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QOTT: Bepis or conke

Last Shithole: >>36360011
Penis or cock
Pepsi max solos btw
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They both suck but coke has that burn/bite to it which soothes a meth or cocaine craving

I'm bored you should come back to shitcord if you wanna
fuck coke
> I'm bored you should come back to shitcord if you wanna
Ok papi
what type of coke youve been drink
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diet coke & diet pepsi are great but i think diet pepsi is my favorite drink of all time
regular coke is the only regular between the two i'm willing to drink, though
doctor peeper
I survive off of nothing but coffee energy drinks and water
Neither are ftm coded trutrans drink energy drinks
Diet coke is genuinely good as far as soda goes, I try to avoid soda most of the time. If I feel like having a carbonated drink I get flavored sparkling water and its great. Best soda is ginger ale by far though
I prefer oliet bangs root beer
Wight monsert
found out recently that all of my 'friends' just see me as an ugly lesbo and make fun of me behind my back, rhen try to convince me that i was hallucinating and laugh in my face when i describe it. im done. im fucking done
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YYWVFIyg9vc the first actual good tv face I see and of course ftm
if i go down on a guy after drinking soda can i give him a yeast infection
are you the trans tape camping anon? if so does this confirm the tunapoon theory some anons had?
yes. when i bind normally, i get gendered male 97% of the time, but I'm starting to think that everyone is just humoring me. I'm short and skinny and haven't gotten a haircut in months. They're probably right and nobody irl will ever give me a good answer on this, not like i can even ask such a question without looking like a fembrained loser. there's no winning.
>tunapoon theory
in that case bind normally from now on and cut off all of the aforementioned friends permanently, then refuse to introduce yourself as trans to anyone if you can avoid it. it sucks but it's the only real way
i never told them i was trans. i couldnt bind normally because it was like 27 outside and i was dancing and doing drugs. id literally get heatstroke
Damn, how did you end up confirming it?
No lmao.
i just know.
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but my mouth is sugary
I forgot to say, any other artpoons in ftmg rn
Surprisingly, no, but i resonate heavily with anon
>AP chemistry
how old r u anon...
Doesn't matter, won't give him a yeast infection
wrong reply
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I'm 18, I'm going to be a senior. Do you think a 14yo is going to take that class
I drink Coke Zero sometimes, it’s pretty good
>flavored sparkling water
you got held back, anon.
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>you got held back
no I didn't, I'm smart
Is she from a game, nice art
yeah giving someone AIDS is rape by deception
she's just a random vampire girl i drew, but why were you 18 in junior year, then? just born later in the year? they forced my sister to attend a year late due to that
Okay zoomer what's your favorite monster flavor
no i'm not you fucking retard, why would you even think that?
Hearing about AP classes again makes me feel fucking old.
I was just born later in the year. I thought you meant held back like had to repeat a grade. I feel like a grandpa among my classes
that'll do it. i was born in june so i graduated at 17. i'm 21 now tho
i never post underage characters and i'm extremely openly anti-lolicon and anti-shotacon. post proof of your claims or rope
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L opinion plus ratio plus you’re bad
Nitro super dry….. shit tastes like limes n it’s yummy.
Do you have any advice for someone who's taking one of the hardest
Wow you're ancient. Old man gloves
Are you a retard?
being old enough to drink sounds cool on paper but i'm so developmentally stunted i'm not sure it's worth it
post screenshot evidence. oh wait! you can't, because it doesn't exist.
You can still basically do whatever you want though. Like drinking your problems away
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is poonstink superior? my bf has developed a fetish for smelling my pits and begs me not to shower after a sweaty day of manual labour to suck my tdick. he insists he's never been that way with anyone else he's dated (cisoids)
Weren't you going to fuck off out of ftmg?
that's not oris' real trip, his real trip is !!CmmVCp5ySQd
do better, low effort isn't a good look
plus i've never used /a/ in my life and haven't used /b/ since 2016 when i was 13
i don't watch anime beyond one piece
anyone been to a massage parlor before?
Never change, (B)oris skinwalker.
Gross, but there’s a theory that people like the smell of partners they’re compatible with. Haven’t looked into it in much depth, so it could just be pseudoscientific nonsense.
no and i never will
Is English your 7th language?
Holy KEK
Pedo enablers
I think we should stop letting tripfags make generals because they always end up sucking 1000% of the time
God i want to breed hot tomboys with my huge dick and make a lil poon watch
Gson, you need to try intramuscular injections. You report allergic symptoms to different needles and different esters, but it's your skin itself reacting to the injection, not your whole body. Me and multiple ftms I know have had to make the same switch between subq and IM for the same reason.
Because of his reaction to the KT tape adhesive I’m also now thinking it could also be from bandage adhesive (or bandaid material), if he’s using any.

