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Why do trans women frequently deride chasers as gay or faggots? What do they hope to gain by doing so?
They want me to dick them down and show them who the real submissive boy loving faggot is
>no ur a faggot
>no UR a faggot
is this really a productive dialogue?
>no ur a faggot
>mno mnoomnoomno mnomno
While my cock is ramming down her throat
most of them hate being perceived as gay men by the cishet world, so they take out their frustrations on chasers. Also they all have some dream man Hollywood figment of their horny imagination that they would love to fuck, but they only can draw chasers.

Most trannies are gross and not worth dating anyway.
Where? Trans women do not hate "chasers". It's just self-hating "trans"bians that project their insecurities on healthy men that lack AGP, or didn't give in to it. Transbians wish they could be chaser chads instead weird sad failed men that fuck eachother.
I'm assuming they want chasers to stop annoying them and fetishising them?? I mean that's pretty fucking obvious man
this is the correct response to being called a fag thank you chaserkun for passing the shittest
But trans women can fetishize straight men?
we’re insecure and any sign that a chaser might be bi or gay and see us as men terrifies us. intentionally going after trannies instead of cis women is a sign to some of us since we don’t see ourselves as real women, don’t ask idk we’re retarded
Not going to read an entire thread just so I can have a general feeling of what you're trying to tell me.
It's just sort of funny that if you flip it around, and suggest the tranny might be a coping gay herself, trannies freak out at that. They can dish it, but they can't take it.
Chasers are gross men who don't go suck dick and get fucked in the ass, it's disgusting
They don't actually hate chasers, it's just a test. Think of it like a job interview where they ask you about your weaknesses or a time when you fucked up at work etc, they just put it in there so see if you have the social skills to lie. Everyone there knows that your biggest weakness isn't that you're a perfectionist, and they don't care. Same goes for dating transgirls - they just need to know that you can keep up the social dynamics of a straight relationship with them.
If a transgirl says she hates chasers and you go "umm umm UMM but we are the only ones who will ever like you!!!!! >:(" you demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of these things. In this scenario the correct response is to ask what the fuck she's talking about, slap her ass hard and buy her ice cream or whatever it is bitches like these days.
What social dynamic to trans women want?
never been hated by any tranny i've known, quite the opposite, they say all that shit on here as a way to vent but if you're a good person they are usually chill with it
It's an example of trannies insulting chasers as gay. You can just read the first post in the thread.
Trannies make threads all the time shitting on chasers for being faggots.
wait until we learn what hsts means
No?? Fetishising isn't okay for anyone.
What does HSTS mean?
Homosexual Transsexual. Shitty term used to describe a trans woman who likes men
However there's some trans women who use the term themselves so not everyone hates it
They just can't deal with being gay/having to date other gay men?
There is nothig wrong with fetishisation as long as it's not the only thing you do to a person. You can fetishise some aspects of them while still seeing and treating and respecting them as an individual.
we aren’t gay men we’re women that’s the whole reason we transitioned anon
then why are gay men chasing you?
If you can't handle the banter then you should give up the chase
Weak men
cause hard times?
>I heckin loooooove fascism!!!
im bi
I think there's obvious "chaser" types that lust after trans benises even if it makes the girl uncomfortable but there are also people that simply have a preference for trans girls just like people have a preference for any other type of girl, and that second category doesn't really deserve to get lumped in with the first but there isn't a buzzword to describe them.
sounds like fallout fans
>your favorite fallout game is for trannies!
>no yours is the tranny one!
because they don't see us as women. thats the accusation, anyway.
>What do they hope to gain by doing so?
nothing, just pointlessly lashing out because we're hurt
>they don't see us as women
that's because you look like weird al, not something for trannies in general
Shitty people do a shitty thing to another group
That group hates those people and starts to look out for them
The shitty people see this, but want to keep being shitty, so they learn to hide it
The group of people catches on and decides to blanket hate a much larger group since its easier than trying to differentiate between the shitters and the normal people
apply this to literally every question of "why does X group hate Y group?" question
also throw in a lot of trauma responses, anxiety over ones own sexuality, hypocrisy, etc. etc. and you have the """chaser""" hate trend
Trans-Inclusive Heterosexual?
What is seeing you as a woman though? Do you want them to say you look female even if you don't?
i think its something all hons experience. no matter which singer we look like.
also i no longer believe you, and i think youre the guy who said that in passgen. even if thats wrong, i think it's more fun to imagine there's just this one Weird Al Anon following me around. to shatter that illusion you'll need a lot more people in on it, probably at least one or two trips as well. good luck!
of fucking course i do LOL
lies are the only validation hons get.
look, im not one of those trannies that would say that, im just explaining how they feel.
i never even open passgen so no i'm not that guy
and i guess you need a reality check, if you want to be seen as a woman, you need to look like one
idk what illusions you think im under in that regard, but i assure you theyre not there.
How do tranners feel about bi men?
not so good
youre probably better off not telling us, frankly
They wanna be fucked in the ass.
And I'm not gonna fuck your ass, that's for sure.
nervous but it could work if i don’t worm too hard (i will worm too hard)
Because they hate themselves for not being cis women and resent anyone who likes them for that as a basic projection
Being a bi guy is a worthiness check
if a girl thinks thats a deal breaker then she's fallen for propaganda or is so insecure that she can't trust you actually love her without any weird ulterior motives, and if nothing can convince her then it was doomed from the start
abstract shittests like this are the only way to find real love
In general they're positive but the women on this board are hugely insecure looking to use the idea of a straight man to validate themselves so not so much here
oh, yeah, i was just thinking about hookups. for something short-lived, theres no reason to tell her. if you want to build a relationship, you should be able to be open about who you are
as someone whos probably incapable of doing hookups without having a panic attack, seems like a weird thing to focus the conversation on
you are not like the other girls
they are sluts
you want a relationship
not in conversation, but it could be in your profile on some app or something. or like if you hit on a girl and she says "im actually a tranny" dont say it's okay because youre bi. she wont appreciate that. probably, anyway, i wouldn't care personally.

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