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What is /lgbt/s most controversial religious opinions
why you posting my 3d animated self as op?
why are you spam posting xitter screenshots stop im begging u
Aw Dakota *kiss kiss*
Parents shouldn't be able to indoctrinate kids into religion and schools should have philosophical classes that deal with the problems religion deals with
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*Swwoooonn* <3
das rite
Shut the fuck up cunt, I am so sick of these canned thread starters reused every week on every website
You even reused it by way of a screenshot of it being asked on Shitter. And always with the same exact fucking movie or cartoon screenshots. I'd rather be raped by twelve elephants than answer your question
thats why u got retards like me to derail threads for attention
There is no difference between a "cult" and a religion.
god is fake and the only reason atheism became unpopular is that reddit fedora wearers were fat and dysgenic and ruined the optics

>schools should have philosophical classes that deal with the problems religion deals with
tell me one useful conclusion that philosophy has come to, that i can't just disregard for selfish reasons. you just can't beat "you will be tortured forever otherwise" in terms of telling people what to do. religion works, people are retards
>schools should have philosophical classes that deal with the problems religion deals with
Those are at minimum 200 or 300 level undergrad courses.

>What is /lgbt/s most controversial religious opinions
Religion is a necessary and irreducible aspect of the human psyche, and if religion is artificially repressed in a population, they will invent their own shitty inferior ones with whatever belief systems are made socially acceptable to them.
why does a conclusion have to be useful to be valuable? there are truths that aren't directly useful, for instance. the latter half of your argument was made by immanuel kant, a german philosopher, in the last quarter of the 18th century, in his book "critique of pure reason," and certainly by other philosophers before him
islam and christianty are cancer on the world that should be eradicated
>why does a conclusion have to be useful to be valuable
Nta, entirely tangential, but excluding any use, what value remains in a true conclusion? Tautologies are simultaneously useless and valueless for an example.
>why does a conclusion have to be useful to be valuable?
as you stated earlier, philosophy "deals with" the problems religion addresses, which strongly implies it provides superior solutions to said problems
what are these solutions?
well, i wasn't excluding absolutely all uses. i assumed from context the other anon wasn't including purely academic uses in their definition of utility because, if they were, the useful conclusions of philosophy would be obvious

nta, just asking a question. i am in no way advocating for "philosophical classes" to be taught in public schools
Cults kill and take advantage of people unlike religion
>nta, just asking a question
oh, well in my case i prioritize utility over truth axiomatically, so for me truths are only valuable insofar as they are useful (to me specifically)
from a Christian POV: gay sex is immoral outside of gay marriage, but gay marriage is okay. premarital gay sex isn't in any way less forgivable than other sins, like wrath for example, but still, a sin which should be repented
>What is /lgbt/s most controversial religious opinions
>Look inside
>r/Atheism tier circlejerk
and obviously you believe your way of prioritizing is the correct way, yes? that others would be correct in believing as you do, and incorrect to believe otherwise?
looks like it was controversial after all
i'm not interested in "correct" or "incorrect" and i will happily be "incorrect" if it benefits me materially. nor am i interested in what other people believe; their minds are black boxes and i am content to keep it that way
that there's truth and meaning in all major world religions, my specifically lgbt take would be that Islam is compatible with trannies.
Based retard solipsist
>Islam is compatible with trannies
Iran would appear to agree with you
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yeah exactly
well i guess we know where trannies stand on the sunni/shiite question. ironic that iran would allow srs, while the US stands with saudi arabia
>iran would allow srs
Iran doesn't "allow" SRS, they compel SRS.
Islam is chill and I have never had an issue with any Muslim person. Ofc fundamentalists are different but there are historical-material reasons those ideologies have taken hold and they're not an issue with Islam itself. Even if a Muslim person doesn't approve of my tranny faggot life, they generally respect that I as a non-Muslim can sin as I please so long as I respect them and their way of life.
This. Muslims also won't try to convert you.
no they don't there's no forced anything, you need srs to be fully legally recognised.
When I was a kid/young teenager I thought that if there is this god who watches me and listens to my prayers like I've been told, then he must absolutely hate me... Later I figured that it's probably that they just isn't watching or caring about me.
And looking at all the other people who god doesn't seem to care about either, my only conclusion is that God probably died somewhen in the late 19th or early 20th century. Most likely they died from the Spanish flu in 1920
>parents shoudnt teach their children anything about theology but the state should!
Only jewish test tube spawn can come up with this
i meant it's ironic they would have legal provisions for it at all. but you're right, it was a loose usage. i'll be more circumspect, in the future
>no they don't there's no forced anything
Yeah they do. If you're a surgically unmodified MTF (or a gay man) and you're caught dating a man, you have 2 options
>get the surgery
>get executed
idk where you're getting this propaganda from but it's retarded
>religion is uhh when people do stuffz cuz they uhh r scared of hell or something
Bruhhhhhh please expand your horizon friend
Theres a lot of interresting theology you can read into if you didnt limit urself to this mindset.
Daily reminder that theres more out there then the abrahamic religions (which also contain things that are true)
i don't care about fake bullshit lol, i have other interests
learning about savages and their boogeymen does not interest me at all
>Sexual activity between members of the same sex is illegal and is punishable by death.
>Articles 108 to 112 of the Iranian penal code
Hey you're right tho, if one of them is a minor the minor only gets 70 lashes
>this anon thinks he's a purely rational actor and doesn't understand thst he is at heart a savage
i'm not interested in my own identity either lol
objects and actions are more fun than words and ideas
so you're here talking about ideas because...
Aren't you solipsist anon? If so, you don't have any objects lol
it's fun

