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prev: >>36361994
qott: are you good with kids? do you think you would make a good parent? (besides the not being able to bear children thing)

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suh need
yay good OP won out
youre my enemy now for making the thread before me
watch out op
um kids seem to get along w me for some reason idk why
i guess i become kinda protective around them and they prob like the attention
>qott: are you good with kids? do you think you would make a good parent?
I don't like kids but they seem to like me.
Usually mind my own business and my nieces and nephews sit next to me and just watch what i'm doing quietly whenever they visit.
>qott: are you good with kids?
Actually yes, something that doesn't seem like a characteristic of mine
>do you think you would make a good parent?
LOL no. I thought I was a while back but I have a lot of work to do before I even consider that a possibility in my future.
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i hope bpd transgirls go through homelessness and take as many drugs as i have and learn how fucking impossible it truly is to escape this hell

you all will in 5 years time for absolute certain and ill be dead and all youll be able to find is 10 million different variations on "i told you so, help pls"
>talk to a guy for a bit
>says he's horny and asks for pics
>show him my underwear
>wants me to take it off
why are they like this
i just showed u my underwear is that not good enough
aaaaa why did boomers get to have all the fun
i would have liked to work on a minicomputer at least a little bit and gotten to develop operating system stuff ://
Someone said this might happen before, but I'm dating a cis girl and today she actually got mad at me and wouldn't talk to me because she thought I looked prettier than she does
thinking about Osmosis Jones
ever think about how the dad in that movie literally fights over a boiled egg with a chimp, drops it on the ground and then eats it anyways?
yeah I also think it's funny to pretend Drix is a perc-30
>boymoding cause i just met with my dad
>wearing a binder
>go to pick up prescription
>old guy yells at me from across the street
>"you should be wearing a bra you hussy!"
>nothing is poking out
>completely flat
I even looked in the full length mirror in the store and nothing was wrong.
not that anon but I think about this part all the time, it's disgusting
maybe he thought u weren't cuz ur chest wasn't v pronounced? that's weird
am i supposed to wear a bra o_o
i don't usually cuz my mom said for girls w small chests it doesn't matter
Wonder why the hell he'd say that if your chest is flat and no nipples are visible, really weird. It is funny though how people you knew pretransition can read you still as a guy when you're boymoding and not realize anything is up but strangers will call you a girl a lot. I was out to dinner with people I don't want to be out to wearing a sports bra and like a hoodie and jeans and the waitress at our table called me "miss" in front of them but I don't think they even realized and I just responded to the "miss" and carried on. Jarring though.
Bill Murray in the role he was made for
i used beauty and the beast for a reference to my scenario when talking to a guy i like. i was like: i just feel like the beast tucked away in my castle waiting for a handsome man to come and save me from this curse! GYPSY! why did you curse me? i will have your tears. that a man might be able to see past my imperfections for who the beauty inside. the guy looked at me and said it was a poor analogy because i wasn't a hideous beast. i was like, i'm a post-op survivor. fournier's gangrene is a coinflip i won.
bill murray is one of those actors that I keep thinking died years ago
>am i supposed to wear a bra
The padding keeps them from poking and gives shape under clothing, i would if i were you.

The changes seem so slow and gradual it doesn't even register to the people you see a lot.
My dad used to get visibly upset whenever I got called miss, but now it doesn't even register to him.
He probably knows, but i'm not ganna be the first to say anything
i heard, one time, he meet THE dalai lama. and get this. guy tried to stiff him. can you imagine that? THE dalai lamab. like buddy, everyone knows who you are and you can't even tip your caddy? what's the point of being famous if you don't even have any money? so i look at him. robes, lustrous, flowing in the wind. i wasn't about to be intimidated by him. i don't care if you're jesus christ himself. tip your caddy. so i asked him. hey lama! how about a tip? so he turned to me and it was about then that i realized he was some sorta crustaceaous monster from the mesaleolithic period. stares me down and says, how about tree fiddy? it was about this time i lost my god damn mind i was like lochness monster you get outta here ya dig? i ain't got no tree fiddy for you. the fuck.
Yeah, I think they just don't realize because it's gradual and like their old impression of you carries over to you now too, like they knew you as a guy and you're still presenting as a guy in front of them so like... Yeah. I've seen some people recently that I haven't seen since around when I started HRT and I presented male in front of them and they didn't really say anything besides like commenting on my hair being long or saying that I look really good or stuff like that. Starting to pass is a really weird feeling because I unexpectedly get gendered female and I'm not used to it. I haven't had anyone react to me being gendered female though I think they just didn't interpret it as possibly directed at me
what the fuck are you talking about
you can program in assembly on your god damn iphone
I can't wait to move. A change of environment will be good for me. Too many memories in this ugly town.
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>are you good with kids?
yea they're like people but ez mode
>do you think you would make a good parent?
get back 2 me when im like 33

