamming about BLM? They just want the imaginary internet points. None of these people are actually LGBT in any way at all.
What does it mean to be "actually LGBT", how would someone qualify?
Me when I'm reaching
nta but I assume like being gay and shit
So not bisexual or transgender. And what does it mean to "be gay", for you. I assume something like:

-If male, you have to have HIV, a "pozzed" tattoo on your ass, a pink triangle tattoo on your shoulder, right ear pierced but not left, speak with a lisp so severe nobody except spaniards can understand you, and walk around in assless chaps at all times
-If female, you have to weigh at least 190 pounds, not shave your legs, always shave your head, and freak out whenever a man looks in your general direction

Something like this, yes?
uhm actually two months of therapy made me realize i'm neurodivergent and have been masking as a straight woman for 45 years. i'm so autistic that i'm now seeking approval from strangers, and you're ableist if you expecr differently
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It's just a lot safer to come out as queer instead of saying bisexual because the social debuffs from straight and gay people are still crippling even in 2024.
jfc are you okay?
I think from the responses we're seeing ITT the person in op pic should have just gone with bi

No, I am not even close to ok, anything else you wanna know?
I'd like to know why you keep coming to 4chan and posting when it very obviously has a negative impact on your attitude and is likely one of many things deteriorating your mental health
Actually having controlled undetectable HIV is very much a straight thing now, you have to have full blown kaposi's sarcoma lesions all over your face and hands otherwise you are obviously just fishing for social media clout you trender
Because I don't have any friends, and I have nowhere else to rage about this stuff
Bc if ur publicly gay ur subconsciously labeled as a freak by 99% of straight people
You want to rage in favor of people appropriating your culture solely for online social benefit while never actually doing or feeling anything that reflects the label they chose to place on themselves? Okay lol
What exactly do you think my "culture" is?
No answer of course. Color me shocked
so coming out as queer is a move for gay people with internalized homophobia?
I am coloring you shocked.
Nah saying queer is based. Fuck being specific about what exact groups you want to fuck. That's hetero behavior. Just saying 'non hetero'and leaving it at that is based.

But I say that as a trans woman dating a man. I feel like 'straight' and 'gay' have absolutely no meaning to me as someone with mixed sex characteristics. My boyfriend sucks my giant breasts and my Lil dick it really doesn't fit into either of those categories. I'm willing to be person in op is dating an NB or something
>wait but.. but how can someone be not straight, yet not gay? this is an outrage!!!!
It's funny how the confusion and disgust over someone saying "queer" is almost exactly the same as the confusion and disgust over someone saying "bisexual", guess she should have just gone with bi huh.
>think from the responses we're seeing ITT the person in op pic should have just gone with bi
I don't think anyone should base how they label themselves based om how retarded 4channers respond actually
>Fuck being specific about what exact groups you want to fuck. That's hetero behavior.
I've been saying all along that supposed "monosexual" gays are just pushing the straight agenda under the delusion that somehow it will make straights respect them more for "picking a side" or being "just like us but for men"
she isn't "coming out as queer", she's saying that she's coming out as something that's so obvious from her other posts that she doesn't need to say it
ftm chaser ;__;
never gonna look at oris clit the same again ;__;
(still want to suck it ngl)
>I can't wait to be discriminated against for a new reason
rich women be like

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