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Why are there so many troons that support Islamist terrorist organizations

Do you know what they would do to you fags

Israel literally gives you rights but you hate them but simp for Islamists
you've been posting this same thread multiple times
Yes you got a problem

I support indigenous groups resisting imperialism
>Israel literally gives you rights
Israel steals my tax money
Helping queer middle easterners

If you care about people shouldn't you care about queer brown people the most
Do you support Israel's right to self defense and condemn Hamas
NYT journalist on lgbt
Gay marriage is still illegal in Israel and those haredim would easily beat you in the street if they weren't so scrawny and dysgenic.
progressives go 5 seconds without endorsing the people who want to cut their heads off and start an ethnocide in their country (as they have done several times before in the past)

We can spread progressivism by bombing and killing them instead
>Why are there so many troons that support Islamist terrorist organizations

The LGBT are the biggest followers on the planet. They will never disagree with whatever the accepted left wing opinion is on any subject. Given the amount of Muslim immigration to the West, leftists are noticeably getting browner. This results in hilariously retarded phenomena like trannies supporting people who openly talk about beheading them
If they were smart they wouldn't be trooning out lol.

Whatever is trending is what their simple brains default too.
Islam is a way for disenfranchised minorities to resist imperialism from west

Maybe try watching dune since leftist books would filter your peon brain

These groups have a right to resist western imperialism and their slaughter at any costs necessary. We shouldn't be there in first place same way Chinese bases shouldn't be here
>I support indigenous groups resisting imperialism
Great then tell Palestinians to go back to the Arabian peninsula and turkey. Only reason Arabs are even there and across most of North Africa is because they went on huge religious crusades killing all who didn’t convert to worshiping Muhammad
Palestinians are converts not Arabs that settled there but I guess any brown person in Middle East is Arab to you

Palestinians actually are closest genetically to ancient Israelites and have highest percentage of cananite dna . This disingenuous argument won't work on me since I've actually read up on your hasbara

Plus lot of my queer Jewish friends support resistance as well this isn't a religious cause but a fight against white supremacy hidden under cloak of Judaism .
>Islam is a way for disenfranchised minorities to resist imperialism from west
Cope. It's a low IQ religion perfectly suited for low IQ desert people.

>These groups have a right to resist western imperialism and their slaughter at any costs necessary

Sure. If they wanna fight Western interests I don't care. What does that have to do with the trannies humiliating themselves by protesting on their behalf?
Cause we understand their plight and shouldn't stand by when people are treated unfairly

Plus do u think your avg Yemeni goat herder will understand anything about imperialism and colonialism

It's easier to unite them by hijacking their myths to build on top of it
Jews are using anti-lgbt rhetoric to corral chuds to support israel. Why should I support israel?
>Palestinians are converts not Arabs that settled there but I guess
Nope most Palestinian villages actually claim decent from Arab and Turkish tribes, why don’t you actually believe Palestinians ?
>Palestinians actually are closest genetically to ancient Israelites and have highest percentage of cananite dna
It’s almost as if Jews were expelled from their homeland multiple times by multiple groups of people, regardless linguistic roots show a direct decent from the area, just look at Samaritans a group who has almost the same religious background and some of the highest genetic claims it’s clear by all accounts Jews have claim there.
>Plus lot of my queer Jewish friends support resistance as well this isn't a religious cause but a fight against white supremacy hidden under cloak of Judaism
And yet most white countries like Britain were trying their hardest to keep Jews out when they controlled the area.
>shouldn't stand by when people are treated unfairly
If the people come from a place where it's accepted to kill people like you openly, I think you should avert your eyes.

>It's easier to unite them by hijacking their myths to build on top of it

The tribal goat herders will never buy into an inherently Western (i.e foreign) culture that actively normalizes sodomy and homosexual relationships. It doesn't matter how nice you are them; they view you as an abomination.
Guess you know nothing about Balfour declaration and how white supremacist Wanted to get rid of Jews in Europe by creating a state for them

What they claim doesn't necessarily mean it's true . Genetic testing show that most Palestinian have little to Arabian peninsula admixture as for Turkish maybe a slight variation but if this is a purity test than Jews who have migrated 2k years ago who look no different from local natives probably have less ancient Israeli genetic makeup

Original Christians were Jews is it no coincidence that closest groups to Israelites are Palestinian Christians and ever since creation of Israel they have slowly been disappearing due to oppression and apartheid
West only became open to homosexual within span of half a century

Are you saying middle easterners and whites are inhumane in someway where they can never be like us . What a fascist mindset
>Are you saying middle easterners and whites are inhumane in someway where they can never be like us

Middle Easterners and Whites are extremely different peoples. Societies that are tribal will never accept the Modern world (which is inherently anti-tribal) or LGBT culture.

