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Prev: >>36356553

QOTT for Chasers: Who's your favorite tranny and why?
QOTT for Trannies: Who'se your favorite chaser and why?
Alternative QOTT for Trannies: Whats your favorite type of chaser?
wow ok put me in unknown cool thats great lol haha GREAT!!!
Note, I chose that picture because it's a helpful guide for the trannies on this board. I didn't make that tierlist, nor do I agree with it's ranking. Also some pictures are outdated
im not even on the list :(
Thank god I'm not on there
I'm on this board because it's funnier and less racist than /int/.
rate the unknown people THEN!!! BITCH!!!
Shit OP because this will just center the entire thread about this shit
Whoever decided on the top 5 must have been either drunk, or must have gotten payment from big tranny incorporated, cause those aren't looking good
yuh me should be up there too *nods*
fat tranny asses on my face
they are at Jackie jr's funeral and tony gives this look to his son like he doesn't want this for him and his son has this look like he gets it. and that made me feel emotional. nothing needed to be said at all
Genuinely the strongest argument against name/tripfagging I have ever seen. This is the last time I will be namefagging. Goodbye.
ghoul is hot
the others I would have lower
Hooray! I prefer everyone being anon. Also I'm extremely glad the flags are gone.
Nah it's lame, with the flags I could make the exact same posts as I do as a chaser but just put in a transfem flag and everyone thought I'd be a transbian... fun times
Easier =/= more fun. Git gud.
How do I explain to a tranny that I think she's too young for me without hurting her feelings if she's down bad?
Why do you need to explain it? Just tell her the exact truth. It's not your problem if she gets in her feelings about it, that's incredibly reasonable criteria.
you mean just the name right? I like you posting here. those girls on that image posted their images a lot and like attention. far as I know you have never posted your self.
my favorite chaser is ME!
my favorite tranny is ME!
Why would you wanna be, Stu?
The girls who get reposted are hot dw you’re good
Gummy? You really went anon?
more confirmation that im a hon (id be in the hon category)
yeah but im in the UNKNOWN CATEGORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's depressed and I want to avoid making her feel worse and I should have told her earlier that I'm not interested in dating someone as young as her
If you are a hon, then why do I want to do a sex on you?
There are like 3 people I have shared a selfie with from chasergen and they all seemed normal over discord. Posting yourself on 4chan directly is a bad idea. Vary selfies so you can know who the leak is. Opsec autism.
It isn’t a list of chasers
not gonna survive the winter
No matter what I always stand by the exact truth. Yeah you should have told her earlier, but you made the mistake and didn't so now you have to get it over with.
I mean the list of chasers would be quite short, it would be Nils in every tier
there's more chasers than that
im a cis male chaser, i have a god given RIGHT to be here
I go with the "I really like you, but more like my little sister" kind of way, which in those cases is usually true. When they are way too young (20 or less), it always feels like I'm the big bro who wants to get her through life
that posted their pictures? I only ever see Nils
Nils is one of the better chasers because he bothers to stand out.
only retards like snake and nils are dumb enough to post their pics
Nils isn’t a chaser, he is one of the girls.
idk that seems like a you problem
so you recognize that im secretly a chaser here to steal all the tranner pussy for myself B)
>Vary selfies so you can know who the leak is. Opsec autism.
clever. lol
Nils is a handsome boy. I wonder how many other chasers are secretly handsome.
>so you recognize that im secretly a chaser here to steal all the tranner pussy for myself B)
yes we realize that you're a transbian
h-hey stu... *blushes* you could have me all you want...
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>Meet guy after he makes thread on /lgbt/
>Add each other on discord
>He is really cool and exactly my type
>Lives far away but visiting my state in the fall
>Do a "weird test" and namedrop Current 93
>He heart reacts it
>Just effortlessly outcompetes every Tinder match I got in the past few months
>Message him over the weekend
>No response
>Send a follow up message (idiot, pathetic, stupid)
>No response

