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"I'm a cunty huss tuss doll.
I'm the bestest of them all.
My straight husband loves me and will never leave me. He cherishes me. He worships the ground I walk on. I give off a grape-colored light, wherever I go, blinding mere mortals, and striking primal fear into the hearts of AGPs.
I transitioned in middle school. Nobody really ever thought of me as a boy anyways cuz I was always just sooooooo girly."
I don't voice train I like my default voice.
it doesn't sound as feminine as it could
yes goddess
Im not a tranny
you sound like a robot
im not even sure you are human
Sorry I read all cringe posts in that tone
FTM not MTF (I would rather read My Immortal and Credence back to back than read that, also I'm not on T, I will go on T one day)
I'm sorry about your autism little girl
the irony of me being the biggest agp faketrans loser weirdo reclusive late transitioning dumbass. voicetraining doesn't work btw it's a scam. i'm gonna get drunk now

i felt that
i literally can not hear this
kinda passing voice but I can kind of tell you have some kind of autism
read the goddamn script your impotent whore
damn every white trans woman has that shrill homely librarian voice that sounds like nails scraping a chalkboard
most AGP voice so far
Not them but wth makes an "agp voice"
unconvincing, robotic-sounding artificial forced femininity
basically stepford wife femaleness
I'm not a transwoman I'm just a normal woman :/
im sick...so i might sound a little messed up :v
>if you're agp you can read this script
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They
have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but
they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to
indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical
suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world.
and your retarded OP text:
as an american you sound like british royalty or like a nobel
Sounds like a twink
Gigapassoid + hot
Passoid + cute but kinda hard to tell off just one word
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bretty cute
evil faggot
I got better audio that time, yippee!
Oop,I forgot to add the link

pass, didn’t listen to the whole thing tho

Some helpful links (oh yeah and for the metal thing I wouldn't reccomend doing it that loud lmao, do it more low key)
i cant criticize anyone because i don't know shit
Is this AI? This is one of the fakest sounding voices I've heard.

these voices are so weird
you can just tell it's not your real voice
I have no autism, I'm just a skinwalking fetishist
Hot af
good ol country boys
woaw look at you eminemette
What AI is that realistic….. my voice sounds like that just not naturally obviously
why do all you ones with more womeny voices have horrible fucking lisps? I don't know any cis women with lisps like that
residual fag voice in my experience
I’m >>36368060 and it’s completely on purpose I just think it sounds cute
i';m gonna cry i think
nasally AGP
https://voca.ro/1f1Cf4U7OrvC too much vocal fry? How do I sound less autistic?
sounds like trans womens real male voice
I'm ftm. Do I sound faggy or something is that it?
no it just sounds like forced and overly precious like you are trying to give a speech or something
does not sound faggy at all
teeny bit forced, just relax a little and you're golden
Nta but not particularly to me, as long as you pass physically as well I wouldn't think you're faggy at all irl
If you were mtf and this was your pre trans voice than people on this board would be telling you how you have such a "manly masculine hon voice"
Try to pronounce your fs a little more you kinda slur them and that's what sounds autistic.
Talk more slowly. It sounds like you are self-evaluating your speech while talking vs naturally talking.
Also can you um like do a female-ish voice still? Just curious what it would sound like if you tried to.
Also, I would be SHOCKED if you were into men.
Yea it passes perfectly, honestly I just get shy college dude vibes from your voice and the way you speak
don't hugbox
I'm being serious, like maybe I'm deaf to it because apparently I have "gay voice" or something but it's my honest opinion
my 'female voice' was just this but higher pitched. i can't really do it now. it's certainly not convincing.
try it
playing around with my pitch n resonance since i dont rly have a proper girlvoice yet (practice on and off cus im a retard)

this is basically my normal voice with forced twang(?) im bad with the lingo, think bottom teeth:
pitched higher, kinda pushed more forward and up:
even higher and more breathy, kinda comes out from the top teeth
definitely starting to lose stability here cus its the end of my upper range, dunno if that can be improved with more practice:
Need to grape

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