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I've ruined my body
1.5years hrt to 4.5years
75kg to 115kg
165lb to 250lb
Fucking hell why can't I just get ozembic or at least an eating disorder that stops me becoming a fat fuck
can you pull your pants lower so i can see all of your tummy
Yeah you’re really ugly now. Me too. I wish I was dead and never took hrt
I think you look pretty. If you want to lose weight, making reasonable changes to your diet and exercise routine will be much more effective than an eating disorder.
poorly disguised feeder fetish thread
God fucking damn it the timer fucked me
many such cases
i'm never going to find my t4t looksmatch am i? :'(
Unfortunately I just did this to myself no feeder needed
you could pick up smoking?
find a happy middle ground. somewhere between these two pictures is a hot woman
Thank you for the correct feedback
I will strive to never eat again
Wanna know something funny anon? It will never go away. The baked on fat will hang from your flesh like an unaesthetic trashbag ruining the way fat looks when it builds up on your body for the rest of your life.

t. Lost 80lbs and got down to 6% bf and have been trying look like a normal human being for 8 years now to no avail.
You can tighten the skin, you basically just have to starve yourself
It’s harder for women to loose weight as they get older. I walk lot and run so much during the walks and I just can keep the weight off.

The thing you have to tell yourself is that our bodies evolved to keep us from starving to death. Not being hungry is not the same as not being satisfied.

It’s easy to eat and get fat especially with the garbage we have for food.
I guess I'll need to push SRS further down the list of surgeries to save up for

Excess skin removal surgery at number 1 now
Bringing out the feeder chasers with this one
pure cope, all you have to do is eat less
Just start fasting, you're capable
You could start taking domperidone. Turning all that fat into milk isn't the worst strat
God I'm terrified I'll get like this. Put on 10kg since I started 2 years ago. Now I have hips, a round butt and tits verging on D cups and my abs are still visible. But I just need to like. Make sure i don't keep getting fatter. I'm exactly as fat as I'd like to be right now.
I had a mental breakdown and starved myself losing 55 pounds and finally getting rid of that stubborn belly fat
This is the plan

I didn't even get c cups out of this disaster
It doesn't work like that Anon, although OP could probably just cowmaxx at that BMI
There's no way you can cowmaxx with those tiny tits
your fat distribution isn’t even bad lmao
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Nah it's really bad
post pic from behind
lemme see that ASS
Did you take prog at all?
what a fucking waste
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It's actually so dog shit
This is what I ruined
Girl wtf are those jeans in left
I've slept with cis girls with this body type, don't sweat it from a gender perspective. Still work out if you wanna feel better from a health and aesthetic perspective though!
>bi double chaser
Final fantasy maxxing? Idk
Estrogen will give you feminine fat distribution they say
If you gain weight too quickly it'll all go to your stomach regardless of your sex/hormones
i mean i still don’t see a problem, but your body is your choice so if working out and losing weight will make you feel better fuck go for it
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Stop gobbling potato chips porky.
why did you do this? was it deliberate or did you just lose control of yourself?
This is gained slowly over those 3 years
Partly on accident but also like I was hoping to gain boob so I didn't take action to stop it
are you happy with your boobs at least?
Nah I think they maybe went from an A to a B cup
Anon, I ask you again. Are you on prog?
she should have been on pio for this
No I've had 4 different doctors all just spurt out this garbage each time I ask
Holy fuck. I've been gaining weight lately and I felt bad about myself but this is a real reality check. The problem is I don't know how to stop. I know le "calories in calories out" but I literally feel like I'm going through drug withdrawals (trust me I know what those feel like) whenever I try to cut down on my snacking. I consume a crazy amount of dairy too and apparently that can be metabolised into opioids by your digestive system???
I bought some Oleoylethanolamide from a trustworthy seller but I haven't taken any yet, I feel like my main problem is that I graze/eat for stimulation, rather than actual hunger. there are times where I overeat sugar snacks even when my stomach is so full that I feel sick from how full I'm getting, just because my urge to eat has nothing to do with hunger.
oh fuck ughghghghghghgh
and im expected to go to a wedding in 2ish months so unless I lose weight fucking NOW I'm gonna look like shit
I'm at 80kg which is the heaviest I've been ever
does anyone have any tips from someone who's ACTUALLY been in my position (not just some lazy as fuck normie who got fat because they overate from boredom when they had no urges driving them to overeat so quitting was as easy as starting)
Actually the opposite, if you starve yourself you'll lose weight at a rapid pace which will cause even more loose skin than if you just lost the weight in a healthy way
85 pounds, nearly 50% increase in weight, jesus how does this happen
Yeah sorry buddy.. being a woman is not always being like the skinny onlyfan models you fantasized being and jerked off to before transitioning
Absolutely fumbled the bag by not just going over their heads and getting on prog. Pre prog all my fat distro was like. Pcos girl at best. Now I'm just like. Thicc Amazon. My tits are so nice. Like I know the evidence is anecdotal. But I'm another anecdote. Anyway good luck anon. I'm sure you can get your body doing what you want it to!
I don't have any way to get it, all the cafe sites are international and Australian customs are a bitch with prescriptions
85 is actually more than 50% of 165 dipshit
Don't over eat fatty. Are you getting fucked often enough?
That's whack anon. Do genderGP operate in your country? They're private but they're cheap and they'll literally issue prescriptions to basically anyone.
Otherwise your best bet is befriending a cis girl and seeing if she can get some on script and just give it to you. It will likely make you gain more weight though, so it's probably best to save it for when you've got stuff under control
how tall are you?
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feels good to be a cowmoder with a partner that thinks it's hot that i'm putting on weight and becoming a fat fuck
same, I was underweight now I'm overweight. pretty sure I should just start smoking meth at this point.
I hate being fat myself but I find tummy on other people cute...
both mog the fuck out of me. stop complaining about not being a hon and go live
If I could get my hands on it I probably would. Adhd medication would be even better
I've got a pretty face too so mald harder
Why didn't you just eat normal portions?
Yeah anon you probably are a fairly attractive chubby tranny. Good to hear the self confidence in this retort.
oh, so you would rather stay here and gloat over someone who wants you to leave this vile place, someone who HAD nothing but good intent in their admonition, than actually leave, and do literally anything worthwhile, or even just better, or healthier. i was lying, earlier. you're a fat, disgusting pig. good luck losing it, cellulite
What the fuck are those pants
fuckkk how fat?
"look at my legs! look at them!" sort of pants
Thank you that's what I wanted
You do not want to age while obese
It's fine young but this shit will fuck you up
I started gaining weight slowly so I started being addicted to nicotine again and drinking more coffee
just lose weight and maybe take pioglitazone for better distribution
Fucking why?
jesus christ, pathetic. i know a good therapist. do you want her number? you obviously need one
Truely my brain needs deworming
Do the truffle shuffle
you were hot now you look bad (like a fat girl bad, and i bet your face doesn't pass though so it's over)
just lose like 20kg and you'll look hot in a mommy way

