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Does any other tranny live in this empty hellhole?
for me, it's texas
absolutely no other trannies here :'(
For me Arkansas it's fuckin empty of any other trans person
i used to live in asheville, nc any trannies living there?
any trannies in northeast ga that arent autistic ?!
south carolina isn't that bad if you pass
Im really close to both. Discords?
How was living in ashville? I never really got to go there but heard it’s super blue
irredeemable shithole i hope a hurricane washes this place away
Yes I do!

It’s a humid hot mess in the summer and a raining cold windy mess in the winter.

Ever had to walk in 38 degree heavy rain with the wind blowing? The craziest shit ever and you will get so damn cold. It never gets colder just close enough that it’s not snow
its okay the meteor is coming
I lived in georgia my whole life but I got out, thank god
Not that area but in the state!

Yea it’s a red neck swamp fest and all the cities are overrun with ghettos and run down sections.
I am in East TN but I'm not a tranny
The only trannies you'll find here are schizophrenic and/or bpdemons
>t. knower
i dont live in the area now, but it is def blue. a good amount of trans people and shit too. it got kinda expensive. when i lived there you could rent a house for less than $1k. if i had to live in the south now itd be asheville. also mountains pretty.
How do you know? And twinks are cool.
Give cock pls
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I've met the locals. I consider myself mentally ill but each and every one of the ones I've met were on another level.
>Give cock pls
Not so fast. Cock shall not be served before supper.
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Knoxvegas, baby! (Absolute shithole)
why does it all look the same im like at least 10 hrs away from you someone should KILL the owner of deep south
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>someone should KILL the owner of the deep south
pic rel and apparently Jesus are who you're looking for
im asheville anon and i used drive there to get laser at a place called kersey
shit i drive past that place every day. sorry you had to deal with all that traffic. that road is painful if you're coming in from the north from I-40.
We don’t need anymore floods okay
I wonder what its like to live among unironic bible fags. You must feel like a genius in a sea of total retards
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Please god anyone in the upstate area add me im dying of isolation
I need human contact
this place is doomed to be underwater within several tens of lifetimes, anyways. there's plenty of good land in the midwest, great plains, and near the rockies that isn't set to go underwater anytime soon and doesn't need a fuck ton of dams to keep dry.
Of course, good luck getting any of that land. Big Corn and Big Dairy took that from you with super-scale industrialized farming, and now your shot at being an independent farmer on a small parcel of land is ruined unless you can cough up a few million or inherit some farmland.
The bible people watch me in awe as I replace a car battery like I'm performing wizardry. I don't know how I feel about this. I need to surround myself with normaler NPCs again.
You’ve got a good point there. Just like all the Corporations buying up rental homes and land to build rental complex’s. You will eat the Bugs and Be Happy!!
>Finding quality land anywhere is getting tricky. I’ve always liked that idea of being on a homestead but it’s not as easy as some people make it seem. I’d have to work for another 10 years to get the money to just buy the land, I’ll almost be 40 years old by then. Another thing people don’t mention is you have to usually know the area and people to buy the land. Even where I’m from, if you’re looking for land you’ve got to live in the area and scope it out and wait for something decent to become available. Ofc everything is for sale for the right price but the avg person doesn’t have that kind of bargaining power.
clt babes wya?
going to asheville for a concert this weekend
where at? if its the orange peel get a burrito at mamacitas
i saw george clanton, baroness, and diiv there last october. this one is at eulogy. never been before. i'll get a burrito though, sure!
The homesteading people you see on YouTube are all filthy rich. The average person isn't going to be able to scrape the money for the land, supplies, etc up in a reasonable amount of time and by then your body will be too pooped to do any of the work on the homestead.
I don't see any homesteaders out in about driving in old single cab farm trucks, they always have the newest King Ranch F-350s.
I think people were "homesteading" back in the day before the industrial revolution here in the U.S., but that was just how people lived, it wasn't called anything special, but it gave those individuals an opportunity to learn essential survival skills and create a rich life with unique long and short-term challenges with sensible resolutions, and pass that knowledge down.
Today, we hardly have any of those essential skills, most of us rely on stores and restaurants to eat. We rely on China for a lot of our clothing. Our long and short-term challenges are usually the same now, with one or no resolutions. "Oh, we aren't making enough money anymore", "Oh, rent is getting too expensive", "Oh, we can't afford that this month". You know, something along those lines. It usually has something to do with money.
Now, people are paying a premium for that chance to live that old-style life, although most of them make good use of that safety net called consumerism, when it's convenient.
This has been an uncalled-for autistic rant and I'm posting it anyways because it's already written.
I used to but I got a job that had me in California and now Oregon. Any posters near Calhoun co AL?
It's true I'm a BPD schizoid but im cute so
Now I do admire their spirit and the fact they have realised the need to be somewhat more self sustaining.

I grew up without A/C and even something like that would cause a lot of people to give up on becoming more sustainable. Very few people want to give up luxuries. I actually sew alot and the amount of time it takes and patient would blow some people away. I actually look for old manual machines simply because I prefer those are they are more quality.

