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you're fucking gay if you're smaller than this.
QOTT: why are you small?
Lee Dorian was a meat tank. Holy crap i wish I looked like this.
I haven't blasted enough gear, nor have I eaten enough :(
just remember that this is attainable and realistic and everyone who says otherwise is lying.
clearly, it's a real picture isn't it?
i don't want to have a heart attack though. most bodybuilders that size are pin cushions, shooting gear every day. I'd rather get on a t supplement rather than e though. i think a lot of my problems could be solved if i had more t
some people (gay people) might argue that 1) Dorian is a world-class athlete with abnormal genetic potential and 2) he was on more PEDs than the average person could take without dying.
but that shouldn't discourage you.
unironically I look like this
not sure how long I can go on
The Golden Age of Iron Men
people keep mistaking me for a woman when I'm online
i am a woman online
Hi, fellow inmm (involuntarily manmoder).
What would go well with spaghetti bolognese? I need sth else to eat on same day.
QOTT: because I am so fucking wide
im might be slowly sliding out from being a manmoder...
people are now saying that i actually kinda look like a woman, & ai is now seeing me as a woman (it never did before)
idk whats going on, but it seems something is happening?
i got to stop drinking again... :(
ate a pizza yesterday then drank a bottle of vodka
some soup and bread could be nice ig

nice! hrt isn't magic but the changes it brings can take many years to finalize
yea, & im only like 7m on hrt rn so i hope for more & plan on losing weight, weight cycling (to get a better waist) ffs, pio, prog, etc

so maybe its not totally over
7 months?!?
you're not a manmoder, you're babytrans :P

you going to make it i bet! :)
i hope i def thought i was total manmoder, i heard a lot of terrible things over the years, i repped for like 4yrs...
but yea, i hope im able to be kinda okay with my results
I'm 7 months and I have never malefailed, AI sees me as a guy
If you could pass, would you socially transition? I would
so i will say, i havent malefailed irl, but then again, i havent been gendered irl in a while either
but yea, ai recently has changed, & some people online are saying im looking more & more like a woman
If you pass, you dont have a choice. Only super androgynous people get to choose.
I would manmode without having to worry about being a hon
How tall are you? What's your build like? Face?
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have a longer midface though
mogs me
Non-binary twinkhon girlmoder reporting in with a genuine question:

There's a person who comes in where I work about once a week, they look like a big chubby guy, they're about in their 50s, but they have their mostly-bald-but-looks-like-it-might-be-filling-back-in-due-to-HRT hair pulled back into a long-ish ponytail, have the F gender marker on their ID and have a female name on their ID and embroidered onto the mechanic's jumpsuit they wear at work.

Is this a manmoder?
Should I call them "she" and "ma'am?"

I'm a non-passing twinkhon that I assume most people just look at and assume I'm some kinda femboy faggot, but people who care enough to ask call me she and ma'am since that's the answer I give when asked.
Get out
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I fully intend to once you answer my question.
I have the decency to use non-gendered language when interacting with non-cis people
sounds like me
but i'd never take a female name if i didn't pass

it's obviously not a manmoder as they don't present as a man?
Seriously kys
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That's fair.

>they don't present as a man?
I don't know how they present in casual situations as they only stop by my job after they get off work, so they're always wearing a mechanic's jumpsuit, hair tied back for practical reasons and clean shaven, and I assume they take good care of themselves despite the grease stains from work, so it's a fairly neutral presentation all things considered.

But that is the part that confused me a bit I suppose, considering like, I still have my old driver's license with my pre-trans pic and old name on it and I don't really think about it when I have to use it, it's just a government document I have to present, but I also have my preferred name on my name badge at work rather than my legal name while I'm still in the process of getting it changed.