But this is interesting, I didn’t know this and actually assumed IM would make things worse. How do you feel about the IM shot process vs subq? (I made the opposite switch when I changed endos.)
Now that I pass even when I’m butt ass naked I no longer really "think" about being a tranny. Obviously I’m aware of it because everyday I have to piss and wipe my vag but that’s about it.
I found older photos of myself today before hrt and all that shit and it made me realize that I really am a tranny. That I’ve been through all this dysphoria shit and that my gender used to be such a significant part of my reality. And that I used to spend so much time on this board.
Smiled because it’s over but also got a little upset because I had to remind myself of those dark times
>could also be from bandage adhesive or bandaid material
Not sure if he's using plasters, but he's reactions are coming from under the skin, not a topical rash. Going to IM would prevent the skin from reacting like this
>How do you feel about the IM shot process vs subq
How do you mean by process? I don't have any issue with injections so it was hardly a difference for me. More blood on my first time going IM than a typical subq shot, but I've had subq shots bleed on me more than that
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Time to hop on Sniffies and Grindr for the slight validation in getting responses and never meeting up
When I switched from IM to subq, I felt the latter was much easier. I’ve always wondered if it would be difficult adjusting to the reverse, glad to hear it isn’t!
>Do you have any advice for someone who's taking one of the hardest
I was never an AP kid, but study past tests if you want an understanding of the formatting.
They typically also dedicate a decent amount of the last parts of the semester to practice exams but it depends on the course.
You can't really bullshit your way through it like some subjects since it's STEM.
Everyone else in this thread is a living breathing hole for cock except me. Your primary identity is being a hole for cock. Your life revolves around putting cocks inside you. You and I are not the same.
I love you Wolfgang so much
Can I fuck your boipussy nice and hard?
Groomercord once again kills the thread, fuck your little faggot clique
I'm sure some AMAB could find a way through your pubic region obesity and jam it into that dry, wretched place
My nether regions are extremely wet I'll have you know, they are extremely wet. I should lay down a towel but i just sleep moistened by my own cum every night, I'm wet right now. I'm wet all the time. Sopping wet.
Ftm genitals are the best genitalia, it's a cock but small and pink and cute >w<
Would you fuck G's boipussy?
It's not active right now, surprisingly
Need a bucket and a mop for that wet ass bussy
mtfs have that too minus the sloppy gape hole with mudflaps next to it
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I love you like a kid looks up to his football coach, I don't swing that way!
would start beating off but my dicks hella sore even getting hard hurts
Damn, why is it so sore
Drop your discord
I'm in the server under the same name
>the server
I don't use discord's servers
Why do you want it
Don't worry I got it
Good job sweetie
All soda is nasty to me but if I had to choose then specifically cherry conke
First ever DannyElfmanGuy bad take
desu that hole feels better to most. Asshole is just a tad too smooth
Do you have periods?
Lol, you are a woman. How a woman could be someone's son?

Post your vagina
I think that she identifies as a boy. AFAB bois like him are like angels.

I would make him pregnant.
Why is this thread full of ugly fat/mutilated women? Any cute AFABs here?
No applicable organs SAFE baseball call
What if you would be implanted with a fertile womb?
Doesn't exist or they'd be in trans women
It's a hypothetical situation. What would you do then?
I assume the same thing an amab would do
I'm going to breed you
You've never fucked a tight clenching pussy and felt the cervix at the end with your finger and made them cum on you
Imagine performing surgery on tranny hater to give him a pussy and womb and making him bear your children and beating him every night
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I got poonsin for spring rolls
Bepis for sure






Calm down he's always saying the same things because he's jerking off to it, the same way people turn to the same kind of fetishes over and over
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Nobody forced you to be a fat mutilated woman.
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>understanding of the formatting.
They teach us that in the class already
>You can't really bullshit your way through it
Yeah I think I'm fucked. Thanks though!
You should find a husband and get pregnant. Women DON'T need higher "education"
Nah, imma do my own thing
kek i love you for that
Soda makes my teeth feel flaccid
When my body wants to
Based. Fertile FtMs are the best kind of FtMs.

