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Only men can commit rape under UK law.
I learn a new reason the UK sucks every day. against my will I might add.
reminder that post op trans women cannot be raped under uk law because our vaginas are considered fake
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Seems like the real issue is the UK refusing to acknowledge that women can do it to.
but women can't
Just make them wear chastity cages in prison like wtf how is this even an issue. If you’re so worried about tranny penis just lock it away, anybody who’s committed a serious sex offence. This is so retarded.
by "it" anon means touch their cousins, and yes women can do that.
if a lady drugged you, chained you up, and fucked you with all sorts of things against your will, you wouldn't consider it rape just because she didn't fuck you with a penis?
2 very easy solutions. Change the definition of rape from the misogynistic view that rape is only when a penis penetrates a woman, and only allow trans women who have been on hrt for several years to be admitted to female prisons. That way no one can make claims of people simply faking it to get into female prisons.
I need to be raped and beaten by a female.
see that makes sense and would be a good policy, which is not what the british ruling class wants
whats the case for this, this seems super fucked and a weird interpretation
It's unfortunately very normal for lawmakers to think only males can commit sexual assault.
sexual assault with an object maybe but absolutely not rape
that's the opinion cissie wants to hear. but cishets aren't a community like queer people, except when they get together to victimize us, or molest their own children
I don't think anyone would disagree it's hypothetically possible but it just doesn't happen in real life so it's kinda pointless argument.
"yes," would have been a lot shorter and more honest. and why exactly do you think it's only possible for rape to be committed with an actual phallus? the word itself is very figurative and euphemistic, if a woman were to committ something of the same gravity as any other rape it should be punished with the same severity
>but it just doesn't happen in real life
complete nonsense. it just isn't reported
the UK is a matriarchal hive of beta males
they enjoy the abuse, you can't save them
Because women can't have the same intent as men. Men do it for pleasure while a woman would do it for some other depraved satisfaction.
Defining rape as penetration is as evil and retarded as defining rape as 'enveloping'

Troll post
The victims of cis women are worth less, their suffering isn't as important
>misogynistic view

True but approaching it from misogyny angle has much more chance to succeed
0% chance of succeeding. England will never change this, it would require a fundamental revolutionary shift in the organisation of British life, and we're 1000 years with no change
kek someone should tell her that just to troll, why not at this point
Well on the bright side US Supreme Court can no longer ignore NCFM complaint that Draft is sexist so we can look forward to that inevitable shitshow
it's how it is in most of the world
No one should be drafted, evil policy
And forcing women to get drafted is the best way to get it cancelled lol
that's how it works in most western country, are you new or something?
Women can commit rape If they shove an arm, dildo or whatever else into someone's orifices. Rape doesn't have to be done with a dick
I know this is bait but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE kill yourself :D
Trans women transition BECAUSE males are seen as rapists. Transition IS castration. The point of castrating yourself is to offend females less so they socially exclude you from society less.
the uk isn't "most western country" in that we're a backwards third-world-equivalent nanny state
it's not legally considered penetrative rape, only sexual assault with an object. yes, that is retarded
unfathomably, indefatiguably based
still how it works in western country
Let's hope it is cancelled.

I would never die in a war for a politician, never, I think my own country should be nuked, there are no circumstances under which I would fight, none.
10/10 Based

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