I'm genuinely trying to become a better, less ignorant person over here, okay?
>I'm genuinely trying to become a better, less ignorant person over here, okay
Gtfo. Use your brain. Fuxk off
>someone uses a female name and female identity
>dummy doesn't get it
>asks internet shithole for advice
hate manmoding
my ideal would be some kind of androgynous passoid hehimmer
kill yourself retard just try to have some fucking decency
should i drink today?
I drink every day, but I don't like DRINK drink most of the time... just not interested in getting that fucked up and keeping everclear in the freezer anymore lol, I mean the sugar and other shit in the cider might kill me before the alcohol does but I can tell it's taking its toll anyway
i quit day drinking after i swerved into traffic by accident … now i am just a weed smoker and mushrooms every few weeks-months
i only drink once every month or two months but every time i do i drink non-stop for 3 days and down truly disgusting amounts of booze.
i have never drank or done drugs
I have zero respect for anyone who drives drunk and risks everyone else's lives around them like that, used to hang out with someone (I thought he was a friend and took his word for it but he proved otherwise, repeatedly) who was doing that a lot for the sake of someone who treated him like shit and didn't want to be seen in public being affectionate

hard to feel bad for someone like that but it just makes me sad because people fucking suck
manmoders are hysterical non-passing trans women
I am not hysterical, or any kind of woman
thank you anon ~_~

it isn't but is a really shitty way to go

i drink for a while, try to sleep, do stuff during the day
like never get hangover so if i can stop puking before going out the door it's fine

It was half a beer Kys rat
>It was half a beer
>swerved into traffic by accident
you should have gone headfirst into a wall and died you irresponsible murderous filth :)
it was very sad, desu 5 minutes earlier i was reading a post about Marie getting clocked and it was heavy on my heart… that is the day i realized passing is impossible..
i want a pet rat :(
stop being racist alright?
i'm not racist. i HATE racism.
I actually don't know what's going on or why someone would be a rat or a fed for thinking you shouldn't drive drunk or swerve into oncoming traffic
>F gender marker on their ID
>female name on their ID
>Should I call them "she" and "ma'am?"
i don't know, should you?
No. That leads to the person thinking they pass when they don’t
yes, if you have any kind of basic human decency whatsoever

nah that just makes you an asshole who should be shunned at every level of society
>you shouldn't drive drunk or swerve into oncoming traffic
I use they / them if people don’t pass or avoid gendered words all together wtf
i want to have a totally normal day
i want to have a perfectly boring day
serious question here, how do I accept being a manmoder?
I don't know how to cope. I've been crying literally every day for a month, I don't know what to do, what to think or how to cope
Even amongst other trannies who know I’m trans and know I’m on hrt and know me I’m a man
you should probably not be a manmoder if it hurts that bad
I cry over plenty of shit but my body and being who or what I am now is my only relief, even in the face of the despair of comparing myself to others who get to pass or be more accepted as themselves or all the years I went through of needless suffering over self-doubt for nothing
Based rep piller
actually I'm saying if being stuck in manmode is too painful they should probably bite the bullet and just try to girlmode - I am honpilling
so are you actually autistic or are you just pretending not to recognize a joke when you see one?
I can't, I live in a eastern European country, I can't even voice train or anything
doesn't work anymore for me, I started rawdogging reality
I thought about smoking to cope and someone suggested cigars as a healthy alternative to cigarettes, should I do it?
there are several internet laws I could smugly invoke right now with no further comment, but have you considered that maybe the most painfully autistic find entertaining something tentatively at face value to be its own bit and source of amusement?
not sure how cigars would be safer but ig
you don't inhale them
I didn't actually know that... I think a few random jokes in old movies just clicked in my head...
>It was merely an act
not even close to what I said
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yes, you are
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cisgay here