You misspelled "bussy"
you're not gonna steal anything, you never even go outside
calm your brainworms grandma
Nils is an honorary woman
Go to MtFG this a gen for bad bitches and the bros
mwah goes straight into the BUILT FOR CHASER COCK tier
i have 2 favorite chasers. both are anons, both are sweet and hot.
>Nils is a handsome boy
the nigga isn’t a dog…
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im built for a life infinite regret and lost opportunities
I look moderately better than this now but I’m still just as dead inside.
ok but dont say it like that just call me a chaser its 4% cooler
hmmm *lowers sunglasses* why dont you turn around for me?
i might, you dont know me
Do they really exist? I really need a handsome chaser bf
Not gonna lie, some of them are a quite a bit more attractive than I expected
I mean yeah, thats literally how you trannies treat us lol. I was chatting with one girl for over half a year daily, met her two times, she was really my type, and thought it was going really good and then one day she just decided to fuck off and never responded
the only thing you're gonna do is bloat and rot in bed all day, like you currently do
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built for chaser kiss sessions
Almost forgot the QOTT
>Alternative QOTT for Trannies: Whats your favorite type of chaser?
I don't understand the question
RIZZ!! ... yes babe *turns around* you've seen my nudes before though

especially me
Did she have bpd or some other disorder?
>to steal all the tranner pussy for myself B)
Trust me, once I hold you in my strong male arms and you can feel my warm breath on your ear, while I softly kiss your neck, you'll never think about saying something like that again
What are you looking for in a guy/chaser. What kinds of traits do you seek out?
Yeah one of her first messages after I added her was "Hey, I am that what /lgbt/ calls a BPDemon, but I am in therapy and it's going great"

How do you know?
>but I am in therapy and it's going great
At the moment I'm not in the running for any medals if we're doing a "handsomest trans-attracted guy" competition

I thought everyone hitting on you was just an ironic meme but ngl you look good in that picture. Your personality is also kinda fun. I think you're being too hard on yourself
nta but

>have fun hobbies
>be tall and at least somewhat cute

so far i've been able to find 3 or 4 chasers like that
ew no. mtfgen is crunge
based wife material
today yeah, but tomorrow i might not
and im gonna see them again
go on now
but uh, that definitely wouldnt work, im not some weak pathetic bottom or anything
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doo is a baddie, anyone who disagrees is a low iq faggot
Pick one.
So did she not tell you anything at all before just ghosting you? That's a shitty thing to do. Did she have personal issues aside from the bpd?
go away spicebag
Hi Autumn. Trip on.
but im gonna ge tBANNED if i post nudes

close but no cigar :3
Where am I :(
wpw you sound hot. and with the dramatic music in the background it did sound like this anime girl image
shut up spicebag ur a lil pissbaby
>im not some weak pathetic bottom or anything
No, i know, you are a very dominant top, you just like to sit on my dick but in a very non bottoming way
Hatman told me he's gonna he chilling in the dark corner of your bedroom later tonight
Ily mwah
is this /transbiangen/ or /cuckoldgen/, I can't tell
probably a little of both
this image worked wonderfully to get the girls here
thanks queen

nope! hatman not REAL!! and im gonna get drunk tonight too so u can look forward to that

ermm based alert
Which made it a shit thread just as predicted. Good thing it's so active that it'll hit bump limit fast and can be replaced.
love you too angel
You'll be back. They always come back.
Flags are gone :(
yay suifuel thread qwq
god I was legit planning on tripfagging, guess i'm not gonna do that lmao
is it not worth it?
yeah you get it, im still the top but i just do what you tell me bc i want to!
its actually /chasergen/
amd im the chaser
Yeah, the past few weeks before ghosting me she had financial troubles, couldn't afford her therapist anymore, had family troubles and generally was going batshit insane over everything. I offered her support but she declined, so I just tried to keep her thoughts a bit occupied while chatting with her and it worked quite well until one day she was gone
I smell more trannies in here than usual. They are drawn to ranking images like lambs to the slaughter. Post asses and I will rank them.
Oh yea. I see. Good traits are experience, horny but has it under control, intellectually curious... I'm trying to think of physical traits I like but for almost every one there's an exception..
what why

what about hiips ... thats more important than ass... (coping)
You are the single most boring tranny on this board
we don't actually want her back though
you can't chase shit, fatty
you'd die chasing a carrot on a stick
Kinda wild to say that about the person who sparked the fastest drama threads I've ever seen for multiple days
dont blame me, im here because some dork told me about the OP image
Knew a woman like that. She isnt worth it anon.
kys spice
yeah you could describe spicebagmoder with a lot of words, but boring wouldn't be one of them
Yeah, I'm gonna let you top my dick with your ass as much as you want me to
Plapping spice
Her whole personality is basically porn
why tf would i ever want a carrot?
good, just know your place, bottom
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But she had insane stats. Passoid, hot, same age as me, autistic, similar hobbies and interests
>Pride month is over
>/chasergen/ is busy again
I've read her name many times by now, whats the deal with her?
*lights cool cigarette* yuh.