offer still stands!!!
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the character designs in that movie were fun
thrax was kind of something ngl
ok and? I'm not just talking about writing assembly or whatever, i mean actually getting to help develop real world operating systems that actually got used
to solve multithreading problems and all that stuff
where do u get to write that level of technical stuff nowadays? it's all been done already
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Always wanted to play this game, but it was a choice between getting Twilight Princess or Epic Mickey.
I got Twilight Princess on the wii
How do I tell my girlfriend that I think I'm next to exclusively into men sexually? I'm stupid and I figured it out too late. I also hate the idea of my relationship ending but I keep having fantasies about sex with guys and having a boyfriend and I feel so bad.
cheat on her
if you break up with her she'll think somethings wrong with her, and that she has been lied to the whole relationship.
break up with her these things never work out
just write programs for fun nigga
learn C and raylib and draw some quantum circle shit with miku on ur desktop

recreational programming >>> slaving for pajeet
You'll get fucked a few times, realize men are garbage and regret it for the rest of your life
tea time with byron
cheshire hands typed this post
don't be a literal prostitute for men, otherwise the predictable outcome is hating all men.
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>cheshire hands typed this post
i would totally say that, other anon is based and right
You're a prostitute for validation, she's a prostitute for money. Grand scheme of things you're more pathetic.
lol i know a bit about raylib actually its cool
rn tho i'm working on writing my first vulkan application
almost at the point of drawing a triangle -_-
then i want to try rendering some signed distance functions and then I'm thinking of trying to write a fast voxel renderer
i quite like voxels
also i consider myself a p decent c++ programmer tho i don't have as much experience with c
i can tell u about l values and pr values and copy/move/swap semantics, templates, malloc etc etc
i rly enjoyed learning c++ in school, before that all i knew was java and it was rly illuminating to work with a language where u gotta manage ur own memory and stuff, still one of my best memories from college
kat why r u still on about this its been weeks
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ayylmao not too bad
scarlet rot stay winnign etc
I really like your hair in the middle pic
cheshier is an incel? wtf...

>hime haircut
please stop posting spoilers, its only been out a week
>cheat on her
I won't do something that shitty
>if you break up with her she'll think somethings wrong with her, and that she has been lied to the whole relationship.
Yeah... Really worried about hurting her and we get along great as friends... I already feel the issues, she already thinks something is wrong with her because I like can rarely make myself do anything sexual, she was upset recently because I just couldn't. I think her self esteem is fucked up, recently she like wouldn't even talk to me because she thought I looked prettier than her and she was mad about it
>break up with her these things never work out
I sort of feel like I have to but I'm really worried it's the wrong choice too. But every minute that passes I feel like I'm dragging out something that shouldn't be. It's so fucked and I'm like paralyzed with inaction, unsatisfied, daydreaming about something else, and hurting her and I hate myself for it
>You'll get fucked a few times, realize men are garbage and regret it for the rest of your life
I'm worried about this and worried about it being the wrong call and realizing I don't even like men or something. I've never been with a man before but I swear I have next to no sexual interest in women and if I do get horny I think about men
>get off work
>close work laptop
>still sitting in the same spot
oh my god this weekend cant come soon enough so I can finally DO STUFF after work
oh good point, sorry frem i will def stop wasnt think bc im a retard

ugh men are so hot it's worth the abuse
Do any other Americanons have an exit strategy? I need one since I live in a blueish swing state and I can’t bank on the red party not getting the White House/governor’s mansion back.
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9 more days and i see a doctor about my depression and untreated ADHD
maybe i can finally find the drive to do stuff, and when i do stuff i can actually focus and do it.
I've lived in Cali/Oregon my whole life, so...
I wish you luck, anon. I thought Idaho would be blue, but they seem to be doin some dumb shit over there now
I live in Michigan. I don’t know any other languages and I don’t have a college degree or a high paying job. I’m not even on hormones yet. I don’t know what to do. Thanks for at least responding. It’s very hard the last couple days, between the horrible debate performance and this SCOTUS ruling. I’m very worried and feel powerless. I’m looking at getting PR in Spain since my Spanish isn’t too bad but it’s quite expensive and it seems a lot of the locals hate Americans, so maybe not the best place.
get a fucking grip.
you cheated on her for months or led her on whatever you want to call it you kept it a secret from her that you were back with tess. you then proceeded to doxx her. and then you proceeded to pretend like you were on a flight to spain to cause her physical harm. you need to seek high level professional mental help.
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>mum leaves vacuum in the hallway outside my room
>ask her if she forgot to put it away as a nonconfrontational way of calling her out for putting it there passive aggressively to tell me to vacuum my room
>she just looks at me like "you know why it's there"
>feign ignorance
>she says i need to vacuum my room
>tell her I don't like using a vacuum, I prefer to use the broom
>she says the broom doesn't work well enough or get under the bed
>tell her it does both those things
>she tells me to use the vacuum then goes to bed and closes the door forcefully
im going to go INSANE
i had just asked her why she throws away once-used parchment paper too since it could be reused and she said it would catch on fire so i just have to use a new one each time
tried explaining it wouldn't catch on fire because the toaster oven doesn't get hot enough for that
she just told me to do it and then walked away then too
what form of autism is happening

idk why ur mentioning politics but i keep thinking about getting pills or SN

>god I ache for it
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start hormones, go back to school, ride out the wave.
thats what i'm doin'
surely if Biden wins again they'll all stop being retarded and put in some iron clad laws back like roe v wade right?
making chicken gnocchi soup
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i suddenly dont want to play this game anymore
>all untrue
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my gf is installing a window unit.
whats with the ankle monitor
anksie and skylie are bogans
Butt small
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i'd say average i'm not bad with em but not exactly great either. and no i wouldn't make a good parent i'm way too much like my mom was around this age when she had me lol.