is it unethical to be a manmoder chaser? t"girls" that look like picrel make my penis become the big penis
discord? I kind of, but only kind of, look like that
no that's what we want
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mowing the neighbor's lawn (in a womanly fashion) for $50
ay oil up lil bro im coming over
sex with ame-chan
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abhorrent thoughts
you don't look like that THOUGH
after my walk yesterday my hips hurt I'm dying it's over
rip ;__;
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watchin t-girl videos
now my dick gon' blow on up
t. AGAMP fetishist
uwuu my dickgirl dicky wicky so sexy so cummie wummie i love girlcum sucky sucky make me a sandwich and bring me a beer you bitch slut whore AIDS faggot tranime faggot, l say to myself while masturbating and laughing and looking deep into the eyes of my own reflection
t. sexist male with a mental disorder (horny TERF trapped in the body of a manmoder)
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uguu *licks shyly* M-- MMM-- M.. MOMMY *pees my girldiaper*
tfw no manmoder cum in my mouth
i cant come anymore
maybe you haven't met the right fub
masculinized death rattle
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marry chudette
fuck lune
kill durian
kill: lari
marry: chudette
fuck: you
fuck dakota
marry chudette
kill ffsba hon
marry Shannon (will do the housework for gender affirmation)
fuck Chudette (big dick)
kill June (mogs me)
marry the bottomless bit that is my unfulfilled ambition
fuck myself
kill everyone
alternatively fuck bike, eat girl, sell pizza
fuck lune
marry che*se
kill frenchie
some people seem to think i'm nice so i'll cope based on that
fuck you
marry me
kill them
please fuck me? O_O
Come to daddy muffin I will shove my fist up your pucker and go elbow deep
ok for real this time
fuck june
fuck lune
fuck durian
I will keep you caged 24/7 and use your Mouth and Ass whenever I like
Think about it ;)
u must be as old as my mom. kinda hot
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i made you a cookie but i eated it
my dad:
>im annoyed by these subaru-driving smug lesbians with short hair who dress like shit that thing they're better than everyone else
also my dad:
>used to drive a Subaru
>smokes weed
>shops at new seasons
>drinks beer
>short hair
>dresses like shit
>fat tits
>beer belly
>thinks he's better than everyone else
>also married to a woman
i literally see no difference between my fat NPR-loving parents and the far NPR-loving lesbians living on the corner of our block. fun fact: we both grow weed in our yard. it's Portland. why does my dad hate on lesbians instead of just admitting he is one? he even used to wear dresses in high school "because girls liked it" and it was "cool" (it wasn't. everyone called him a faggot)
i made you a mix cd but i blargheghrghargh
>subaru-driving smug lesbians with short hair who dress like shit that thing they're better than everyone else
literally me
my dad also thinks there's "too manny immigrants" and "socialism is to extreme" and is married to a socialist immigrant. the hypocrisy never ends! he also says he's against communism because nothing is free and he doesn't want homeless people staying in his house mooching off of him (me and my uncle are mooching off of him, unemployed, and my uncle was homeless before we took him in (my dad says no more depressed brown people allowed in the house because it's"too crowded". (im trying to persuade him open borders are a great idea ajd he isn't listening)))
true. im a legal immigrant an im raping you spiritually by making you read this post.
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fucking real lmao gender a fuck
luckily i’m into CNC
i think i should go buy smaller size underwear tomorrow...
and feel like a mef freak ;__;
no breakfast lunch or dinner just monster and weed vape. this is the most efficient way to exist
budget low-thc gorilla glue that smells like chamomile tea ripped through a dirty bong, a few cans of cherry cider, and leftover taco bell three or four days in a row - this is the only way I know to exist
lmao even
lol why? it's highly cost-effective in terms of dollar per calorie that way
ngl some of these videos scare me, I was eating nothing but ramen for a bit and I was craving it more and more even though I was doing it to lose weight and save money...
yeah they taught me everything is dangerous ;__;
he's hot tho...
follow me on twt @nagayama_koharu!!
You will never be asian.
chainsaw man will never not be coal
Being a tranny is lonely
Being an ugly unpassoid manmoder hon is a singular position
Being all of that but also terrified of slightly changing your routine? Deadly at best.
I was never meant to troon out. I hate myself so much how could I possibly try?
>Being all of that but also terrified of slightly changing your routine? Deadly at best.
so real, I'm a huge hypocrite because I never advocate the status quo for its own sake but my moment of inertia is so fucking insane because change is scary, bad enough that I basically have some kind of executive function disorder
thank you, that is all.
fuck you!!
(softly and lovingly)
apparently there are no swedish manmoders
wish i could meet one
not to fuck or anything (ik my 4chan persona says otherwise) but just try to connect?
how could anyone but a manmoder understand the situation of a manmoder?
sorry chat feeling kinda bad lately, i mean not really bad... still not suicidal... but lonely in this fucking world
my king is a swedish manmoder, wish he poster here
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I'd make fun of transbians, but then I look in the mirror and see a man (on HRT) staring back
gib socials?