why would i be bound my any ideology? i can have whatever objects i please, and can behave as inconsistently as i wish!
The dirty relativists hang out over there near the dumpsters, anon
God is real and doesn't care about what you call it. All religions are small pieces of a bigger picture and spirituality is unique for each individual. Atheism and the mystification of science has done a massive amount of harm to culture and the global human psyche. Faith should be separated from belief and both are necessary to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Magic is real in the form of mind expanding artistic expression and Jesus would hate the modern Jesus Fandom. Read Promethea by Alan Moore if you want a better introduction to these ideas. Also, consider trying psychedelics like LSD or MDMA if you haven't already and you feel like you're in a good headspace.

t. mtf
christ is king
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he send his son to die for our sins so if we trust in him our sins are washed off, how does he hate us? without christ we’d all go to hell
Jesus came on the cross.
Free will is inherently incompatible with the existence of an omniscient God, because free will requires an undetermined future that even He cannot know. In other words, if you believe in the Abrahamic God, you must either accept a lack of free will, or that God is either dead or crippled.
I don't believe in god but not in an edgy way. I actually really wish I did.

controversial? I think we need it whether it's real or not for social order. I'm getting a bit older and wiser (almost 30, kek) and I now realized how many people are legitimately so stupid that they need the threat of hell to behave.
put down the bong anon, think you had a little too many shrooms this time around
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Haha yeah... When has religion taken advantage of people... And killed people... Hahaha, that never happened

Religion is just a way to make people do what you want now. If you are homophobic, say God hates fags. If you don't like pineapple on Pizza write a book where it say "Thou shall not consume pineapple pizza. Also, everything written in this book is true. My proof? This book."
>Only jewish test tube spawn can come up with this
>implying jews haven't historically homeschooled their spawn because "le ebil goyim corrupting our children away from YHWH"
Are you retarded? Did you ever have a single original thought in your head that wasn't implanted there by some 3rd rate youtube groyper?
If the state were the only one indoctrinating children there would be no jews.
Jews would have ceased existing as early as 1000AD.
They would have been purged, their children raised to hold civilized beliefs, and their blood irreparably diluted among the general public.
Jewish ancestry would be seen as a novelty from DNA tests, the same way people take pride in being 1/128th Cherokee or something.
Jews persist because they stubbornly refuse to stop their jewishness and properly assimilate into society, instead congregating into their little ghetto's and talking in their little gargle language when the government isn't looking.
I think faith and spirituality can be good.

But organized religion is without fail leaders using their followers spirituality and faith as means of control. They insist on destroying their followers abilities to take part in non church community. They create low trust societies where people on trust members of their own church. They take their church and insert it everywhere community can be present (city events, ball games, etc etc) as means of control. They make their followers emotionally dependent and are generally doomsday cults.

Church should always be the enemy to anyone who cares about their nation and actively be fought against and resisted
>"would you fuck me? I'd fuck me"

highly disturbing webm
Religion is necessary for the vast majority of people and our current problems in society stems from information outpacing the adaptability of the Bronze Age religions which is why you have people filling their god holes with stuff like political ideology, media franchises and identity.
resting skin suit face
based and true
abolish all churches as financial entities and make it illegal for them to receive federal funding of any kind
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Oh boy. Get ready.