Welp I’ll talk all day! I need sleep!
I know where it’s at, not too far from Columbus Ga
north carolina
Yes A/C is quite the luxury that most of us take for granted. I am personally more acclimated to the cold and I don't take heat well, especially humid heat. Summer is my least favorite season.
Making your own clothes, growing your own food, maintaining your own machines, it all takes time! That's one of the things that full-time work has taken from us. Things that we used to do ourselves have to be done by automated machines or by dedicated services for a fee, because we just don't have time anymore in the type of society we live in.
It becomes an endless feedback loop of the creation of "for your convenience" businesses for every chore that takes time out of your day.
why yes I do like in Tennessee north Carolina south Carolina alabama and Georgia
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I live in TN and have never once been harassed here for being trans. Been hit on lots though. I'm quite clocky too.
Wait your in clemson too?
WHY are american states often so perfectly geometric and straight (at least on a few sides)
anon all the texas cities tranny centrals, dallas and houston in particular
borders from just making shit up and using longitude and latitude instead of duke charles swearing fealty to the king
same. i get hit on quite a bit as well in knox
theres like 2 or 3 dozen of us maybe, try denton or austin
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I too am in TN, I'm in Knoxville!
i just moved from denton, there were no trannies there
I left that area and moved to a lib state and now I realize how much I fucking loathe the progressive lgbt community. Why isn’t there a middle ground where I can just be trans without weird virtue signalling freakqueers or angry religious jackasses?
>tfw ugly manmoder in atlanta

i want to die
there are plenty in Conway
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The sun and toxic NOx emissions are weakening your chances at graduating from manmoder status. Move up north somewhere with less sun intensity and less white trash diesel pickup truck drivers.
Then when both parents started to work hints became more and more automated.

Don’t get me wrong some change is good, a lot of more technology can be helpful with society. Rechargeable Batteries is something I love.

However I do tell myself with this energy that we use, either something amazing has to replace it or we’re fixing to start being back some of the old ways!
Im stuck in north ga i thought this state was supposed to have trans girls? Ive been lied to!
It does, just a lot of us are strung all across this state!
Change is good, advancements are good. But, we fail to realize that some of these advancements have been bad for us.
The internet was a wonderful advancement, accessible from your computer. It wasn't too corporatized yet, and some dial-up providers would even give you a web server directory to host your own HTML page in.
With the advancement of the smartphone, became the slow corporatization of the internet, and things like TikTok, Facebook, etc came along and ran other websites into complete obscurity. There is a very valid argument that these social media websites aren't great for people (ie, old people being brainwashed by generated posts on Facebook (yes, it happens), TikTok being a bad influence on younger audiences).
On one hand, the internet is a great tool, the other hand, it can be a bad place. It depends on how you use it and how it's presented to you. I think the previous presentation of the internet, being behind a desktop computer and less centralized resulted in it being a better tool. Forums for specific topics were more common and widespread back then. Everything is kept behind a Twitter login page now, a Discord server, or a deleted Reddit post now.
Add me please
i graduated in 2020, sorry youngster. in charlotte now.
Meee I'm in ATL
I dont love living in clt. Its up and coming though i guess
mememememememememememe i live in charlotte hiii
does anyone want to be friends?
Chattanooga area tranny here. Someone send help. (It’s actually not that bad here cus I mostly pass. The state government just sucks.)

Are you kidding me? San Antonio is practically brimming with trans folks. The DoD's centralized authority for treating ALL trans servicemembers is even set up here (which means the city also draws a LOT of the trans military types like myself).
Anyone have any leads on where to meet other trans girls in West Georgia/Atlanta?

Well shit, another Atlantan?! Shame I moved out of there not too long ago. Grew up biking distance from the Zoo and the baseball stadium.
same reason africas countries are like that. countries with irregular borders are usually defined by geological features like rivers or mountains (you can see it alot on the eastern half)
do u know the big chicken?
I haven't lived in georgia in 11 years, I just love referencing all directions in relation to the big chicken
> Why isn’t there a middle ground where I can just be trans without weird virtue signalling freakqueers or angry religious jackasses?
Normgroids are unable to handle life without an omnicause
you mean zog bots? no thanks

Yer loss booboo, I been eyeing up some pretty saucy ladies on station. Having to stay fit + having fully funded transitions (all surgeries included) = win. There's a cutie in my unit that's been wearing bright red lipstick the past month.

Srsly tho there's a lot of non-mil trans here, too.
actually i take it back, i would probably get on my knees for a military lady embarrassingly quick
i live near houston tho
Look im in the upstate are there any other transbians around here? Im lonely as fuck
Yay fellow Chattown tranner! I do love it here and my neighborhood (st.elmo) but you’re right the state government makes it hell.
Jesus is just a cover answer used to distract you from the fact that transphobic dug dimadome and the grand lords of the cotton plantation rule the south
Im hot ;-;

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