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This. So much this!
Diagnosis: ACEGGOT!
>xitter screenshot
go back
Then what does it mean?
you are my favorite tripfag
Fuck off back to twitter you parasitic nigger
>asexuality is just, like, a vibe, man
Nothing. The SJW sows chaos by only telling you what you aren't allowed to do, not what you should be doing. They have never and will never provide a solution to any of the problems they complain about, because they do not want one. If you solve their problems they create new problems. They should be spat on and disregarded, like a begging homeless man surrounded by empty liquor bottles holding a crack pipe insisting he's gonna use the money to buy food. But we halted natural selection about 200 years ago.
what ive come to understand is ace is anyone who has lass than 4 hookups a month
>sexual attraction is the only type of attraction
yes I had a friend group of sweaty nerds around me for a decade because of the sexual attraction we shared for one another, it was a sexually charged polycule that expressed their sexual attraction by playing online co-op and party games, talking about shows or games coming out, venting, and generally talking about anything other than sex.

It shocks me that these people figured out how to breathe, it really does.
what is she wrong about THOUGH
>asexual people both have and enjoy sex and masturbate
I think those are the main points that are most incoherent to me. Kinda sounds like a boring woman stealing a label that doesn't apply to her to feel special.
asexual people can have sex for the sake of their partner and enjoy the physical pleasure. being asexual doesn't necessarily mean you're repulsed by sex, just that you don't experience sexual attraction. it's in the name.
I am sexually attracted to nobody
sometimes I have bad diarrhea poo poos or headaches and touching my wee wee makes me feel better because of enjoyment. It's not that hard.
i am so fucking tired of mainstream ace people ruining our reputation lmao
the ace "community" should not exist and if people are gonna insist on it existing i am BEGGING them to please do just a little bit of gatekeeping
asexuals should be redefined to people who dont have sex, dont want sex, dont think about sex unprompted, arent inspired to have sex when they see people, and dont consider people sexually attractive.
i do not accept the people who are all like
>oh i dont feel sexual attraction buuutttttt i still fuck my boyfriend three times a week because it just feels good
thats sexual attraction retards
or the ones who are like
>i dont feel sexual attraction but (lists every individual aspect of sexual attraction and sexual urges separately)
separating it doesnt change what it is!!

i am fighting for gatekeeping because im so fucking tired of being called a fake asexual. FIFTEEN YEARS since i noticed i dont feel sexual attraction. SEVEN YEARS without sex, WILLINGLY, and the time i had it was when i was fucking coerced into doing it. THIS is asexuality, not "hehe look at me im so special for feeling horny in a superior way"

god fucking damnit this topic makes me angry

YOU are the problem
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youre damn right i am
I do not care about asexuals, much less whatever semantics they come up with for no reason
Good post
true asexual
fake asexual
>our entire movement is about how broad classifiers aren't really useful because the spectrum of human existence is too complex And each person's experience is unique

>but now I'm gonna get suuuuper serious about who MY broad classifier applies to

Do faggots really
>asexual people can have sex for the sake of their partner
Makes sense
>enjoy the physical pleasure
Makes no sense.
>being asexual doesn't necessarily mean you're repulsed by sex
Makes no sense.
>just that you don't experience sexual attraction
Makes sense.

So asexuality is just ciswomen who aren't attracted to their flubby husbands but bang them anyways?
>I am sexually attracted to nobody
Checks out asexual means no sex, totally makes sense.
>touching my wee wee makes me feel better because of enjoyment
Then you have a sexual attraction and are not asexual.
Being asexual doesn’t you can’t have a high libido or a high sex drive
being a straight male doesn’t mean you can’t date men
genuinely, completely sincerely, no agenda here whatsoever,
if an asexual person can experience sexual attraction and/or pleasure, then what does the word mean?

the dictionary defines "asexual" as "experiencing no sexual feelings or desires; not feeling sexual attraction to anyone." is this wrong? if so, how?
People are always making fun of ace people for ace pride, but ironically enough, being made fun of just proves why there needs to be ace pride in the first place.
Only started making fun of it after knowing multiple that ended up married with kids, one in a sex fueled polycule and tries to gaslight me, and one that no longer identified as ace after transition.
>enjoy the physical pleasure
>Makes no sense.
This I can honestly understand, even though I’m not asexual. Sometimes I masturbate just for the stress release that comes with orgasm with no sexual thoughts involved. Orgasm is mostly physiological, not mental like attraction is, so why shouldn’t an ace be able to enjoy it completely removed from sexual attraction?
People are always making fun of virgin incels for virgin incel pride, but ironically enough, being made fun of just proves why there needs to be virgin incel pride in the first place.
case in point
Incels should absolutely be supported at pride and should be the I in LGBTQIA+. There are more incels than intersex people anyways.
sexual attraction to what, weirdo? I don't even think of anything when I masturbate, last time I was looking up how to get my new driver's license
sorry according to The Rules that means your DMVsexual.
the problem is everybody now is anti-gatekeeping so nobody can say
>this is what asexuality means
>oh let me describe my similar but slightly different experience
>let's think would it be useful to our understanding and discussion to expand the definition or maybe create a new term for this so we can compare and contrast experiences
(that people are too dumb to deal with the fact that different people may define complex technical terms in different ways is a related issue)
There's no definitions any more. It's not allowed. And slowly it's eroding our ability to communicate as more than vague anger on twitter
I've told this story before so it's in the archive but I was sexually assaulted by gynecologist working for a university when I went to her and told her I was worried about my low libido and lack of sexual attraction. They had a new therapy for male and female pelvic floor dysfunction and she wanted me to try it. this was way before I had ever heard the word 'asexual.' Anyway, she lost her cool and ripped electrodes off my genitals in anger and grabbed my junk and yelled at me.

