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twink4twink is the purest form of love edition
prev >>36366205
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>tfw this will literally never ever happen to me
masc twink x fem twink so beautiful
respectfully, this is the most attractive male archetype
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Genuine question, why do you people still have anal sex when it's been proven that it's harmful to the bottom?
especially if they were WMAM sis.
I didn't see the new lol
I don't think his face is attractive, there I said it. He's dark and brooding despite being blonde and I think that contrast is what people like about his looks. It's just OK imo.
Because people do stupid dangerous things in the name of love sis.
because they’ve been indoctrinated into the analist death cult where they worship at the altars of disease and death
It can be harmful for women to get fucked too. That's why sex is for grown ups that should be smart enough to be careful.
I prefer frotting
t. bottom
Good evening! ^-^
because it feels good
Straight people don't have anal sex nearly as much as the gays tho
>fem anything
Having sex with children feels good too. Doesn't mean we should do it though. Mr. Wolf.
fem is gross
that's a weird leap to make
They still have it. Do you think we should ban non procreative sex because it has a chance of causing harm?
it's enjoyable and the harm is not as big as you're making it seem
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I'm gonna hate crime all the femmephobes.
why are furries so international i dont fucking get it, is being a human really that bad?!
Actually it doesn't and someone will be by to talk with you in a week or so
I don't think we should ban anal at all. I'm just confused why people do it so often knowing it can hurt them.
Debaser making posts I like right now + we’re not enemies anymore what a powerful Monday it has been
>austin wolf apologists
penetrate the fat boy's butt
Also antisemitic, which is also a recurring trait around the world. People r just similar to other people, simple as.
I often wonder what's the psychology behind bottoming. Why woukd anyone think: "I wanna shove up something up my ass" even if they don't know about the prostate.
maybe something hitting your prostate just feels good, alternatively it can be a self-humiliation thing for troons too i guess
The same could be said about motorcycle riders, over eaters, drug addicts, people with expensive hobbies, people with risky jobs, people that drive a car, etc
Safety is an illusion
Merely existing eventually kills you
Sex is fun and if you aren't reckless it can improve your life in more ways than it can hurt it
intimacy, i suppose
i like that you think the humiliation is only for trans
Who doesn't know about the prostate?
just watched this whole thing... madness
>feel like I can't focus on 2 major life things at once
>no relationships because focusing on education/career for 9 years solid
>gay dead now
Life never began for me and it's already over
for me personally
1) i like being dominated by someone
2) i get off knowing that they're getting pleasure from it
3) i prefer being fucked to having my dick yanked about
The big reason I don't want to have sex is because I am insecure about my body to the point it destroys any sexual arousal and desire I'd otherwise have. I'm literally too insecure and shy to have sex.
why did you not mess around in high school sis
Gay death is a myth unless you have like, a terminal condition or are gruesomely disfigured and even then you might make it into an accepting polycule or something
That's what alcohol is for
You can overcome this in 2-3 months with dedication
You should've dropped out and be a hoe sis.
what are your insecurities? i'm the same
Feels bad. If it's any help, like 50% of the people in this board would find you fuckable and cute based entirely on your personality from the sound of it. Fucking someone you like it way more important then someone you find hot. And besides. Any hole is a goal. At least have the decency to be a cumrag for someone
this plus body dysmorphia for me
I hope you never have sex sis. Die old rotten and forgotten.
Last year of high school is when I started seriously caring about my education. No time for anything except school.

I'm going to be in the prison of my phd until I'm 27.

I've always thought I had the choice between stress and shame, I chose stress every time. No hoeing for me.
but you had your freshman year, sophomore year, and junior year...
why were you celibate from ages 14-17?
Why would you ever do this? You clearly aren't happy with the path you're going down. Stop now.
The best sex of my life has been from 28- present and it reached the plateau this year. You are dramatizing nothing.
need gaydead bf
>t. 24 yo dead gay
What are you studying?
same, but i'm 25 going on 26
Or fat.
I'm 27 and having regular gaysex you won't be gaydead at 27
>gruesomely disfigured
Fat doesn't mean you are undesirable unless it's extreme. Lots of people like fat people even if you don't.
Not celibate, just awkward as fuck and in the closet deep.

Because it is my only viable path. You need a PhD to get a good career in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry. My CV is solid fucking gold though, that's the trade off.