don't engage. clean your room how you see fit and use ur paper twice if you want to lol.
that kinda fussing micromanagement stuff is a nervous coping strat and it's best ignored. like ocd it doesn't get better by engaging with it or by arguing.
skirt. now.
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>little mermaid level
brings back memories
i remember sitting on the floor watching my brother play kh2 for the first time when i was tiny
and he would turn down the volume during the little mermaid rhythm minigame sections because he was extremely embarrassed by it and didn't want anyone else in the house to hear the songs
come try me.
my ocd requires you to wear short skirts
>he would turn down the volume
i had to play them at night because i really didnt want anyone to walk in and see lol
I need tackos
It's not Tuesday yet.

two things close on my radar

things are hard now, just means it'll be easy later.
so much for equality under the law :/
this country's going to the dogs
too bad everywhere else hates our kind
thanks nytimes!
Wish the ftm guy I've been interested in would just start taking T. I've been super supportive of him, and while it can be kind of cute when he's needy I really just want him to destroy me. Sorry I'm just so horny.
p sure it literally is ocd tbqhwy
she just got out on bail for allegedly killing her last gf
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can u Be Normal for once in ur pathetic drug whore weirdo predator life
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if i say that i do is that enough or do you need to come and verify?

cud be. some ppl only get like that when stressed and are normal rest of the time.
i will need to verify in person, unfortunately :{
How the heck do I get estrogen patches to not start coming loose within like three days
ugh i could go on and on
the idea of a career politician is antithetical to the framers' wishes, for one thing
our politicians were supposed to just be legal nerds and rigorous advocates of our democracy
now its just a way for frat boys to get rich
every newspaper has basically turned into buzzfeed because that's the only way for them to stay relevant, which means they all just churn out lies and rage bait constantly
and now they all exist within a digital infrastructure that has been designed to keep people addicted by churning out slop and misinformation
the people advocating about us and making decisions about our lives have probably never seen, heard or spoken to a trans woman that isn't caitlyn jenner or lia thomas, worse yet they probably think we're all the same as every twitter/tumblr gender blob for whom transition is just "a journey of self exploration," who have virtually no desire to live life as a member of the opposite sex and share nothing in common with us
the same people who mock QAnon have genuinely convinced themselves that the only reason we have the support of the medical establishment in this country is because Big Trans has taken over and forced doctors to bend the knee to us, and hence any science which supports us is junk and any science which doesn't, no matter how flawed the methodology, is a brave truth warrior speaking out

ugh, but at the end of the day all i can do is ask myself: what did i expect? human nature is evil, is anyone surprised
what happened

what rights
can trannies not plead the fif or something anymore

my sibling has diagnosed full ocd, i have subclinical ocd, and my mother, while undiagnosed, i think pretty clearly has diagnosable ocd based on her behaviours and obessions/compulsions
she just laughs whenever i try to point out things that are ocd that she does, like waking up in the middle of the night rehearsing the order she's laying topsoil and nutrients in a raised bed, or having me help her move a large piece of furniture because it's 1 inch off of being balanced around some arbitrary point or how if she doesn't look in my room for a week she assumes it's a biohazard or will become one if she doesn't check
it's kind of exhausting to be quite honest with you

ur describing everyone itt lolmao
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Me looking for Carol for over a month and i still haven't found her
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carol posted in last thread iirc, or maybe the one before that idk
you're lying to me, did she post with trip on?
it's kind of funny how this can describe multiple people

so glad I never got into cutting
supreme court decided president gets immunity from prosecution for things he does during his term as long as they're deemed "official acts" which is intentionally vague enough to include, for example, what he did on J6
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ohh i know my dad has ocd. exhausting is the best way to put it yeh. think he's improved somewhat since i last saw him able to work around it a bit but still.

ok :{
>they probably think we're all the same as every twitter/tumblr gender blob for whom transition is just "a journey of self exploration," who have virtually no desire to live life as a member of the opposite sex and share nothing in common with us
:) :) :)
i just want to go back.
thats a gud ass paingting its fucking me up how real the colors r
so basically a president can ask citizens to assassinate his rivals?
But I’m here
looks that way
they say this does not put the president above the law because the president is a branch of government (???)
I saw a post, i don't remember where and i did not say this fbi please no list.
Someone said that sending seal team 6 to hunt all of scotus would be considered an official act as president.
So if biden wanted to be funny...
you mean the boomer march? idk that wasn't a big deal lol
just a bunch of idiots showing up to a honeypot and getting arrested

that's good! it's easier to deal with them when im not living in the same house as my mum

issue with bpd attentionwhore trannies
go ahead commit a crime the amount of documentation would be insane
Is this truly yours my one and only Caroline? The girl of my dreams!
tell that to the capitol police officers who were there that day
the ones who are still alive, that is
is there no hope for redemption? the answer, sadly, is clear
>falling for an antifa and demonrat hoax
only you can redeem yourself
Settle down, ok?
world is a psyop
the only dead officer i could find died of a stroke which was natural causes...
also since when do you care about police? what about acab?
the only people killed on J6 were trumpers. the point of spreading fake news is that the majority of people hate reading about politics anyway, and will only remember the very first impressions they gleaned from a story like J6.

