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is it possible to live close to a genuine catholic faith as a transgender woman?
Hijacking your thread to say I want a hijabi trans gf
I'm inclined to say no but God's grace is inscrutable and his love is vast. I think you should detransition, but I value your freedom of conscience.
i do believe God made me the way i am for some reason. even if that reason is just for me to suffer, i accept that.
having been in your shoes: i'm still not sure. you may be able to get on in a liberal catholic parish, probably a jesuit one, depending on where you live. but you'll always be in contradiction with the teachings of the magesterium if you transition; you won't be able to marry; you might experience prejudice with stuff like baptism, confirmation, absolution, and communion; etc. if you truly believe the roman catholic church is the one true church founded by jesus and support all of its teachings, then you should still join them. i in the end decided i didn't agree with everything they taught and started going to an anglo-catholic church, which now i agree with much more on theological and gender issues than the RCC (which i was baptized into). but if you determine that the teachings of the magesterium really are what you believe, you should either find a liberal catholic parish or detransition
life adhering *strictly* to catholic dogma? no, ofc. genuine catholic faith? yes.

i'm a straight cis huwhite male. my ex was seriously catholic. (carried her bible and prayer book everywhere, read tons of theology / philosophy, had spent months in several monasteries until deciding on staying in the laity). she was about as catholic as people get without becoming part of the clergy. she adhered to like 95% of the doctrine very strictly, but if she felt in her heart that the church was misguided on something, she had no qualms about voicing her disagreements and living by her convictions. she always stretched that she had no problem with fags, and that she felt sex before marriage is a ok (thank god, she was wild in the sack). her point was if she felt in her heart of hearts that it's okay with the big G - felt so genuinely, not just because it's expedient - then that is just her best guess.

i'm not of faith myself but ive read the bible and some secondary text and always had respect for people of faith. ultimately, far as i can tell, the CRUCIAL core of genuine, deep faith is a sense personal connection to god, and that can and will influence your views. if you do believe who you are is fine with God, then that is ultimately your best guess. if you conclude it is sinful, well shit, we are all sinners. you shouldnt, then, take that lightly, that's not the point, but ultimately only jesus son of god was without sin, and the NT makes a point of showing us he mingled with whores and outcasts. it's absolutely canon that jesus loves you as you are, and even a degenerate fag has a place there so long as you are conscious and repetentant of what you deem to be your sins, wether that's being a tranner or wether it's compulsively stealing the easter decorations from your local church (my ex did that she was a bit of a nutter). that's not to say you HAVE to view it as a sin. just look into your heart and be honest with yourself and treat it as you deem appropriate.


you could say that's counter to dogma and it is, but even priests veer from it more often that you'd think (eg a lot more priests than youd think have partners). it's important to take dogma serious, and consult what the bible and church says in all things, but that doesnt mean you cannot ever view things differently. every believer does to some extent and most people going to church are sinners much more so than just having a sense of gender other than their biological sex. and they still believe, and they still are loved by jesus and part of the flock. there's stuff that is laid out in the bible clear and in a prescriptive way and that is obviously much less negotiable, but i dont remember there being a part about tranners anywhere. there's something about fags, but i've seen people interpret that in various ways, and anyways most of that is in the OT, which holds less relevance to christians than the NT, being the new covenant.

i read it somewhere that there's as many conceptions of god, and as many christian "faiths" (varieties and subtleties) as there are believers. i think it was a prot theologian who wrote that, but ultimately it holds true for catholics too. don't take sin (if you perceive something to be such) lightly, but don't let anyone prescribe the shape of your faith to you, either. the part in the bible about those without sin throwing the first stone is there for a reason. dogma is important and shouldnt be ignored willy nilly, it should be taken seriously. but it's folly to strive for sinlessnes. man cannot achieve it. the measure of your faith will be the conviction you have in your heart, and your devotion to jesus and his preachings.

sorry about the wall of text i'm a bit high, and obviously i'm not an authoritative source, but anyways that was, in so many words, what my ex wouldve said, and she was about as devoted a catholic as they come. hope this helps. good luck in your spiritual journey
I pity abrahamcucks and their retardedly reductive and anthropocentric view of what god is
i am basically very in agreement with what you are saying. it does make me sad that i basically can't go to church though.
and I suppose you've got some kind of wishy-washy, vague spirituality that's totally better and makes way more sense, right?
Only if you are naturally effeminate
if you cant stealth, yes, might run into people who give you shit. i think if people see you're genuine about it they would be open to it but i'm naive and might underestimate how coarse and mean people can be. there's things like online mass ...