Cancer sciences.
been watching old Pride FC matches. swear there is a gaygen poster who looks just like this guy
blu thinks he wuz neegus, but he wuz not
I have fat news for fat debbie.
I hope you have a great day!

That's carrot top
Well that's good to know
>why were you celibate from ages 14-17?
people out fucking at 14? my voice hadn't broken and i barely had pubes. the fuck?

30 with 38 yr old bf
gaydeath is a myth, although it definitely feels like time is against you
that's broccoli bottom
So, um, hey...
uhhh, guys when did cersi stopped posting again?
File deleted.
I prefer to be in control of myself fully I don't really like alcohol for that reason.
I don't really want to because my desire to have sex with another person isn't that strong. I'm not motivated by it really. I do have sexual desire though.
Insecure about my body. Sex looks slightly painful. Sexs looks slightly nasty. Sex looks awkward.
Thanks I guess.
Never wanted to have sex since I was a kid and I'd prefer to keep it that way. It's a primal desire and a burden.
Dominating the death of my twink
You too.
If you don't fuck anyone while being in college you're just ugly
Time is against every living thing, that's just life
Full control of yourself is an illusion. There are things that your brain won't want to let you do that would improve your life. I'm not criticizing I'm saying a fact that is true for everyone.
Oh my goodness, thank you!! ^///^
>There are things that your brain won't want to let you do that would improve your life.
things like?
>primal desire
Do you also not eat, sleep, drink, excrete?
>Sexing prime 18-19yo twinks is equivalent to having sex with children
It can be painful and nasty and awkward but it can also be really liberating and connective. Your statement that you have sexual desire and that you’re not motivated by it is kind of paradoxical. I think you will regret not trying, rather than staying comfortable where you’re at.
>Never wanted to have sex since I was a kid and I'd prefer to keep it that way. It's a primal desire and a burden.
why is this suddenly the line? just now you said it was insecurity. yes sex is awkward, and sometimes a bit painful, and sometimes a bit nasty. you just get over it senpai.

>Time is against every living thing, that's just life
sure, but it can feel like you're running out of options as you get older ngl. it's not really true, of course, but it feels that way.
Trading emotional health for material wealth and wellbeing. I mean if it works for you then good for you. Just accept the consequences of your decisions and life choices.
Anything that causes discomfort
Guys that age are really really dumb. They are technically legal but it’s not good for your soul.
How old is Blu? 34?
Freshieanon you don't look so good in light of recent events..
Yea for sure having less time left changes your perspective and makes things more urgent. If people let that make them desperate that would hurt their ability to find a partner too.
idk how i got called an austin wolf apologist for enjoying bottoming. either way i agree. by the time you're 22 or so, and past uni/college, they're probably starting to lose compatibility with you.
I always thought, and still think, that the shame of failure is a worse emotional torture than the stress required for success. But yes, I'm on this path and there's no point leaving it now. Either I pass this PhD or my life is ruined.
Oh okay but apparently when I say the world is deterministic and that I'm not responsible for my life and how it's turned out that's just too far
These are necessary. Sex is not necessary. Sex clouds a man's mind, and becomes like an addiction. Many men would be happier with reduced sexual desires or a total absence of them because sexual desire corrupts.
Why is it paradoxical? I can see someone as attractive without needing to ever have sex with them and I'd prefer not to most of the time. It's a desire. Not a need. You can fulfill that desire in many ways outside of sex. Destroying your motivation to want to have sex.
So you admit I'm right. I'm insecure and sex is disgusting and unnecessary. I will never mimic the dance of the breeder because I hate existence and i hate the essence of life.
can blu put his trip back on i don't want to read any more of his self indulgent whining
great thank you blu :)

lol I looked up this movie to watch and the top pic is when they are about to kill a gay guy that tried picking them up

