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Try to defend this, /lgbt/. I'll wait.
i won't. Kink should not be displayed in public spaces
Kids shouldn't be exposed to kink, whether straight or gay
This. All pride parades are just a big showing of kink, cancel them all.
We don't. Should be kept in the bedroom. Also the fact someone would be aroused by dogs is weird. Shit bait polbro, try better next time.
a girl petting a dog? what's wrong with that
Why would I defend normies invading an event that is clearly going to contain a bunch of mostly naked men doing weird sexual shit? I don't like the dog mask thing at all, but the parents are the ones at fault here. The world does not revolve around you and your stupid breeding fetish
you're wrong. it's a good thing. better to learn about this stuff early since it's only going to become more and more porminent
I won't even defend pride let alone the fetish shit at pride
why would i defend disgusting pedo behaviour?
begone satan
most of the bdsm community will disagree with you on that. but qt bait tho
>Just don't take your kids to pride
only works if you believe events like that are ok in the first place
i won’t
kill all gay men
Well they are both gay and she is a girl so this is better than some pope! A picture of the pope near kids is scary!
Corporations making pride mainstream has been disastrous
>pride parades are meant to be displays of degeneracy and you should lock the doors and barricade the windows so your children aren’t exposed to them
This will surely help the gay community
Why not?
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Zoom zoom zoom! What's it like being born after 2000?
why should kink be in public and why should kids be exposed to it?
You shouldn't answer a question with a rhetorical question.
That’s the irony. You can’t want to protect children from something that is a totally normal and mentally healthy lifestyle that you think consenting adults should participate in if they do choose. In our heart of hearts we know we’ve all fucked up our lives and any chance of being happy like our dirtfarming ancestors.
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Everything about you fags is always so dramatical.
Gen A entered the chat. I herd u liek Mudkipz
answer the question pedo
sorry, too drunk rn
What about when fags INVADE women's spaces?
Why do chuds use this obviously edited fake image when there's real ones including video footage out there?
Invade how? Like marsh in to their toilets in formation in German uniforms?
well that's how chuddies like to imagine it
these niggers should be put to death
Sociology needs to make the distinction between classic gays and coom gays who have the psychological profiles of fursuiters circa rainfurrest 2015 already
Kink should be in public because hiding it forces people into dark places, and bad things happen in dark places. Children shouldn't be allowed in public because it interferes with the sexuality of adults.
it’s only weird when they’re not real dogs
>Kink should be in public because hiding it forces people into dark places
bruh sex dungeons look dark on purpose
loli femdom supremacy
Or just include them. Kids know about porn from age 7 onwards these days. It's not the 1980s anymore, gramps.
What I mean is the fewer witnesses there are, the more likely a crime is to take place
Yeah I really wish they'd leave the kink gear out of it.
Bringing kids to these things isn't that rare and most of the time that's fine since most of it isn't that kink focused, but then some people still do come around with leashes and shit and it's just weird. It doesn't belong together.
See these are the guys you should be hanging on sight.
There's loads of them on /v/
The first time I came, it hurt because I was prepubescent. No child should have to go through what I went through because of my early access to pornography.
The hell did you do? I started masturbating at 5 or 6 to cute anime girls (not even nude) in video game magazines in the 90s. Felt pretty fucking good.
Yeah good luck with that. Porn is ubiqutous right now.
>nooooooo you can't be sexually attracted to lolis
>because... because YOU JUST CAN'T, OK?
>hating on loli/shota

Shhh nobody tell him this site used to have dedicated boards to loli and shota hentai.
aryanpedos >>>>>>>>>>>>>> niggertrannies
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just keeping in the bedroom isn't like hiding a dark evil secret. people do it now, and it's not like it ends up bad lmao
It's 100% icky and I would prefer it to not happen, but at the same time, doesn't the kid here basically have no clue it's sexual? All that happened from her point of view is that she pet a few guys in dog costumes, no harm done.
Kids are sexually curious. What's the harm? As long as nobody is raping them.
Haha totally. My gf would agree but it’s naptime rn
Introduce porn to minors. :3
This thread glows so much my eyes are literally burning
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Why do chuds always accuse leftwingers and liberals to be pedos when it turns out they're the most likely to hoarding cp?
Remember the Sound of Freedom scandal? Where the director or producer was found out to have gigabytes of CP on his harddrive?
both extremes are full of pedos and both extremes say only the opposite extreme has pedos
actually anyone who wholeheartedly engages in "save the children" or "save queer youth" discourse or a pedo hunter in general is most likely hoarding cp.