What's your discord cutie?
jerking off for hours on end
Why does clinton have to be so cute ._.
you should dox him, find him and perform botched srs on him
Anyone want a pic of Joes feet?
wan't picture of my feet? We need morr feet everyone shall post their feet now!
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duh. Why would you ask most ftms love feet
do you have a cat or a dog?
a cat
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AMAB detected
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neckbeard dwarf legs wtf
Damn your legs really mog mine
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what type of deformity is that?
Goddamn those hairs are thick boy, what's your level?
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Been thinking about that. I still have some IM needles from when my pharmacy was giving me the wrong ones, maybe I’ll try IM today.
Subq i think is actually starting to damage my injection sites. I have like, permanent marks that are rlly only visible irl.
Not sure
With IM you have to jab roughly 1.25 inches in iirc. You'll feel a twitch almost when it gets in.

Just be extra diligent with cleaning before injection cuz infection risk in the muscles is much worse
Why do I always feel weird and dizzy after injection
Thank you poonking, this is awesome advice. I’ll report back later with my tale of attempting IM.
No clue about my levels, haven't seen an endo in at least a year. The reason for the thick hair is pili multigemini and that shit sucks ass.
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My addition to to ftmg (foot to male general)
Seahorse dad socks
post nudes
Imagine strangling him with your own hands and feeling the moment that his life ends
I think you meant foot to mouth general
You can go to a compounding pharmacy if you are allergic to the oil used in the T and IM doesn't work out
Stop thinking that it is weird
I'm going to put him on a table and stab him Dexter style
How long does that reaction usually last? Is it itchy or burning? Hot to the touch?
A full week, and all of the above.
Sometimes the entire side of my thigh looks like a giant version of the pic i posted. Dunno how else to describe it.
This is actually a great idea, thanks
1. How wide are your hips?
2. How big are your breasts?
3. How tight is your vagina?
4. How fertile is your womb?
5. How tall are you?
You're a little weak afab, you wouldn't stand a chance against middle schooler.
All I gotta do is sneak up on you and inject you with Etorphine
1. 2 inches
2. They’re inside out
3. Like an crocodile death rolling and it also has teeth
4. Not very desu I’m probably infertile
those socks unironically go HARD where'd u buy em
i have fantasies of giving him nullo with no pain meds and locking him in my basement to mind break him into a new life as a pet. i would bind his feet and hands, he could only walk on all fours. i wouldn't feed him so he could get nice and cute and i would start injecting him with estrogen and other psychoactive drugs to fuck up his brain. then when he gets addicted to the fent i've been injecting into his arm i will dump him in the woods and see if he can make his way out. i want to genuinely mutilate him until he is no longer recognizable as human (he's too ugly right now for me to lower my standards anyway), then create a new special hole just for me to fuck
I have no idea desu socks just end up in my drawer
What would you do if you would get raped and made pregnant?

I love you already
if you got close to me i would cut your balls off and feed them to you (erotically)
>t 5'10 and insane, could kill you with tard strength and the steroids i inject
everyday i jill off to the memory that tranny hater spends most of his paycheck on rent and suffers as a third world subhuman
Is it me or is it that the more tripfags there are the more the general turns into a reddit AMA session where everyone just asks the tripfags random shit
I miss when we had conversations that weren't about tripfags
It's summer
Ngl that’s most gens
sure you can my little vagina boi! are you wet already?

I just hope that you aren't one of ugly mutilated/fat afabs that I blocked posting off her trip.
>spends most of his paycheck on rent
That's most young people. I spend over 50% of my take home salary on renting single bed shitbox, surronded by wetbacks. Fuck boomers
Are you a cute and slim afab, or a gross fat/mutilated worthless creature?
Starting a conversation about anything else could probably help take the thread in the direction you want.
this, the people that always complain about how shit the thread is are only making it worse by adding another low quality post. post the shit that you want to see you lazy fembrained bastards
We can talk about making ftms pregnant
used to do this but the next drama will start 2min later. Doesn't work as good as it used to
Anyone here on gel, what dose are you on?
I think that there should be two /ftmg/ threads.