Its one of those edge-lord jew 'destroying your society is cool, kids' movies
>So you admit I'm right.
you said it was insecurity then changed your mind blu. you sound like you want sex but you're just inventing a shit load of reasons not to pursue it.
We don't know if it is or isn't deterministic. We know that some things are deterministic and that some things have correlations and are not singularly deterministic.
Whether through natural fortitude or free will, it's possible to change the course of your life. If you think everything is already settled then there is no reason to be upset because it could only ever have happened this way.
Sex is necessary if you zoom out a little bit
>no... you actually WANT sex more than anything!!!
This is why i hate sex havers. Sex is all they're obsessed about. You just can't win with them.
I am of the mind this is the case also but I don’t want to hammer it in.
>The big reason I don't want to have sex is because I am insecure about my body to the point it destroys any sexual arousal and desire I'd otherwise have. I'm literally too insecure and shy to have sex.
>no... you actually WANT sex more than anything!!!
i would wager you do want sex more than anything, which is why you're so frustrated right now.
Sex isn't necessary because there's no reason for us to be here nor for civilization to continue.
It is a vice. A primal urge. A burden. And a cancer. Much like life is.
>If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would not a man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation as to spare it the burden of existence, or at any rate not take it upon himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood? - Arthur Schopenhaur
me making homemade crushed iced
would only work if u'r in texas or oklahoma sorry
are we not supposed to be drumming it in?

sexo or no sexo, i enjoy falling asleep in the crook of my bf's arm. it's a comfy spot and quite intimate.
horror... the only tripfag itt old enough to remember vanilla ice
just buy a ge opal or wintersmith juniper ice maker my guy
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You make a lot of false assumptions.
>Breeder offended
Oh boy. Give me an earful of the optimism you've been saving up. Please. I can't wait.
what about his presence here makes you think he breeds?
This is what all losers say to cope with having no access to sex lol.
dream blunt rotation?
wee snaw
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You don't want advice, but everyone to tell you it's okay to not try.
Smegma turns me on
gandalf, hitler, mark cuban, and the guy reading this
thats not as homemade

in living color is a classic
didn't he have a house flipping show
haribo looks so cute and fem here
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Audrey Horne, Melina, Elite Four Bruno, Pedro Pascal

gaygen has been very sweet tonite
homie dont play that
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sup niggas
Because most of what I wrote is about sex, procreation, and life itself. One who defends breeding, even if they do not breed themsleves is a breeder.
Exhibit A of the offended breeder. They think they are superior because they are directed by their primal urges. Absolutely delusional.
I will NEVER have sex. Someone will offer it to me and I'll say no. The chance will come to me and I will go the other way. I refuse to have sex with anyone because I know no one would love me and that I am too ugly.
>he's antinatalist
Sorry if you are an enemy of humanity you are an enemy of humanity
i just want to challenge this dichotomy:
>Exhibit A of the offended breeder. They think they are superior because they are directed by their primal urges. Absolutely delusional.
>I will NEVER have sex. Someone will offer it to me and I'll say no. The chance will come to me and I will go the other way. I refuse to have sex with anyone because I know no one would love me and that I am too ugly.

you won't ever have sex, because you think you're inferior, but resent people who do have sex because you think they're behaving as if they're superior? how does this work?
You are also driven by primal urges
I hate breeders who push their own desires for sex onto others and assume we all feel the same way they do. They then denigrate you for your rejection of having sense. Hence the elitism.
I control my primal urges.
What's wrong with antinatalism? It's a completely rational philosophy. All of you are literally gay and won't be breeding anyway so to be upset over it is arbitrary.
>I control my primal urges.
So do most breeders
>I control my primal urges.
Humans are the coolest and most complicated thing that we know about and also we are humans so it would be lame if they stopped existing
mysterious phallic symbolism
you have like 6 layers of inferiority complex going on blu. you need some actual therapy fren
2nd greentext should have been
>What's wrong with antinatalism
I didn't ctrl c and I don't proofread
Also it's hard to say that antinatilism is rational or irrational without knowing specifically what you mean when you say people shouldn't reproduce.
Do you mean that it's rational to let your species go extinct?
I would agree that it's rational for something that is on death's door and in agony to be suicidal, but I don't see humanity as in that state. We actually might be doing better than ever.
debaser and jizzy tribbing
I had this opportunity to date this guy. I went on one date with him, and I decided to call it off because a bad gut feel (it didn't feel "right"), and as a post-mortem I am trying define to myself what he did wrong.
He over-complimented me, and that scared me. I am filled with self-loathing, so I refuse to accept the compliment as genuine, and it felt like he was trying to manipulate me.
So what did this guy do wrong? He expressed interest in me. and that scared me away into ghosting him.
Also, I am a bottom, and he engaged me as if I was a top. He made some suggestive comment of how I would top him a certain way, and that also scared me off, because I have zero interest in topping or doing the sex act he was joking about.
I figured out the problem anon
>I am filled with self-loathing
penises penising
Mayhaps he's just inferior.
nah, over-complimenting is creepy
I mean it can be but I would wager a guess that that's not what really happened here
my oc was ignored abloo abloo
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Access Allowing
Jagged and Prowling