qt :3
as a homosexual chaser i find transbians super hot if they aren't ogres
this board has ruined me, what IS a transbian?
Dysphoria? Not as gut wrenching as going out of my way to send an email or buy new clothes!!!
Why it’s easier to do what I always do! Waste money on more pizza burger abd fries!!!
huh? homosexual chaser?
honestly if I met a gay guy in real life, a guy guy, not bisexual or anything like that and he wanted a relationship, I'd probably take him up on the offer
actually getting a straight guy to be my boyfriend is never going to be possible for me unfortunately so I might as well not delude myself
have you ever noticed that black people buy more air fresheners than white people?
i just want to honmode but i am so weak and afraid. my roommate knows im trans and is supportive and thinks im retarded for manmoding but i still cant even bring myself to leave my room in a womens shirt when he’s around. i live in an insanely liberal area and see tgirls every time i walk outside and nobody cares but i am so scared and neurotic and every time i try i just revert back to putting the black hoodie on even though its like 90 degrees out.
even the rapehoniest of troonsbians gigaschmog me
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I want to leave
a miserable pile of secrets
come over and i'll help you
You know the worst part of being a male human with High estrogen levels and low T?
You will never fit
No matter how you try you will not fit
Trannies will mock you for not being trans enough
Males will want nothing to do with you cause you are a faggot
An autist adhd male with fried dopamine and serotonin receptors, bellow average intelligence, no attention span, no friends, no worldly life or experiences, AND trooned out skin body and face?
People like me just don’t get better.
zesty lookin ahh nigga
>huh? homosexual chaser?
yes i like trans women and trans guys and cis men which makes me a chaser and homo
If you also repped till 27 you are literally me. If you tried to troon and failed before you are me
If you copes all your life with some feeling you are me
If you were always dead inside…now you know how I feel.
We will never speak again
I held out till 30 and didn't ever try before that, just crossdressed and cried then gave up
>We will never speak again
so sometimes must things be on this bitch of an earth
um he’s 30 is that ok?
yes just on my lower age range :3
just tell him to get on here? :D
i'll scare him off being ugly old freak
Jealousy from dysphoria and then self hatred and then depression abd then suicidal ideation and then forced cope eating abd then oooooooooooo
it's over... over 9000 xd
the problem isn't age, the problem is that she only likes self hating black guys who let her say racial slurs anyways
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disgusting meme
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LOL really? that's what offends you?
hilarious meme. one of the funniest of all time.
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uhhh doc this e dose seems kinda off
look at her go
men in their 30s with no hrt mog me abd are 100% more feminine and cuter than me
I should have learned make up and fashion but I guess I am a male.
it's not even that i'm male it's than i'm astoundingly autistic and doomed to look like chris chan because of it
you still can
bet you'd be really qt