I bet it would be piss fucking easy for a sufficiently advanced alien to pretend to be God and convince the world He exists, even super-atheists like Richard Dawkins or Neil deGrasse wouldn’t be safe.

Christianity could be “True” in point clear view, and still be an abject Lie objectively.

What do you have to say to that?

It’s stage magic—smoke and mirrors and curtains—all the way up and down.

ALL religion is indistinguishable from the stage—that of magic. At its simplest, you had the ancients looking up to the stars in the night sky, considering them gods.

The cosmos is the grandest of stages.

Religion, like magic, is not supposed to be honest, as that defeats the point of it; that of faith.

Religion is not supposed to be real.

These are stories to mold your life by. At the very least treat it like an object. As an abstract thing or painting to look at in the headspace. That’s all religion is—stories.

It’s the same with science, which has now become indistinguishable from religion. A political narrative is still a narrative.

Science also descends from occult think, or that of magical thought. We are living in a practically Atlantean age. The math of yesterday was already seen as magic.

Humans are blind to irony. Especially the semantics that plague our culture(s).

It’s all Art. Art is Powerful. It Dominates.
They will claim anon wears a fedora and ignore this post
>Science also descends from occult think
no, and people like you pushing that narrative are fundamentally aligned against ideals of truth and fact
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I despise both the theists and the atheists in-fact!

God to the physicist is more or less just a sufficiently advanced, powerful, “godlike” being, likely of higher dimensions.

God to the Christian is simply He, Father, Jehovah, Yahweh, etc.

To the Christian physicist, it is both.

Many of the greatest mathematicians are not religious, but find mathematics eerie, nonetheless.

— "In many ways, the mathematical quest to understand infinity parallels mystical attempts to understand God. Both religion and mathematics attempt to express relationships between humans, the universe, and infinity. Both have arcane symbols and rituals, and impenetrable language."

The ‘Unreasonable Effectiveness of Math’ is the assumption that our universe is one of too much quantifiable convenience, or as though it had been built by some alien or godlike mathematician. Math is quite a religious field even to the non-religious.

Ed Witten talks about this:
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-Zl9o7I4Fo

Hmm. You appear to be ignorant of basic human history. Science is evolved magic; the magic of the future. Inverted.

I will pray for you, in my own way. I was like you once. I could not see the nuance for what it was, or where it stood.

But make no mistake, everything meets in the end. Different words, same thing. Irony is everywhere in human culture.
>hurrrr math is a religion
omg go away cultist, not everyone sees the world in the black-and-white mystical way you were abused into internalizing no matter how you try to dress it up and fucking redditspace us with it
Math was treated as magic or religion all the way back to Pythagoras and all the way up to Isaac Newton.

Pythagoras started numerical cults over sacred numbers, and he and his disciples thought they could control lives by finding one’s own secret number, etc.

Isaac Newton was positively, absolutely obsessed with the sacred geometry of the likes of Solomon’s temple. He was a heretic who rejected the holy trinity.
Let’s do it
>abraham was a psychopath who worshipped yaldabaoth after he was exiled from Canaan for his cult like fanaticism to a storm god Yahweh
>the god of the Old Testament is yaldabaoth the false creator and the one that traps us in the physical hell realm of life
>demons aren’t bad they’re old gods that have been bastardized by Abraham’s religion
>archangels are real and very powerful beings, if you’re gonna practice magick you need to know them
>the Old Testament is polytheistic, from the Elohim to the fact that they specifically bring up Mot; the Canaanite god of death, and the power that other gods hold
>yaldaboath or the false Yahweh is closer to a dragon or worm than a creature that looks like us
>archons and parasites are what we should be worried about not sin and demons
>archons are the winged serpents that surround god in the Old Testament
>the Jesus of the Bible wasn’t real he was created by the Roman’s to make the Jews docile and obedient
>the real Jesus wasn’t the son of for but the sun of god, a solar deity of divine light and mercy
>the bright when you die that they call “heaven” is actually the womb and you being born, AVOID THE LIGHT, DONT SLEEP ON YOUR JOURNEY YOU WILL BE INCARNATED AND SUFFER FURTHER
>priests steal magick from others and use the prayers of those as a beacon for energy consumption
>satan isn’t evil, and it’s not a name but a title
>the dating system we live in is fucked because of the popes
I got more but I need to shower
Why are you like this
you mean calling out self-important bullshit that claims to be different from all the other bullshit?
It's true.
If you can’t think interchangeably, enough to see parallels, then less power to you I guess… it’s kind of like how Christians in history would pretend that their claims of miracles weren’t just magic by any other name. Semantics. A monopoly on words, much like you see today with “um I think you mean gender, not sex” horse shit.
what? no literally, what the fuck are you even trying to say? thinking "interchangeably" in this case means literally overriding order of events and real-world facts with metaphor for the sake of propping up the masturbatory fantasy that reality is just vibes and facts and science are just what you believe, a dangerous fantasy that is actively used to tear down real-world institutions and human rights in the modern day by the most aggressive and abusive of authoritarians (typically found at the head of these anti-intellectual movements)