seems like shitty sport to beat on someone who's already beating themselves up
wish i had an OC
spreading my ass cheeks as we speak with both legs raised at the ceiling
you just need to become iconic like blu
Source on who that twink is? I google haribo but just see gummy bears
my top smacked me across my mouth for saying a little joke :(
He's Alex Haribo son of John Haribo founder of Haribo
Really surprised and proud that no gaygenners have defended Austin Wolf. But I guess Bleagle is gone.
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When will my cute twink4twink Honda restoring and fixing fantasy come true? I want to cruise in an Accord and drive Dalton Hwy (Alaska State Route 11) with a cutie :3.
Literally same >.<
I don't know how to address it except for >>36369316
there is currently a nsfw thread on /int/
You mean Harrison Schurr?
Logically, how would you begin to defend him? It’s cut and dry.
post hole
Is that why you've been spamming it?
What is it about Meth that turns people into sexual freaks?
idek who this dude is, what he did, or why i should spend my energy on it
>Bleagle is gone
well no
i just checked the archive and all posts of his name were deleted, so he’s still here
another paedo

seems it, they've been desperate for someone to defend him.

no clue, i gather it's a powerful drug though.
this is gaygen home of schizos, pedophiles, autistics, gincels
farting shit sex!
It arouses your entire nervous system which your libido is part of
what does bleagle have to do with austin wolf?
Who? Is that who JHS' texting partner was? I heard a black man? Anyone confirm the name?
>everyone i don’t like is the same person
what would motivate you to do that?
bleagma is a tripfag == mental illness
He could pay a person or company to do that for him. There are identity protection services.
Breeders get extremely offended when you suggest they shouldn't breed and that coming into existence is always a harm. It's mere for the benefit of the self, exploitation of the vulnerable who come into the world crying.
Nothing I say is incorrect. I accurate evaluate my own worth and the worth of life.
I don't think there's anything bad with us going extinct, and I think life consists mostly of suffering. The only reason we continue to exist is because of our primal nature.
the true test would see if she seethes over you know which otter
>Breeders get extremely offended when you suggest they shouldn't breed and that coming into existence is always a harm.
Not just breeders dude most people think that life is a gift rather than a curse. What makes you think that being born and existing is always a harm?
my mental illness
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I made a custom OC for Blu. Bleu. She's a creamy, cheesy, tart new M&M flavor!
life is unfair and the majority of the world suffers in poverty
the archive owner could easily automate this
Both less so than any other time in human history, and both not accounting for people who "get lucky" and have good lives
What are the odds that one of gaygen famous sex pests like bleagma, dan, or CDC was Austin wolf all along?
he was so beautiful, i fell in love at first sight
0% the same as the odds of you making a good post
That explains a lot
literally the single most perfect specimen i have ever laid my eyes on
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This my Debbie M&M OC. His flavor? Chocolate!
lol why are you so pressed about this
santino trying his hardest to range ban south america
I love it anon if I had a printer I would put it on the fridge
bucko won santino
Only good post itt
We think life is a gift because the alternative is scarier to admit it's actually not all that great or worthwhile. This is why optimists become extremely offended at any bit of pessimism. It makes them question their entire existence.
Religions have covered the topic of suffering in the world quite extensively. Buddhism quite literally thinks life is suffering and wants to break that cycle. Same with Hinduism on the breaking the cycle part. Humans are actually quite obsessed with suffering.
is this like a racial thing or he just likes sweets?
BTW don't even get me started on the abrahamics, they are essentially misanthropic at their core, with concepts such as the original sin, with the constant failure of the Israelites to embrace yahweh. That Jesus died for our sins. That we had rejected God and turned towards degenerate ways as we made our own morality.
What do you think of your OC?
evidence and fact checking
not really, there were posts from june 27th that were also deleted, even though they weren’t deleted from the 4chan itself
>the alternative is scarier to admit it's actually not all that great or worthwhile
But you have no evidence of anything about the alternative. Maybe when you don't exist you are in constant agony, and you would have no way of knowing since you exist.