YUH! and other nice adjectives too...

mhm mhm pretty based i must say.

?? WHAT!!! this is nonsense
Rip in peace man that shit hurted
Watched it last pride month in honor of my beloved trannies
https://unsee dot cc/album#YYrIt2XoYreV

my personal favorite pic of my ass
carrots are what you use to tame pigs with in minecraft, pig
It has been pretty busy lately
This thread is just unusually busy because it attracted all the insecure trips due to the OP image
>Single view only
You can do better girl
>YUH! and other nice adjectives too...
coombrained transbian
You gotta change it from 1 view
I've already seen it a bunch though it is nice
>spammed the catalogue with cutesy innocent boymoder memes for years
>generally well liked
>someone found out she had a BNWO fetishist twitter account
>she gooned to white people getting beat up or killed by black people
>all kinds of weird fucked up racist shit
Basically that
cool minecraft reference then ig
i dont play minecraft
Oh my bad
https://unsee dot cc/album#A2wVPyqJ5j1D
and bulges
I mean the only problem she has is that she's a transbian. If she was into guys, she could for the rest of her life comfortably live from all the cum chasers would be donating to her
>stu calling anyone a bottom
what do you actually do all day?
yep that's going in the folder
It definitely is a nice picture of a nice ass
I love porn
Yeah so was mine. She isn't from cali is she? If you met her on calisoc avoid her.
She's literally in here all day, this is her fulltime job, except that she doesn't get payed for it, and somehow doesn't even manage to get layed even though she's horny 24/7
i dont get whats funny about that
4chan and discord and a little bit of feeling bad about myself
a lot actually
There used to be a MEGA with like every pic I've ever posted I was asking for it on /b/ ln but it might be gone, proabbyl for thesbest
>4chan and discord
what a life, wasting your youth like this
drop your discord
The dick-wag gif with Andre the giant spliced in still gets posted every now and then
I never understood what that edit is supposed to mean
>There used to be a MEGA with like every pic I've ever posted
True dedication
I have no idea who ruff is and I don't care
Creamy bussyhole
yours are in there too
i didn make it but it seems pretty slef explanatory andre the giant think i'm hot
i made this post >>36362943
actually so not until my prinse charming returns
cute... nice... lovely... amazing

im bi!!! also thank you qt <3 heheh
Surely I'm not the only chaserfag here who moved to this board after a decade of trannyfapping on /b/
This is like half of the people on 4chan. The other half are furry engineers
>teehee I'm bi :3
aka you're a transbian
and when guys say they're bi, they're actually gay
being trans means my youth is wasted already so what does it matter?
you have more self-esteem that most other tranners here lol
thats two who arent gonna survive the winter
really dumb post
On 4chan the bi girls are transbian, irl they're bi
On 4chan the bi guys are bi, irl they're gay
bisexuality isn't real, sorry about your retardation
thats the same person lol
made for transbian dick
i wanted to be a pornstar for a while but it was annoying and complicated to do it so i just did it for free, i feel the same way either way
I suppose it doesn't matter, you should just end things now since there's no coming back from it
no i shouldnt dumbass
What is it with lonely trannies that just wants me to be with them, hug them and make them happy?
Sex with Stu
t. Alpha Bottom Chaser Chad
They think it's a funny joke to use chasers to build them up and then leave for a woman in a year or two
>im bi!!! also thank you qt <3 heheh
you're a transbian like all the other "bi" trannies
They are not, actually.

Broken Wing attraction just like me fr
why are you guys like this!

you should be nicer when you talk to a really cute amazing girl...
Kinda funny how both sides worry about this outcome from the other.
you should, you already wasted your youth, and you're going to continue to waste the ongoing years
there's no point really, it only gets worse from here!
fuck off spicebag
its because theyre vulnerable and easy to manipulate (me)
bottom chaser as in you chase bottoms, hot
then why dont you set them straight with ur big alpha cock chaser-kun?
nah its gonna get better actually, just wait
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>really cute amazing girl...
sorry for horsing around, m'lady of black studs
Late morning existential crisis
>They are not, actually
are you sure about that?
>posts edited image from years ago

kek, yes babe if you edit anyones picture they look like shit thats crazy :)
>just wait
that's what you do all day, right?
just wait?
things will get better if you simply just stand still and wait
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>he acts like he genuinely cares about your trauma
>open up and start having feelings for him
>the moment you imply youre considering sex he swaps to 100% horny posting
>stop pretending to care