First for cuties like G, danny or this polish ftm tomboy.

Second for disgusting worthless fat/mutilated afabs, as a contamination zone.
Sure. I think th is obsessed with getting ftms pregnant for one of the following reasons:

>1: Is mtf repper, was confident when young, but regrets what puberty did to his appearance. Wants to see someone with an “androgynous” appearance be feminized, because he’s disgusted that it didn’t happen to him.

>2: Extremely insecure, doesn’t think he has a chance with cis women. Instead of developing desirable qualities, he feels like impregnating someone will lock them dow, as if they wouldn’t just leave him and drain him for child support.

>3: ftm ex was the first person to ever show him affection and understanding. Developed an autistic fixation on ftms. Resents his ex for leaving, and is hoping to recreate that experience for himself, but is just too insufferable to make it happen. Regardless, he hopes to get a man pregnant so he “can’t leave him” this time. Again, will likely end in him alone and getting drained for child support.

Which do you think is the most accurate?
I think we all know which one would be more fun and interesting
I think you should be raped by a big strong man every single night, right in your asshole, and you should bleed from your chafed asshole every night as strange men rape you in your slave cage every single day
>Cuties like two kikes and a 15 year old
Containment thread is a great idea
Bitches love my Jew rizz
You don't have any rizz, all ppl care about is ur pussy
Translation: I am a femoid that likes when straight men want to fuck my vagina
> people that haven’t hopped on the Jew rizz train
Sad, truly
did anyone get any new games in the steam sale? i got uhhh mgs3 and a bunch of resident evil games so far. kinda wanted kingdom hearts but that $60 could get me like 10+ other games...
Does ftmg follow any sporting events? Which one or why not?
sports are gay
I pirate everything first and buy it later. Didn't try new games in a long time though, guess I'm getting old
I keep up with NASCAR because my it's one of the only things my dad and bond over.
yeah I find myself replaying old games rather than trying new ones...i do get new indie games every now and then. i got cruelty squad a while back but its just weird and not good
Just esports because I'm a retard, primarily Pokémon, LoL, SSB or fighting games in general. I'll watch wrestling or NASCAR if it's on though.
Nah, I’ve been playing switch a lot lately and my computer is old as shit so didn’t bother looking. That’s a good haul though, hope you have fun.
Not this year. Can’t justify the channel/streaming costs, and the closest major league team for any sport is an 8 hour drive away. I’ll usually make time to catch something if I’m travelling. I usually keep up with Olympic swimming just couldn’t find the time this year. I’m thinking of getting some TV antenna since I could catch a bit more that way. How about you, anon?
can you explain what NASCAR is all about to a eurofag. We only really have F1 here and thats about who can build the fastest weird car
Nothing reeks more of autism and amab troons than "esports"
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i also footmog
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true, speaking of which I saw this on twitter and thought ''G & Gloves ship ''
what switch games have you been playing lately? I've been looking for new stuff to play on switch too. I got that last kirby game recently and it's better than I expected
New games are either woke sjw shit or simply bad.

Only PC game that came out this year and I'm interested in is Dragon's Dogma 2, but I'm not going to pay 40$ for a digital (read: not your own) copy.

I'm hyped for remake of gothic and stalker 2 tho
You're cute. You should stop mutilating your afab twink body with testosterone
if I cause myself a deformity that makes my foot flat it will be larger too lmao
dragons dogma 2 had some performance issues and such too. i decided to wait until it hits $20 or less. Capcom games usually hit $20 within a year.
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> mutilated
I’ve simply leveled up
She's morbidly obese, not large
its not something i caused, i went to the podiatrist a lot as a child because i was born with flat feet like my dad and his dad etc etc. it's painful to walk too long and was even before i was fat
Throw this cringe degenerate flag to trash
It's insane to me that muricans have to pay to see most sporting events.
I'm watching cycling events, currently the Tour de France and playing the fantasy game where you can make a team and get awarded if it matches the real results.
All children are born with flat feet, the foot forms when kids get older, start to crawl and walk
Bichad supremacy
I think that he's 17 now. Still a prime pussy tho.
Well historically the sport evolved out of rednecks hot rodding their stock cars to outrun cops while running moonshine during prohibition, but the biggest difference is that NASCAR is all about driver position. IMO, races are a lot more fun to watch when they are all in a pack, passes happen 2-3 times per lap and crashes are simply the norm.
"And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them"
I frotted with my bf this morning, how does this make you feel anon
It's ok when AMAB + AFAB