fuck you
kill yourself and then rise from your grave to suck my dick you faltered beast
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im an unironic /r/atheism tier atheist, sorry my brain just cant wrap itself around anyone actually being into religion in 2024, especially educated types like doctors etc.
>family hasn't been religious 3 generations back on either side
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that said christianity as an aesthetic is sick
Meds. Now.
Science (the “science”) has become just another fucking religion, and you’re part of the problem if you can’t see that.

But, true science has an air or element of deep irresponsibility to it. Safe science is stifling science. It doesn’t poke enough.

A Jew btfo’ing based black science man:
> https://m.youtube.com/shorts/SAoWFxzaPeE
I'm not the one chastising others for not indulging in literal schizophrenic beliefs

kill yourself faggot YOU are upholding an anti-epistemological ideology that is ACTIVELY BEING USED RIGHT NOW IN THE REAL FUCKING WORLD to erode human rights WITH REAL IMPACTS ON REAL PEOPLE and belief in facts, truth, or indeed the ability to know anything
Oh, you’re one of THOSE guys. You can’t into semantics to save your own lives.
substantiate your pathetic attempt at a derisive insult or shut the fuck up schizo
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I hate hearing the exact same words I see parroted on this board dribble from the mouths of elected politicians campaigning on erasing minority demographics and overriding medicine and science in the name of religion
Anon is right tho, empiricism was birthed from communities of ritualist magicians who thought they could trap demons and make them divulge the secrets of the universe. The "oh but we only study the observable" copout is why you pay so much in taxes, because the MIC insists that aliens are material and that their ships are technology, and they'll stop at nothing to make genie bullshit real.
>someone in history believed in literal demons or ghosts
>therefore science isn't real
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How? Current science is a political sham. Pic-related is not science, it’s just not.
That’s not what he is saying, and you’re going red faced for no reason.
See, you’re being religious. You’re seeing heresy where there just isn’t any.
That God is love and even if you’re a troon you should still go to church
That church doesn’t want you there? Be there until they force you out, then laugh when you’re in Heaven while the people who lied and said “gods love is for everyone but not you” are burning in hell
yes, it quite literally is, if you look at the core components anyone uses to make this "argument" it is always the same and in practice results in the exact same behaviors: denial of reality and science while undermining them by comparing them to religious beliefs, and a DEMAND that you place your trust in a religiously-backed authority instead

you will be a hateful page in the history books
And what might that be?
The irony is lost on you. You need some self-reflection skills, buddy. You’re not even reading posts properly, you’re just losing it.

>overriding medicine and science in the name of religion
This is already happening in the form of the gender wars. Men can’t get pregnant, and just believing this is akin to witchery, or vice-versa.
>and a DEMAND that you place your trust in a religiously-backed authority instead
No where in his posts is he saying this lol
In fact if anything he is pointing out how dangerous belief and religion can be
Did you even read >>36375116
you can't even keep a straight face while doing this, can you? you just NEED the excuse to try and repeat your shitty little anti-tranny catechisms
Just say you want to brand anon as some witch for believing in and adhering to basic fucking biology
You trannies are a literal anti-educational cult lmfao and you don’t even realize it or what you are doing
He’s got you cornered like the rat you are
You won't find many trannies who will deny that they're witches.
God is a big tiddy anime girl who told me not to jerk off so much.
>if you believe men can’t get pregnant, you are against science
This world needs to be reset or something
A certain Mortal Kombat boss from Germany happens to agree with you.
this, just look at the historical records for human suffering caused
judaism too
hinduism's GOTTA go
buddhism isn't looking great either
Christianity, only in parts. Islam, yes, on a whole. It needs to go. Christianity actually fostered the sciences, historically.
>Christianity actually fostered the sciences, historically.
Yeah, after they ditched the real religion and took up Greek philosophy and pretended they were the same.
islam did a lot more for science and math than christianity, and christianity did a lot more to set progress back than islam

