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Anyone else absolutely hate being called a "transfem"?
I hate being a "transfem" whatever words anyone uses for it don't really matter
It's literally just the current politically correct version of mtf, what's the issue?
i hate being called a transfem i should be called a dumb little faggot instead
it's a dumb trender word, just call me a trans woman
it just exists to appease enbies
what was wrong with female or woman?
I think some of the popularity comes from cis people who are happy to have a word for us that doesn't validate us
i use the term when the trans part matters but when it doesnt i just use woman, maybeee girl if im feeling cutesie
Nothing, but sometimes you want to talk about the whole group, not just binary people.
It's just retarded, it brings attention to the fact that I'm trans but doesn't have the decency to point out that I am a woman like "trans woman" does.
And it's only a thing because of trenders
Nonbinary people are all just attention whores and I see no reason to feed into that
>I think some of the popularity comes from cis people who are happy to have a word for us that doesn't validate us
I agree. It's a safer way than "transwoman" which people finally figured out was a way to make us a different third thing
You guys are stupid. Those cis people are using AMAB/AFAB for that, not transfem/transmasc.
now, yes, but not before.
They are using both
they do both actually
tranners are attention whores and i see no reason to feed into that
Oh my god someone finally said it. It's so backhanded to refer to us all as nonbinary
Ikr?? Like seriously I'd rather get called a slur than be called a transfem ever again
Yeah honestly literally don’t refer to the fact that I’m trans at all. 9times out of ten it’s not relevant
10000% preferable to "trans girl"
only youngshits get to call themselves girls, tired of you hons doing it
don't worry my doctor calls me a queer now because apparently that's a neutral term
You can't even call them out on it either because other trannies don't seem to care about being degendered so you sound crazy
idc its just labels. none of you are labels
i like things about transfem/transfemme tho
its more accurate and less encroaching
wokeoids recreated the same structure of man/woman with transfem/transmasc
see also afab/amab
I like identifying as transfeminine better because Trans woman does not fit me. I don't want to fit in and be a woman, I wanna be me and be feminine. I also don't have fucking Dysphoria and there is a common misconception that all trans people need to be dysphoric so that's why I prefer transfeminine.
I get depressed when I realize this is who is dominating in the trans community
I'm 20 but I preffer calling myself a woman rather than a girl
That's honestly funny as fuck but I think I'd tell him to stop doing that if I were you
yes tranny is less offensive than transfem desu
oh they're proud of it so telling them I don't appreciate it is a bad idea
>transmasc = man
>transfem = woman
>AFAB = female
>AMAB = male
>AGAB = biological sex
why do white women need new woke terms for things that already have names
It made sense for someone NB but I would never say that shit about a trans woman that didn't personally want it. It feels like shoehorning her into 'woman lite' territory at best or just woke misgendering at worst.
I do not understand the prevalence this stuff has now. I don't even use it for myself despite ostensibly being the kind of person the term is for.
Yeah that's the worst part, while I was making this thread I was wondering if anyone will even agree with me or if I will sound crazy or pedantic to people because seemingly every other trans person seems completely okay with this shit
because originally at one point for better or worse "transmasc" and the like ONLY meant nonbinary masc and now it means nonbinary and regular trans. If it's only used in NB settings it's actually pretty apt and I don't mind it, the umbrella catch-all is what makes it suck
Why is it depressing?
Please go crossdress on your own thx
It's genuinely so over for us
I can't believe I'm grouped in with people who are just doing this for an aesthetic while I'm uprooting my whole life because of a mental disorder
I feel like your comfort is more important than a doctor feeling proud of themselves for calling someone a queer
It's mental illness sure but it's based on your perceptions of reality. It's cognitive distortions you guys have. Be yourself and love yourself, embrace your body and be happy. Belong in a community!
>It feels like shoehorning her into 'woman lite' territory at best or just woke misgendering at worst.
Yeah that's exactly the problem, it's fine when it's used for nonbinary people but using it for binary trans people feels transphobic
When I get called a transfem it feels like I don't get to be a woman and I can only be some weird third thing, it's awful
>Belong in a community!
I fucking hate the trans "community" and I definitely do not belong in it even if I'm trans
my favorite is when they use agab language on us in exactly the wrong way resulting in harming the one group it's supposed to help
because I think a core part of our activism should be on reinforcing our status as female women and you're over there proud to be a feminine man
the best anyone can come up with is that it helps the nonbinaries but the only reason it does that is because they're not making real physical transitions. I wish we could just be male/female and then maybe transition and be the other thing and if you're butch or whatever that's a separate issue. The problem is there are mtf butches and they end up being both transitioning and nonbinary and end up making a mess of the language which wasn't very descriptive in the first place. The real problem is that you can't fight for descriptiveness because that's gatekeeping.
idk it feels like we've lost
It's the best group of people/community out there. If you don't like us, then you suck. Simple as.
>because think a core part of our activism should be on reinforcing our status as female women and you're over there proud to be a feminine man
I never said I identified as a "man". Also I understand that but you should rethink it because it's reinforcing labels when we should be removing labels from society instead and just classifying people as what they present as. Femmine, Masculine, Androgynous. I think Dysphoric people have it backwards.
You aren't trans, this isn't your community, don't talk down to us like we're retarded larper
You are resorting to insults on the internet. Really showed me how mentally stable you are!
trannies are ridicuously full of themselves you are like hoodrats, little people big dreams
>should be removing labels from society instead and just classifying people as what they present as. Femmine, Masculine, Androgynous
Are you actually fucking with me right now
>I think Dysphoric people have it backwards.
You are not even fucking trans you are genuinely ridiculous
Man up
Friends, I believe you are being baited.
>as what they present as
female with breasts and vagina and such is what I present as
You have no counter points and just complained. Do you want to try again instead of cursing and being rude? What is wrong with what I said? Gender labels are made to divide people mostly. That's how American society has functioned for years. Why continue with traditional values?
I present as a woman
I mean I'm not hurt, it just shows your maturity level not being able to give a constructive response because you don't like reality.
Awesome, glad you are able to be yourself and what makes you comfy :3
gender labels are to describe whether your body has the male form or the female form. Transition if you want but don't pretend that's related to this postgender nonsense
Post Gender ideology is based

