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every time i try to get rid of my disgusting stomach fat i end up binge eating not long after and reversing all of my weight loss because im lazy and impulsive. like ik that its easier for fatshits to pass and all but i look like a moid and all the fat goes to the wrong places. is there a way to stop binging impulsively? do decent pro-ana forums still exist? also is there a way to turn bulimia (allegedly) to anorexia? thanks in advance
Drink a lot of water.
Drink coffee as well.
Eat a lot of vegetables and meat/fish.
Do some exercise.
Sleep your 7-8-9 hours.
part of the problem seems to be the amount you’re restricting. if you go too low there is a decent chance you’ll break and binge. you should try and figure out your TDEE and eat at about a 500 calorie deficit (maybe more depending on how much you eat on average). i know it doesn’t sound like a lot but weight loss is all about slow consistent progress
Diet for sure,
Then exercise anon. Simple as.
Whiskey. Weed, beer, cigarettes.... pffft...FUCKING POTATO CHIPS.
Thanks for the advice, but doesn't meat have a lot of calories and other bad stuff?
Unironically best option is to get some self control. Get some low calorie snackable options if you need to. Alternatively, we are starting to get drugs that can help but you'll just gain the weight back once you're off them because you never built better habits. Drinking a glass of water before every meal can help suppress appetite, especially sparkling water.

Learn to ignore habitual eating signals. Don't fight back if you are truly hungry, but your body has a lot more things it will do to tempt you to eat when you aren't actually hungry.
didn't know about the chips, i thought they're super unhealthy, but i'll look into it, thank you. i know cigarettes speed up metabolism, but aren't they dangerous/counterproductive if you're on HRT?
thanks, i know pickles are good as low calorie snacks and i'll try to replace the regular garbage i eat randomly
There are a bunch of things you can do to reduce the overall calories of the food you eat. One thing I found helpful was a cheap spiralizer; zucchini/onions/radish/vegetable is much lower than noodles and I can add sauce or ramen broth or whatever and have a great snack that's easy to add onto.
Meat has a lot of protein which is essential to make you less hungry.
oh i see, i guess whenever consuming meat i'll try to eat more fish or chicken something like that
Stop eating, do cardio
My advice is google calories per gram for different foods and try to not eat the ones that have a lot of them and that aren't very filling. Chips, nuts, cookies and most other popular snacks are the worst. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, since they have basically zero calories. Jelly and popcorn are also some good low calorie snacks. You can exercise, but it's not necessary, since it burns very little calories for the time and effort and it also makes you lazier and hungrier so it can even work against you. Also when your stomach hurts from not eating drink some water, it will help.
Yea a lot of people make the mistake of starving then eating then starving and eat and it just makes you gain weight.

Have to lower your amount or calories and be more active. Breaking a lot of addicting food is very hard too!
Thank you. Is drinking zero sugar soda also okay when hungry or is that too much unhealthier than water?
For me it's been replacing a carb binge addiction with a zero sugar soda addiction
It's been wreaking havoc on my gut microbiome but damn if I'm not dropping weight fast
honestly go for 1200 cals a day full ana is a good way to go bald.
Fruit is a bunch of carbs via sugar
You can say it's healthier than glucose which is true but it adds up quick
I'm doing better on my diet cutting back on fruit
>a lot of people make the mistake of starving then eating then starving and eat
I struggle with this because I will straight up forget to eat sometimes until I'm suddenly ravenous hungry.
Never stop counting calories
Never stop weighing in at regular set intervals to keep you on track
If you stop either one you're choosing to get fat again and that's on you
Some people call this unhealthy and obsessive but it's because they don't understand fat people food addiction brain
This is what it takes
Of course, I make sure to count calories and weigh myself twice a day at least
Fruits have like 30 calories per 100 grams. A whole bowl of strawberries has less calories than a walnut
>weigh myself twice a day at least
Why? You're not gonna get any useful information from more than once a day with normal food and water intake and waste cycles
counting calories is retarded, exercise more, eat only when hungry, eat healthy foods instead of garbage. drink less alcohol.
Lean meats are better.
Depending on how your particular body metabolizes you might want to look into ketosis (low/no carb diet) since I've seen people drop a lot of weight that way. Though certainly the most sustainable and wisest way to lose it is just good diet, light/medium exercise, good sleep and water. The better your body runs the more willing it will be to get rid of needless fat. Restriction diets will put it in shock and it'll try to hold onto the fat and losing the weight too quick won't prevent the behavior that got you there in the first place. Diet change is a lifestyle change, accept this or keep getting fat.
I tried 'dieting' but it made me hungry and miserable. I dropped 30 pounds and got to low BMI/close to underweight just from fasting. Fasting is 100% easier than dieting. I eat healthy shit in as much quantity as I want, just not stuffing my face 3 times a day.
what fasting method would you reccomend?
NTA but I do this because it psychologically keeps me 'on goal' at all points. Just hop on the scale morning and night and you won't be a flabtard who 'wakes up one day and realizes they are 20 pounds heavier' which is a narrative I see a lot

