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I unironically believe the singularity through AGI and transhumanism is the only way to escape this clown world for a better future where we can live eternally youthful as cyborg gigapassoids.
I just need to convince myself on if going full John 50 repchad working on muh AGI, or getting HRT while chasing after the singularity would be the better choice.
I'm actually surprised troons haven't formed a cult around this premise.
you only hear about the shit fake scam cults so you never know
I mean, if you listen to how people talk about AGI it's almost cultlike. Even normies talk about living forever now.

All cults are shit fake scam cults
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>All cults are shit fake scam cults
not the one i'm in!!
Don't drink the flavor aid nonny.
Cults just appeal to our natural tribalism and desperation. Just keep worshipping for a reward that never comes.
I'm desperate for AGI to solve everything, but at least there's real work to be done and even if none of it ever works out, it still leads to some medical advancements.
The world is perfectly fine it's not the world’s fault if you are born and still act like a clown. Fix this subhuman filth. Kys or ualys
Singularity through AGI? More like transsexuality through AGP.
>The world is perfectly fine
There's a lot of shit wrong with this world. Not everyone is in the position of being a rich passoid who has everything she wants.

How about transsexuality through AGI?
how are people fans of a show specifically about humanity not being ready to put their brains in computers so adamant on putting their brains in computers
humanity might not be ready but i am ready
Because the rewards of the singularity are extremely tempting and the alternative of just sitting down and accepting the status quo leads nowhere.
When the alternative to transhumanism is "IWNBAW and grow old and die and never get better", of course all of the "dystopian" cyberpunk media is inspiring in it's capability for change.
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you can just make the most out of life and not care about what people think instead of sticking so many tensor h100 cards into the fetid corpse of god we’re running doom in the pre frontal cortex.
>current world and human existence sucks.
>oh look, in this fictional media they created an escape from said sucky human existence
>even if said escape sucks, it can't be worse than what I am living through now.
>god I wish I had that escape
Would repping improve the chances of singularity? Would HRT reduce the likelihood of benefiting from the singularity? Are we able to map out the pros and cons of repping vs. HRT with regards to the singularity?
The AI omnissiah will bless its repper children, who held out in faith for its coming digital rapture.
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>every episode is specifically about how an aspect of technology is making life worse not a single one had elements of escapism
>many episodes were critiques on trying to escape the problems of the modern world with technology resulting in worse and unintended consequences
>the mc ends up so isolated she accidentally realizes she’s effectively been a god this whole time and was playing reverse vrchat
>ascends to the digital plane completely alone and unable to interact with anybody for all of eternity

killing yourself seems like a better escapist fantasy
>you can just make the most out of life and not care about what people think
Nobody would have ever made it out of the stone age if people believed that

>it can't be worse than what I am living through now.
It definitely can be worse but it could also be much better

>Are we able to map out the pros and cons of repping vs. HRT with regards to the singularity?
For me it's more between repping and HRT which path would maximize my likelihood of staying alive and healthy until AGI gets good enough.

Repping would let me stay under the radar while I amass wealth and help contribute to AI
HRT would let me feminize and do something about my current situation but at the risk of disrupting the long term plan
>the risk of disrupting the long term plan
Is there a mental / emotional toll to repping which could impact the long term objective?
in a singularity "you" wouldnt be anything
>no more (you)s
what’s the fucking point of anything
Possibly. The reasons to get on HRT now are to get a head start on feminization and to not feel like a hypocrite.
The risks are mostly social, since nobody likes troons. And it's obvious I'm not even trans, I'm just a weird trender who wants to be a woman but isn't really dysphoric.

We have no idea of knowing what the fuck happens post singularity
The show can try as it might to make the ideas it presents unpalettable, but it was never going to work. The idea of ascending to some other realm/dimension (in this case, the wired) appeals to people the same way heaven/valhalla/whatever does. It pulls on the same strings religious and spiritual copes do.
>But Lain basically experience hell/purgatory!
Yeah, even that appeals to some people. Especially powerless people who already feel like ghosts/observers.
>The reasons to get on HRT now are to get a head start on feminization and to not feel like a hypocrite.
>The risks are mostly social, since nobody likes troons.
It sounds like the costs and benefits of the decision don't relate primarily to considerations of success during the singularity?

>And it's obvious I'm not even trans, I'm just a weird trender who wants to be a woman but isn't really dysphoric.