It's only disgusting when two amabs or two afabs do that
i was 8 at the time and started walking at 2. there's a genetic component according to all the doctors i've spoken to about it
i'd rather be put to death than ever touch a penis.
also only 6 verses in the bible mention homosexuality, jesus fufilled the old testament, and jesus never mentioned a single thing about being gay. he did, however, say to love your neighbor (platonically)
>i'd rather be put to death than ever touch a penis.
then why do you want one
you think scissoring/tribbing/whatever you want to call it is disgusting? you're a pathetically uncultured excuse for a person because that's sooo fucking sexy
He obviously meant someone else's you dingbat

I bought a vape. Vapes taste like shit. I hate zoomers for liking sugary garbage. Fuck all of you and go to Hell
because then the main reason i'm disgusted by penis, cum, wouldn't be as big a deal. it's probably relatively easy to clean up but i'm an anti-natalist extremist and also have a phobia of pregnant people and children under the age of 8
that said even if i was born male i'd never want a dick in any of my orifices
99% of people would be rather put to death than touch you
Pussy mashing is close to godliness
I’m a Jew who wants to lock lips with other Jews
I think existing in this gen is going to make me antisemitic to be real with you
There's just... so many Jews. Why are all of you Jewish
I’ve been playing Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. I wouldn’t really recommend it at this time lol, but Fire Emblem Three Houses was pretty good if you haven’t got around to trying it.
How does it work in your country? (Paying to watch sports, I mean)
There’s me and Danny atm, idk why you’re having a meltdown about Jewish ppl
It’s okay, the cabal isn’t taking your board
Didn't Gloves say he was a bit Jewish as well
Actually it's all trips. Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmm
>It’s okay, the cabal isn’t taking your board
That's not my concern I was pointing out the increased occurrence in ftmg specifically
my happiness is all of your misery
If it makes you feel better I’m not even that jewish
gloves also used to larp as latinx.
This general gets worse by the day.
NTA but hopes has been sitting on my shelf since I bought it, I'm like 50/50 on the timeskip redesigns, black eagles probably got it the best.
Why is gloves constantly talking about pointless details of xisEXTREMELY boring life and family that nobody cares about. He doesn't think or wonder or dream about anything and just relives his boring life and boring family every day because he is too dumb to have anything besides memories
isn't th jewish too?
Idc, you both are hideous creatures that cause instant eye sore
You think this because I am a man and not a 17 year old girl with short hair

I look like a pretty average looking man, I don't care that I look average because I care more about fucking people in their holes. You could literally never comprehend this
I'm sure TH regularly has jerkoff sessions to questionably aged girls dancing on TikTok, it must satisfy his retarded little monkey brain
>sitting on my shelf
This was actually the case for me too, I sporadically decided to start it up the other day. At this point it really just seems like a cash-grab, doesn’t offer much for lore aside from developing some of the side characters a bit more.
>You think this because I am a man

