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I have a simple, 100% effective test for whether you trutrans or not. Doesn't matter your sexual proclivities or the age you came out at or dysphoria or euphoria or mannerisms or hobbies or any of that bullshit, just one simple question, and if the answer is yes then trans:
>When you were around age 12-14 or so and in health/anatomy class and they were talking about hormones, did you feel a deep sense of discomfort or dread while hearing about the effects of your sex's hormones and/or a deep sense of longing or envy while hearing about the opposite sex's?
Of course I'm just some retard on the internet so don't put too much stock into it. Also I'm not sure if this works for people who are currently teenagers because I presume they've been exposed so much more to transness at this age that it'd probably poison the test a bit
>they've been exposed so much more to transness at this age that it'd probably poison the test a bit
Social contagion where?????
I had already learned about hrt and asked to be sent to whatever kind of doctor will help me and been told that wasn't ever going to happen at that point, so yeah it wasn't a good time
>>When you were around age 12-14 or so and in health/anatomy class

This is why I starve myself and I have a bmi of 13 to this day. It worked but I got on aa and estrogen later at 16 so it's eh!
>I am going to set the criteria of trutrans to whatever my life experience was
Real clever OP
i guess a good test for "truetrans" ness is asking people if they would rather be a hot guy or ugly girl, most trans girls from my experience choose ugly girl
>When you were around age 12-14 or so and in health/anatomy class and they were talking about hormones, did you feel a deep sense of discomfort or dread while hearing about the effects of your sex's hormones and/or a deep sense of longing or envy while hearing about the opposite sex's?

I just tried not to pay attention and I watched netflix on my phone to take my mind off of it especially when they were pulling up the pictures of male and female anatomy, I had the feeling of like impending doom in my chest and throat idk how to describe it but I watched Lucifer and got thru it.. oh yeah and like 2 of the 8th grade boys tried to fight me because I was getting too comfy talking to a girl about that show and they both pummled me in class the next day? and I got suspended for it. good times
>in health/anatomy class and they were talking about hormones
I've never had a class teach me about hormones lmfao.
yeah they never talked about hormones they just told us puberty differences and anatomy like "girl = vagina | boy = penis"
how could you pull netflix up on your phone when you were in 8th grade?
I skipped class those days because I was uncomfortable being in the same room as the other students for that topic
I didn't even know there was a physical difference between men and women until i was ~22 and looking into what HRT did. I didn't know that women can't get as strong or as tall as men or that their skin is different.
I had a samsung phone and it was 7th grade. and my nerdy friend found the staff wifi password so we had zero blocks on our phones lol
okay when I was in seventh grade netflix involved a mailbox and the phone didn't support wifi
lol 7th grade was like 2019 for me.

I have never heard of netflix mailing you anything... I thought you confused me talking about redbox machines but i just googled and lol.... how old are you anon
are you expecting me to remember that shit?
Youre not young youre just fucking retarded. They were still doing dvds in 2023.
12-14 is way too late, my desire to be male developed at 10 after I was fine with the though of female puberty at 9
it's so weird that zoomies grew up like this
calm down that's also something i didn't know :sob: I don't even have anything in my house with a DVD player like even my bsf's console is digital only lol
do you think dvds aren't digital. do you know about tapes?
yeah im just saying thats cuz ur a retard not cuz ur "young"
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"digital only console" as in the console doesn't have a disk player idk about dvds or if they are digital or not and also what are tapes?

whyyy is everyone on this site so meannnnnn I looked it up and it said 1998 so I thought u were old old im sorrryyyyy
>what are tapes?
instead of computers we used to use a big spool of magnetic film which contained the radio signal of an analog television
like this? this thing could play TV?
not quite but sort of
This one absolutely works as well
jesus christ I went to a complete backwoods shithole school with under 100 students in the graduating class and even we had this
of course most will have earlier signs, this just seems like one of the first near-universal trans experiences that happens at an age old enough where gender noncomfority won't just happen by dumb luck
Worse, texas public school never explained to me how periods work because I was assigned male. And then because of a chromosome oopsie, I got mine and thought I was literally going to die. The doctor I saw about it at the time was a complete idiot, he tested me for the clap and when that came back negative informed me I had been cranking my hog too hard, which surprised me because I mostly did butt stuff. Anyway then randomly like 7 years later they found müllerian abnormalities during a random ass CT to assess my bladder and thats how I found out I had been menstruating since middle school.
I didn't know about trans people until I was like 16. I desired to be a woman before then but repressed
how extensive are your abnormalities? Are we talking full on PMDS or just a couple vestigial tubes? If the former, there was a transwoman with it who actually managed to get pregnant and carry the baby to term, so there's some hope for you if that's something you want for yourself
>>When you were around age 12-14 or so and in health/anatomy class and they were talking about hormones, did you feel a deep sense of discomfort or dread while hearing about the effects of your sex's hormones and/or a deep sense of longing or envy while hearing about the opposite sex's?
I was in a special ed school since I was 12 behavioural issues when I was a kid that I eventually matured out of between 13-14. I never even got shown special ed videos until I was like 15-16 and even then I was only shown videos on sex and masturbation that were like special ed videos for disabled people which had a special emphasis on consent because autistic men are licherally all dangerous rapists or something. I wanted to start hrt but didn't want to be the special ed token troon and also I guess I subconsciously knew it was over so I just started repping before I even knew what it was. + nothing else in my life was going for me anyway and I started getting really depressed around 14-15.

FUCK THAT SCHOOL the emotional and mental damage of being treated like I was disabled, retarded and a literal small child until I was 16 will NEVER be repaired
I just felt weird and uncomfortable i didn’t really know how to feel about either
I felt like a genderless blob entity
>captcha T4T0G

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