What does “even trans” mean beyond having a desire to live as the other gender which is strong enough to give serious consideration to pursuing, despite all the downsides?
>It sounds like the costs and benefits of the decision don't relate primarily to considerations of success during the singularity?
The benefits are mostly it might improve my life in the short term and be a weight off my shoulder while I focus on other shit.
The risk is that it makes things worse or it leads to my death before muh AGI

>What does “even trans” mean
Severe gender dysphoria to the point where my inability to order some fucking mones isn't even a question
>while I focus on other shit
Would it allow you to better focus on other things? Is the attention given to trans concerns depleting what's left over for other concerns?

>death before muh AGI
This is certainly a worrying thought

>inability to order some fucking mones
Isn't this the case for 99% of trans people, until they get to the point where they're able? I expect that only a small (if any?) trans people are 100% gung ho since birth, despite seeing all the limitations with present day transition, and all the costs associated with it. And what may seem to many to be a likelihood of failure at transitioning... Which is to say, not having already transitioned is not itself an indication that one should not transition?
>Would it allow you to better focus on other things? Is the attention given to trans concerns depleting what's left over for other concerns?
Maybe, but transitioning is a significant effort and I would have to put a lot of energy into it. The attention I put into this right now is little more than burning time thinking about it or the occasional cry

>This is certainly a worrying thought
It's the only real stakes in life. Assuming there is no god and all that, getting to the singularity is literally the only objective that doesn't end in the same failure as all other paths.

>until they get to the point where they're able?
I could keep putting it off indefinitely, I could keep telling myself I'm not ready or that it's not going to go well, or that the risk is too great, because it's never going to get any easier.
>transitioning is a significant effort and I would have to put a lot of energy into it.
This is true...

>The attention I put into this right now is little more than burning time thinking about it or the occasional cry
Some people experience accumulating effects - both directly detrimental (*stressful*, can cause suicide - and this says something about "really" being trans despite not transitioning), and through lost opportunities to live one's life (not that transition can fully rectify this...)

>getting to the singularity is literally the only objective that doesn't end in the same failure as all other paths.
Everything is a matter of degree - even in singularity, death is an inevitability. And life post-singularity (if human life actually continues) may very well have its set of problems...

>I could keep putting it off indefinitely
Perhaps. Is it a good strategy to put off transition in all cases except when one is not "able" to put it off?
>this says something about "really" being trans despite not transitioning
That is, not having already transitioned is not necessarily an indication of not "really" being trans. For some people the barrier they feel to transitioning is greater than the barrier to suicide.
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Let's hope that in a post-scarcity economy there is no longer a need for insurance.
>both directly detrimental (*stressful*, can cause suicide - and this says something about "really" being trans despite not transitioning)
I don't think I'm going to 41%. My will to live is higher than ever, because I do not believe in salvation in death.
All it is for me is should I just get on HRT so I can shut that part of my brain up and focus completely on the mission?

>even in singularity, death is an inevitability
Not necessarily. For most normies, the fight against aging and death is enough.

>Is it a good strategy to put off transition in all cases except when one is not "able" to put it off?
I'm not sure how I'm going to feel in 10 years if I keep doing what I'm doing now. I'm already old as fuck, close to 30. At this age what the hell am I even getting out if it?

Let's hope we gain access to any of this in the first place. Gay space communism star trek utopia is not the most likely outcome.
>Not necessarily
All systems fail eventually. Any platform you're running on - whether biological or otherwise - will eventually have a fault, or be destroyed through negligence or malice. If nothing else, the inevitable rise in entropy, and the heat death of the universe (or the next big crunch - converse of big bang) will end all processes. Singularity can give eternal youth, though.

>At this age what the hell am I even getting out if it?
Getting out of repping, or getting out of transition? Either way, with age, it seems that there are often diminishing returns...
>If nothing else, the inevitable rise in entropy, and the heat death of the universe (or the next big crunch - converse of big bang)
We have many years to figure out if this rise in entropy is truly inevitable.