Its an infantilizing UwU squishy term used to virtue signal support for enbies
I love my enbies but ffs call us trans women, im not some "fem" estrogenized man lol
Lables exist because they are important to people. There is a huge diffrence between a man and a butch woman and it's not something that can just be ignored. People are attached to their labels, women like being women and men like being men. Getting rid of gendered labels could make sense if humans were all the same sex but that is not the case
Also if you were to do away with labels then how would healthcare even function? Cis women and trans women have diffrent needs but with what you suggested they'd both be classified as "feminine" and that's it.
It feels kinda transphobic ngl, like why are you going out of your way to not call me a woman?
ime they class me as amab with the men and try to ignore that I'm >>36369001
>they'd both be classified as "feminine" and that's it.
Yeah it's more expensive but I mean it'll make less crime and society better. America's main problem stems from a ton of communities being car centric too which is a whole other issue.
i hate it it feels transphobic. no im not a "transfem" im a woman. its the same as woke people who say you're pan if you will date trannies. woke transphobia is everywhere. makes sense considering how long they have been working to appropriate being trans from real transsexuals and then deny them any voice
100% THIS!
the modern transgender movement has appropriated being trans from actual dysphoric transsexuals and is now trying to gaslight us into believing dysphoria is transphobic
Yeah it all feels like it's done in effort to exclude trannies from being the gender they want and forcing us to be some third gender against our will
Society has implicit biases against us that come out even if they don't mean to or know they're doing it. Cis people do it, enbies do it, ftms do it, even other mtfs do it. They'll go to any length to mental gymnastics us back into our birth sex and pat themselves on the back for being to accepting
Yeah I agree entirely, it's all just transphobia but with pretty woke words
similar practically every group of trans women that has ever existed in history is never seen as such by historians
>live life as a woman
>do best they can medically for the time they live in (orchiectomy and pregnant horse pee has been known since antiquity btw)
>dress as a woman
>even get buried as a woman
>2000 years later, conflated with men made into eunuchs as punishment
sad part is when corrected they usually call US transphobic
The baeddels were right
Yeah we completely lost and the trans community got taken over by trenders, they dictate the rules now and if you step out of line you get called a transmed and endlessly dogpiled
Wtf is a baeddel
>2000 years from now
>ah yes, an estrogenized eunuch buried with women's items under a women's name, a masculine male priest man worshipper of blahaj, god of the oceans