Also how can you believe in determinism while also believing that someone could choose not to do something as hardwired as reproduction?
If you truly believed in determinism you would accept the world as it is because that is the only way it can be.
>optimists become extremely offended at any bit of pessimism
Bro that isn't a bit of pessimism that's like fully blackpilled literally life is suffering fire and brimstone shit
>Religions have covered the topic of suffering in the world quite extensively.
Suffering people make for good converts
>Humans are actually quite obsessed with suffering.
Also the opposite of suffering
evidence and fact checking for what?
for your lies, obviously
M&Ms are full of chocolate!
beagle could never provide evidence or screenshots of any of his claims lol
To confirm i'm mentally ill
malding luv?
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This is Harbio! He may be built different, but wrong isn't incorrect!
The alternative is non-existence. Not death. Death is merely a consequence of coming into existence. If we are in a state of constant agony then clearly none of us remember it, because I don't remember non-existence for obvious reasons.
If the possibility of it after death worries you so much, it's even more a reason why gambling with a potential persons future and life isn't worth it.
Because its literally in my nature to think and act the way I do. This moment would've happened whether I believed in determinism or not.
If I say many people have committed murders, does that mean I condone murder? Determinism is a likely, but distressing reality.
>Bro that isn't a bit of pessimism that's like fully blackpilled literally life is suffering fire and brimstone shit
Optimists first blackpill
>Also the opposite of suffering
Why do we focus on the discomfort of our shoe rather than the wellness of our body?
Who is experiencing the stronger sensation? The pleasure of the animal eating or the pains of the animal being eaten? Will be waiting for your answer.
This is a concerning level of obsession. Have you spoken to a therapist about this?
a script that deletes his names from the archives can run every hour forever no one has to be involved past first run
Which tripfag would be most likely to be Austin wolf in disguise and why is it bleagma?
determinism and free will are compatible
Why do I keep signing myself up for burnout
Need to get a bf or something
bligger was doxed tho how is that possible
seek help sis
gt bro you have been saying tfw no bf for like at least 7 years hurry up
>he's a coping compatibilist
I'm a hard determinist if you couldn't pick that up, but I guess it depends on how you intend to define free will. You cannot act outside of a cause obviously.
kek, tell that to the guy wjo wants to have sex with his dad and who used to beat his mom
lmao this is terrible cope
a acript that runs every hour would not delete posts weeks later
Somehow this website is still less terrifying than the Ayesha Erotica discord/ayeshacord
I just avoid it and work on other stuff desu
Relationships are scary
yes i got called an esl
>its literally in my nature to think and act the way I do. This moment would've happened whether I believed in determinism or not.
If you only act according to your nature with no other bias, it makes no sense to criticize the nature of breeders. By your own logic, they are making the same choices that you do, which is to say none.
Also, death isn't suffering, you can have a joyful life and die suddenly without any suffering.
>a likely, but distressing reality.
I think it's vaguely correct about some things and likely wildly incorrect about others. I don't find it distressing or relieving, it's a basically untestable theory that even if it were proven to be true would have no impact on how we act.
>Optimists first blackpill
Bro I know far more distressing things than "everybody dies some day and is sad sometimes :("
>Why do we focus on the discomfort of our shoe rather than the wellness of our body?
Lack of mental fortitude maybe?
>Who is experiencing the stronger sensation? The pleasure of the animal eating or the pains of the animal being eaten? Will be waiting for your answer.
The pain. How many times does an animal eat compared to how many times they are eaten?
oh you are a retard, i see
sorry for your loss
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Woah! They're dancing!
>debaser mindroke santino
>luke mindbroke bleagle
>sissy mindbroke bishit
>entity mindbroke sissy
>shiza mindbroke jeb
>jeb mindbroke freshieanon
>freshieanon mindbroke blu
many such cases
okay freshieanon
santino gets seethey and obsessive over a lot of trips desu
okay and who did anon mindbreak
larrispammer and bleagle on full seethium tonight huh
glad bucko ended him
>If you only act according to your nature with no other bias, it makes no sense to criticize the nature of breeders.
It's in my nature dumbass cry about it.
You literally said my basic observations are 'pessimism'.
Thank you for admitting I'm right.