one cop who was at the J6 glowup died, but it was on January 7, and he had a stroke which could be caused by poor health in general. It didn't justify arresting 1000 people imo
there never was any hope. they were each of them defective. unhinged, from the start.
I hope everyone chills the fuck out.
im sorry im like actually cackling right now
you need to lactually seek out mental help i wasnt kidding about that
and this is what troubles me! no matter our efforts, if the roots are rotten... then we have little recourse.
i care when people simply doing their jobs get maimed and killed, yes
>it didn't justify
that's not why they were arrested, they were arrested for committing crimes. is that not justified?
Carol-sama if this is really you then i just want to say i love you, that's all
oh, yes. i believe i can feel it brewing.
this evening is a sign, of a greater stewing to come.
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but he didn't get maimed or killed
he had a stroke

yea best option is to just ignore the government and focus on building a nice small community and hope you don't get waco'd or ruby ridge'd
i hope they used a photo as a base but even then it's pretty cracked.

yeah it's been interesting living in the same house with dad again. he does his own thing like he has his own ocd domain and he doesn't mess with my stuff. way less conflict than last time.
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My girlfriend is such an angel. Even at my saddest she tries to cheer me up.

I'm so lucky to have her. I gotta do better.

Maybe my luck hasn't run out like I thought I did.
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Nostalgia becomes a lot more sad of a feeling once half your family is dead.
if that's truly what u believe then good for u c:
Hey moapchan how's your porn career going
Yes it's justified to arrest people for committing crimes, but we know many of the people who were convicted and sent to prison didn't commit crimes. Surveillance video released in 2023 disproved the government's argument that everyone convicted of a crime was guilty. You know how it is with the justice system; they gotta make their arrest quotas somehow. They need bodies in jail cells, or it looks like they're not doing their job, so they arrest whoever they can, and find a crime to pin to their chest.
for pity's sake, your place is in the jar
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yay that's nice

idk what you mean by that, even wikipedia and the medical examiner said he died from a stroke/natural causes
if u say so @_@
I wouldn't lie
oh please. not the jar... anything but that!
i promise. i won't ever do it again!
oh !
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Those Who Cum In Jars
feet mentioned
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>my mental health will be watching her eyes pop under a plastic bag
anyone got any horror movie suggestions?
Have you seen the wailing? It's a pretty good korean horror movie, def on my top 10
no, but thank you! Seems interesting. Looks right up my alley. Probably gonna start it once my gf gets back from her kitty walk (she likes to walk around her neighborhood and meet the cats, it's so cute)
i just watched the thing (1982), pretty spooky
check yourself into a psych ward asap for your own good
holy crap
Men Behind the Sun
120 Days of Sodom
Cabin in the Woods
A Serbian Film
We Need to Talk about Kevin
The Hunt
i watched a movie like a week ago called bones
it was one of the best movies i've seen in a long time
it had snoop dogg as the ghost of a criminal who had been betrayed and came back to get his revenge on the men who wronged him
he had like a demon dog familiar that was like doing his bidding until he got reincarnated
was amazing
replied to u on accident but hey u should check it out that was a good movie
>Men Behind the Sun
This one looks interesting. I'll add this to my watchlist.

Seen most of the rest of those. Although Irreversible was the one film that made me tap out. That scene was gutwrenching.
great films threads is miserable in a good way
>Seen most of the rest of those. Although Irreversible was the one film that made me tap out. That scene was gutwrenching.
holy cringe

yes it was really impactful to me, very bleak and realistic in a way that is so personal
it would be in your own best interest to turn off the computer for some time and find solace in anything else. there are many things that matter more in the world and i know you can find them
perhaps we are past putting on some nice music and breathing, but i think you can do it. i believe in you :D
omg wait threads mentioned
that's one of my fav movies ugh i can't get enough of that kinda shit

my fav movies r melancholia and threads
have u all seen the day after? it's kinda like threads but american, not as good but still scratches the itch for me

I used to fantasize about child rearing. I tried to figure out how i would teach a kid the lessons i learned.
what are you even supposed to be threatening to do at this point
how is anyone supposed to take you seriously
at this point you're nothing more than a lolcow
also on the beach
it's p tame compared to newer stuff but it has gregory peck c:
america sucks the fireworks have started
haven't seen it but i'll check it out