they're both just sects of the same insane desert death cult and it is fucking criminal that we let people rule over others in its name
>american “christianity” is the single most retarded and degenerate thing there is regarding global religions
>islam should be purged
>some religious framework is needed for society at large because many are genuinely either too retarded to properly manage themselves without one, or become too lost
>claiming to understand the will of an omnipotent being who you yourself claim is beyond our own values and thoughts based off the scribblings of random writers from thousands of years ago fucking around in a desert is disingenuous at best
>looking at the state of the world the demiurge seems more likely than anything else
>the overwhelming majority of paganism is literal larping made by those pissy with other organized religions but still seeking some semblance of spirituality
>religion does have some benefits and may even have at least a part of the wider whole correct, but that still doesn’t change how much of it is just done to control or con people
t. bifag
using math to understand higher-dimensional space and lower-dimensional embedded spaces is the closest thing we have to objective spirituality and potentially allows for equivalents of the akashic records and the astral plane to actually exist
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Gnostic Christianity has some points, the demiurge is stupid and evil and created an imperefect world to imprison us. The demiurge hates trans/nongenderconforming people because we pose a threat to its fragile ecosystem, we undermine its creation myth and pose a threat with our dual souls.Thus the legions of modern "christians" who dont follow christ but the demiurge have launched an all out offensive agianst us. Attane gnosis my dear sisters, forge your own path and break free from its mind grip it has over your flesh.
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>islam did a lot more for science and math than christianity,
LOLno. There last millennium put out a total of 90-97% of all scientific and artistic accomplishments. Before 1300-1400~ it was more neck and neck, the brown box, in pic-related.

The ‘Islamic Golden Age’ is also a wrong statement, since their golden age can be thanked to the conquered Persians, not the Muslim conquerors, and converted Persians quickly thought the Quran was fucking stupid, infecting Arab scholars as well with their logic, for the better.

And really, had any other part of the world hit their own Renaissance leading up to a ‘Great Divergence’, they’d probably score most in the game of accomplishments as well. Eventually progress just explodes.
>There last
The last*
>schizo is also a revisionist
no surprise
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Keep coping, Mohammad. Islam’s only good at ruining nations.
kill yourself christcuck, you and muslims and jews are all the same walking filth poisoning others with your shit
Spirituality can be performative and almost theatrical without really diminishing itself.
Pretty based.
Oh, look, you have a critical inability to weigh things as well! That’s cute. I bet you think equality exists anywhere in nature. That all baddies are equally bad. That all humans are equally human.
kill yourself anti-humanitarian
do it
Ibn Khaldun on Persians:

— Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent… they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar … great jurists were Persians … only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it' … The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them … as was the case with all crafts … This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana [=modern Central Asia], retained their sedentary culture.

Muqaddimah on Arabs:

— Arabs dominate only of the plains, because they are, by their savage nature, people of pillage and corruption. They pillage everything that they can take without fighting or taking risks, then flee to their refuge in the wilderness, and do not stand and do battle unless in self-defense. So when they encounter any difficulty or obstacle, they leave it alone and look for easier prey. And tribes well-fortified against them on the slopes of the hills escape their corruption and destruction, because they prefer not to climb hills, nor expend effort, nor take risks. Whereas plains, when they can reach them due to lack of protection and weakness of the state, are spoils for them and morsels for them to eat, which they will keep despoiling and raiding and conquering with ease until their people are defeated, then imitate them with mutual conflict and political decline, until their civilization is destroyed. And Allah is capable of their creation, and He is the One, the Victorious, and there is no other lord than Him.
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Non-whites + cultural pride = recipe for disaster

“w-what about Africa??”

It’s not a competition and yet they want to make it one
Lol, >>36375116 fucking killed this thread
A daring synthesis. You are unfathomably based
muslims will never admit that their "prophet" was visited by satan and not by an angel.
Atheists are just small annoying puppies that won't stop barking. No one ever engages with that puppy seriously because we all know it's fucking stupid. I can respect an agnostic, but atheists are genuinely fucking stupid.
The Catholic Church redefined the word eunuch include a connotation of celibacy to kill off religious effeminately. They also purged many gender variants gospels (gospel of Thomas is the most mainstream), to promote their notion of hyper-volceldom.
There is no greater threat to trannies on this earth than the Catholic Church, whose tentacles seep their way into every bureaucracy and community. In short, the only good Catholic is a dead Catholic.
Christianity is true
Judaism is a literal racial cult

Their Entire belief system is built oveer the notion they are the chosen people

Jews never talk about god, ever. They only talk about their own people

They are quire literally a ethnoreligious bunch of supremacist zealots that spite on christians, murder muslim kidsSettle land in the 21th century knowing what they are doing, endorse their genocidal ethnostate, develop nepotistic capitalist financial relations and SERVE aliyah in the fucking idf evicting people from their houses and killing children

Jews are literal manipulative demons milking dry a narrative to guilt trip others out of criticizing them on a religious/cultural level and their religion is a stain of cancer which is why they never assimilate in their host culture
Is the only large abrahamism that is not universalist but ethnoracial on nature.