You're a fat and mutilated woman. Only cute trans bois could be men.
Yeah what little I know about it is split up into basically two schools of opinion, people upset that it's a musou which is like, whatever.
The second is that even as that it didn't really meaningfully elaborate on anything from houses and felt sort of incomplete.
Extra fleshing out of characters is good though, I'll definitely play it but it's not exactly a high priority.
What the hell are you talking about you retarded nigger. Is your father proud of you for being such a fundementally worthless and stupid person?
Have a nice suicide freak
You have a sub 100 iq
if there was a pill that killed your sex drive but kept all other hrt effects intact would you take it?
>captcha s4wvag
I think you should kill yourself
It’s more the gameplay that bugs me, and I like Musou. It just doesn’t seem like they thought through how to properly integrate the mechanics of Three Houses into it. Leaves it feeling overcrowded with features that are under-tested. I’m still not very far though, so my opinion could change.
Several such medications exist
like what
>How does it work in your country? (Paying to watch sports, I mean)
There are free TV channels that show sporting events and that gets funded by the ads they show and you can also access them online as a livestream. Very specific Niche events might not be shown in TV as the revenues would be too low, then you have to resort to pay per view or streaming platforms that you have to pay for.
For watching niche cycling events my local club does a group ride to a larger city to watch it together there.
Yeah I don't have much of one unless I'm bored and I'm not attracted to anyone anyway so I wouldn't be missing out on anything
This seems like a weird question though, usually there's upsides and downsides but this is just one single effect that most people are probably going to decline unless their sex drive is out of control or they're involuntarily celibate and can't take it anymore
More concisely, this is a post you made coping about the fact you cannot fuck your homies isn't it
That's a bit disappointing in that case, I've had a few looks in passing at integration of skills since the hopes descriptions and data share pages on fewiki with the original and it seems all a bit wishy-washy.
Though I'm curious about people defecting armies depending on routes since that's one of the features in houses that I felt was done a bit shoddy since it felt a bit out of character that anyone except the leaders and dedue/hubert/hilda in crimson flower would willingly abandon their army just for Byleth lol.
Need Wolfgang to sit in my face and pucker suck my head into his asshole
i grew up southern baptist but my mom's deadbeat dad escaped the nazis from poland
that never happened and your aide is looking for you to clean your bedpan, sped
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my ssris made me even hornier
>More concisely, this is a post you made coping about the fact you cannot fuck your homies isn't it
yeah and ive been even hornier than usual shits fucked
nah, I'm pretty happy the way it is
>has only ever had and will continue to only have sex with men
why do retarded women do this? just admit you're straight
Men are much easier to sex up than women
You just show hole and a guy will provide penis, women want a bunch of emotional shit before you get access to the box.
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we leg posting?
Bitch be quiet, im moving in silence, you gotta be quiet because I'll shoot you with a silencer
too much sock, common go nude
post thighs
>be me
>in therapy today
>just started trying to figure out the trans shit 3 sessions ago
>i am talking about how i saw myself in every male protagonist of every media i’ve ever really liked
>therapist asks about books
>i start talking about ernest hemingway’s the sun also rises
>my favorite book of all time
>mfw the protagonist canonically doesn’t have a penis (got blown off in the war)
>start crying because i realize in my mind i used it as a metaphor for being trans

oh god
>discord groomer pedo complaining about TH chasing
pot meet kettle
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barley went out to get food and still managed to get bit by a mosquito
fr, women are so retarded about sex its no wonder theres so many gay cismen. ''ohhhh we need to roleplay and you need to validate me and ohhhh we have to lay here for 30 minutes while you spoon and/or simmer my heat and i do nothing OMG 2 INCHES IS TOO DEEP I NEED A 5 HOUR BREAK''

fucking worst types to RNG into bed
women have nothing to gain from hookups because men don't know how and/or don't care about making them orgasm
/fit/ here.

Why do you covet that which can never belong to you?
The Y Chromosome granted us superior bone structure and density, height and muscle growth. It gave us the strength to defy mothers design and forge the fathers.
Stay out of my Gender.
why doesn't terje post pictures of himself anymore, what am I supposed to jerk off to
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I wanna do this to every pooner i meet irl
Does it help if I confess I had a thing for my cousin?
yoooo :0
we got similar scars
glad to see someone similar to me on here
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>what am I supposed to jerk off to

Here, I edited the hair to resemble me a little you blind autist
G isn't terje, not the same
I don't care faggot

I decided I don't want anymore pics of me splattered here. I don't even look good right now so you're not missing out
Why don't you look good? did twink death happen
4 years of tripfagging. That means 4 years of aging. 4 years of smoking. 4 years of weight fluctuations. 4 years of on-and-off meth use. I also shaved my head earlier this year and it barely grew back so my head looks like an egg.

I don't look like a 90 year old hag just tired
it's like watching two downs kids fight on the playground
that's why they should be cheating on their husbands, abandoning cis men, and hooking up with me instead
>t stone service top pooner, cucking one cis man at a time
I'll keep shooting rope over the old pics. i hope you post more eventually
>4 years of tripfagging.
we both know thats a lie, you've been here for a decade you fishy old crone
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I'll get you impregnated someday

The pictures of me everyone still spams around and calls hot are from 4 years ago, nigger. No one calls my Fiona era hot because those pics were disgusting

You must have a big fat smile thinking your punk ass is the only one who remembers me being an oldfag. Idiot
fiona era?
I used to larp as a mtf on this board many moons ago

is that where those old pics of you looking like a girl are from?
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This was Fiona
woah, i haven't seen that one before. more?
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Eh? I don't have many ancient pics of myself since getting locked out of my first iCloud account