if this is n*mi do not ever EVER put yourself alone near a child EVER
trying to think what my other fav movies r
anything denis villenueve ig
should I order hrt online or go through a doctor whatever the process is? what even is the process (usa)?
Order yourself a quarter pounder instead
the process in america is either finding an endocrinologist in your area, asking your gp to recommend you one, or going to planned parenthood
no i don't want to get fat
there needs to be more giant impact disaster movies :/
i love the idea of that, inescapable doom from outer space
disaster movies r so cool cuz they let us imagine what it would be like to see ordinary life transformed into something extraordinary
i'll look into those thank you!
>disaster movies r so cool cuz they let us imagine what it would be like to see ordinary life transformed into something extraordinary
idk if u really understood threads lol
is opa in the room w you
Are you excited for Twisters? I think thats a natural disaster movie coming soon.
is it the sequel to Twister, like Aliens is the sequel to Alien?
lol good observation but I doubt it. I just thought I'd mention it, I'm not into disaster movies
mm i guess i tend to prefer apocalyptic disasters
idk, if nuclear war was happening i'd prob make sure i was close enough to smth important to get vaporized instantly but just imagine how at peace u would feel, knowing that nothing in the world matters anymore and in fact, it never did, ur whole life was destined to be cut short by smth completely out of ur control, along with everyone else's

oh also have u all seen cannibal holocaust? not rly my thing desu but def one of the more disturbing movies i've seen
idk what motoko is talking about it literally is what ur describing
I'd say cringe but I'm on the toilet pissing
Yes I sit when I pee I'm more comfortable
Do you stand when you kiss?
I'm cis BTW
Like I said I just suggested it I haven't seen the first one now that I know there is a first one
nah ur good i just wanted to make sure they got the right answer. first one is goofy fun hopefully the new one is too
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If this isn't proof that being with Mono doesn't make anyone happy I don't know what it is.
I *think* I remember seeing one scene from that movie. A dad trying to keep cellar doors closed and gets sucked into the twister
no i would feel horrible r u kidding
i can barely function and survive in modernity, if the infrastructure collapses i would die a slow painful death

>Do you stand when you kiss?
my first kiss was standing up
idk everyone dies, wouldn't it be cool to go out like that
desu i might choose to stick around in that scenario just to get to see the blast
i wish i coulda been a physicist back in the 50s when they were still doing above ground nuclear testing
imagine witnessing that power in person
it must feel like being touched by god
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time to daydream about my ex bff being my boyfriend until i fall asleep again
that movie is so fire
have u seen little nicky
i am rich
she is rich
we is rich ohhhh
how 2 cope with knowing that iwn be her

lets gooo c:
I be watching jav on ree Pete str8 jacking it
fuck it im goin to the gas station i need some marlboro reds
Buy a cheeseburger instead
ye harvy kitel lol
what’s a girl to do, in a world of greed, but kneel and pray
whos anksie and skylie?
can you get me a blue powerade
new guy at the gas station keeps trying to flirt with me
i'm always taken aback to see ppl so open abt their sexuality
guys i posted a mopey post a week or so ago about being alone. and now 2 weeks on hrt I'm meeting a puppygirl to give her litters in her tummyyyyyy. advise for potential new puppygirl owners? and I might be getting puppypilled to desu.
Is he hot?
is he white?
fuck me why do these things smell so good
i hate having autism (bad)
yeah a fresh pack of ciggies does have a comforting smell. They smell the way entering a very nice private library feels. Does that make sense?
oh you should consider killing yourself bro
are u going to DJ shadow
he's kinda scrawny w long hair, weak facial hair and glasses and always tapping w some drum sticks
i was talking about the smoke
makes me feel so nice and comfy
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what's bad about it
why? u jealous?
have you ever had amsterdam shag? i hate smoking but just the smell is nice and sometimes i would drop a bit in to a joint i would roll
no but that sounds nice
i try not to go crazy w tobacco tho cuz i don't like nicotine
my girlfriend found a cute lil black cat on her nightly walk just now

god she's such an angel how am I so lucky
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Posting revenge porn of someone just because they say mean words about you after you doxx and harass them for weeks is not very nice!
I am and I think I would.. That being said I know I'm too selfish and irresponsible rn to be a parent and don't plan to be.
Half is I and my fiancé have never really wanted kids, and half bc we're both worried of repeating the mistakes of our parents or something
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After residing in the Mid-West after awhile now: I can unfortunately assure there are no good tex-mex restauranters.
That isn't verrry good at all :C
What's wrong?
god bless you
may god bless u with an owner/puppy.

midwest chain resturant Mexican yea but not even anything local for you? I've had good Mexican local in the midwest.
whoops, I forgot to include Minnesota in my post. yeah, I've been trying to find something here. usually it's been me making my own stuff at home because they never put spice in foods where I live.
is it normal for a family member who didn't like u before u transitioned to start calling u beautiful and groping you and then saying they were joking
male or female?
normal in the its fine that this is happening way? no.

normal in the this isn't that uncommon way?