so this script that deletes posts everywhere hours ignored a post from the 20th until yesterday, it makes perfect sense
Another thread ruined by weird trolls
Well, thank you for admitting that nothing anyone says will have any impact on you because you don't believe in free will and would rather just be a depressive moper all your life. You really won.
You should drink one cup of water per standard unit of alcohol you consume to lessen the severity of your hangover.
This just makes it sound like you're the one getting the posts deleted.
>nooo I’m being held accountable for my actions again!!! abloobloolooo waaaeaaa
Maybe it just auto reports and this is a shittily moderated board
our jannies are really earning their paycheck tonight
blu what do u look like
i need to know if an ugly or attractive person is espousing this asinine logic
Why don't you like my OC?
You already know. Only one type would say such things.
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This is him.
they did yesterday when they left up frotty's zoophilia collection
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I look like this.
Is freshie anon the best or worst larp?
low self esteem isn't attractive
at least you admit it but can you stop? the same posts every thread are boring
I missed why he was even a bucko hater?
that really changes nothing for blue
WWYD if you caught your cute submissive little twink BF getting fucked sloppy, raw, and spit roasted by two muscular BBCs?
Are you craving attention freshie anon?
My curses and hexes worked.
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Do you just think all the people around me in daily life are jumping on my dick because I respect them enough to not mope about my thoughts to them in public?
No. I went from neutral to negative. Don't bullshit me. I pay attention to the world around me and my impact on it. Big or small.
People respect me as a normal human, thats all. Don't blame it on the self esteem.
I had a family member that was basically a dad die of cancer when I was like 12, multiple family members who have had cancer, will probably get it myself eventually, had a pretty bad childhood (my actual parents divorced and mom was never around), my family used to be very homophobic, bad shit happens to literally anyone
Maybe if you focused on your REAL problems you can stop whining about stupid shit like cosmic forces making you wish you weren't born. There's nothing cosmic about it sis you just need to get stronger or actually give up and accept your place in life.
Why did Cersei stop posting?
>I went from neutral to negative
See that's the problem
If u want cocky go boing boing you have 2 b positive
What're you talking about? Why bring up cancer? Okay? Sure.
What are my 'real' problems to you exactly? You don't know the first thing about my life or how I grew up.
She transitioned back into Camila Cabello and dropped an album.
Who said I want 'cocky cocky boing boing'? Can you leave me alone please? Your optimism sickens me. I give enough of it in real life to the people around me.
She didn't that larper became freshieanon
What are your thoughts on Austin Wolf Ms Blu?
I don't fucking care about a gay pedophile pornstar. Existence is suffering.
You mean the porn star who befriended the online entity known as bleagma due to their shared hobbies?
You said that your family member was dying of cancer, you brought it up.
>What are my 'real' problems to you exactly?
The ones you just said
People are dying and suffering around you and instead of trying to cheer them up or improve their lives, or your own, you sink further into misery also encouraging them to do the same.
Do you think your parent wants you to miserable? Do you think that there are things you could do that would make both you and your parent happier?
>You don't know the first thing about my life or how I grew up
No but you also don't know the first thing about how anyone else did which is why you look dumb when you try to apply your perspective to the rest of humanity.
the black cashier at stater bros still doesnt like me
nope, you can’t get a post deleted unless you send the owner proof of your identity or make him a donation
>debaser mindbroke blu
>bleagle mindbroke blu
>freshieanon mindbroke blu
>Who said I want 'cocky cocky boing boing'?
>Do you just think all the people around me in daily life are jumping on my dick
You need cocky go boing boing sis. It's not funny and I'm not being optimistic.
I don't offend his actions but I don't think it's fair to compare looking at illegal content or sharing it in private to those that commit actual sex crimes and produce the content. Yet somehow the laws of the U.S. treat them the same way. There's underage teenagers in jail in the U.S. because they had naked photos or masturbation videos of other underage teens on their phone. That's how bad your judicial system is in America. Just arrest all highschoolers and ruin their life forever why won't you...