>then why dont you set them straight with ur big alpha cock chaser-kun?
it doesn't really work that way
Let me be the Link to your Saria
spicebag has a nice body but she has a weird boyish face
>Broken Wing attraction just like me fr
Yeah ik, but it's more like a question of why... Its such a strong feeling that I feel bad because I'm not able to "protect" her right now. What would I give to be able to make her happy rn

And thats just not healthy, how will I ever be able to date someone normally when this feeling is the most overwelming personal attraction I feel
everyone on passgen likes my face :3
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it's not edited
Funny it’s almost as if she’s male.
Is it not possible to tell that someone is only acting like they care earlier? If not at least you figured out how to get them to drop the act, that could be a useful tool for filtering sooner.
you mean the hugbox thread?
Keep up this energy instead of making another "I'm a sad virgin" thread later today
God damn her face is longer than my dick
kek ok very funny, literally stretched by like 4x jesus christ

naw i dont think so

its edited

shut up... .... BE NICE
Justice for Spicebag
I will not sit here and pretend she isn’t a bad bitch
Yall are pathetic
>im bi!!! also thank you qt <3 heheh
Wait aren't you the one who's always complaining about being a khhv virgin? You should be drowning in cum, even just from all the guys that wanna hatefuck you
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that photo of me is getting old, go get a newer one from a more recent passgen

also don't call me a passoid or shit, i get clocked and mogged all the time
based!! they are just jelly ig.

yeah... im only not because im anxious and i dont get out very much... ;-; it sucks aaa im jealous
Show us a real picture then
gonna need to see the ass
There are two types of broken wing attracted people.
1. Softies who love to feel like they're giving someone help they deserve (Frequently devolves into babying the other person instead of acknowledging their issue and treating them as a human being).
2. Genuinely predetory people who either knowingly or unknowingly perceive someones vulnerability as an easy entry into their lives and. (frequently devolves into abusive cycles of enjoying their partners suffering as it makes them feel powerful to help)

Most people are a mix of both to some degree. Refuse to fetishize or use someones difficulties for your own self fulfillment actively and be normal about it.
she's a bad bitch for tyrone, cuck
The more you get out the less the anxiety can grip you. You build up a sorta tolerance and reassurance that it can be okay.
no because people here will save it and sperg out, i really only post face in passgen nowadays, which everyone tells me im cute in btw...
we all know the real reason you don't get out much
Yeah I'd catch a boat over to potatoland and slip her the chaserhog fr if she wasn't so terrified of sex
They're usually pretty blatant its the sneaky ones that hurt.
My favorite trannies don't post here anymore
>my parents say I'm handsome btw
Smoking is bad for you and Reimu wouldn't do that 0/10
sex is scary... anal is scary... so much to mess up... ;-; v scary u know... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I wish my favorite tranny would come back
I mog Tyrone nigga
no you don't, you pasty ass whyt boi
I am half Mexican bro Tyrone wishes he could be me
White automatically mogs black though?
Do you think they are sneaky on purpose? Are they fully aware of the way the present themselves and the shift that overcomes them? I hope you don't let the bad apples dissuade you too much from opening up and catching feelings for a good one.
guys guys stop fighting... you can all have me
My favorite tranny is one I met on this board. She's an anon and she is

>very pretty
>has a good sense of humor
>26 years old
>fun to hang out with
>enjoys my cooking

She's the best tranny there is. The rest of you suck.
I think I know where your mexican half went
we don't want BBC owned snowbunny spicebagmoder
why would tyrone wanna be a smelly fleabag?
you got a small ass dick and no game
It's called rizz boomer
aw that's cute
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kill yourself
I smell like Tom Ford cologne and Oribe texturizing spray
could someone rizz me
>gooner virgin OP makes shit thread
>the worst trannies flock to it
>even fucking spicebag enters
>thread devolves into race fetishist bait posting
Great job OP
>yeah... im only not because im anxious and i dont get out very much... ;-; it sucks aaa im jealous
I was quite similar actually, kinda stil am, I literally panic when people write me on dating apps lol

But I've figured that getting to know people online is much easier. There is like no commitment, as they're just randos that live in my computer, which alleviates a lot of the anxiety. And when I start getting to know someone better, I get myself to meeting them up irl.