damn, i managed to go from 120 to 80 (i'm still fat) in 5 months, you can do it too, fatty.
just cut down on sweets.
and you didn't even get boobs lol
rip, im that cute now and will never be fat, i'd rather be dead. being thin is like infinitely more important than 'passing' to me
Truely the worst part

Definitely would've been more careful if I knew it wasn't even going to help my boobs
What dosage of progesterone are you on and how do you take it?
Zero as I can't get it prescribed and customs keeps taking my packages cuz no prescription
Everyone I know who is prescribed it takes 400mg/daily (orally), I buy it online so take 200mg/daily (rectally). I don't get any mental effects but I think I've gotten bigger breasts
>damn, i managed to go from 120 to 80
please tell me how holy fuck. i used to be so good at restricting and i've lost my edge.
Are there any risks to it?
Just try to be healthy op, having an ed sucks. It fucks with your skin, hair, and mind. I can't eat around other people without hating myself after half the time. Even at like 150lbs, I hate myself and call myself a fatass. It will probably be the same if I get to a lower weight too. My weight going up or down 5lbs has a big impact on my mood.
Please just exercise and try to eat healthier
Prog can make you tired and moody so it's generally recommended to take it at night. It's also expensive if you're buying it online. Otherwise, I don't believe so
i literally do not know
i unironically just cut down on the little treats and it worked like magic, i didn't even count calories until last week.
(trying to get to 60 so i can lose the male fat so i can gain female fat)
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started out at 140lbs, currently just below 200lbs with a goal of exactly double my starting weight. when we first started it was slow but lately i've been blowing up like a balloon. i graze a lot through the day and they enjoy cooking me big meals/desserts, so i'm very well fed. it's been fun/hot for them to tease me and point out how fat i've been getting and how much of a cow i've let myself become. conversely, it's been fun/hot finding little unspoken ways to fluster them back like wearing cow print bra/panties or intentionally trying to squeeze into old, small clothes and watching them ogle at me :)
being obese can be bad for you? wow, i didn't know that, you're telling me now for the first time
proper breeding stock
Calories in vs calories out
Simple as
based and cute happy for you
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I'm 69kg and i look like the photo on the right
i should kill myself...
Go to a gym?
Unless this is done on purpose, great fucking job posting this here you fatass. This is an American website so they're going to love your fat pig body. You won't get genuine advice because they want you to be fat like this.
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thanks for the reminder to never get fat, OP. i'll think about this next time i get the urge to eat unhealthy food or skip exercise.
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i went from 75kg to 85 in two years of hrt and ungodly too much food
then i made a spreadsheet, because i'm that specific kind of autist, to count calories in by weighing to the gram all of the food i'm eating
basically "ok so i need anorexia. well. if i can't acquire it naturally, diy is fine"
and i proceeded to lose weight down to 62kg.
that was actually too much, i really shouldn't be under bmi 20 (am 180cm), so got back to 65kg, which is perfect (see: picrel)
Does anybody else find it much harder to lose weight on estrogen? I used to be able to drop 10kg in a month on testosterone, but I just constantly end up plateauing at -5kg on estrogen. It's like my body refuses to let go of fat.
Nice body - how did you eat to hit 62kg? And what made you feel like it was too much?
buy retatrutide or tirzepatide from qingdao sigma chemical
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Backdoor conversion into DHT or T, depending on your physiology
shit me too, 80kgs before E to 95kgs a month ago to 100kgs now after I stopped smoking. I look pretty much like you rn but I'm trying to lose some of it.