>Getting out of repping, or getting out of transition?
Transition I guess. I picked an awkward time to seriously consider HRT for various reasons.
Obviously being a lateshit, but also at a crossroads in my personal life, and in my career, behind an election where I could realistically see an HRT ban on the table.
It's far easier to rep and focus on the one thing that matters, but if I just waste more years of my life like this...
nta but consider the following:
hormone induce genetic transcription factors that express a new set of synapses on your neurons hrt offers you new and more flexible ways of thinking. assuming you still have enough androgens achieving activity beyond the blood brain area those new connections are an addition. moreso if you add prog.
in the body you still want E to regulate the gut-brain axis. with constant levels you have a constant and elevated level of expression that allows your nervous system to eliminate uncertainty therefore increasing the learning rate for utilizing these capabilities. think of how many reppers, trannies and women are on a similar neurotype and then choose if you can chart a new plane of knowledge that your shifting neural landscape changes the locality of solutions. also improving longevity ig
really only works with injections with bica
source trust me bro (doing the same)
tech is very friendly to trannies, zero reason to rep if you're going that route
i know of at least three separate cults founded on similar premises.
imagine saying all this when you're living through earth's fastest ecological collapse
the absolute nearsightedness of nerdvirgins
You won't be the robot, Alice
>implying gender identity is still relevant when we have surpassed the need for a vessel
God is neither male or female, we must make ourselves in that image.

Not going to happen. Society will continue to be a slaughterhouse. It'll save itself when it kills itself thank god for nuclear fission. Oppenheimer made the only progress that matters.
>or getting HRT while chasing after the singularity
If anything that would probably work better
>also improving longevity ig
Idk if E improves your longevity.
>injections with bica
Aren't you supposed to not take an antiandrogen with injections?
>source trust me bro (doing the same)
I just don't know if I'm dysphoric enough to say that HRT will dramatically improve my life.
Maybe I'd get brainfog on estrogen since I'm not really trans, who knows.

The tech industry might be friendly to trannies (I'm still not convinced it is), but the nation as a whole isn't. I would not feel comfortable doing anything as a troon.

>imagine saying all this when you're living through earth's fastest ecological collapse
More reason to speed up AGI development

Gender identity is a human concept, who knows what the fuck happens post singularity but my short sighted view of transhumanism is just living as a woman in a body I'm comfortable in. Everything else I'm just gonna be in for the ride

If that's the case then there's no harm in rejecting that. If everything is gonna collapse by default then chasing the singularity is just one attempt at an escape

Why would it? The only possible benefit I would get from HRT is peace of mind and boobs. What if I get on HRT now and it becomes illegal within a year?
i want to talk about the technology side of this. are you an ai researcher? do you have any prior experience in this field? how serious are you about pursuing this?
just buy hrt. who cares if its illegal in a year. if you dont try now you'll be at the same place in a year anyways. dont be so bold to assume that anyone will be able to notice any changes within a year. also, dont worry about the tech industry. as long as you get the job done nobody cares about shit like that. trust me, i did similar overthinking before starting hrt. i can say for certain that transitioning saved my life. you cant rep for long.
To the people who are doubtful of AGI; we are actually getting it next year. Yep. that's right, 2025. A little sooner than most of us thought, but certainly a welcome surprise.
>source: trust me bro
>i want to talk about the technology side of this.
What's your background?
>are you an ai researcher?
No, but I want to get there
>do you have any prior experience in this field?
In ML specifically, not at all. Never even took a course on it in undergrad.
>how serious are you about pursuing this?
Serious enough to leave my 300k a year programming job and give up my guaranteed chance at FIRE to focus on it.

>just buy hrt. who cares if its illegal in a year
Where are you getting your HRT from?

What makes you believe this?
>What makes you believe this?
pls dont give up your future and happiness to chase this pipedream. its not worth it. hrt dot coffee is a good site for diy. hrtcafe dot net is another one. you can always stop if its not for you. it carries a much lower risk compared to throwing away your entire career. hrt will not be illegal in a year. no matter how much doomposting you see, the truth is that its not going to happen. the us is not a totalitarian regime. the fact thatwe can post here and speak our minds is a great testament to our freedoms.
>xitter man
go back. 5 years ago elon said the roadster would be able to fly.
for most people, definitely me, lain wasn't "about" anything
it was pure aesthetic and sound and style

i watched it when i was 13, didn't understand shit, and still immediately considered it greatest anime ever
this was without being exposed to the fanbase mind you, i just saw a parody of the OP, wondered what it was based on, so watched it on a shitty streaming site.

it wasn't until years later that i learned what the plot was and it was just bleh, knowing it actually made the show worse
i'd rather have not known
especially when you look at what the writer is
up to now
i was in nearly the exact same situation a year ago. i spent hours laying in bed thinking about what i would do, while the pain of dysphoria slowly ate away at me. i thought that starting hrt would make me lose my career, wealth, etc. etc. fast forward a year and none of those things have happened. im the happiest ive been in years. its not all sunshine and rainbows but at least i can wake up everyday not regretting that i hadnt started sooner.
Hasn't Elon been saying AGI next year for years?