lol cope
No I wouldn’t be
I’m not a woman
Just a male with forcefully flipped levels of sexual hormones
post pics?
not hitting on you btw (yet)
I’m not retarded enough to do that lol
I don’t need pity it judgement or anything
Sorry to disappoint
not that i'm into hugboxxing or anything
but srs based!
i want to curbstomp your old ass
me too sweetie, me too :3
o sorry his @ is dg_bladee on insta
8 months HRT
i don't know now what to think about it lol, maybe i should have just been a gay man without hrt, sure i look better on hrt i think, not like i can pass
in another life i could have been a streamer, a trans woman described my voice as that of a radio presenter
mogs me
also checked
post face, i don't believe you
u have potential w ffs at least ur hairline is good
it's over
not like i can afford ffs, plus i'm still very tall
how tall
eh, it doesn't matter, it's just over and i'm trying to cope as a manmoder
then u can still just be a gay guy on hrt i think. u won’t masculinize further despite what some individuals may say
you have a lot of potential
yeah i guess, have to manage expectations with life
not sure if i ever posted a photo with longer hair, this was a little while before i shaved it, so i attached an old photo now
I do wonder what happens to trannies like picrel in the long term, no way anyone’s manmoding for a decade
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omfg ya long hair is so much better ygmi
long hair Pic smogs my sunburnt mug several times over. i hate being ethnically ambiguous so much it's so fucking ugly. i would look ridiculous with a white nose right? https://unseecc/album#qCSubbNc2NIZ i took this in brightest light possible bc i'm starting laser tomorrow and want a before and after. no i will not wash my hair
smol head
some jaw work and u'd be fem af
you'd make some mtf or male very happy some day
or girl ig if you swing that way ;_;

idk why i like you...
bet is because you hate me and have nice tits ||and c******d||
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closing in to a decade i thinkl
braiundead tho soi idk
nigga ur nose is a white nose. tho i understand cuz i struggle to find a nose that would fit my face like do i just tell the surgeon to find a white nose that will fit me? smdh my head
yeah same, i like you for some reason, you seem like the wisests manmoder in this general
maybe with ffs, but i can't really get a job and i want to stay low profile to just go under people's radars
eh i'm a mutt too, more of a slavic mutt though, you still look more feminine than me
yeah but where do i get the money for ffs?
Does anyone else have the long narrow face structure with big chin? It’s the one all the black trannies have
ffs can’t fix it everyone with a long narrow face looks like a plastic bimbo after ffs :D
meee :((
okay maybe it's white but in a hooked jew-y way. with zero jew blood in my lineage!! only diluted amerimutt and native american why the fuck did it manifest like this i hate it
yeah well I'm an asshole and an unwise fool at best too clever for my own good most of the time so don't like me too much
Fuck off and kys boymoder
Be nice ugly
stoppp calling me that i literally look so old and unkempt in that picture get your eyes checked
mogs me
native nose ig. i didn’t get it but i got some other monstrosity
fakemoders... all over the shop...
your lips are cute af, you're probably gonna make a chaser happy with laser.
what is the threshold for manmoder/boymoder
my native grandparents have monstrosity noses so i dodged that bullet ig but a jew nose doesn't make me feel much better.
youre insane but thanks
>would this person be called a boy or a man by the average observer
A few days ago a random store employee asked me why I looked pissed off
I wasn’t even mad that was just my default expression, such is the life of a manmoder
bro it's never been 110 degrees before. me and my family literally be in the basement half naked wearing hats with ice cubes under them. like i literally fill a hat with ice then put it on my head URGENT WEATHER MESSAGE. heat illness WARNING BITCHES
ugly dyke alert
manly traggot in this thread
i fucking love RAPE!!! RAPE!!! YES, RAPE!!!! <3<3 anal rape :)
>no lube
> faggot AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so how do i make money for ffs
sex work is out of the question obviously
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Get a . job .
it says up to 105 where I am, I'm just gonna be running my CPU at low clocks and lounging around in a sports bra and boyshorts with the window open and fan on blast getting drunk/high to survive while I binge media or vidya and doomscroll as usual regardless
be in a state where it’s covered
If you're the unsee faggot, it is most certainly not out of the question. Come over baby.
trying very hard to pick up a 300 pound couch on my own. got it off the ground but I can't put it on my shoulders.
i have one but it doesn't pay very well, was considering going to work in a warehouse, good pay but not so sure i can handle the physical stress
i'm from europe
lol i seriously don't know

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