sorry anon
what if they're a babytrans who looks up to u
does that change things
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thats when ur allowed 2 kill them actually
yes omg that's so hot
nar but i rly want to ;;;;;;;
what if they're a babytrans who looks up to u and said they transitioned because they wanted to be like u but ur confused bc they rly don't like cis women, especially lesbians
ugh ugh
i should clarify- they date women but they still don't rly like them
and also they're in their mid 20s and were a straight guy before
am i transphobic if it makes me uncomfortable...
i was being facetious
it's not ok and you need to tell them they can't grope you. otherwise this kind of looks like your cousin may have transitioned to try to hook up with you.
could there be a chance that I've just misunderstood their intentions
not if you're feeling you up and grabbing your ass.
idk what to do
i try to just not think about it but then i remember and it makes me sick
my family would never believe me, they always liked him/her better
when i transitioned i thought i was ready to face what was ahead but i never imagined something like this would happen
i feel like my very identity is being violated
sometimes i catch them parroting exactly things that i told them before about my gender dysphoria
i just don't know
i feel like my mind is going to crack desu
My butt is about to crack.
we should all get together and do crack
sometimes i think about detransitioning
nobody ever groped me or made sexual comments to me when i was just an ugly guy
i lived in my own world and it was safe even if i wasn't happy there
nothing even mattered because i hated my life anyways
there has to be something that can make this go away
what else am i going to do just live with it
i never, ever feel safe anymore around anyone. anyone
i can't cry, i can't do anything that would draw attention because if i told other people about this it would only make things 1000x worse
I'm not happy anymore, i feel dirty like my soul is dirty and i can't make it clean no matter how hard i try
how many squats should i do per day if i want to get a fat ass
at thanks giving just blurt out that someone is molesting you.
Tell them they can't grope you. If you have anyone who can back you up, ask them for help. Your cousin sounds weird, but maybe they're just in an awkward stage of not knowing who that are, and you're the only trans person they know, so they're borrowing from your experience. Either way, the sexual weirdness has to stop. Tell them to never grope you again, or there will be consequences.
As many as you can
just go to failure once a day
I'm sorry, that's good advice
i don't want to be someone who just refuses all advice they're given but I'm genuinely scared of what they would do if i confronted them at all
they have anger issues, bad ones
like the screaming and shaking uncontrollably kind, the road rage shrieking profanities at the other cars kind
and women get the worst of it
idk i just idk
what game? is that a guy or a girl?
I snorted ketamine in the bushes today so, yeah
seems about right
So tired.
the game is Who Is The Red Queen?
its free on steam
shes a girl
>Who Is The Red Queen?
thank u
Who cares what they'll do? They're abusing you and manipulating you. Kick them in the balls if they touch you in a way that you don't want to be touched. I have anger issues too, if someone was groping someone i care about, they would get one warning and then they're getting punched in the balls.
what if they're part of my immediate family
naz bender arc. love to see it
Who want be my gee ef
pepper spray. i man c'mon u can't allow yourself to get felt up every time you see this person, and then feel like you can't tell anyone about it.
last time i saw them they wanted to sleep in the same bed
When your crush rejects you after giving yourself to them
this is getting weird
imagine how i feel...
who is this person to you again? brother, cousin?
would you believe me if i said they were my twin brother...
being sick sucks so much
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
you should turn this into a horror screenplay. i feel like there would be a large niche market for your story.
i need money so i can buy drugs and microtransactions
No I do
Pew pew pew i shot you
please i need endless distractions or i have anxiety attacks >.<
i feel like it's my fault
I'm the one who transitioned (first), who invited this demon into our lives
if i had just never done this they would still be a popular straight guy who hated me for being a weird faggot
at least then my parents wouldn't have to watch both their sons transition
they didn't even like.. know what laser was, even after they started hrt
i don't even know what being trans is to them, but i seriously don't think that they actually want to be a woman
they do stuff like wear leggings without tucking so their bulge is on full display
none of their outfits are coordinates, their shoes never match the outfit either
our whole lives they've bullied me for not being a manly popular guy like them
when we were kids i tried so hard for us to be friends, i wanted us to be like the twins on tv who are best friends
and they just wanted nothing to do with me
they were always the ringleader of all my bullies, i used to cry daily in high school because of them and how mean they were to me
even before all this i was dealing with emotional issues over that and then this happens, i don't even know what to call this
i must be trash, like literal human garbage that god made to suffer
there's no other explanation for how my life could have turned out this way
i must be the most worthless piece of shit that ever existed
how else could any of this have happened
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Me but with mental breakdowns
god now I've fucking done it i shouldn't have thought of any of this what the fuck
i want to die i can't take this
Pew pew pew, i shot you again
But for what??
Monkey see enemy monkey kills enemy
Why must we be foe and not friend young one?
No anon don't say that please, you're not trash or human garbage. You're dealing with a lot of setbacks rn, and it's outright bullshit how your brother is treating you, and frankly you need to get out of that house asap if you can. Your brother sounds like a truly wretched person, and wants to sleep with you on top of causing you so much pain and grief. Idk how you haven't snapped yet.
once when we were kids i tried to put my foot down about some stupid argument over a video game
we both played terraria but they didn't want me to have a terra blade, for some reason they wanted to be the only one with it
and i tried saying that wasn't fair and then they got on my computer while i was in the bathroom and blew my house up with bombs and pulled the power cable out of the pc and then they started crying and threatened to kill themselves
I've never challenged them on anything since then
our whole lives they would always start flights with me and our parents would take their side because they could cry on command and i didn't cry, even as a kid
they've always gotten what they wanted, i think that's why their anger issues are so bad now
i guess i should say i didn't cry in front of other people
Monkey, together, strong
Them using explosives on your home isn't cool, they should be in prison. This isn't your fault anon...
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sounds like your brother lashing out about gender is another part of not getting what he wanted. nobody here wants to be a tranny, we want to be girls and sounds like he is jealous.
sometimes i wonder if it has to do with the fact that in college he slept with once and became obsessed with a girl who decided she was a lesbian and didn't want to be in a relationship with him
for years after that he would get drunk and go on about her and how bullshit it was and how much he went through because of that
Thread of the dead
anon is getting finger blasted by her evil twin brother, who blew up their parents house. shh, this is better than anything on netflix
i wish i could just become a neet for a year to work on myself and focus on nothing else
srry i havent been posting much these lobsters wont cook themselves
was talking about my house in terraria...
i thought that was self explanatory when i said they got on my computer
or is the joke going over my head
i was trying to just tell the story in bits and pieces because i honestly don't think anyone would believe me if i just opened with my twin brother who bullied me for our entire lives transitioned and said they did it cuz they wanted to look like me and has since started groping my boobs and butt and making sexual comments to me and passing them off as jokes and I'm scared to do anything because they have terrible anger issues, are literally misogynistic, and threatened to kill themselves when we were 12 because of a video game sword
I kinda did that for like 8 months after college while I was looking for my first post-graduation job and ended up wasting like aaaaaalllll my money on festivals