haven't done much yet except be a bit more concious of my eating and refraining from buying any candy and going for a bike ride like twice a week, I've already lost like 2kg doing that which is weird.
What's your workout routine I need your body
Need a chubby tranny gf so much
> Nice body -
thank you ^_^

> how did you eat to hit 62kg?
i made a spreadsheet to count "calories in". i didn't bother counting basic metabolic rate or anything. just targeted 1200kcal/day, but on average i was at 1485kcal/d. i kept it up for like four years, but really didn't lose any more weight after i had hit 64kg (until i got very stressed out last year and got to 62)

> And what made you feel like it was too much?
looking like an anti-ana poster lol
Woah, perfection.
an average of one hour per day of walking. the rest is "obsessively count the calories of all the food i eat, to the gram"
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I went to 230 over covid and now im at 200 and going down.

That estrogen appetite is fucking something else, shit had me eating like a pregnant woman.

Trannies absolutely do not hold weight like women, don't get like this because it's hard as fuck to shed weight when your cells are girlified.

Also fuck you 4chan for taking the hsts flags down, seriously fuck you.
this thread fueling my anorexia ._.
Seems I need to fix my walking posture and maybe start climbing stairs to accelerate myself
Why? Chubby trannies are hot. Why would I ever want an anamoder over some soft chubby girl where I can just burry my face in her soft tummy and between her titties?
I have nothing against overweight girls, in fact slightly thick is definitely my type.

The thought thought of looking like that, or being genuinely fat makes me feel sick
See the problem is you fat fetish freaks say "chubby" and mean 250+ pounds. Actually chubby is just fine, but I don't want American "chubby". OP is not chubby, they're fat. That's fine, but it's not my interest.
-5kg in a month is fine, i feel like if you're losing more than that in a month you're probably losing lean mass too. i lost like 11kg (going from BMI 25 to 21) gradually over six months last year while building some muscle in the process and i've maintained it since. i don't think the number on the scale matters as much as how you actually look.
Ok but how do I get tits like that?
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>imagine thinking those are tits
I mean it depends on her size. For a 5'10 tranny my preference is around 175-200lbs. If shes like 6'2, 250lbs is not too much.
Yeah it sucks. You don’t realize how much of a difference 1 cm of flesh makes to the contours of your body. It’s like an optical illusion.
>shirt on
Looking good 11% BF Chad
>shirt off
Yikes 30% BF incel

Even skin removal surgeries still look weird since it really effects whole body. And different areas are wildly affected
>collar bone and neck
Holy holocaust victim
>pants pulled up below belly button
Looks healthy king
>pants sitting on hip
Skinnyfat pajeetmoder

Hopefully with Ozempic there’ll finally be a market to lead to innovation in fixing the issue but if not I might end up hopping on tren just to fill out some space with an Joe Rogan HGH gut.
please sit on my face
400 seems kinda crazy but what do I know. I'm on 200 rectally too and it's done me well.
insane genetic luck (my mom has anime gag boobs) and like 4yrs hrt
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delicious yummy bait, hmmm just like i like it

happy now?
I'm getting fucked never. It's not as simple as not overeating otherwise I woulda done it. Every other addiction has been easier to quit than my compulsive eating.
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Wow you're a woman too. Congratulations whore
not sure this is better than the time this board called me a brickhon

but eh, i'll take the congratulations, go kiss my loving and adorable boyfriend, and make myself pretty to go to the local meetup of sex perverts that's happening tonight

tho maybe if i'm lucky i'll get a booking to my full service escort job so that a man shall give me a hundo for an ~hour-long fuck, proving just how much demand there is for dickgirls who look like me
lmfao you got mogged badly
why do you feel you've ruined your body
I love the memes this board makes that just ruin people. fat maxing and still just look like a fat man is what happens to trannies that get fat
>fell for one shitty board meme
>now do the other meme
this is so funny omg
actually if anything estrogens help with appetite control and suppression, so your issuues are probably somewhere else, bad habits maybe? skill issue?
You look like an ftm now, congrats!

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