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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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there is truly no end to the aching loneliness, may prostitution be legalized soon so i can at least lose my virginity. amen.
>has never initiated a conversation in their entire life
>never leaves computer
>the loneliness

have you even tried?
it’s not fucking fair. i wanna hug a girl, i wanna cuddle with a girl, i wanna watch anime under a blanket with a girl, i wanna hang out with a girl, i wanna be friends with a girl, i wanna fall in love with a girl. i’ll settle for whatever i can get at this point.
i can fix that, where are you?
i’m sorry but i don’t really want anyone from /lgbt/.
i should just end it all, right?
i’m gonna continually bump this with updates whether anyone gives a shit or not because it feels good. i literally feel like i have no one, i hate my fucking life.
Are you a rapehon or what
I'm confused
cis guy who used to be on hrt, now just uses a girl name online
Why did you stop hrt
personal reasons
Wait so let me get this straight Nina.

1.You sufffer from loneliness and depression (most likely), to the point where you see sex work as a viable way to get rid of your "affliction".
2. You're apparently a NEET, or at least use the Internet/4chan enough to be a well known trip here
3. You refuse to actually try (and possibly fail) so you protect yourself by not even trying, which just starts you back to your intial problem of being lonely and a virgin I assume?
4. You refuse the idea of beign with others from /lgbt/ (which is fair), but with your lack of trying and hoping for legal sex work, where the fuck does this leave you
5. Not to mention you detransitioning (?) and dealing with personal stuff about your identity and HRT?

Escorts aren't going to help you, in fact it'll make you feel worse about yourself. I know enough to not get invested in others problems, but you're going to have to dig yourself out of this hole and actually try shit Nina. I don't know how old you are, but you could just stay the same and sink deeper into the abyss
i just said the sex work thing as a joke or something, i probably wouldn’t pay for sex even if it was available to me. i’d just stay in my room rotting like i always do now.
So what exactly is it that you want then??? Surely you have dreams and aspirations in life?
my only dream is to one day have a girlfriend , i sucked at all my aspirations
Well in order to have GF, you're going to have to do a lot of shit. Like:

1. Go outside
2. Therapy
3. Become sociable
i stopped giving a shit about what you had to say at “Therapy”
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Well given that you're on 4chan as a notable "persona" at 12:42 EST complaining about your life here..., I'd assume you'd be more receptive to the idea of therapy, especially with your goal in mind.

Though it's your life, but don't complain or groan about it when you're not actually willing to put the work in, let alone the idea of them, to get what you want. Enjoy the rest of your day, Nina.
this song saved my life tonight shoutout Ruben Slikk https://youtu.be/2qCgguJDC9s?si=PuOZyBcMsazGvaKX

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