i regret nothing but I still technically have credit card debt because of that era
your brother sounds like a retard. but anyway, report him/her to the police the next time he fondles your assets, and he'll go to jail. easy peasy
there is a very real chance i would be kicked out of my house if i did something like that
I'm looking for a job but I'm not at a point where i can support myself yet
i don't know what to do
i live in a place where rent is extremely expensive and there's tons of homelessness
I'm scared it's either continue to deal with this in silence or end up on the streets
idk i feel like I'm transphobic for being disgusted by them
when they go out in public in leggings with the outline of their dick showing i want to scream
You're being sexually exploited. That's not ok and you can't just live with it. Idk what the solution is for you, maybe look online for lgbt resource centers that will help you find work and an apartment? We have those in my city, hopefully you have one in yours. You can't let them get away with it, eventually your brother is going to try to fuck you and you don't want that (hopefully)..
It's hot tbhon
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i'm disgusted by that too and am a transphobe for it. it is what it is.

neetdom tends to be bad for mental health. call it a holiday then its all good :^)
whenever someone talks about sex with a cis woman it makes me feel unbelievably murderous! whenever i see a cis woman in general i feel murderous LOL. wish i was her and since i'm not i want to fucking gut her and hear her scream and cry just so she could feel an ounce of my pain!
i love my gf
I'm gonna marry her
You know what Mikey?

You make me laugh, know that?

I borrow money left and right, from everybody and I never paid em back, so i can't borrow no money from nobody no more, right?

So who does that leave me to borrow money from, but you? I borrow money from you, because you're the only jerk off around here that I can borrow money from without payin back!

Right? Right? Because you know that's what you are, that's what I think of you..a jerk off.

He's smilin..like.. you're a jerkoff haha YOU'RE A FUCKIN JERK OFF!

And I tell you somethin else Mikey.. I fucked you right where you breathe, cuz I don't give two shits about you or nobody else.
idk it doesn't seem to b helping
may be a grass is greener situation
Dead board
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Good Morning Frens
Seems like a chill day ahead.
Everyone tells me how great I am with kids, but all I do is treat them with respect unlike I guess most other adults who wonder why kids don't listen to them.. it's weird..
I think I would be a decent parent, but I also think having kids would completely ruin my life. I want freedom most of all, and kids kinda take that away
Children are demonic beings
>>Is good with kids
>>Doesn't want to be a parent

Have you thought of being a school teacher of some kind?
is that why they suggested I be a teacher or did they just hate me?
Nope, not smart enough for that (to be fair, like 50% of teachers aren't either).
I'm happy with just having nephews/nieces and maybe later some more extended family through a partner and stuffs
The xanny was NOT enough to calm me down I failed the test cuz it was literally shaking
>i just showed u my underwear is that not good enough

Sorta, but the best pics I've received are the super teasing ones where there's just enough covered to keep things tame but enough exposed skin to get my engine running
So true anon so true
Feeling like eating a burger to cope over how sad not passing the driving test made me.
we both are
how did u fail a drivers test?
For fucks sake... TYTY! You can just get, I don't know... in the fucking jar? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T GET IN THE JAR AT. FUCKING. ALL.
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duolingo is aight but having to learn conjugations through english word order is a head fuck.

