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If TERFs just want mtfs and ftms to "gender nonconform" how come they still get mad when we do just that? Like, pronouns and such aside
They're not a monolith. Many of them are just wildly sexist and not OK with GNC people.
what if they dropped the pronouns and just took hrt? This happens btw, not everyone on hrt is "trans"
>do what you want
>okay I'll take HRT
it's all so tiresome
maybe they don't want kids
maybe i am tho, just extra GNC with tits ;)
Terfs are gender essentialists and must maintain their soft power by being eternally the victim class and keeping men as second class slaves. They will find a billion possible reasons for why they do not want mtfs to take hrt and transition like "protect the kids" but they simply do not want competition over male attention and money.
that's not what happens to ftms tho
Taking testosterone only improved how my body functions, it made me stronger, faster, less moody, and made sex feel 100x better. I think many terfs would be much happier if they started taking it, maybe it would make them less whiny.
This is dumb because my body is much more sexually functional and enjoyable with all this surgery and hormones. You just want me to reproduce someday or some shit and I’m sorry but I have so many genetic diseases that I don’t think I should breed.
They think gender nonconformism is born out of AGP
Yeah there was this massive scandal at a gender critical conference after a self-identified AGP man attended in a blue dress. It led to a terf schism

Ok but like...so? If they want to whine "it's just le fetish!!!" why aren't they mad people are "enhancing" themselves, people permanently change their bodies for sexual reasons all the time.
lol u cant do shit
>they think
it's true though lol. your assessment isn't even wrong, that's very astute, although it's very subconscious for most of us. but it's absolutely true that it ends up being the ideal configuration especially if you werent interested in or capable of fitting into the male paradigm in the first place
Whoever wrote this is blatantly insufferable just by the way they write.
Stop being an MRA if you want to be a woman
>If TERFs just want mtfs and ftms to "gender nonconform" how come they still get mad when we do just that?
Because it was never about any of that.
They just hate you, and if they can't come up with valid reasons to exclude you and make your life as shitty as possible, they'll just invent some.
They don’t like actual gender nonconformity either, their idea of a GNC man is a guy who does household chores. Go further beyond that and they’ll start whining about “appropriating femininity” or something like that. They are conservatives that couch their conservatism in progressive terminology.
trannies are incredibly conservative and believe you can only act feminine if you look feminine, your accusations are admissions

trannies are literally the definition of conservatives hiding their true intent with phony progressive teminology...
don't hate the player, hate the game. it's not the amab's fault for being born into shit luck and this is the best way to cope by far, even if most of us don't even really realize the reasons we're doing it
Tell me, if trannies are so conservative and TERFs are so progressive, why is it that conservatives despise the former and collaborate with the latter?
conservative countries still legally permit gender transition
that's collaboration, you just don't want to discuss that
if they really hated trannies, it would just be totally illegal everywhere that isn't outright progressive, like gay marriage is
This is the answer. Some of them just hate faggots and think that's what the label "TERF" means. There are plenty of TERFs who are legitimately fine with it
terfs are largely misandrist and assume the only reason a man would transition is because they're all predators. in other words they see it as gender blackface
That’s outside of the western political sphere. Also telling that you didn’t answer the second part of the question, like why neo nazis keep showing up at TERF events or why TERFs routinely collaborate with anti-abortion activists.
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because terf ideology isn't actually a thing it's just weird white women making up caricatures to get mad at and be afraid of and think abouut all day. when a tranny (or a person claiming to be a tranny in order to fuck with the fundamentally legal system aka those scottish rapists or californian 'trans' prisoners)actually does something fucked up they get even more riled up and use these isolated incidents to justify their fear

but ibstead of doing something actually productive (such as lobbying for prisons to uphold certain standards when dealing with tranny/'tranny' prisoners and update their guidelines accordingly) they just seethe all day on twitter and demand total tranny death bc theyre afraid of their own fantasies
I don't think conservatives actually despise trannies and the degree to which terfs are collaborating with conservatives is vastly overstated for propaganda purposes.
I think the truth is some conservatives support trannies because they want faggots and spergs to try to fit in and assimilate, and some conservatives are against it, because they'd rather keep shunning those groups. Trannies aren't trying to appease ALL conservatives, just some, and its more of a quiet approval than a loud WE THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS.
>terfs are largely misandrist
says the group of men who
a) agree that men with working dicks are predatory rapists and
b) are breaking their dicks chemically because they fear being seen as a predatory male
surely self-castration is the more misandrist act don't you think?
nigga wat

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