The normal position is to say that you don't give a shit about children and want them all to fuck off because they're so fucking annoying holy shit.
that is, unless you're a mom or kindergarten teacher
this, if you bring a kid to an adult event and they see adult stuff then its on you. you wouldnt bring your kid into a strip club, so dont bring them to any other adult events
>on the gay board
whatever you say hon, enjoy the next 2 years of your life while youre still male
Full, you say? Let’s see which one has more.
It's gross like 0 social awareness but the parents are at fault the most
Libs have more 8-12s, cons got more 13-17s. For girls. Opposite is true for the lads tho.
t. FBI agent working
>a financier
>some literal who kickstarter donor
>called Fabulus Mafia
>is a child fucking criminal

Who writes this schlok?
Never tried to. Everybody's angry about this desu. Only pedos would argue fetishes should be allowed at Pride. Falseflagging pedos.
LGBT IS for pedos though. The only group that actually does something for the progression of sexual education for children.
charges were dropped
How convenient.
I won't try to defend this, but I don't think those faggots would harm that little girl in any way
>child sexuality is... le bad and should be... le demonized
That little girl's mother is pro-choice.
And this is the choice she made as a parent.

But sure, blame the furries for existing in a society where women have rights.
>That little girl's mother is pro-choice.
>And this is the choice she made as a parent.

I think you're conflating the two concepts a little here.
sure i'll try
what actual harm is being done to the kid
like what kind of damage are we imagining this doing to her
what specifically are you outraged at
Isn't this literally illegal?

I thought you could be charged for even taking your dick out to piss near a school.

I hate Democrats
destroying her innocence. when I get nostalgic about being a kid, the #1 thing is not knowing about all this shit to begin with

kids shouldnt have to be thinking about these issues 24/7, democrats are literally evil
what do you mean innocence
What a meme word. Kids are naturally curious about bodies and sexuality. Sure maybe we shouldn't start letting them watch snuff-levels of BDSM hardcore German dungeon porn but this isn't what's happening at Pride anyway.
This is so gross that I shouldn’t even have to argue with you about it
i'll respond then
do you see actual damage being done to her that's going to harm her in future
or do you see it more like damage being done on a societal level

i am being serious
>democrats are literally evil

Meanwhile conservitards want to bring back the dark ages of ignorance and torterous servitude.
Honestly just not thinking about or seeing absolutely anything sexual. It was a good time

I'm curious if you're agreeing with natalie or making fun of her, because childhood innocence is very much a thing. She's just sperging here
iunno man the kid looks happy
Again, define childhood innocence, because you seem to be equating it with ignorance.
this image has been proven fake...
You can equate it with ignorance if you want, children should be ignorant of this

only on /lgbt/ lol
Why? Children are sexual creatures.
They’re wearing fetish gear and interacting with a child. It doesn’t matter if the minor is aware of it. These adults are intentionally wearing it and being pet by her

The fuck is wrong with u
Fuck you puppy groomer nigger
u got nothing then?
His personal feefees I think.
From when is that picture? 2014? Isn't it amazing that this must be this big of a problem and such a common occurance that it warrants immediate action, yet the only thing people are referencing is a photo taken 10 years ago?
It's almost like child sexualization is being normalized or something.
>what specifically are you outraged at


Assuming that the OP is a real picture,, and >>36373391
accurately describes it,, and you find it to be acceptable, then….
They're not even touching the kid. And the kids seems to be enjoying herself.
that anon didnt answer my question and neither did you

you got nothing
kink shit in public pride parades is not tolerated by me and wont be defended
You had two questions and I answered one. I’m not going to begin arguing about the harm being done, because the implication of the interaction is already sickening enough. Get some help kk
Very irresponsible behavior
I'd never let my kid pet a cane corso, let alone three, even if the owner is t'challa
actually you didn't answer either you just linked to someone else

but if you're saying i get one answer from you, please answer the one about the actual harm
Can you just admit that you wanna fuck children and move on?
I wont. But it wont stop people thinking LGBT is a hivemind.
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Where do you think you are?
t.mtf 30s

I don't defend it. I hate it. I want it gone. I would prefer that pride was all people having wholesome cooking sales and stuff and discussing policy and reading the Bible. +

I hate this degeneracy. I hate that it's tainting kids. I hate this dog-kink. I hate kink.

LORD have mercy on us miserable sinners, and clean us from this sickness, lead us all to see that we don't have to be degenerate in where we fall short of the Glory of God, but instead that we could try to tame and temper our fleshly temptations so we can rise above them and we can spare children from this sickness.

Ask me how I know you're American.
you shouldn't take your kids to any political demonstration or protest, best case they are bored or see inappropriate stuff and worst case they get injured.
This image is disturbing but not nearly as disturbing as the heterosexual agenda that's shoved down children's throats from infancy so meh
>go to sf pride
>”kink should be removed from pride this is disgusting”
>go to nyc pride
>see basically zero kink
>”this is so boring why aren’t there naked men walking around”
pride should be the folsom street fair and kids should stay at home for my own entertainment

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