if what you long for is a faith based community, a good option might be to find prayer groups in your area through the internet where you can talk to the people online first, test the waters, and meet in a more informal setting.
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Not OP, but has the church ever explicitly said anything about transsexuals, though? I doubt most catholics are fans of the concept, but the only sensible article on this that I could find is https://decivitate.substack.com/p/some-church-documents-2-1975-nullity-case-involving-a-transsexual which discusses a specific church court case surrounding a nullification request for a marriage involving a transsexual. I can't find a truly canonical declaration that transsexuality goes against church teaching.

practically? probably not. like others have said, maybe a particularly liberal jesuit church would accept you. But most churches would not accept transsexuals into their fold, at least not an unrepetentant, non-detransitioning one.
i am
to be honest, i don't really care about community with regards to faith. i care about the two as separate things. i believe in helping and respecting those around me but when it comes to God i can be rather solitary. i still want to go to church because of the experience, however i am not stealth but i seem to "pass" anyways, (i dont remember the last time i was misgendered and my last attempts to boymode did not work).
hey can I ask a catholic question I've never gotten to ask? do you really believe saints? why is it that saints used to do big miracles like fly or block out the sun but now in 2024 the new saints are like "praying at this dead kid's grave helped my asthma?" Why aren't there any cool new saints anymore? I won't argue, just respectfully listen.
everyone's a skeptic these days.
Society has ceased to believe in miracles, that is why.
there is nothing in the bible against transsexuality, people just extrapolate the stuff against homosexuality to refer to transsexuality.
>Not OP, but has the church ever explicitly said anything about transsexuals, though?
There was a recent Vatican Clarification (which is less than an encyclical or apostolic letter, but more than an op-ed) that said the Church considers you your AGAB, and all the rules that apply to your AGAB apply to you. (No butt stuff, technically transbians are in the clear as long as they only date ciswomen but if you're androphillic then no sex for you).

There has also been some other stuff published which has to do with "gender ideology" which really doesn't impact trannies (certainly not MtF, FtM is a bit greyer) at all. It's basically theyfabs go to hell.

The basic rule as far as the Church is concerned seems to be - don't cause trouble, and follow all the other rules, and if you're actually trans you can take it up with St Peter when you meet him.

There are two questions there:
>Is it possible to live in accordance with catholic teachings as an AMAB with gender dysphoria
Yes absolutely.
>Is it possible to live in accordance with catholic teachings as a transwoman
It's complicated, there's no answer yet, but they're working on it.
yes it's possible for trans women to be delusional retards just like the rest of humanity
That's not quite true.
There's plenty of stuff about gender and gender roles in the bible, specifically about the number of genders.

But if you genuinely have Gender Dysphoria, then Christ's example was to heal the sick, provide for the needy, and show compassion for those less fortunate. You can't convince God of anything, He already knows everything. But if you want to convince Catholics that you're not the devil (I'm presuming you are not the devil) then explain the disease to them. Coz that's what nobody is doing.

I see rainbow flags everywhere, and cis people yelling at each other, but nobody wants to talk about the actual disease.
>I don't believe in history because I don't understand science
>t. child of protestant loonies
yes i am a "binary transsexual woman" as in i was born a boy and suffered from debilitating gender dysphoria which was alleviated by transitioning to a woman. transitioning saved me from suicide and i feel like a normal person now. i don't have any animosity with nonbinary people but i am not one of them.
Ex-Repper here.

Born Agnostic with no Cultural Christian upbringing on environment.
Find God and you’ll find the cure to dysphoria.
I was born anew, as a true Son of Adam, as i was meant to be before this sinful world tried to corrupt my natural form.

Praise the Lord, Praise his natural design.
When you understand you were made on purpose, and that your suffering was just a prelude to your struggle, faith and eventual triumph.

Dysphoria loses all meaning and power over.
My very presence makes any lgbts nervous irl. I dont hate them, i hate their sins, sins i was nearly consumed by.
But their demons can sense me.

Demons are to fall
Angels are to never fall
Man is to fall and rise again.

I thank God from the depths of my soul for freeing me. I only hope i can help guide others to reach this outcome.

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