fine fine i'll put myself in. happy now?
I had it explained now and apparently I did everything perfectly BUT I got too close to other cars like 2 times so that automatically failed me.
so u didn't do everything perfectly
wow thats rough. i technically failed my drivers license too because i turned right on red which is allowed but didn't stop completely before doing so which isnt allowed. jeez it was so long ago now that im thinking about when i was 16 almost 11 years ago now... but I did drivers ed behind the wheel with the same guy who was testing me so he trusted me enough to pass me without making me re-do it again
which language r u duolearning
I said but.
Many minor forgettable things can fail you, 2bh I only went close to other cars while avoiding them if they were stopped because of emergencies to not be on the wrong lane for too long nor too deep inside of it since I thought it'd be worse than getting too close to the other cars but ig next time I'll just do things proper
yea but if you did stuff wrong then you didn't do everything perfectly reeeeeee narcissism
I said I did everything right but not that. I am literally parroting what they told me.
Gosh I'm so pretty it's not even funny I'm like some sort of angelic being it's weird being objectively a bit clocky but also prettier than any cis woman around me
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korean. it's going pretty slow but i'm enjoying it a lot. being able to decipher letters and recognize words is rewarding.
last time i learned a language was abt 20 years ago when i got into english so this is rly derusting my brain in some weird way.
I dreamt I went to school with lacoomer and kept raping her in the locker room while she cried for navy and xannies
i remember taking the driver's test over here in a car with a manual transmission, and the test giver was impressed lmfao

oh nice! i know a teeny bit of korean bc of doing taekwondo as a kid/teenager. i love languages desu, they're super cool and interesting

>not a narcissist btw
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Manual is fun asf until ur going up a hill and have a red light there. That shit is terrifying
Also that other post isn't me kek.
good morning
my head hurts
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imgdrop io /album/srsussy.ZV6U

Bruh how cooked am I going to this doctor?
Healthy narcissism is based and good. We do not live in a world where people want trans women to be honest about how they look, and where we are constantly encouraged to hate ourselves
If being real about the fact I'm beautiful is narcy then call me a narc idgaf
Sooner that than a self loathing wretch
>Manual is fun asf until ur going up a hill and have a red light there.
oh man that used to be pretty rough, gotten used to it years ago but when i was still young i would like try to leave enough room so i could just slowly keep going so i wouldn't have to come to a full stop
i had one car that had some fluid lock that left the breaks engaged until the clutch was depressed, that helped with hills. other than that, if it's a steep hill, you can just use the handbrake to hold your position until you feel the clutch bite, then just drop the handbrake and start going forward

post pic
I mean I know how to handle them by this point but they're still scary to me. Specially because people are fans of not respecting the distance you need to have for safety so if I fuck up and don't brake fast to correct myself we're both getting hit
I've posted plenty before
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>want to go to gym
>phone won't charge
>order a new charger
>"um ackshually it's out of stock we'll ship it to you some day lol"

i knew how a few words sound going in and that's about it. excited to learn more but gotta pace it or i'll forget stuff.

virus link???
when do you guys do your E shot?
at the beginning of the week or at the end of the week?
It's pictures of someone on the operating table with something that resembles a vagina
>operating table
probably more relevant how it looks a year later or smthn.
oh yea that's definitely true in the states bc everyone here drives automatics

who r u then

korean specifically sounds weird to me because it overlaps with japanese, so it's like japanese but not and it hurts my head
they're just both Chinese root languages
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i know, but i don't speak any chinese and japanese is my reference point so that's how it feels subjectively to me
Oh no, I'm sorry. You can repeat it again in a few weeks though, right? Maybe figure something out with your instructor so you are even more relaxed next time?

In Europe they are a lot more difficult than in the US, like they are actually made so you have to really be able to use a car well. Here in germany 50% FIFTY PERCET of all people taking the test fail the first time they are taking it.
I can take it again soon yes. I'll just double down on the xannies and sleep extra well to perform as well as possible
Alrighty, yeah some more sleep, xannies, and now knowing how it feels to take it will all help. Also it might have just been bad luck. You will have your licence soon enough! It's only a temporary bump in the road :>
Already burnt out entirely of octopath 2 after 20 hrs and I dont want to even think of touching it again. This keeps happening w so many games for some reason. Think I'm gonna go play some ole dbz games which usually do keep my attention
Yes I'm sure of it.. still feel kinda bad but it'll be okay
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>wtf why does peej hate me and think im a creep
srsly hope this guy kills himself asap
I miss the flags, without them it's a lot more difficult to spot anons :<
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wish i could compel men to love me
>pring thinks shes beautiful
I spot you every time
I see all. You didn't need the trip
Hehe,to be fair, I make it pretty easy for frens to spot me. I like keeping my silly mouse speak :>
pring is a clown but the zoomer meangirls clique needs to shut the fuck up
I deserve a gf.
>zoomer meangirls clique
im a nicegirl anon
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I don't, but I still want one
then act like it and stop dunking on literal downies
Who tf cares this is 4chan you mong
dont particularly like the hornsent
xannies! I need my xannies !
is laguna here
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did the gym. was scared of overdoing it again so went a bit soft maybe. oh well at least i did something.
dentist tomorrow i wonder if i'm gonna get yapped at for smoking. scared.

guess i'm lucky to not know any japanese or chinese so it's basically a clean slate for me.

what did they ever do to you...
wtf is wrong with her mouth
the man is squeezing it

Hey, it's not me. I wanna do different roleplays. But one day paige will get a man friend who loves using and abusing her just the way she likes it.

And cracking a girls inhibitions is possibly the sweetest thrill possible, so some hot guy into incest out there has a future wife and will be sooo happy thanks to paige.

it looks like it got stung by bees

I'm a very healthy narcissist~

Actually I'm just normal. And all of you are antisocial self loathers. Do you really wanna be normal?
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Are they having tea with an egg?

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