You can make it :)
you're never gonna be one of the cool girls with that attitude
shut the fuck up 30 year old german wrinkly ballsack
you ain't got none, blud
you're a cuck
you smell like sewer water and pig fat
blud trying to brag about being half messycan LMAO
>even spicebag

... you say that like im BAD!!

yeah das true... i hope i can have it soon... i jsut want to remove all anxieties and jealousy around it! i hope i can do anal ;-; but its not that bad if i cant / dont like it right?
hey babe, whats that butt smell like?
But for me it's like, when I get to know someone, even when it's "normal" at first, as soon as they have any issues (and I do attract people with issues, always have), this completely takes over and I can't distinquish anymore what is genuine liking and what is just broken bird.

It drives me nuts
>isn’t mixed
Skill Issue
I am like a white person but more elite because I don’t burn or age badly…
I will never be a woman anyway so what's the point in trying to fit in?

Best I just do my own thing out of everyone's way.
plap plap
You seek out people with issues because you can't get a normal partner
>I am like a white person
but you're not, you're brown skinned and you smell bad
tyrone doesn't have to worry about any of that
I've been told very good
Since you always have attracted people with issues, have you not had many opportunities to experience liking someone without that coming up? Might be that you can't distinguish because it's always the broken bird you feel (Even if they haven't told you about the issues yet, you can probably tell) and mistake that feeling as liking.
I smell lovely, Tyrone probably smells like Fried Chicken and Waffles
You're completely useless if you can't even do anal
It's not just with partners, it's not even primarily with partners. All friends I ever had turned at some point out to be crazy. They usually aren't at the start, but as soon as they get comfortable in the friend group or so, they always end up having some issues.

I don't think I'm seeking them out, I just feel like mentally ill people are just somehow attracted to one another
helo baby show pantie
cool beans B)
are you rizzed yet?
tyrone smells like pure alpha sex, and he's gonna steal spicebag away from your half cooked bean smelling ass
... shut up thats nto true

i dont even know what you guys r even doing now, i thought you were like making fun of me but now it just seems like you're into this.
why would anyone pick u over another tranner if u can't have anal sex?
cause im lovely and amazing and there are other forms of sex that arent anal
is selfie posting still banned ??
ok honey :) whatevr makes u feel better
It's been chill lately
That's ideal.
need sexy iris pics
>but its not that bad if i cant / dont like it right?
Obviously not. If you find someone who likes you, there is more that bonds than just sex. Also if it's just anxiety, you probably just need to get comfortable with them first. Just find someone who respects your boundaries and doesn't push you to things you are not ready for.
>seems like you're into this
you're the one into it though, mrs 'deadendwhiteboy'
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At least the thread is fast and keeping me entertained.
yeah I'll take this over the boring shit that chasergen usually is
god bless the person that archived all of spicebags tweets
Fast threads are less comfy than slow threads. Too much too read, it's overwhelming. I like to multitask and glance at the thread sporadically, not have it constantly blinking trying to get my attention.
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I'm admittedly pretty masculine yes. People here would repost my image just to make fun of me. That's life.
As twitter now requires an acoount which I don't have, can someone maybe screenshot some of the highlights? I'm very curious
plus the this thread has been much less friendly than they usually are bc it attracted lots of mentally ill ppl
new topic
new world order
thoughts on spicebag's bnwo fetish?
shut up spicebag
Bullying girlballs
spice is not valid
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>Its all bbc fetishization sissy shit

I didn't know or care who spicebag was but now I hate her. Genuinely vile racist bitch.

you're so sexy though
Yeah, the few friendly posts get buried and are less likely to be engaged with because people are onto the next distracting bait. Kinda stinky, oh well.
you will get banned, everyone has been getting banned for it recently including me
hello spicebag
your favorite food is tyrone's cock
Thats a sexy voice
uhh hi
oh i know :3
I think this person is a great example of how genuinely fucked up zoomers are
im better now...
Wow one chart posted and /tttt/ really goes nuts
You deserve to be mocked.
you're better for jamal
and daquan
and lashawn
put me on the chart next time!!
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skipping this thread
Tfw no spicebag gf to cuck me with BBC
Wise move
The more you interact with people trying to humiliate you for it the closer you are to falling back into it
That's probably the goal of half of the replies about it
probably a good idea, since you were caught being into that bnwo shit too
getting put in thread is like the tttt hall of fame
I simply choose to believe that she's just really retarded and it was a stack of coincidence after coincidence
ty for the info, i will be on my way
the goal is so they can make fun of her for it while they also get off thinking about it
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Not Autumn... I liked her even if we never interacted.