Also it teaches you about water weight vs food weight vs fat loss
First I did: 500 calories until 5PM, then whatever I wanted for dinner (no snacking, just dinner)
Then I did: 0 calories until 5PM and have 1 meal (dinner)
Then I did: 48 hours fasts and eat 2 meals on my non-fast day
now I am maintaining and back to step 1 because I like how it feels.
stop eating refined carbs and refined sugar. Do not eat processed shit foods found in the center aisles of grocery stores. Cook more. do not eat fast food. eat more protein so you are less hungry
huge misconception. Fruit is tons of fiber. Refined sugar is bad, similar to concentrating something to make it a drug. Normal sugar is not bad at all.
quite honestly if you're gaining weight because you eat fruit then your diet is fucked in some other regard
This. Fruit is such a minor contributor and makes up for it by itself so long as you aren't juicing it.
have to also add that fruit juice is bad, all the fiber is removed and it is simply sugar
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ozempic, its the new fatty wonder drug
I honestly think there is some bot campaign behind it. So many people are ecstatic about it, it just can't be genuine.
Figure out why you binge eat and then replace your emotional response to xyz badfeelings to something else. Hopefully healthy worst case tiktok works for me
probably pharma shilling, from what i understand it does work tho and makes you feel simply as if you had eaten a full meal and arent hungry anymore. but idk never tested it im not fat
once they get past like 200 lbs they've wrecked their metabolism and literally lose the ability to feel full. It's kind of fucked up really
this is so funny, it's literally a hormone... trannies hating 'hormone therapy' is so funny to me
Maybe work on why youre.lazy and impulsive. sounds like you're stupid too based on your responses so this seems to be a case of an ugly outside reflecting an ugly inside
Retarded take. Calories is all there is to it. One kg of bodyfat contains 8000 calories, if you are in a 1000 calorie deficit you'll lose a kg in 8 days. Doesn't matter if you're eating "healthy" or "unhealthy"
if you diet hard enough for long enough, there might actually a point where you can stop counting.
i lost 23kg, purely by calorie counting, in about two years. and kept them off for over two full years. 85 to 62kg, stopped counting, and it's stopped rising at 65 even when i eat to satiety all day every day.
Bullshit Anon. How many calories do you eat in a day?
i do not recommend this path anon, it's not worth it, get out while you can, this won't fix anything you'll just be even more miserable and you'll end up stuck in a hole that's a hell of a climb to get out of

it's not worth it, please trust me on that, i'm STILL fucking stuck here all these years later
>some people call this unhealthy and obsessive
yeah and as someone who's been stuck with anorexia for almost a decade i agree with them, this is not a healthy mindset
exercise (swimming is good choice) and avoid soda (even diet soda because it makes you more hungry), avoid candy and junk food.
t. ADHD, get bored and eat for dopamine a lot
fellow anamoder here, I would do basically anything in the whole world to just forget for one day how many calories are in a steak and shake frisco melt just so I can eat it once, just ONE time. I just want to eat one shitty greasy meal and not math it out automatically
can you diy ozempic? is it as safe as diy hrt?
god even just one day of a break from this shit would be indescribable, i miss the days before all of this, i really do, and if i could take it back i wouldn't even hesitate
yeah it’s so bad. i’m no longer anamoding but it will never truly leave my mind. i’ll always know, i just have to distract myself from it. at least i genuinely am happier in a slightly bigger body
yeah, most of the time if you end up with a restrictive eating disorder recovery becomes a lifelong process, it gets easier, but it never leaves