What about everyone on /pol/ who posts horrific videos of children or soldiers having their heads and body parts blown off. Should they be treated as war criminals for sharing and distributing that content? Parading it around online and laughing at it seems just as fucked up as any one watching child sexual abuse content.
Is it because he can tell you're a racist twink?
jinxed it
I block black men that message me who don't have a BBC. It's like an angel without its wings.
he's so insecure he thinks anyone of similar race to him is competition and bucko is a seemingly mentally stable masc latino top. you do the math luv
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Cocky might not want boing boing but sometimes cocky need boing boing
> Should /pol/ be treated as war criminals
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> face holes
> tattoos
If you put a little effort into yoursel you could be hot instead of a 4chan poster
idk why he doesn't like me and im not about to confront him and ask "why don't you like me?" my running theory is i ignored a grindr message long ago or something
Bleagma, freshieanon, shiza, sissy
Did you ignore it because he's black and you're a racist twink?
is that Mark Zuckerberg? lol
maybe i don't find him attractive have you considered that huh?
wig me sis
This is what I imagine freshienon looks like
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wake up sleepyhead
You lock Debaser, Bleagle, Shiza and Cersei in a room.

What happens?
No I didn't.
>People are dying and suffering around you and instead of trying to cheer them up or improve their lives, or your own, you sink further into misery also encouraging them to do the same.
You are encouraging me to be like you. I don't just walk around yapping about pessimism in real life you stupid ape
It doesn't matter what my parents want. I am destined to be miserable.
>No but you also don't know the first thing about how anyone else did which is why you look dumb when you try to apply your perspective to the rest of humanity.
Ah yes, my perspective that's been present in many religions, philosophers, and books.
its what i imagine the bald elderly bottoms who hate freshienon look like
Do you not find black men attractive? As a racist twink.
Somebody cum tribute this
i feel bad for debaser and set it ablaze to spare him
I take a corner immediately because I win any one on one fight and can't be snuck up on. From there I undermine hostile alliances and promote beneficial ones. I win by being the most American person in the room.
> freshie anon doesn't post until they get unlocked
fat debbie rolls over them
Cersei brutally kills them all as gaygen cheers
>many religions, philosophers, and books
Doesn't mean
>is true
Anyway I'm not going to change your mind so this can only make the situation worse. Good luck with your shitty life or whatever I guess I still don't think you're a bad person but you need a serious reality check.
Why am i not a bad person? I'm pure evil and stubborn.
my oc let me down
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>No I didn't.
You haven't done anything evil. You say you think we would be better off if we didn't exist, and yet you continue to exist and don't go around ending others existences. I don't think you actually believe what you say you do, I think it's some elaborate coping mechanism that you've come up with because you have a low self esteem and are depressed because the person you probably love most is dying in front of you, slowly, every day. I've had that happen too and had a depressed nihilist phase myself.
Again, you need a reality check and personal growth. After that I don't see anything wrong with you. You're creative and more capable than you present yourself as and I can tell you hold back from being cruel to people even though you are yourself in pain, which many people don't do. Stubbornness isn't evil, it's immature.
What kind of 'reality check' do I need? I am, in fact, pure evil. I'm a monster.

Are you blabber mouths done yet? Take your discount Dr. Phil larps somewhere else ffs blah blah blah
The kind that I didn't get until the person I loved died and then after a while something made me happy again
i would fuck and suck your evil side out of you
hopefully more people debaser loves die
Threads are boring without shiza, Bligger, freshienon, cersei, or Santino in them
all me btw
it's an ashnikko and qveen herby kinda night
What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Mine is I hurt someone so badly that they had to have surgery probably with lasting effects. I've drove drunk several times and could have conceivably killed someone. I don't think anything I've done has made me a monster, and I don't even think killing someone makes a person a monster depending on why they did it.

I think you want to be a monster so that no one tries to figure out the real reason why you are the way you are.

It's an inevitability, no hope necessary. Yours too.
all mascs are narcissists
>Mine is I hurt someone so badly that they had to have surgery probably with lasting effects. I've drove drunk several times and could have conceivably killed someone.
i feel these two sentences are connected
Gaygen really went downhill when cersei stopped posting
There's a degree or two of separation but you're not wrong. The hurting someone thing is something I did when I was a kid.
Then we need to step up to the stage sis. We need to show these mascs how it's really done.
all trips are narcissists
A 6'5 lover has appeared in my Grindr DMs. I shall meet with the Costa Rican bvll tomorrow as well :3
new: >>36371268
My impact
bligger sounds like a faggot with his gayvoice
how am i a newfag if i know which voice is his?
What music are you listening to

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