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I’d like to hear about your day. You can vent if you’d like. Thank you!!
i had a good day. i really want to watch flcl, it was my ex's favorite anime and even though i broke up with them, i really miss them and get sad when i see flcl stuff because they were so cool.
i’m feeling suicidal levels of sexual frustration
It was as good as could be expected given the overall malaise and ennui that inundates my existence.
That said my mood stabilizers should be wearing off soon and Thoughts will return soon after.
my day was pretty uneventful, checking out the board again after a longer break, discord and listening to music, nothing special.
You should watch it with a friend Anon!! It’ll help you associate it with a new person. You can do it
Is it good that they’re about to wear off? Your vocabulary is so rich Anon!!
holy fuck i didnt even think of this!
I feel kind of fucked up and conflicted.
I'm a boymoder that's dating the same cis woman since before I was on HRT and today she got mad at me and wouldn't talk to me for a while because she thought I was prettier than her and I couldn't console her and she thought I was giving her fake compliments. Today she was also asking why I like never show any kind of sexual interest and seemed hurt about it too.
I think I'm just into men and it's really messing with me because I didn't think I was. I feel like I'm hurting her and denying myself by not breaking it off but I'm scared of losing the connection we have and I'm scared I'm not actually attracted to men and it's some dumb intrusive thought and I'll experiment with it and regret it. I don't know what to do.
I really don't like my job. I wanna quit
Uneventful and lonely. Having no friends during summer SUCKS
gonna cry
i’m gonna stay up all night and then tell my parents i’m too depressed to go tomorrow
lately I'm always indulging in strange destructive impulses and it's a lot of fun
What kind of music do you listen to Anon??
There’s gonna be other connections in your life Anon!! You should look forward to that. You’re never gonna lose what you had with this person. Those are your memories to keep
I already pulled that last week. Wasn't on purpose, just a bunch of dumb stuff keeping me up and then anxiety about being up too late. My mental health's been really bad lately
had to be on telemeetings all day, did presentations to medical doctors and they were complete uninformed assholes (it was about a type of medical research and the doctors on the phone were NOT experts in it) afterwards my body hurt and ached from stress but I'm proud we did well and I got a lot of nice notes afterwards telling me I did well
you should watch it a couple of times every few years. I've watched it every 5 years or so since I was a kid and each time I get a totally different read on it
i’m feeling mostly fine. started my summer class, which meant instead of my normal summer routine of wake up at 7:15, roll out of bed to drive my friend to work, roll back into bed, hopefully shower at like 3:00, pick him up from work, then do nothing got changed to wake up 6:30, actually eat and get dressed, bring my friend to work then go to school, and have like 3 hours to kill before picking him up. it felt silly to attempt going home in between, but i probably should’ve. i didn’t know how to spend my time so i played pokemon go on campus for a little bit, drove 90% of the way to his job, fucked around in a grocery store and bought myself strawberries and raspberry jam, plus some kaiser rolls for him, and then sat around reading dogshit eva fanfic until he got out. i didn’t even sleep well, it was like 3-6:30, and tonight it’s already midnight and im still on my damn phone. after i dropped him off, i ran to the supermarket to get seltzer for my grandma and dropped that off. on the bright side, my class is remote tomorrow so i can at least have another 7:15 wake up day
i like too many genres and artists to list them all but rightnow i listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TguQhIaKTl8
Woke up like six hours ago. Made myself a salami, provolone, and spinach melt for breakfast. Took a shower, brushed my teeth, shaved, painted my nails. Been doomscrolling this board since while I wait to head into work in like 15 minutes.
sandwich sounds great, what nail color?
>Is it good that they’re about to wear off?
They keep my mood stable, so no.
>Your vocabulary is so rich Anon!!
One of the few things I have any pride in. Also one of the only good things ADHD ever did for me.
Proud of you Anon!! That’s kind that you take and pick up your friend from work
Thank you!! I’ll give it a listen
Do you like what you do for work Anon?
Sorry about that Anon, is there anyone you can talk to when your mood goes unstable??
>sandwich sounds great
It was, I sauteed the spinach with garlic and olive oil before throwing it on the sandwich which really upped the flavor.
>what nail color
Black. Gonna shoot for a "goth girl X young professional" vibe for my outfit tomorrow.
>Do you like what you do for work Anon?
I love it, I'm damn good at it, and I get paid great money for it too. Plus I get to work third shift, which suits me really well. Overall I'm very happy to have this job.
>is there anyone you can talk to when your mood goes unstable??
I can talk to a lot of people. Unfortunately, talking does not solve or ease up on any of my problems, and due to ADHD its rare anyone can even remotely understand my frame of mind to even get that level of catharsis.
I woke up at around noon because whenever I am on breaks from college I feel like I am stuck in a state of constant limbo where nothing means anything and I have nothing to do. I do things to fill the time, and fall asleep at like 6am after laying in bed for several hours.
Ended up cutting off a few people who I realized were only talking to me because they somewhat viewed me.. weirdly.
Going on a trip soon though and keep finding nice music though, could be worse.
I'm feeling very histrionic and subhuman
was doing great on my side business grind but my serotonin dropped out of no where and it all went to hell. detached from my body with various hallucinations occurring for about 6 hours. almost crashed my car twice. seriously considered roping because it’s way easier when you’re out of body, and my life has been never ending grief lately. glad my friend picked up tonight and talked me into reality.
can you get yourself a little treat?
I already got myself a little treat. All I live for is little treats

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