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>write out a thoughtful argument with compelling points
>you call me retarded
>I ask you to elaborate, you can't articulate why, you can't argue for your irrational dislike of my take
So you admit that I'm smarter than you
you are literally me. the fact is it simply isn't worth the effort anymore. when the opposing party changes the win condition makes the win condition who can be the most emotional, anti-intellectual retard, they make it clear you're a fool for even going through the motions of having faith in them at all. and it's not even worth it for the sake of any conceivable audience caring, because there is no such board culture here. you lose by winning. just accept that people are emotional, delusional infants, and that you are the only rational person in a sea of illiterate, unapologetic retards
based. we will probably interact with each other again, unknowingly.
Use your words, little guy.
have you ever stopped to think that maybe what you said was so stupid and devoid of any coherency that's just not worth it to try to counter argue. you're not smarter nona, youve just pissed your pants and people are laughing at you
t. coping illiterate retard
Sounds like you project a lot, anon. If you aren't able to argue your points succinctly, you aren't intelligent. I understand that it can be a lot of emotional labor to argue with someone irrational, but voicing a disagreement with intention and not explaining just means you are stupid and not good with your words. You can explain your thought and exit the conversation.
>anon spends an hour writing an elaborate response that'll be purged in 4 hours and seen by 100 people
>respond with retard and get on with my day
>anon spends another hour writing a follow up
idk who's the smarter one here
Me. I tend to get a lot of (you)s in general, but if you just reply with retard, my common response is just to ask you to elaborate. I'm not going to write a long follow up for a short post, there's no points to attack. You don't need an hour, you can share your points concisely if you're good. Also, what is the point of just saying retard? That makes me think you're just a dumb animal reacting to stimuli, but not intelligent enough to explain why, or understand what's going on inside your body. It doesn't bother me, and it adds nothing.
>>anon spends an hour writing an elaborate response that'll be purged in 4 hours and seen by 100 people
nta, but it takes 10 minutes to type a max-character reply. maybe approaching 20 if i have to struggle with the character limit. and i don't do this unless i've already been going back and forth with someone with lower character count replies. and much of the character count may be occupied by greentext, so it isn't actually my input
>>respond with retard and get on with my day
you don't, though. you make an emotional reply because you are so butt devastated by being BTFO with rhetoric and reason that venting your thoughts is the only way you can cope. you are the only emotional party here
>>anon spends another hour writing a follow up
there is not even any opportunity to do this even if i tried to a one-word ad hominem strawman. literally all i do is explain that you're illiterate and emotional, which you can't help but reply to claiming you're not
You willfully misunderstand conversations. There is no moderator, so there is no winner. The only winning is if you are able to persuade the other party, not if you can show your work on how rational you are. If the person you're talking to is calling you a retard it's not because they can't think of a rational rebuttal to your wise points, it means they don't want to. It means you've failed to earn their respect and they do not intend to communicate with respect. Either find a way to communicate with these people without having highschool debate brain or just stop engaging
>what is the point of just saying retard
So that you know you're retarded. I'm being informative.
>b-but you have to explain yourself
No I don't.
>then i win!
This isn't a game.
>be irrational
>fling shit
>claim superiority
>deflect blame
>So that you know you're retarded. I'm being informative.
yes, you can also say anything, make any claim, but everyone thinks you're a moron unless you're able to explain why coherently.
>No I don't.
You don't, but it makes you the retard.
>This isn't a game.
Everything in life is a competition, I'm sorry to say. You don't know because you're used to losing in all facets of life.
>You willfully misunderstand conversations.
Just saying "retard" isn't at all a conversation in the conventional sense.
>There is no moderator, so there is no winner.
There's always a winner. Life is a competition. The winner can be subjective, but it's also often clear.
>The only winning is if you are able to persuade the other party
That's the win condition you impose, but that's not often possible. People tend to go into debates adamant about their own perspective.
>not if you can show your work on how rational you are.
Fair point, but my personal opinion is that your thoughts are more valid if you explained yourself thoughtfully versus just being a retard.
>If the person you're talking to is calling you a retard it's not because they can't think of a rational rebuttal to your wise points, it means they don't want to.
Sounds like you're speaking on behalf of all the retards that can't articulate themselves. Each person is unique and has their own motive, anon.
>It means you've failed to earn their respect and they do not intend to communicate with respect.
How do you earn the respect of stupid people? Why should you earn the respect of stupid people? Why are you assuming everyone is intelligent, intellectually honest, but they're just exhausted by me? That's a projection.