Here's your last one. Have a ball
this is the more classic terje look i remember. very hot, would lick face. ty
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Lol np

Wow you got 18 uppoops, remarkable
For me, it's #3, but you made it sound spiteful and weird.
most likely 2. if we look like men it revolts him and wards him off, which disproves 3. he's also a virgin and admitted to harassing any nonpassing ftm he sees irl.
if you knew tranny hater, you'd know why it was worded that way
always been funny to me you passed more for a guy pre-T than you do post-T
Sometimes I feel bad but at the end of the day that's not really my problem
This is hilarious because my whole gimmick as Fiona was telling ftms not to take testosterone because the masculinization side effects only highlight their female skulls and make them appear more female/less andro than before

I also used to call post-T ftms womenbeasts

No one on this board appreciates how funny I am
>masculinizing side effects make you look female
That's not how that works dumbass. Are you back on meth?
This was written specifically about th. I’m guessing you’re the autistic anon that explained that you find FTMs easy to get along with? Or are you one with a different chasing backstory.
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jesus christ...

The entire persona was meant to troll this board's then-population of sun-dried cunt ftms so I was just saying anything to be annoying except there might have been a grain of truth to it

Masculinization (like a beard, guy skin) clashing with features that can't be changed by T (female skull shape, big eyes, no brow bone) CAN actually make someone look uncanny or have the feminine features stand out like black crayon on a white canvas

Does that make more sense you fucking moron?

For me it could also be that I just got fatter because I stopped taking Topamax the same time I started T but thought it was the T making me gain weight so I was on and off of that and screwing up my hormones turning me into an androgynous fem-leaning glob...
You are deeply mentally ill
>I was just pretending to be retarded! It was all a joke!

You are a verified clinically insane person
Forge the fathers? How do you do that
holy sex, i NEED to cum in terje
*genders all over your gender*
so... what happened to the baby ?
I'm yet another additional autistic anon that always ends up dating ADHD ftm guys.
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You aren't even aware this 2017 lore to understand the context of what I'm explaining because you're a newfag you fat greasy mojado
i am, one generic packet a day. 1% 50mg/5g
What’s funny is I’m autistic and dating a cis guy with adhd
He always tells me that he likes my “autistic rizz” and we joke about it lmao
Autists and ADHDers are a match made in heaven for some reason.
Why do you let your boyfriend fine himself in the bathroom alone
There is nothing to understand
>No one on this board appreciates how funny I am
I argue with you because it's funny watching you get mad and insult me, lol
Cinger* ahh finger ah
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>There is nothing to understand

This is what every Mexican says because you're all idiots. Maybe that's why you're all midgets from malnourishment and do nothing but kill each other and get 10 year old girls pregnant like savage baboons
Jerking off is healthy and I’m not always in the mood
I’ve gone to the bathroom to jerk it many of times, sometimes you just need a date with your hand.
sometimes you do just gotta crank that shit, wise words from the saad
terje don't be racist
new thread?
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Hispanics are racists though

If I had a dollar for every time a I heard a restaurant beaner say "negrata" when gossiping in Spanish about a black coworker I could buy probably buy a house
the answer to racism isn't more racism, that's fucking stupid.
He fingers his ass because he is sexually unsatisfied with you not being a real man, you will understand this after the relationship ends
considering they've been together since high school iirc i think you're just unable to understand anything that isn't a hook-up
i'm ngl wolfgang, every time i see you post you seem like an absolute loser. Like whats your deal? no hobbies outside of being a shit online? you don't even talk about anything you just pick fights. are you stupid?
He fingers his ass and I watch cause I’m a bottom
The real answer to racism is realizing namecalling and petty bullshitting isn't actual racism lol

I don't get my feelings hurt getting called a gringa and mocked for my work performance in Spanish to by some 80 IQ oompa loompa to her friends right in front of my face because she thinks I can't understand her

I get mildly annoyed at her cowardice and take the criticism because I at least I heard it.

I don't deal with systematic discrimination by the government and majority of my country's population because I share the majority's skin color

Anyone who cries over some slurs and mocking stereotypes of other races deserves it fired at them, honestly. Because everyone's guilty of it. Especially Hispanics. They have me beat at the nigger shouting contest and they don't even say it to be funny or because or a tic

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