Bros... this is the end of chasergen for me isnt it?
everyone should leave her alone. it’s not her fault she’s british
It's a board where trannies doe DIY castrations, and also have the weirdest kinks (diapers, rape play, etc.). BBC Fetishization isn't the worst of the bunch.

I mean, it's not mine, but as long as she's not hurting someone, I'd say live and let live
lol she got broken up with because she told her bf she wasn't into the idea of sex unless it was with another woman or with a black guy, not at all a coincidence
at least drop your discord first
>not in chart
>not famous
That sounds fake
Yay an entire thread dedicated to the discussion of one autistic (underaged) tranny's (former) porn preferences
>isn't the worst of the bunch
yeah bro it's all cool, she's just calling for the extermination of whites and fetishisizing black people, it's totally not that bad lol
im BORED im gonna post my retarded zoomer videos cause u guys are all like millenials lol

https://files.catbox.moe/4tnfwg.mp4 (JANNIES THIS A TIKTOK EDIT NOT LIKE NUDES OR ANYTHING)

good idea

probably yeah lol

I don't even know who you are
It's probably because you're not posting pics
ok, I have absolutely no idea why everyones hating so hard on spice... she seems quite nice from how she writes here
did you miss the entire drama last year where autumn was virtually cucking her bf posting nudes and posting bbc stuff everywhere?
spicegooner makes every fucking thread about herself
Yeah, and there are frequently threads on this board by people whose fetish is that all men should have their sperm frozen and forcefully transed...

People have weird fetishes and fantasies, but in the end it's just that, fantasies
spicebag why are you posting bbc hypno ?
wtf is wrong with you ?
lol that is definitely not what happened

Really weird how autumn posted a couple semi-lewds while having an SO and people sperged the fuck out only on her when the same thing applies to tons of people here. Guess they fantasized about her being their autistic gf and it fucked em up
Old ass list. Haven't seen a proper tier thread in ages.
Thats your mistake, you should post nudes
trip on autumn
ppl are just weird and mean ;-;

its NOT that!! its a edit of samarie and marina from fear and hunger termina!

oh trust me i would if i wouldnt get banned
>Guess they fantasized about her being their autistic gf and it fucked em up
this is exactly what it was
a lot of guys on here think just because a tranny presents herself as being really cute and innocent that that's the only side to them
Was expecting a bbc edit
they have plenty of pics of me.. and my tits lol
can't do that !!
>oh trust me i would if i wouldnt get banned
I mean people post nudes here regularly, look at stu, everyone here knows the color of her asshole by hex value and she's still here...
It's so blatantly dehumanizing and gross. Be fucking normal and not a racist peice of shit. I genuinely despise those kinds of gooners.
an edit of jamal and stacy from fear and hunger in africa? you have gone too far spicebag
any chocolate skinned chasers around?
>can't do that !!
why not?
What’s up lil Bitch
Last I heard spice was into blond twinks now. And women. You guys need to keep up.
ummmmm hi ummm.... i need to be taught a lesson!
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TRUE! they arent real spicefans...
thats just what i tell everyone so they wont hate me!!
I mean she's khhv, she doesn't even know what shes really interested in, cause she's never been close to any real person
that's what she's always been into
goooosh i need a blonde twink bf so bad ;~; imagine if he caught me with tyrone one day would be soooo hot
true.... ;-; it hurts so much

I wonder if this is a chaser with a cuck fetish or a jealous tranner. I'm going to bet on the latter.
spying eyes
2 hour thread, yikes.
i hope it's a blonde twink with a cuck fetish!
Probably just the guy who gets excited any time he can drive someone off
if I know your discord is it okay if I add you?
make a comfy thread next time, you cuckold gooners
ngl. she's hot af. her BNWO fetish is weird af, but if you could get her off it, she'd be wife material
>I know your discord
it was an alt and i dont remember the password
>hatectimes you
>gay panic defence
you could get her off it, and she'd get off to it
you'd catch her in the act, and you'd be a happy little cuck
irisbros we got too cocky...
Someone like that can never be wife material, ever
How about a lobotomy? I think she'd make the perfect wife once her mental illnesses are taken care off
you could do that to me anon... if you promised to take care of me
Honestly, from what I have seen from your posts here, as well as your tripposting in the archives from last year, you seem nice. And you're also hot.

Idk. why everyone hates you

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