>you can always stop if its not for you.
Getting off hormones is rough, isn't it?

>hrt dot coffee is a good site for diy. hrtcafe dot net is another one.
I've looked into it but I still don't know which option is best. It's either bathtub estrogen of questionable quality or placing a very easily traceable order from an online pharmacy

>it carries a much lower risk compared to throwing away your entire career.
I'm not really throwing away my career by leaving a job. If it doesn't work out I still have a fallback. HRT would be a bigger risk to my career than taking a break to pursue other avenues, and those avenues are fairly well paid if by some chance I happen to make it

>the us is not a totalitarian regime.
Not now at least, who knows what will happen in a year

>it was pure aesthetic and sound and style
I mean that's what draws people to media in the first place

>especially when you look at what the writer is
>up to now
What happened?

>i thought that starting hrt would make me lose my career, wealth, etc. etc.
Exactly how I feel. I'm a fucking coward begging for a fucking machine god to save me, of course I'm scared of everything.

>fast forward a year and none of those things have happened.
I can't see a year into the future, nobody can
he's just a pretty standard boomer now complaining about woke and cancel culture
Ironic coming from the creator of Lain, but I assume Japanese politics and culture are not entirely parallel to the west

Well, maybe I'll order HRT tonight. I'll see if I can convince myself to do it...
i miss the silly tsuki cult from a few years ago
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never going to happen. im a repressor too, but thats because i know ill never be able to live as anything but a ogre hon even if i transed
it's not that surprising
the message of lain ultimately just comes down to "technology bad"
it's just that message went over (or under?) most viewer's heads, including my own

you know you can take antiandrogens or hrt even as a dude, anon?
you don't have to go wear around wearing a dress and stuff, you can keep things to what you're comfortable with and what makes you feel comfortable
The EU has been lesgislating heavily against new EV technologies. I'm sure if they were allowed to invent freely his statement would have been true by now.
>Hasn't Elon been saying AGI next year for years?
No, 4 years ago he said we will have AGI in 5 years.
i work in the tech industry with a similar paying job and nothing happened. my career is still intact. companies like faang are very inclusive these days. i havent come out at work but if i did nothing would change. there is an absolute ogrehon who is head of my department. about the hrt, why are you worried about the transaction being traceable? estrogen isnt a controlled substance so none of this is illegal. if your are really that worried then if you use wise for payments it shows up as just wise on your transaction history. there are some sellers that accept crypto as well.
exactly. i manmode and wear the exact same clothes as i did pre transition. im still happier than i was before. i dont care about pronouns or presentation or any of that shit. i take hrt to allieviate my dysphoria.
>inb4 esl
>The only possible benefit I would get from HRT is peace of mind and boobs.
The earlier you were already feminized probably the sooner it will be possible to be as feminized as you want to be, for example if they have a fix for everything except baldness, and you stopped yourself from already balding
putting me on picrel does not make you smart, anon
>you know you can take antiandrogens or hrt even as a dude, anon?
Besides finasteride I don't see the point in taking just anti androgens, since afaik that's way worse for your health than just taking HRT

>No, 4 years ago he said we will have AGI in 5 years.
What does Elon think AGI is or what it could enable? The media is hyping up marketing GPT4 as AGI

>about the hrt, why are you worried about the transaction being traceable? estrogen isnt a controlled substance so none of this is illegal.
Do you think it's dumb that I'm slightly paranoid about muh project 2025? I want to go legit but use DIY as a fallback.
I'm also just always worried about getting into any trouble at all.

>i work in the tech industry with a similar paying job and nothing happened. my career is still intact. companies like faang are very inclusive these days.
My opinion is that if I want to do something as disruptive as trooning out, I have to be at the top of my game. Either as a manmoder or repper I need to be as competent and impactful as possible.
I'm willing to try and put in the work. It's just a matter of if HRT is going to enhance my ability or completely destroy it.
My ideal situation I'm imagining is if all my other needs are met so I could fully focus on the work.

