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Why is it so important for so many societies to ensure gays cannot marry?
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Biological reality
but marriage is mostly about the government recognizing a standardized form of two-person asset sharing/households for tax purposes and social benefits
marriage is biological now?
are gay people not biologically real?
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What is a marriage?
government recognition of two people as one entity
No it's for producing children.
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child tax credits are offered separately from marriage, infertile couples are offered marriage, its simply recognition of two people are a singular social and legal construct
Because there are people whose lives are so incredibly hollow and unfulfilling that the only joy they can find is in having power over others and making their lives miserable, plus they are so incredibly fragile that the moment they see anything they disagree with they have a mental breakdown and convince themselves they need to forbid it rather than just shrugging and focusing on something else
Those are still normal couples with a biological design intended to produce children regardless of whether they succeed.
biology has no intentions
Found the edgy atheist.
It's a combination of uneducated hillbilly poorfags with room temp IQ that can't tolerate people that they "other," and simulatenously and leaders of nations being concerned about birth rates.
Could you explain why legitimate concerns about birth rates do not justify restrictions on homosexual activity?
>I believe in magic
you aren't the smartest monkey
I don't think you understand how many people like me there are.
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If men could marry men, why would you want to marry women?
Because of Abrahamic religions
>Could you explain why legitimate concerns about birth rates
there's 10 billion people on earth, there's plenty you are not gonna stop ALL of them from breeding unless EVERYONE is secretly gay and the only thing stopping them from giving into that is your hate for them
unironically an actual social construct
beliefs being common doesn't make them rational, intelligent, or useful
agency, personal freedom. civilized nations frown upon tyranny, authoritarianism, encroaching on individual rights. it's also low IQ mongoloid tier thinking. banning gay marriage isn't going to facilitate childbirth in a meaningful way.
It must suck being retarded, how do you navigate through life with no skills?
hmm maybe it isn't about facilitating childbirth maybe its about enforcing gender roles
Yes there are a lot of retards who poorly fumble natural law arguments around in an attempt to defend marriage and in the process strip anything loving and good or sacred out of marriage and treat it like a Maoist mandating that we must have 500,000 more births this quarter than last quarter for the sake of civilization.
So all of those buzzwords overpower the continuance of humanity? You get to genocide billions of future people because it makes your penis tingle?
Marriage is a social construct that tends to be a religious ceremony involving God in some way. Homosexuality is a sin in all major religions it’s not rocket science bro
Lol he proved it within a minute of me posting. Literally a bean counter.
is everyone secretly gay?
Why would humanity NOT continue if gay marriage was allowed unless EVERYONE is repressing being gay?
he is a poorfaggot neet, that's why he's so fucking stupid. no education, no critical thinking, no knowledge.
He's just retarded and you shouldn't humor him. Probing his mind won't reveal anything meaningful, he's just stupid. He will stubbornly believe in his own delusions no matter how much you try to logic at him.
What is this nonsense you're spewing? I really don't know what you're saying to me.
As a gay I personally don't care if we can "marry" or not.
As long as I can get a civil union or something like that that allows me to recieve the same rights as straight couples.
Why would humanity be wiped out if gay marriage were allowed unless everyone wants to be gay but is only NOT being gay because gay marriage isn't legal?
Because retard, most men can not get a girl in their life. That increases with time. Before only a small amount of incel autist couldn't get a girl. Now the incel autist is becoming the majority. Why? Because of plastic in food. This was known a long time ago but food companies now can't sell cheap food without plastic because of greed and liberal retardation.

The reason being gay is banned is because our ancestors knew we would be fucked. So they decided to help us out if it ever gets bad.