They will try to deflect into zionists, whatever that means, as zionism is just jewish supremacy ideology involving a statehood, a zionist arab is still a second class citizen in the jewish ethnostate, their only unifying principle is their cult to race.
It's because scientists (and academics broadly) are not primed to think about how their words will be interpreted by common people.

The ghosts in their mind of people judging them for their work are filled with imagined peers in academia over a picture of the general population.

It's the same reason why academics came up with the idea of "structural racism" which refers to the use of structural systems to propagate racism, and distinguished it between other things like "interpersonal racism."

Do you remember what happened with that?
Right, a bunch of people on tumblr twisted the idea of "structural racism" into just "racism" so they could say that you can't be racist against white people because "racism is power + privilege."

I guarantee if you asked those same scientists, "How many of you internally groaned before answering this question?" The answer would be 70-80%. If you asked them "is sex a primarily bimodal system in which the vast majority end up completely aligned with a normal pattern in either one of the two sides, with a very small expression of those in-between?" Or something like that, you'd get a much different result.
Religion in general.
I don't disagree
you can't take the shaman out of the monkey but we cannot allow it as a way of determining how you live
Abrahamic God El is the one responsible for the globohomo. Christians/Muslims are a brainwashed sacrificial slave mass, and they all go to hell voluntarily because they are terrified of El. El doesn't actually have power over your Self unless you give it to him. That is why Submission to God is stressed so hard in all of the major religions. Furthermore, El, who is the chief of Elohim, is the same being as Indra, who is the chief of the Devas, and was known to the Greeks as Zeus and the Romans as Jupiter. Jesus is a shortened Jupiter-Zeus. It's in the name. Allah is Al-El-Lah; also in the name. Even further, the Devas-Elohim are not some "ethereal pre-existing cruel deceptive gods," how Saturn is; but are a negative offshoot branch of humanity from our own future that is using quantum level technologies to travel back in time and change our history in a futile attempt to win the Aryan civil war with the Asuras, who are quantum-level humanity from the future that is not interested in becoming maniacal despotic rulers of a quantum time loop paradox and are interested in the natural evolution of consciousness. Finally, as much evil as Zionist Jews do, they are not the final boss. The final boss is the Devas, who are Aryans by bloodline, and the Jews are about as much in charge as the sheepdog is in charge of the sheep. They take their roots in the Necromantic Egyptian Schools (Moses coming out of Egypt; where Mose was a priestly TITLE, not a name, which many pharaohs like Thutmose carried in their name) and Achaemenid Babylon Mystery Religion, which was a marriage of the negative Semitic and negative Aryan esoteric branches. Elohim consider Jews subhuman slaves, even though they are amongst the most devoted worshippers willing to carry out insane evil for the Elohim. As such, the reward for the Jews would be not 2000 goyim slaves for each Jew when Messiah returns, but being thrown into the transhumanist cauldron as soon as their usefulness expires.
cool, abrahamcucks will call me an schizo but abrahamic religions are pozzed death/anti-life cults that are detrimental to actual spirituality and our innate connecton with nature and the universe as the universal energy source that we can consider God, christianity and Islam were the prototype for globohomo and judaism is just evil
inb4 muh christian western civilization
whites did the west great despite christianity, not becuase of it, if whites converted to Islam we would have seen a similar results because of european genetics
>one useful conclusion that philosophy has come to
philosophy actually came to like all of the conclusions. every time you come to conclusions after thinking about the topic at hand, you are practicing philosophy.
>that i can't just disregard for selfish reasons
this is more of a you problem honestly. you could disregard any semblance of ethics or rationality if you were selfish. that's why people enable genocide for profit and deny the existence of real things to save their feelings.
>Science (the “science”) has become just another fucking religion
stunning and brave
>Judaism is a literal racial cult
>Their Entire belief system is built oveer the notion they are the chosen people
why can you move to israel and become a citizen if you convert to judaism? why are they happy to marry you if you convert to judaism?

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