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I was thinking maybe if abunch of virgin/incels got together and did a parade maybe it could be like a gay pride parade where everyone is dancing and happy. I think it would also show the world that virgins/incels want to spread love and happiness too?
I don't think virgins could dance and be happy though. also would there be both male and female virgins and if so why not just have sex instead
it would just be another unite the right rally you stupid shit
curbstomp EVERY chud
You don't see the hypocrisy though. You've demonized "virgins" so badly in your head that you don't believe they could do a simple thing like "dance and be happy". I'd say thats even more reason to start a parade.
Comments like this aern't helping your people. You want to be accepted but also want to oppress people different from you. I wish you would just embrace love instead of hate.
virgins can dance but the kind who would have a virgin parade don't
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Why would volcels and incels team up? There's like 100:1 volcels to incels, so it would never work. An incel pride parade is also likely impossible given how such a huge portion of self-proclaimed incels are utter fakecel normalfaggots.
Virgin women don't want incels, and the volcels already could date/fuck if they wanted, but they choose not to.
>proves me right
kill yourself you're fucking disgusting, I don't want to oppress anyone I just want to fucking curbstomp people who do
I am a female virgin and I feel like I could have sex if I really wanted to but I guess I don't and I would never be in a virgin parade
>"I think it would also show the world that virgins/incels want to spread love and happiness too?"
I mean if that's the goal, rather than some misogynistik stuff, sounds good
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i would go there wearing a flak jacket marked "PRESS" and a blue UN helmet so people know i am not affiliated with them. it seems entertaining.
Looking at this comment makes me think there is probably alot of overlap between this board and pol.
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Yes, femcels don't exist at all, and women can't be lonely. That's a strictly cis male quality. That's not news to anyone lol.
Misogyny has nothing to do with inceldom. It's just how some cope. Many incels are feminist, though, and women still fucking hate them regardless lol.
would you be willing to have your face be on national news representing the virgin incel movement? that can happen if you attend such a parade
curbstomp all chuds
It would be the goal if I ran it. Non sex having people are apparently the devil though according to most of you so it probably wouldn't work. People would try to sabotage it from both the inside and outside probably.
>Just misogyny
I know you're not OP, but this is the problem with that, too many of y'all are just misogynistik
I'm op. I wanted to test to see how hypocritical alot of you were and unfortunately that seems to be the case. Everything all of you are saying could easily be turned around on the lgbt community and it seems alot of you can't even grasp that. The virgin/incel thing is brainwashing. Nerds who are shy aern't the mysoginist oppressors of women yet so many people label them that because they're easy scapegoats who are usually just nice loners. There are no statistics supporting any of your claims, just brainwashing by social media. I've come away from this thread knowing that the lgbt community are hypocrites. Feel free to prove me wrong.
I'm surprised that this needs to be klarified, but insel usually refers to a spesifik type of person who kan't get laid, not just any virgin
>"I've come away from this thread knowing that the lgbt community are hypocrites"
Also, there are no statistiks supporting this klaim
Incel is a slur used by people to dehumanize nerdy shy men. Most people victimized by this word would never give themself the label.
I see what your doing. I bet you want to post a soijak right now lol Go ahead and prove my point. Starting to understand why pol hates all of you.
literally they could just have sex and they wouldn't be incels any more
>just become gay lol
Highest IQ /lgbt/ poster.
they could have sex with women
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They can't. That's literally the definition lol.
they're just not trying I've had sex plenty of times
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Why don't starving children just eat? I've eaten today lol.
Why don't homeless people just get money from the ATM? I have money.
okay but there are plenty of horny women to have sex with
There's lots of food in the world anon. How can anyone starve? It's not like there's some people who don't have access to it somehow.
I'm definitely in <3
the food is concentrated in one place and it is protected
half the people are women and many are willing to have sex
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None are willing to have sex with incels. They're too ugly + socially retarded for women.
I am a sexual woman and I would have sex with an incel (but none have ever asked)
if you identify as an incel there's like a 99% chance you're also racist, misognyist, and/or transphobic
Incels are straight men and aren't attracted to trans women.
I have a vagina lol
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only sodomites dance around like queers in a rainbow parade.
Only one ugly man would be there holding a sign that says “help me I am broken” lol.
This board is over holy shit
so long as it was focused on that and not a unite the right thing is support it openly. incel is a misandrist term.
The right will unite and there's nothing you can do about it, Hirschfeld.

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