Ancient word for gay men, trannies, and intersex people. It's still around
yeah. its a cissexual movement to the core, a way to pretend to care about us while killing integration
Yeah I'm not a fan of it personally. I'd rather not be called "transfem."
uh-uh, that's bait.
is it weird that imagining an archaelogist digging up the tomb of a boymoder filled with like blahajs and stuff is hilarious to me
To be fair, you wanted to be a woman so your opinion matters about as much as one.
Dominating? Not at all? Finding people like that anon, and me, is EXTREEEEEEMELY rare.

Most trannys are AGP pedophile transbian rapists who are autistic and addicted to anime.

Transfems are the only sane participants, but theyre overshadowed by the shear amount of pedophiles crying about not having a vagina
I do have a vagina and I don't like anime but I also consider myself a woman and not a fem
Does HRT really count as "crossdressing"?
I just call myself a woman.
Why would I tell cisoids that I trooned out years ago?
It's none of their buisness and tends to harm me.
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I hate enbies as much as the next guy but the term "transfem" is really useful when trying to describe HRT femboys. Actually saying "Hrt femboy" irl or just outside of /lgbt/ is kinda retarded for the most part.
woah i looked it up and it actually said this, fascinating... we really are the anti-christ to anglo christcucks huh
You have to understand, sterilizing yourself as a male is a literal death sentence to a society
> thing 1 person does ruins everything for everyone
sure dude, if that thing is creating a new atom bomb or something... calm down.
people have been gay forever too, and yet there are still people and "society"... take your doomsday cult shit back to church
Huh?? Im just telling you why they would hate trans people so much back then? What are you talking about?
Its not doomsday lol???? This is LITERALLY what they think, and there is LITERALLY historical markers that show this like this anon posted >>36369437
If youre running a little town of salem you are going to hate any male who isnt valuable in the ways they expect "men" to be. I didnt create history lmfao!
you should probably make it more clear you're just saying something someone else believes when saying things, especially if you don't also believe them.
this sounds like you're telling me that's true, which it's obviously not since we're beyond 'middle english' and 'society' still exists
speaking of funny etymologies, I learned recently that "slogan" is gaelic for "war cry" which I thought was very funny
aside from trans/hrt stuff, do you think sterile men can impregnate women?
how is it not true?
why wouldnt a small society hate gay/feminine men?
do you think trans women are as strong as men or want to impregnate women?

why do you think you can just deny how society literally is as if thats a point to make?

do you not see how much trans hate their is on the news/public discourse?? what is even your point???
>make it more clear you're just saying something someone else believes when saying things
Honey, the WHOLE WORLD believes this. Not sure why you think denying it will help anything?
I'd much rather be called a tranny. Transfem is just an euphemism for transsexual. Just say trans woman.
/tttt/ used to make fun of that term until a couple of years ago.
What's wrong with transsexual
It's a medical term. You're referring to people by their condition and not as a person.
Tbh I prefer transsexual to transgender
Same, you can say a transsexual instead of person of transgender and there's clearly defined limits to who is and isn't one
Yeah it's just more specific and I like that because transgender nowadays includes people that don't even transition

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