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I've started to stop taking my meds. 4 years its just so cringe. im acting as a girl not being a girl. i wish i wasnt groomed into this life style. i may pass as female but ill never be female. i just want to detransition and get this shit over with. kill my twinkself and live in the woods.
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chloe cole is my detrans goals
>ive stopped taking hrt
I hope you stick with it once you realize you are taking it to hurt yourself because others hate your nature
Good luck anon and don’t terf out on us, sorry you don’t feel that you’re female :(
>never be female.

The goal is to look like a woman and be taken as a woman socially the goal is never to be a woman physically and reproductively.
>i may pass as female
ok good please detransition until you don't pass so i can climb the mog-ladder
>i pass, but im detrooning anyway
i hate you so much
but seriously, live your life how you want, but being a "real" woman was never on the table. being a fake woman is the closest any of us get, and that makes life livable as far as im concerned. whatever you decide, just try not to worry about it so much. life is about doing what makes you happy, not trying to squeeze yourself into some demographic.
> i wish i wasnt groomed into this life style
Sometimes I wonder if I'm being groomed too anon. But desu I feel like it's my fault not really anyone else's. That being said idk your situation so it's entirely possible you got groomed
Do females receive preferential social treatment?
Nta but yeah desu
i wouldnt terf out, i dont give a shit about what others want to do about themselves.
But for me, its what has been pushed onto me in my private and corny past.
i know ill never be a woman biologically and be taken seriously as a woman socially...
im too "boy" brained, if that makes any fucking sense.

idk i thought that mindset would go away
but its just stuck, and since i started college its been weighing heavy.
the bathroom has never been more frightening. its like a existential crisis every time i need to piss.

i want to feel like ME
i want to be ME

ya feel?
Those who transition should find it easier to socially be like women. That's the whole point of it so that some men who can't make it as a manic way of being able to survive as women

I detrooned in college.

You're just going to retransition later in life once you get over the insecurity. Also the dysphoria from stopping estrogen will break you.

If we could just man up and stop being trans than repping and conversion therapy would work. Having shame due to social stigma and gender perceptions and not feeling like other women doesn't magically make you not trans because every repper and detranner (and again I detransed and ripped for 10 years) felt like that. Eventually you realize that this doesn't matter and ypu aren't at college surrounded by kids your own age who mog you, you're an adult living alone where no one really cares about you.

Tldr don't detroon due to depression, self hatred, or feeling you aren't good enough.
I don't care and I've been doing it for years since so far they're not beating me up or hurting me so what the fuck the difference?
Wondering if conversion therapy would work on me especially because I've been detrooning for a month now and the dysphoria isn't too bad. It's illegal in my state tho so I'll never be able to do it
you would think that, right?
but desu all its done is make me anxious that im not, fitting in. i feel like i have a big fucking arrow or big green diamond above my head saying LOOK AT ME IM THE TRANNY.

and its just VERY hard to not feel like that sometimes.

i dont find it easier to navigate life as a woman. (or a man)

(especially when ur 152cm and everyone is literally looking down at you)
the only reply here that matters.

best of luck regardless of what you decide OP.
I grew up in San Francisco with the queens, so I don't really give a shit about anyone thinking of anything and I carry protection the time, if someone wants to give me shit, I'll give him shit back. In the meantime nobody ever knows anything about it, or cares anything about it. I never am seen as inferior male. never had anybody even ask me if I'm transgender
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Chloe cole admits he still has gender dysphoria which kinda contradicts the people he works for being a detransition shill. also, if you've seen how he dresses now, it's clear he like many other ftms has a forcefem fetish. It's bizarrely feminine in a way that a clueless man would dress if he tried to come up with a woman's outfit. Picrel
i feel like this sometimes. im just so sick of taking meds and appointments and feeling like i have even less of a place in this world amongst men or cis women
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i saved this from some other anon, maybe it will help you find some record of it
What if I will never pass (6'2 height) and I am doomed to manmode?
what are you talking about? the source is literally right there go find the interview if you think it's just made up. he admits to having gender dysphoria it's not a secret
i didn't look for a record, maybe it exists and maybe it does not. maybe you should see if you can find it.
>everyone is the same as me
kill youself
where is the interview?
>she admits to having gender dysphoria
prove it
I'm not going to spoonfeed you fuckin retard. You made the thread just to affirm your gay detransition anyways
hmm maybe its made up
You entire life is made up you disingenuous retard

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