later I learned what asexuality was and I was like "Damn wish I knew that before I got sexually assaulted trying to fix it"
I remember that story and am sorry that happened to you and I agree that low libido in and of itself isn't a diagnosable medical condition but I hope you're not suggesting that we should just tell everyone with dyspareunia that they're asexual and to avoid treatment.
no, but in my case, it was asexuality and I was assaulted and I very clearly didn't mention other people. I just wish I had heard the word and knew it existed before I had a lady go apeshit on my junk is all
okay good and yeah that's not great
doctors I have found are very bad at diagnosing "there is nothing wrong" (yet manage to do nothing useful half the time when there is something wrong-especially gynecologists) so I guess that's part of the problem. you don't get "are you sure you're just not interested" you get "ooh try this new and exciting treatment for vaginismus you don't need" and then the therapist goes beserk
While I understand that labels aren't important, not as much as being ok with yourself, what am I????

>Sexually open to everyone including trans people
>Enjoy watching Porn, Masturbating, Sex Toys
>Enjoy the buildup of getting to know others and their sexual stuff
>Once the moment presents itself, lose all enjoyment and feeling
>Unironically enjoy jerking off more than having sex...

I figured I enjoy the idea of sex and sexual shit more than the act itself? Though it's really confusing when I constantly feel the wants/needs, but then realize that it's all just mental shit??? I don't believe that I'm actually ace, though I looked on reddit and found this

>Aegosexual - They may engage in sexual fantasies, consume sexual content, or masturbate, but they generally have little to no sexual attraction and do not desire sexual involvement with others.
it's very obvious you're a man and for that very reason I'm willing to give male "asexuals" the benefit of the doubt but for women orgasms are much less physiological usually so female "asexuals" claiming bullshit like op picrel doesn't make sense to me
You could argue just being horny isn't a sexual feeling since there is no object you feel somthing towards. In this sense most straight tran women are asexual since they aren't attracted to men but mainly use men as masturbation devices and tools to validate their gender.
Very well put, this is how chaos agents work in general. It was never about acceptance because that implies working together and peace. They aren't here for that.
This is impossible!
Women would never have poor categorical thinking coupled with a socially trained need to include everybody!

I mean, theyfabs are trans!
Asexuals love sex!
Transmascs hate AMAB social roles!
>"enjoying the physical pleasure makes no sense"
I disagree as far as ace people being capable of pleasure and orgasm, but depending on how you're defining "physical pleasure" here this could be fair

>"being asexual doesn't necessarily mean you're repulsed by sex" makes no sense
this is the one I actually take issue with, ambivalence to sex leads to a lack of of sexual desire similarly to how repulsion does and should still be considered asexual
If you can orgasm jerking off you're demisexual and haven't found the trigger to climax or enjoy being with a partner, dysphoria might be blocking enjoyment of sex for you, too
If you can't orgasm jerking off you're aegosexual
i agree with this. i want this to become the standard, uniform definition. get the ace trenders out of the label.
Genuinely cannot relate at all. There is no such thing as arousal devoid of sexual desire. Makes no sense whatsoever. I assume you are lying because you are proposing a self contradictory sensation. But I can also accept trauma repression as some kind of explanation. But repressed emotions still exist even if you pretend they don't.

>I disagree as far as ace people being capable of pleasure and orgasm
The way I see it (and experience it) there is no such thing as an orgasm devoid of sexual feelings. Don't get me wrong I believe these people are busting fat nuts, I don't believe that they are asexual nuts. I have met actual asexual people and as the name implies, they are completely sexually inert. Not apathetic, not passive, inert. Sex and orgasms are things that never cross their mind in any capacity.

>ambivalence to sex leads to a lack of of sexual desire similarly to how repulsion does and should still be considered asexual
I totally disagree. There are a lot of people who become "ambivalent" to sex as a result of a lack of a good sex life, but the second they meet someone who reciprocates their interest will be just as horny as the rest of us. This is who I believe the "asexual" sex enjoyers are. People who decided it's just easier to say "it is what it is" than to continue pining for nirvana only to be disappointed by reality.

Like imagine this person :
>doesn't go out or actively seek sex
>not on dating apps
>has all but given up on human connection
>is completely ambivalent to actually fornicating with another person
>but masturbates 3 times a day minimum
That motherfucker is not asexual they are asocial.

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