>What a fascist mindset

The fascist mindset is assuming all humans beings are the ultimately the same and any difference between them is a problem to be solved. Why do you assume Arabs are exactly like Whites? Is there something wrong with being an Arab?
Yet earliest civilizations were found in Middle East and earliest instances of written language was found in the Middle East

Plus my Muslim queer friends who support me and stand with me would say otherwise. Maybe try going outside for once and actually meeting someone and understand their perspective instead of seeing them through your fogged up lens
>indigenous groups
Everyone hates palis. Literally everyone. Israelis, Egyptians, Iranians, all their wealthy Arab neighbors.
They're not an indigenlus group resisting imperialism. They're the cultural equivalent of the thieving meth junkie who's alienated all friends and family through their past behavior.
Same could be said about Jews for past 2k years

People with no land end up ostracized

Gypsies are another good example of this
>oppressed group cares about other oppressed group
big wow
>Same could be said about Jews for past 2k years
But not presently. Major trade deals and effective reconciliation between Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, etc etc. Palis voted in terrorists who steal their food aid and mine their water infra to make missles. Their refugees accepted into neighboring Arab countries assassinate leaders. They shit the bed everywhere and are geopolitically inconsequential as a result.
The only power they have is for their terry leaders to intentionally martyr civilians so that queer people can be guilty into feeling a moral burden for otherwise wholly unrelated brown people.
So people without a home a treated badly

But don't you guys push idea Palestinians are just any other Arab lol
One group are kikes, the other coons, let their blood nourish the dunes.
If they were just any other Arab, then Arab countries wouldn't bar them entry en masse.
So Israelis idea that they're just Arabs from
Saudi Arabia has no basis

They're not a monolith and have their own cultures , practices and traditions

You paint them with broad brush which in return dehumanizes them
>So Israelis idea that they're just Arabs from Saudi Arabia has no basis
Yeah, no shit. Life is more complex than defining a dichoto.y based on your Israel opinion.
>You paint them with broad brush which in return dehumanizes them
They've dehumanized themselves by consistent poor cultural decisionmaking that has led them, inevitably, into having no friends, no allies, no geopolitical value, to the point that their literal actual terrorist government who throws their own civvies into the mortar path is all they have to trick room temp IQ fags into collective sympathy.
So Jews in ghetto Warsaw that fought tooth and nail due to Holocaust were also losers for not making any Allie's

Did you know Jews fleeing holocaust were turned away by the US and England . You guys were once in their position but instead of learning from history you repeat it .
I always bring that point up because right now a bunch of people in my life are crowing "nobody wants them! nobody will take them!" as if that's a Super Original Talking Point and not directly word-for-word out of WWII
History truly repeats but I guess most don't learn from it
>So Jews in ghetto Warsaw that fought tooth and nail due to Holocaust were also losers for not making any Allie's
Yes, they were. That they aren't now is due to reversing trend and making correct difficult decisions over time.
>You guys
This is gonna blow your fuckin mind, but not everyone you disagree with on this topic is a jew. Israel is retarded and shouldn't have any US tax money. Thst doesn't change the fact that palis are retards and the majority source of their own problems.
Are Ukrainians retarded for resisting Russia
literally just antisemitism, some retarded uncle tim right wing troons would rather simp for a group that will murder them just for an opportunity to hate on jews
No. And also, Ukraine didn't elect leaders thst systematically burned the Ukrainian wheat fields for fuel to fund the ar effort while also shipping babushkas to the front line to get blown up for internet points.
Christ, you guys are retarded.
No, because they have cozying up to the west and now the bloc supports them.
If they were alienating everyone, they'd already lost by now.
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>being against genocide is now antisemitic
no i hope the atrocities of the IDF are returned onto the israeli people tenfold
Hsts for Israel!
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liberals out of /tttt/
this faggot probably sits in some mossad office all day spreading israeli bait. what a sad existence. hope your vile people are finally wiped from the land they occupy. cheers!
why do you make these threads for free?

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