> Either find a way to communicate with these people without having highschool debate brain or just stop engaging
I tend to be civil unless they're aggressive, but saying retard isn't even a debate. You lack understanding of what I'm talking about entirely.
I mean yes your meme illustrates why you're being a fucking idiot. Don't play chess with pigeons. If you're the only one in the conversation treating it like chess then you're not going to be a winner you're going to be schizo. You have created a set od rules and statutes for someone who has no intention in following this.
What is your goal? What are you hoping to gain? There is no winning when you're the only one playing a game. The only game hete is persuasion and you're not trying any persuasive techniques
>How do you earn the respect of stupid people? Why should you earn the respect of stupid people? Why are you assuming everyone is intelligent, intellectually honest, but they're just exhausted by me? That's a projection.
I'm literally saying they're not intellectually honest and you're treating them as if they are which is making you waste time kn achieving nothing. Why should you gain their respect? Probably because you have some sort of goal in speaking to them, no? If what you say about everything having a winner is true, then this is a situation where you only win when the opponent concedes. If you don't want them to respect you or your argument then do not argue with them
men are so retarded its kind of adorable like awww you wrote all that for me? ^^
Come on little guy, use your words.
It only took a few minutes fren, most of the content is greentext I copy and pasted.
kek its fun to watch seething autists argue over trival things.
>I mean yes your meme illustrates why you're being a fucking idiot. Don't play chess with pigeons. If you're the only one in the conversation treating it like chess then you're not going to be a winner you're going to be schizo.
the literal only point of argument is contesting dissenting opinions. when the opposing party buckles completely and starts making emotional replies, they have forfeited the original goal (defending their point, and dismantling the opposing party's) to instead cope with what is by their own morals their own failure. they changed the win condition to a dick-measuring contest in anti-intellectualism, because they gave up on the original contest of winning the argument (where, again, the only win condition is succeeding in defending your argument, and dismantling the opposing party's argument). you know this, and are merely playing dumb to make me expend effort defining the word "argument" so you can claim i am giving you the benefit of the doubt (i am not) when you don't deserve it, thus making me naive

not responding to you anymore. feel free to make an emotional reply following, claiming victory, while forfeiting refusing to defend your points or dismantle mine, which you were until you changed the win condition to anti-intellectualism. as i've ever said
I tend to find that, even though I'll just get kalled a retard by the person I'm talking to, I often get people who observe what I say regardless
There is a konseivable, and often present audiense here
Men can't help themselves. They're systemizers. You put a round peg into a square hole with a smug anime catgirl look on your face, and they throw a bitch fit. Works every time. OP even wishes they were like this, having posted such a face to begin the thread. Only nobody buys it of course, because they're very obviously male brained and couldn't come up with a lateral solution if Brian Eno personally arrived and presented them with a zen koan.
I want to clarify that I'm not talking about traditional arguments, just posters saying retard and leaving, which is an admission of defeat.
Also, in the dictionary under l'esprit d'escalier is a mugshot of OP.
Don't see how that would be the case in the context of 4chan, where I can reply at my convenience. You're going to need to elaborate.
It's not about being smarter, it's about spitefully tricking someone into wasting their precious time.
The fact that you felt the need to make this thread is proof of it. Everyone clapping was real in your mind.
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retard. *leaves*
>posting in a samoan coconut-half clapping forum with intent to receive nuanced arguments based in good faith
a dipshit hammers out a bit of pseud and thinks they are owed something? retard
Thanks. Your hostility doesn't bother me, though.
Explain why, though. How is it proof of anything? Use your words.
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If you can't make inferences I'm not going to explain them to you.
Cope for being too stupid to articulate your thoughts. You could have explained in the same amount of time it took you to insist that you don't want to explain.
>taking this website seriously
Failed the IQ test.
It's your inability to understand that makes me realize teaching you would be pointless.
I'm really here to have a good faith discussion.
What's the point of talking to people if it's going to be low quality?
>hurrr durrrr
stop being smug I HATE YOU
>I'm really here to have a good faith discussion.
That's why everyone is calling you dumb.
>What's the point of talking to people if it's going to be low quality?
We're here for the lulz, sweetheart.
I've met several intelligent people from 4chan, and I had many good conversations anonymously. What lulz are there to be had? Most of you guys aren't funny, I usually don't laugh on here unless I'm writing my own good shitposts.

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