Gay people can't reproduce normally like normal people and this is why it was banned. The downfall starts here!
>Gay people can't reproduce normally like normal people and this is why it was banned. The downfall starts here!
I love how chuds make long pseudointelectual, and convoluted arguments justifying why homosexuality is wrong, when in reality, the reason most cultures dislike faggotry, is simply because most normal people find the idea of a man putting his dick in another man's anus to be utterly repulsive. All religious and philosophical word salads arround homophobia are just rationalizations of your disgust.
Just say "You are gay, ewww" and skip the mental gymnastics
low tier men have been disposable for all of recorded history and yet the population continues to grow. go move to uganda or something if you want to force everyone to live their lives based on what the nearest church man told you
So, FTM+cis man and MTF+cis woman marriage is good then?
Christianity was a mistake.
The marriage itself is ok.
The problem in there is that one of the persons is in a state of abomination.
Why do chuds always act like gays can't just adopt or have children through surrogacy? I mean if humanity was truly ending surely people would consider those alternatives right?
Surrogacy is an abomination read Janice Raymond
Gay people publicly existing reminds them that God doesn't exist which causes them to chimp out.

Yeah, that's called marriage.
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It's one of the many Literally Nothing issues that powerful people get stupid people upset about to distract them from the fact that they are losing individual power and upward mobility.
>how many people like me there are
there are a billion people with an IQ under 85 (legally retarded)
It's not, especially almost western OECD countries which are the only countries that actually matter.
Why do you insist on asking false-premise questions, OP?
they are scared tribal apes who only feel secure when someone else is being hurt by their chosen authority figure
Everyone understands that the world is full of retards.
the only reality is how marriage should be abolished
you subhumans are in high number we are aware
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>boomer pamphlet comparing seatbelts to marriages
>implying boomers wear seatbelts to begin with
what did they mean by this?
Yep, you are removing the kid from their real mother and either giving them a freak man in a dress or some gay faggot twodad that is taking it up the ass and smelling up the place. The sad worthless kid will then be picked at in school and bullied. And then the kid will find out and hate their faggot dad and that is pretty much a lot of people on reddit. They will later commit suicide. A total abomination, I and luckier people have a real mom and not that!
Do you normally use your headcannon as evidence?
>Why is it so important for so many societies to ensure gays cannot marry?
societies that force humans into reproductive expansion tend to conquer societies that don't
>Yep, you are removing the kid from their real mother
women are evil
why does someone need to be getting hurt?
Marriage is a societal custom, not a biological reality.
The whole debate whether gays can marry is poisoned because the sides have different definitions of what "marriage" is, which is in itself radically different from what it meant before the sexual revolution in the 1960s. If marriage as a concept has been whittled down by things like no-fault divorce and abortion it really is meaningless to not allow gays to marry besides some religious reason that nobody else believes nor has any reason to believe in anyway.
civil marriage still provides tax and social and legal benefits beyond no fault divorce and abortion, that you are bitter towards gays about, and want gays to be second class citizens
good question, but that's how every single religion on this planet ends up because they are nothing but vehicles for power by exploiting people's "faith"
Gay marriage is gay
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because normalized homosexuality means there is no mass of poors to be abused for cheap labor
as a fag I wish homophobes talked like this. all this "God hates fags" stuff is just cowardly if people want to spend a ton of their time fighting against me the least they could do is have the dignity to just personally declare themselves as my enemy. Always has to be this sneaky nonsense.
Lmao the lgb drop the t retards finding out in real time that the tranny panic was just the first step
The same language is being used even, lol lmao
The whole point of the institution of marriage is that it's socialized sex/procreation, basically, and ensures male compliance and productivity. Gay men do not need to be coerced into productivity, because intimacy flows freely for them, relatively.
do you think that straight people will stop existing if homosexuality is normalized?
>biological reality
Explain everything in the Bible then
Let’s start with virgin births
apparently all straight people are closeted gays but they can't say this outright because it blows up the game
Due to Satan's influence on man and the betrayal of Eve (read genesis), everyone and i mean EVERYONE is tempted by homosexual thoughts at some point in their life. Satan would love for everybody to be a bisexual sex demon. It's normal to have homosexual thoughts, but you can be delivered from them by our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ
science will eventually make patrick star a reality. the demiurge is a scientist not god
this is plainly untrue
>we are all gay
What do you mean?

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