i'm really happy to hear you're doing better, anon, and i wish only love and good things for you
1300-1500 calories typically depending on the day but sometimes i binge uncontrollably and it's more than that (though it's hard to figure out exact numbers since some of that is removed by purging). ik im retarded and it's not low enough, im really sorry
portioning your meat is how you get around it. make sure to get kiwi in your diet.
its better than oranges with less sugar, and has serotonin which can keep you motivated.
omg i love kiwi
you realize that eating healthier foods at the same calorie rate as unhealthy foods causes you to lose more weight and feel better right
holy fembrained
Use myfitnesspal please ffs, guessing your calories is like guessing your dosage. Just be an autist and track everything that passes your lips, it's fun, and it's the only way you'll lose weight
>feel better
>lose more weight
if you eat 800 calories of brown rice or 800 calories of brownies, your body responds to the sugar differently but the ultimate deficit is the exact same. the glycemic index is not a physics cheat code
this could be a placebo tard suggestion but wearing a corset made me less hungry, I assume because my stomach is so folded in on itself.
other then that keep yourself busy//not at home for most of the day & eat fiber and meat for every meal - with a sip of water between each bite.
eat slowly and intentionally, looking at your food & not at a television for example.
I was gonna write up basically the same exact thing so here's a source for good measure
>a 2023 Cochrane review did not find that adoption of low glycemic index (or load) diets by people who are overweight or obese leads to more weight loss (and better fat control) than use of diets involving higher glycemic index/load or other strategies.
so basically, you don't lose any more weight by eating healthy, it's just fucking smarter to do all around
You can literally just scan barcodes its the easiest thing ever. at this point you basically have to have 0 self control in order to be fat
isn't meth (at least the higher concentrated powder one) like a really malebrained drug though? i've never met a woman who is smokes that
Running is good, humans are sort of meant to run. If you're new to it it'll suck at first, but if you go like twice a week you'll see pretty steady progress
okay, i'll try it out. i had a problem with some of the calorie tracker things since they only gave calories for like a 100g amount or something, and i had to keep multiplying or dividing numbers to get the actual amount :l
that literally goes against the laws of thermodynamics, but okay anon
genetics exist
Oh wow grade school math. Better just balloon up like a fat pig instead
it saves your history so if you've already eaten that portion before you can just choose it from a list next time.
There is literally no excuse.
Also, hunger is just your fat cells crying out in pain as they die.
sorry that im so lazy and retarded and can't do basic tasks
Your outside is reflecting what's on the inside. Get better at little things like tracking and acts of self control and stop being retarded and your body will start to reflect that over time
that makes sense sorry i'll try the tracking thing as i said hopefully i can commit to it this time
Genetics only made you dumb, not fat lel, jk Anon but that's a giant cope and has nothing to do with anything
>i end up binge eating
don't do that
fucking idiot
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mfw threads that make me want to relapse harder
i think u need a prescription for it but im pretty confident some darknet market has it too
Pretty good advice. You can straight up binge on watermelon, berries, cucumbers, etc especially if you exercise seriously most days because it kicks your metabolism up substantially. You don't want to go on a diet you want to change your lifestyle permanently and that means figuring out new things to enjoy. Hunger is easily overcome after the first week, you will be used to it, what you need is to fill your time with things to do and not expect that change will happen overnight. It takes months for change to become visible but on the plus side you'll feel healthier sooner.

Make sure you aren't maintaining a strict calorie deficit longer than about 5 weeks at a time. Take an entire week to eat at or slightly above maintenance then go back on the deficit. Keep your protein fiber nutrition and watery fruit/food intake up to feel satiated. In 3-6 months you'll have melted body fat off like it was nothing. The reason you want to take that rest week is because you can flatline your metabolism and hormone regulation becoming incredibly depressed or even start to experience nasty physical side effects. At least in my experience 4-5 weeks of continuous deficit and exercise is the maximum before my body tries to make me stop doing anything.
>eat only when hungry
People's sense of hunger gets fucked up over the years for different reasons so they'll have to count
Or at least count until they know what food types and portions hit their needed daily caloric intake and take it from there
If they venture outside of the set known meals they'll have to count again

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