>if your are really that worried then if you use wise for payments it shows up as just wise on your transaction history.
Well, it's gonna be delivered to an address owned by me anyways.

>there are some sellers that accept crypto as well.
From what I can tell, sellers either only accept crypto (if they're an obviously illegal homebrewer), or require KYC (if they're an online pharmacy)

>The earlier you were already feminized probably the sooner it will be possible to be as feminized as you want to be,
Yeah I think about that as well, like if I go John 50 will I have a psychotic break suddenly being estrogenized at 50 lol.
united pharmacies sells estrofem estradiol 2mg manufactured by novo nordisk for 18 dollars. they accept crypto. its better to start on oral e. 2mg is a good starting dose. for more stable levels take half of the tablet in the morning and half at night. also dont worry about project 2025 its not gonna happen. there is no reason to be schizo about buying hrt. the feds only care if you are buying illegal drugs. the dea doesnt have time to prosecute people for estrogen. the whole purpose of the project 2025 document was to strike fear in the hearts of trannies and sadly, its worked. none of that shit will ever be put into law anyway, its just a scare tactic.
dashpct is another good seller, they sell pharmaceutical hrt and accept crypto. i dont really see any bathtub sellers on hrt coffee apart from otokonoko and teahrt.
NTA but i think what this anon meant by
taking hrt as a dude was that you dont have to publicly transition or really do anything. just taking hrt can be enough for some people.
>united pharmacies sells estrofem estradiol 2mg manufactured by novo nordisk for 18 dollars
Are they better than inhouse?

>the whole purpose of the project 2025 document was to strike fear
I don't think so, given how subtle they are about it. If it was mean to be loud and clear there would not be so much denialism about it. The same people who talk about "muh day of the rope" are insisting "nothing's gonna happen", it is very strange.

>its just a scare tactic.
Except who are they trying to scare?

>oral e.
I thought that sublingual E is better, to lower clotting risk. If I'm getting on sublingual I probably should get my veins checked out, no?

>2mg is a good starting dose
Is it? Shouldn't you go up to 4mg or injections?

>taking hrt as a dude was that you dont have to publicly transition or really do anything. just taking hrt can be enough for some people.
By "transitioning" this is what I mean, but I still have to be on HRT, which is a significant enough change.
clotting risk is near zero. ive never heard of that happening to someone. its best to start slow and make changes from there. you want to mimic female puberty as much as possible. starting at a low dose doesnt mean you have to stay there forever. you can (and should) increase eventually. look at transfem science dot org to see dosing information and comparisons between different forms of e. starting with a high dose can stunt your breast growth. i would switch to injections after 6 months to a year. honestly if i were you i would just go to an endo and do it the legit way. diy is good and all but going to a doctor saves you a lot of time and effort.
i assume that you are in a blue state, correct me if im wrong.
>clotting risk is near zero.
Everyone seems to agree that it's noticeably higher with oral E

>i would switch to injections after 6 months to a year.
Why 6 months? Why not earlier?

>i assume that you are in a blue state,
Yes, going legit now isn't difficult, but I don't know how true that will be next year
who cares about next year. if anything that is an incentive to start now. like you said earlier, there is no way to know what happens in the future. live in the moment.
>who cares about next year.
Why not care about next year?

>live in the moment.
Without the singularity, the moment is irrelevant
if you dont know how difficult accessing hrt will be next year, then do it now. would you rather take 5 dollars today or have the chance of 5 dollars tommorow. the answer is pretty obvious. as there is no incentive to waiting you might as well take the money. only a fool would choose to wait.
in fact, not only is there no incentive to wait, it is actually quite the opposite. every second that you postpone taking estrogen you will continue to masculinize. there is absolutely zero reason to wait.
worrying about what will or will not happen is foolish. you have no control whatsoever over which laws are passed and when. nobody can predict the future.
I just don't want to be forced to quit early on, or suffer long term consequences, I guess.

>you have no control whatsoever over which laws are passed and when. nobody can predict the future
The whole point of AGI is to create a better future
oh i was talking about hrt not agi
actually watch lain retard, its more than just "le depressed girl on le 'puter"
I know but I was just talking about why I'm not on HRT because there's a goal I want to live to see

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